2015-12-22 13:41:33 -07:00

324 lines
8.5 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015 Andrew Kelley
* This file is part of zig, which is MIT licensed.
* See http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
#include "codegen.hpp"
#include "hash_map.hpp"
#include "zig_llvm.hpp"
#include "errmsg.hpp"
struct FnTableEntry;
struct BlockContext;
struct TypeTableEntry;
struct VariableTableEntry;
struct CastNode;
struct TypeTableEntryPointer {
TypeTableEntry *child_type;
bool is_const;
struct TypeTableEntryInt {
bool is_signed;
struct TypeTableEntryArray {
TypeTableEntry *child_type;
uint64_t len;
struct TypeStructField {
Buf *name;
TypeTableEntry *type_entry;
struct TypeTableEntryStruct {
AstNode *decl_node;
bool is_packed;
int field_count;
TypeStructField *fields;
// set this flag temporarily to detect infinite loops
bool embedded_in_current;
struct TypeTableEntryNumLit {
NumLit kind;
enum TypeTableEntryId {
struct TypeTableEntry {
TypeTableEntryId id;
LLVMTypeRef type_ref;
LLVMZigDIType *di_type;
uint64_t size_in_bits;
uint64_t align_in_bits;
Buf name;
union {
TypeTableEntryPointer pointer;
TypeTableEntryInt integral;
TypeTableEntryArray array;
TypeTableEntryStruct structure;
TypeTableEntryNumLit num_lit;
} data;
// use these fields to make sure we don't duplicate type table entries for the same type
TypeTableEntry *pointer_const_parent;
TypeTableEntry *pointer_mut_parent;
HashMap<uint64_t, TypeTableEntry *, uint64_hash, uint64_eq> arrays_by_size;
struct ImportTableEntry {
AstNode *root;
Buf *path; // relative to root_source_dir
LLVMZigDIFile *di_file;
Buf *source_code;
ZigList<int> *line_offsets;
BlockContext *block_context;
// reminder: hash tables must be initialized before use
HashMap<Buf *, FnTableEntry *, buf_hash, buf_eql_buf> fn_table;
struct LabelTableEntry {
AstNode *label_node;
LLVMBasicBlockRef basic_block;
bool used;
bool entered_from_fallthrough;
enum FnAttrId {
struct FnTableEntry {
LLVMValueRef fn_value;
AstNode *proto_node;
AstNode *fn_def_node;
bool is_extern;
bool internal_linkage;
unsigned calling_convention;
ImportTableEntry *import_entry;
ZigList<FnAttrId> fn_attr_list;
// Required to be a pre-order traversal of the AST. (parents must come before children)
ZigList<BlockContext *> all_block_contexts;
// reminder: hash tables must be initialized before use
HashMap<Buf *, LabelTableEntry *, buf_hash, buf_eql_buf> label_table;
struct CodeGen {
LLVMModuleRef module;
ZigList<ErrorMsg*> errors;
LLVMBuilderRef builder;
LLVMZigDIBuilder *dbuilder;
LLVMZigDICompileUnit *compile_unit;
ZigList<Buf *> lib_search_paths;
// reminder: hash tables must be initialized before use
HashMap<Buf *, FnTableEntry *, buf_hash, buf_eql_buf> fn_table;
HashMap<Buf *, LLVMValueRef, buf_hash, buf_eql_buf> str_table;
HashMap<Buf *, TypeTableEntry *, buf_hash, buf_eql_buf> type_table;
HashMap<Buf *, bool, buf_hash, buf_eql_buf> link_table;
HashMap<Buf *, ImportTableEntry *, buf_hash, buf_eql_buf> import_table;
struct {
TypeTableEntry *entry_bool;
TypeTableEntry *entry_u8;
TypeTableEntry *entry_u32;
TypeTableEntry *entry_u64;
TypeTableEntry *entry_i8;
TypeTableEntry *entry_i32;
TypeTableEntry *entry_i64;
TypeTableEntry *entry_isize;
TypeTableEntry *entry_usize;
TypeTableEntry *entry_f32;
TypeTableEntry *entry_f64;
TypeTableEntry *entry_c_string_literal;
TypeTableEntry *entry_string;
TypeTableEntry *entry_void;
TypeTableEntry *entry_unreachable;
TypeTableEntry *entry_invalid;
} builtin_types;
TypeTableEntry *num_lit_types[NumLitCount];
LLVMTargetDataRef target_data_ref;
unsigned pointer_size_bytes;
bool is_static;
bool strip_debug_symbols;
bool have_exported_main;
bool link_libc;
Buf *libc_path;
CodeGenBuildType build_type;
LLVMTargetMachineRef target_machine;
LLVMZigDIFile *dummy_di_file;
bool is_native_target;
Buf *root_source_dir;
Buf *root_out_name;
// The function definitions this module includes. There must be a corresponding
// fn_protos entry.
ZigList<FnTableEntry *> fn_defs;
// The function prototypes this module includes. In the case of external declarations,
// there will not be a corresponding fn_defs entry.
ZigList<FnTableEntry *> fn_protos;
ZigList<VariableTableEntry *> global_vars;
OutType out_type;
FnTableEntry *cur_fn;
LLVMBasicBlockRef cur_basic_block;
BlockContext *cur_block_context;
bool c_stdint_used;
AstNode *root_export_decl;
int version_major;
int version_minor;
int version_patch;
bool verbose;
ErrColor err_color;
ImportTableEntry *root_import;
struct VariableTableEntry {
Buf name;
TypeTableEntry *type;
LLVMValueRef value_ref;
bool is_const;
bool is_ptr; // if true, value_ref is a pointer
AstNode *decl_node;
LLVMZigDILocalVariable *di_loc_var;
int arg_index;
struct BlockContext {
AstNode *node; // either NodeTypeFnDef or NodeTypeBlock or NodeTypeRoot
FnTableEntry *fn_entry; // null at the module scope
BlockContext *parent; // null when this is the root
HashMap<Buf *, VariableTableEntry *, buf_hash, buf_eql_buf> variable_table;
ZigList<CastNode *> cast_expr_alloca_list;
LLVMZigDIScope *di_scope;
struct TypeNode {
TypeTableEntry *entry;
struct FnProtoNode {
FnTableEntry *fn_table_entry;
struct FnDefNode {
TypeTableEntry *implicit_return_type;
BlockContext *block_context;
bool skip;
struct AssignNode {
VariableTableEntry *var_entry;
struct BlockNode {
BlockContext *block_context;
struct StructDeclNode {
TypeTableEntry *type_entry;
struct FieldAccessNode {
int field_index;
TypeStructField *type_struct_field;
enum CastOp {
struct CastNode {
CastOp op;
// if op is CastOpArrayToString, this will be a pointer to
// the string struct on the stack
LLVMValueRef ptr;
TypeTableEntry *type;
AstNode *source_node;
struct ExprNode {
TypeTableEntry *type_entry;
// the context in which this expression is evaluated.
// for blocks, this points to the containing scope, not the block's own scope for its children.
BlockContext *block_context;
// may be null for no cast
CastNode implicit_cast;
struct NumberLiteralNode {
TypeTableEntry *resolved_type;
struct VarDeclNode {
TypeTableEntry *type;
struct CodeGenNode {
union {
TypeNode type_node; // for NodeTypeType
FnDefNode fn_def_node; // for NodeTypeFnDef
FnProtoNode fn_proto_node; // for NodeTypeFnProto
LabelTableEntry *label_entry; // for NodeTypeGoto and NodeTypeLabel
AssignNode assign_node; // for NodeTypeBinOpExpr where op is BinOpTypeAssign
BlockNode block_node; // for NodeTypeBlock
StructDeclNode struct_decl_node; // for NodeTypeStructDecl
FieldAccessNode field_access_node; // for NodeTypeFieldAccessExpr
CastNode cast_node; // for NodeTypeCastExpr
NumberLiteralNode num_lit_node; // for NodeTypeNumberLiteral
VarDeclNode var_decl_node; // for NodeTypeVariableDeclaration
} data;
ExprNode expr_node; // for all the expression nodes
static inline Buf *hack_get_fn_call_name(CodeGen *g, AstNode *node) {
// Assume that the expression evaluates to a simple name and return the buf
// TODO after type checking works we should be able to remove this hack
assert(node->type == NodeTypeSymbol);
return &node->data.symbol;
void semantic_analyze(CodeGen *g);
void add_node_error(CodeGen *g, AstNode *node, Buf *msg);
TypeTableEntry *new_type_table_entry(TypeTableEntryId id);
TypeTableEntry *get_pointer_to_type(CodeGen *g, TypeTableEntry *child_type, bool is_const);
VariableTableEntry *find_variable(BlockContext *context, Buf *name);
BlockContext *new_block_context(AstNode *node, BlockContext *parent);