tests: add remaining tests

There are a few functions I don't think are worth testing at this point,
so I will consider this to be full test coverage for my purposes!
This commit is contained in:
Nathan Craddock 2022-09-16 23:04:10 -06:00
parent ec9799b6ca
commit 0f4faa9a56
2 changed files with 215 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -299,6 +299,8 @@ test "type of and getting values" {
try expectEqual(@as(Number, 0.1), try lua.toNumber(6));
try expectEqual(@as(Integer, 1), try lua.toInteger(3));
try expectEqualStrings("number", lua.typeNameIndex(3));
test "typenames" {
@ -1343,25 +1345,194 @@ test "loadBuffer" {
try expectEqual(@as(Integer, 10), try lua.toInteger(-1));
test "refs" {
// temporary test that includes a reference to all functions so
// they will be type-checked
test "where" {
var lua = try Lua.init(testing.allocator);
defer lua.deinit();
// auxlib
_ = Lua.argCheck;
_ = Lua.argExpected;
_ = Lua.checkUserdata;
const whereFn = ziglua.wrap(struct {
fn inner(l: *Lua) i32 {
return 1;
try lua.doString(
\\ret = whereFn()
try lua.getGlobal("ret");
try expectEqualStrings("[string \"...\"]:2: ", try lua.toBytes(-1));
test "ref" {
var lua = try Lua.init(testing.allocator);
defer lua.deinit();
try expectError(error.Fail, lua.ref(ziglua.registry_index));
try expectEqual(@as(Integer, 0), lua.getTop());
lua.pushBytes("Hello there");
const ref = try lua.ref(ziglua.registry_index);
_ = lua.rawGetIndex(ziglua.registry_index, ref);
try expectEqualStrings("Hello there", try lua.toBytes(-1));
lua.unref(ziglua.registry_index, ref);
test "args and errors" {
var lua = try Lua.init(testing.allocator);
defer lua.deinit();
const argCheck = ziglua.wrap(struct {
fn inner(l: *Lua) i32 {
l.argCheck(true, 1, "error!");
return 0;
try expectError(error.Runtime, lua.protectedCall(0, 0, 0));
const argExpected = ziglua.wrap(struct {
fn inner(l: *Lua) i32 {
l.argExpected(true, 1, "string");
return 0;
try expectError(error.Runtime, lua.protectedCall(0, 0, 0));
const raisesError = ziglua.wrap(struct {
fn inner(l: *Lua) i32 {
l.raiseErrorAux("some error %s!", .{"zig"});
try expectError(error.Runtime, lua.protectedCall(0, 0, 0));
try expectEqualStrings("some error zig!", try lua.toBytes(-1));
test "traceback" {
var lua = try Lua.init(testing.allocator);
defer lua.deinit();
const tracebackFn = ziglua.wrap(struct {
fn inner(l: *Lua) i32 {
l.traceback(l, "", 1);
return 1;
try lua.doString("res = tracebackFn()");
try lua.getGlobal("res");
try expectEqualStrings("\nstack traceback:\n\t[string \"res = tracebackFn()\"]:1: in main chunk", try lua.toBytes(-1));
test "getSubtable" {
var lua = try Lua.init(testing.allocator);
defer lua.deinit();
try lua.doString(
\\a = {
\\ b = {},
try lua.getGlobal("a");
// get the subtable a.b
try lua.getSubtable(-1, "b");
// fail to get the subtable a.c (but it is created)
try expectError(error.Fail, lua.getSubtable(-2, "c"));
// now a.c will pass
try lua.getSubtable(-3, "b");
test "userdata" {
var lua = try Lua.init(testing.allocator);
defer lua.deinit();
const Type = struct { a: i32, b: f32 };
try lua.newMetatable("Type");
var t = lua.newUserdataUV(Type, 0);
t.a = 1234;
t.b = 3.14;
const checkUdata = ziglua.wrap(struct {
fn inner(l: *Lua) i32 {
const ptr = ziglua.opaqueCast(Type, l.checkUserdata(1, "Type"));
if (ptr.a != 1234) {
if (ptr.b != 3.14) {
return 1;
lua.rotate(-2, 1);
// call checkUdata asserting that the udata passed in with the
// correct metatable and values
try lua.protectedCall(1, 1, 0);
const testUdata = ziglua.wrap(struct {
fn inner(l: *Lua) i32 {
const ptr = ziglua.opaqueCast(Type, l.testUserdata(1, "Type") catch {
if (ptr.a != 1234) {
if (ptr.b != 3.14) {
return 0;
lua.rotate(-2, 1);
// call checkUdata asserting that the udata passed in with the
// correct metatable and values
try lua.protectedCall(1, 0, 0);
test "refs" {
// tests for functions that aren't tested or will not be tested in ziglua
// but ensures that the signatures are at least type checked
// no need to test file loading
_ = Lua.doFile;
_ = Lua.raiseErrorAux;
_ = Lua.exeResult;
_ = Lua.fileResult;
_ = Lua.getSubtable;
_ = Lua.loadFile;
_ = Lua.loadFileX;
// probably not needed in ziglua
_ = Lua.execResult;
_ = Lua.fileResult;
_ = Lua.testUserdata;
_ = Lua.traceback;
_ = Lua.typeError;
_ = Lua.typeNameAux;
_ = Lua.unref;
_ = Lua.where;

View File

@ -698,6 +698,7 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// This function creates and pushes a new full userdata onto the stack
/// with `num_uvalue` associated Lua values, plus an associated block of raw memory with `size` bytes
/// Returns the address of the block of memory
/// TODO: rename to newUserdata?
pub fn newUserdataUV(lua: *Lua, comptime T: type, new_uvalue: i32) *T {
// safe to .? because this function throws a Lua error on out of memory
// so the returned pointer should never be null
@ -721,6 +722,7 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// Calls a function (or callable object) in protected mode
/// NOTE: it might be good to make the args named struct params?
pub fn protectedCall(lua: *Lua, num_args: i32, num_results: i32, msg_handler: i32) !void {
// The translate-c version of lua_pcall does not type-check so we must rewrite it
// (macros don't always translate well with translate-c)
@ -1095,6 +1097,7 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// Returns the name of the given `LuaType` as a null-terminated slice
/// TODO: return a spanned string
pub fn typeName(lua: *Lua, t: LuaType) [*:0]const u8 {
return c.lua_typename(lua.state, @enumToInt(t));
@ -1297,7 +1300,7 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// Possibly never returns
pub fn argCheck(lua: *Lua, cond: bool, arg: i32, extra_msg: [:0]const u8) void {
// translate-c failed
if (cond) lua.typeError(arg, extra_msg);
if (cond) lua.argError(arg, extra_msg);
/// Raises an error reporting a problem with argument `arg` of the C function that called it
@ -1383,7 +1386,9 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// Checks whether the function argument `arg` is a userdata of the type `type_name`
/// Returns the userdata's memory-block address
/// TODO: accept type as param?
pub fn checkUserdata(lua: *Lua, arg: i32, type_name: [:0]const u8) *anyopaque {
// the returned pointer will not be null
return c.luaL_checkudata(lua.state, arg, type_name).?;
@ -1409,11 +1414,12 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// Raises an error
pub fn raiseErrorAux(lua: *Lua, fmt: [:0]const u8, args: anytype) noreturn {
@call(.{}, c.luaL_error, .{ lua.state, fmt } ++ args);
_ = @call(.{}, c.luaL_error, .{ lua.state, fmt } ++ args);
/// This function produces the return values for process-related functions in the standard library
pub fn exeResult(lua: *Lua, stat: i32) i32 {
pub fn execResult(lua: *Lua, stat: i32) i32 {
return c.luaL_execresult(lua.state, stat);
@ -1439,8 +1445,8 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// Ensures that the value t[`field`], where t is the value at `index`, is a table, and pushes that table onto the stack.
pub fn getSubtable(lua: *Lua, index: i32, field: [:0]const u8) bool {
return c.luaL_getsubtable(lua.state, index, field) != 0;
pub fn getSubtable(lua: *Lua, index: i32, field: [:0]const u8) !void {
if (c.luaL_getsubtable(lua.state, index, field) == 0) return error.Fail;
/// Creates a copy of string `str`, replacing any occurrence of the string `pat` with the string `rep`
@ -1455,7 +1461,7 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
return c.luaL_len(lua.state, index);
/// The same as `Lua.loadBufferX` with `mode` set to null
/// The same as `Lua.loadBufferX` with `mode` set to binary+text
pub fn loadBuffer(lua: *Lua, buf: []const u8, name: [:0]const u8) !void {
try lua.loadBufferX(buf, name, .binary_text);
@ -1476,21 +1482,17 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// Equivalent to `Lua.loadFileX()` with mode equal to null
/// Equivalent to `Lua.loadFileX()` with mode equal to binary+text
pub fn loadFile(lua: *Lua, file_name: [:0]const u8) !void {
return loadFileX(lua, file_name, null);
try lua.loadFileX(file_name, .binary_text);
/// Loads a file as a Lua chunk
pub fn loadFileX(lua: *Lua, file_name: [:0]const u8, mode: ?Mode) !void {
const mode_str = blk: {
if (mode == null) break :blk "bt";
break :blk switch (mode.?) {
.binary => "b",
.text => "t",
.binary_text => "bt",
pub fn loadFileX(lua: *Lua, file_name: [:0]const u8, mode: Mode) !void {
const mode_str = switch (mode) {
.binary => "b",
.text => "t",
.binary_text => "bt",
const ret = c.luaL_loadfilex(lua.state, file_name, mode_str);
switch (ret) {
@ -1581,9 +1583,9 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// Creates and returns a reference in the table at index `index` for the object on the top of the stack
/// Pops the object
pub fn ref(lua: *Lua, index: i32) ?i32 {
pub fn ref(lua: *Lua, index: i32) !i32 {
const ret = c.luaL_ref(lua.state, index);
return if (ret == ref_nil) null else ret;
return if (ret == ref_nil) error.Fail else ret;
/// If package.loaded[`mod_name`] is not true, calls the function `open_fn` with `mod_name`
@ -1614,9 +1616,11 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
c.luaL_setmetatable(lua.state, table_name);
/// This function works like `Lua.checkUserdata()` except it returns null instead of raising an error on fail
pub fn testUserdata(lua: *Lua, arg: i32, type_name: [:0]const u8) ?*anyopaque {
return c.luaL_testudata(lua.state, arg, type_name);
/// This function works like `Lua.checkUserdata()` except it returns a Zig error instead of raising a Lua error on fail
pub fn testUserdata(lua: *Lua, arg: i32, type_name: [:0]const u8) !*anyopaque {
if (c.luaL_testudata(lua.state, arg, type_name)) |ptr| {
return ptr;
} else return error.Fail;
/// Converts any Lua value at the given index into a string in a reasonable format
@ -1627,7 +1631,7 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// Creates and pushes a traceback of the stack of `other`
pub fn traceback(lua: *Lua, other: Lua, msg: [:0]const u8, level: i32) void {
pub fn traceback(lua: *Lua, other: *Lua, msg: [:0]const u8, level: i32) void {
c.luaL_traceback(lua.state, other.state, msg, level);
@ -1638,8 +1642,7 @@ pub const Lua = struct {
/// Returns the name of the type of the value at the given `index`
/// TODO: maybe typeNameIndex?
pub fn typeNameAux(lua: *Lua, index: i32) [:0]const u8 {
pub fn typeNameIndex(lua: *Lua, index: i32) [:0]const u8 {
return std.mem.span(c.luaL_typename(lua.state, index));