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2022-06-02 22:22:57 -06:00
lib/lua-5.4.4 rename LICENSE -> license 2022-05-31 21:08:16 -06:00
src finished wrapping main api functions 2022-06-02 22:21:50 -06:00
.gitignore initial commit: basic library framework 2022-05-31 19:09:27 -06:00
build.zig build: add new option to define LUA_USE_APICHECK 2022-06-02 19:41:57 -06:00
docs.md docs: add readme.md and docs.md 2022-06-02 16:03:25 -06:00
license rename LICENSE -> license 2022-05-31 21:08:16 -06:00
readme.md docs: update status 2022-06-02 22:22:57 -06:00


A Zig library that provides a lightweight wrapper around the Lua C API to embed the Lua virtual machine into your Zig programs. Currently tracks the latest Lua version (5.4.4).

Why use ziglua?

In a nutshell, ziglua is a simple wrapper around the C API you would get by using @cImport() to bind Lua. ziglua aims to mirror the Lua C API as closely as possible, while improving ergonomics using Zig's features. For example:

  • Type-checked enums for parameters and return values
  • Compiler-enforced checking of optional pointers
  • Zig error unions to enforce error checking of failure states
  • Functions return bool rather than int to indicate success

While there are a few helper functions added to complement the C API, luazig aims to remain low-level. If you want something higher-level, perhaps try zoltan.

Getting Started

Adding ziglua to your project is easy. First add this repo as a git submodule, or copy the source into your repo. Then add the following to your build.zig file (assuming cloned/copied into a lib/ subdirectory):

const ziglua = @import("lib/ziglua/build.zig");

pub fn build(b: *Builder) void {
    exe.addPackagePath("ziglua", "lib/ziglua/src/ziglua.zig");
    ziglua.link(b, exe, .{});

This will compile the Lua C sources and statically link with your project. Then simply import the ziglua package into your code! Here is a simple example that pushes and inspects an integer on the Lua stack:

const std = @import("std");
const ziglua = @import("ziglua");

const Lua = ziglua.Lua;

pub fn main() anyerror!void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();

    var lua = try Lua.init(allocator);
    defer lua.deinit();

    std.debug.print("{}\n", .{lua.toInteger(1)});

See docs.md for documentation and detailed examples of using ziglua.


Currently adding functions, types, and constants as fast as possible. Current API coverage: 167/268 (62.3).


Thanks to the following sources:

  • zoltan for insights into compiling Lua with Zig
  • zig-autolua for help on writing an alloc function
  • mach-glfw for inspiration on a clean build.zig

And finally Lua. Thank you to the Lua team for providing a great language!