const std = @import("std"); const Build = std.Build; const CompileStep =; pub const LuaVersion = enum { lua_51, lua_52, lua_53, lua_54, // lua_jit, }; fn libPath(version: LuaVersion) []const u8 { return switch (version) { .lua_51 => "src/ziglua-5.1/lib.zig", .lua_52 => "src/ziglua-5.2/lib.zig", .lua_53 => "src/ziglua-5.3/lib.zig", .lua_54 => "src/ziglua-5.4/lib.zig", }; } pub fn build(b: *Build) void { const version = b.option(LuaVersion, "version", "lua version to test") orelse .lua_54; const tests = b.addTest(.{ .root_source_file = switch (version) { .lua_51 => .{ .path = "src/ziglua-5.1/tests.zig" }, .lua_52 => .{ .path = "src/ziglua-5.2/tests.zig" }, .lua_53 => .{ .path = "src/ziglua-5.3/tests.zig" }, .lua_54 => .{ .path = "src/ziglua-5.4/tests.zig" }, }, }); link(b, tests, .{ .use_apicheck = true, .version = version }); const test_step = b.step("test", "Run ziglua library tests"); test_step.dependOn(&tests.step); } fn dir() []const u8 { return std.fs.path.dirname(@src().file) orelse "."; } pub const Options = struct { /// Defines the macro LUA_USE_APICHECK in debug builds use_apicheck: bool = false, /// Defines the Lua version to build and link version: LuaVersion = .lua_54, shared: bool = false, }; pub fn linkAndPackage(b: *Build, step: *CompileStep, options: Options) { link(b, step, options); const lib_path = libPath(options.version); return .{ .name = "ziglua", .source = .{ .path = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &.{ dir(), lib_path }) catch unreachable }, }; } // TODO: expose the link and package steps separately for advanced use cases? fn link(b: *Build, step: *CompileStep, options: Options) void { const lua = buildLua(b, step, options); step.linkLibrary(lua); } // TODO: how to test all versions? May need a make/help script to test all // versions separately because there might be name collisions fn buildLua(b: *Build, step: *CompileStep, options: Options) *CompileStep { const lib_dir = switch (options.version) { .lua_51 => "lib/lua-5.1.5/src/", .lua_52 => "lib/lua-5.2.4/src/", .lua_53 => "lib/lua-5.3.6/src/", .lua_54 => "lib/lua-5.4.4/src/", }; const lua = brk: { if (options.shared) break :brk b.addSharedLibrary(.{ .name = "lua", .target =, .optimize = step.optimize, }); break :brk b.addStaticLibrary(.{ .name = "lua", .target =, .optimize = step.optimize, }); }; lua.linkLibC(); const apicheck = step.optimize == .Debug and options.use_apicheck; step.addIncludePath(std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &.{ dir(), lib_dir }) catch unreachable); const target = (std.zig.system.NativeTargetInfo.detect( catch unreachable).target; const flags = [_][]const u8{ // Standard version used in Lua Makefile "-std=gnu99", // Define target-specific macro switch (target.os.tag) { .linux => "-DLUA_USE_LINUX", .macos => "-DLUA_USE_MACOSX", .windows => "-DLUA_USE_WINDOWS", else => "-DLUA_USE_POSIX", }, // Enable api check if desired if (apicheck) "-DLUA_USE_APICHECK" else "", }; const lua_source_files = switch (options.version) { .lua_51 => &lua_51_source_files, .lua_52 => &lua_52_source_files, .lua_53 => &lua_53_source_files, .lua_54 => &lua_54_source_files, }; for (lua_source_files) |file| { const path = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &.{ dir(), lib_dir, file }) catch unreachable; lua.addCSourceFile(path, &flags); } return lua; } const lua_51_source_files = [_][]const u8{ "lapi.c", "lcode.c", "ldebug.c", "ldo.c", "ldump.c", "lfunc.c", "lgc.c", "llex.c", "lmem.c", "lobject.c", "lopcodes.c", "lparser.c", "lstate.c", "lstring.c", "ltable.c", "ltm.c", "lundump.c", "lvm.c", "lzio.c", "lauxlib.c", "lbaselib.c", "ldblib.c", "liolib.c", "lmathlib.c", "loslib.c", "ltablib.c", "lstrlib.c", "loadlib.c", "linit.c", }; const lua_52_source_files = [_][]const u8{ "lapi.c", "lcode.c", "lctype.c", "ldebug.c", "ldo.c", "ldump.c", "lfunc.c", "lgc.c", "llex.c", "lmem.c", "lobject.c", "lopcodes.c", "lparser.c", "lstate.c", "lstring.c", "ltable.c", "ltm.c", "lundump.c", "lvm.c", "lzio.c", "lauxlib.c", "lbaselib.c", "lbitlib.c", "lcorolib.c", "ldblib.c", "liolib.c", "lmathlib.c", "loslib.c", "lstrlib.c", "ltablib.c", "loadlib.c", "linit.c", }; const lua_53_source_files = [_][]const u8{ "lapi.c", "lcode.c", "lctype.c", "ldebug.c", "ldo.c", "ldump.c", "lfunc.c", "lgc.c", "llex.c", "lmem.c", "lobject.c", "lopcodes.c", "lparser.c", "lstate.c", "lstring.c", "ltable.c", "ltm.c", "lundump.c", "lvm.c", "lzio.c", "lauxlib.c", "lbaselib.c", "lbitlib.c", "lcorolib.c", "ldblib.c", "liolib.c", "lmathlib.c", "loslib.c", "lstrlib.c", "ltablib.c", "lutf8lib.c", "loadlib.c", "linit.c", }; const lua_54_source_files = [_][]const u8{ "lapi.c", "lcode.c", "lctype.c", "ldebug.c", "ldo.c", "ldump.c", "lfunc.c", "lgc.c", "llex.c", "lmem.c", "lobject.c", "lopcodes.c", "lparser.c", "lstate.c", "lstring.c", "ltable.c", "ltm.c", "lundump.c", "lvm.c", "lzio.c", "lauxlib.c", "lbaselib.c", "lcorolib.c", "ldblib.c", "liolib.c", "lmathlib.c", "loadlib.c", "loslib.c", "lstrlib.c", "ltablib.c", "lutf8lib.c", "linit.c", };