
749 lines
28 KiB

const std = @import("std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const math = std.math;
const print = std.debug.print;
pub const FailingAllocator = @import("testing/failing_allocator.zig").FailingAllocator;
/// This should only be used in temporary test programs.
pub const allocator = allocator_instance.allocator();
pub var allocator_instance = b: {
if (!builtin.is_test)
@compileError("Cannot use testing allocator outside of test block");
break :b std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
pub const failing_allocator = failing_allocator_instance.allocator();
pub var failing_allocator_instance = FailingAllocator.init(base_allocator_instance.allocator(), 0);
pub var base_allocator_instance = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init("");
/// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5738
pub var log_level = std.log.Level.warn;
/// This is available to any test that wants to execute Zig in a child process.
/// It will be the same executable that is running `zig test`.
pub var zig_exe_path: []const u8 = undefined;
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. It prints diagnostics to stderr
/// and then returns a test failure error when actual_error_union is not expected_error.
pub fn expectError(expected_error: anyerror, actual_error_union: anytype) !void {
if (actual_error_union) |actual_payload| {
std.debug.print("expected error.{s}, found {any}\n", .{ @errorName(expected_error), actual_payload });
return error.TestUnexpectedError;
} else |actual_error| {
if (expected_error != actual_error) {
std.debug.print("expected error.{s}, found error.{s}\n", .{
return error.TestExpectedError;
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the two values are not
/// equal, prints diagnostics to stderr to show exactly how they are not equal,
/// then returns a test failure error.
/// `actual` is casted to the type of `expected`.
pub fn expectEqual(expected: anytype, actual: @TypeOf(expected)) !void {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(actual))) {
=> @compileError("value of type " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(actual)) ++ " encountered"),
=> return,
.Type => {
if (actual != expected) {
std.debug.print("expected type {s}, found type {s}\n", .{ @typeName(expected), @typeName(actual) });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
=> {
if (actual != expected) {
std.debug.print("expected {}, found {}\n", .{ expected, actual });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
.Pointer => |pointer| {
switch (pointer.size) {
.One, .Many, .C => {
if (actual != expected) {
std.debug.print("expected {*}, found {*}\n", .{ expected, actual });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
.Slice => {
if (actual.ptr != expected.ptr) {
std.debug.print("expected slice ptr {*}, found {*}\n", .{ expected.ptr, actual.ptr });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
if (actual.len != expected.len) {
std.debug.print("expected slice len {}, found {}\n", .{ expected.len, actual.len });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
.Array => |array| try expectEqualSlices(array.child, &expected, &actual),
.Vector => |info| {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < info.len) : (i += 1) {
if (!std.meta.eql(expected[i], actual[i])) {
std.debug.print("index {} incorrect. expected {}, found {}\n", .{
i, expected[i], actual[i],
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
.Struct => |structType| {
inline for (structType.fields) |field| {
try expectEqual(@field(expected, field.name), @field(actual, field.name));
.Union => |union_info| {
if (union_info.tag_type == null) {
@compileError("Unable to compare untagged union values");
const Tag = std.meta.Tag(@TypeOf(expected));
const expectedTag = @as(Tag, expected);
const actualTag = @as(Tag, actual);
try expectEqual(expectedTag, actualTag);
// we only reach this loop if the tags are equal
inline for (std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(actual))) |fld| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, fld.name, @tagName(actualTag))) {
try expectEqual(@field(expected, fld.name), @field(actual, fld.name));
// we iterate over *all* union fields
// => we should never get here as the loop above is
// including all possible values.
.Optional => {
if (expected) |expected_payload| {
if (actual) |actual_payload| {
try expectEqual(expected_payload, actual_payload);
} else {
std.debug.print("expected {any}, found null\n", .{expected_payload});
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
} else {
if (actual) |actual_payload| {
std.debug.print("expected null, found {any}\n", .{actual_payload});
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
.ErrorUnion => {
if (expected) |expected_payload| {
if (actual) |actual_payload| {
try expectEqual(expected_payload, actual_payload);
} else |actual_err| {
std.debug.print("expected {any}, found {}\n", .{ expected_payload, actual_err });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
} else |expected_err| {
if (actual) |actual_payload| {
std.debug.print("expected {}, found {any}\n", .{ expected_err, actual_payload });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
} else |actual_err| {
try expectEqual(expected_err, actual_err);
test "expectEqual.union(enum)" {
const T = union(enum) {
a: i32,
b: f32,
const a10 = T{ .a = 10 };
try expectEqual(a10, a10);
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the formatted result of the template
/// and its arguments does not equal the expected text, it prints diagnostics to stderr to show how
/// they are not equal, then returns an error.
pub fn expectFmt(expected: []const u8, comptime template: []const u8, args: anytype) !void {
const result = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, template, args);
defer allocator.free(result);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, result, expected)) return;
print("\n====== expected this output: =========\n", .{});
print("{s}", .{expected});
print("\n======== instead found this: =========\n", .{});
print("{s}", .{result});
print("\n======================================\n", .{});
return error.TestExpectedFmt;
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the actual value is
/// not approximately equal to the expected value, prints diagnostics to stderr
/// to show exactly how they are not equal, then returns a test failure error.
/// See `math.approxEqAbs` for more informations on the tolerance parameter.
/// The types must be floating point
pub fn expectApproxEqAbs(expected: anytype, actual: @TypeOf(expected), tolerance: @TypeOf(expected)) !void {
const T = @TypeOf(expected);
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Float => if (!math.approxEqAbs(T, expected, actual, tolerance)) {
std.debug.print("actual {}, not within absolute tolerance {} of expected {}\n", .{ actual, tolerance, expected });
return error.TestExpectedApproxEqAbs;
.ComptimeFloat => @compileError("Cannot approximately compare two comptime_float values"),
else => @compileError("Unable to compare non floating point values"),
test "expectApproxEqAbs" {
inline for ([_]type{ f16, f32, f64, f128 }) |T| {
const pos_x: T = 12.0;
const pos_y: T = 12.06;
const neg_x: T = -12.0;
const neg_y: T = -12.06;
try expectApproxEqAbs(pos_x, pos_y, 0.1);
try expectApproxEqAbs(neg_x, neg_y, 0.1);
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the actual value is
/// not approximately equal to the expected value, prints diagnostics to stderr
/// to show exactly how they are not equal, then returns a test failure error.
/// See `math.approxEqRel` for more informations on the tolerance parameter.
/// The types must be floating point
pub fn expectApproxEqRel(expected: anytype, actual: @TypeOf(expected), tolerance: @TypeOf(expected)) !void {
const T = @TypeOf(expected);
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Float => if (!math.approxEqRel(T, expected, actual, tolerance)) {
std.debug.print("actual {}, not within relative tolerance {} of expected {}\n", .{ actual, tolerance, expected });
return error.TestExpectedApproxEqRel;
.ComptimeFloat => @compileError("Cannot approximately compare two comptime_float values"),
else => @compileError("Unable to compare non floating point values"),
test "expectApproxEqRel" {
inline for ([_]type{ f16, f32, f64, f128 }) |T| {
const eps_value = comptime math.epsilon(T);
const sqrt_eps_value = comptime @sqrt(eps_value);
const pos_x: T = 12.0;
const pos_y: T = pos_x + 2 * eps_value;
const neg_x: T = -12.0;
const neg_y: T = neg_x - 2 * eps_value;
try expectApproxEqRel(pos_x, pos_y, sqrt_eps_value);
try expectApproxEqRel(neg_x, neg_y, sqrt_eps_value);
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the two slices are not
/// equal, prints diagnostics to stderr to show exactly how they are not equal,
/// then returns a test failure error.
/// If your inputs are UTF-8 encoded strings, consider calling `expectEqualStrings` instead.
pub fn expectEqualSlices(comptime T: type, expected: []const T, actual: []const T) !void {
// TODO better printing of the difference
// If the arrays are small enough we could print the whole thing
// If the child type is u8 and no weird bytes, we could print it as strings
// Even for the length difference, it would be useful to see the values of the slices probably.
if (expected.len != actual.len) {
std.debug.print("slice lengths differ. expected {d}, found {d}\n", .{ expected.len, actual.len });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < expected.len) : (i += 1) {
if (!std.meta.eql(expected[i], actual[i])) {
std.debug.print("index {} incorrect. expected {any}, found {any}\n", .{ i, expected[i], actual[i] });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. Checks that two slices or two arrays are equal,
/// including that their sentinel (if any) are the same. Will error if given another type.
pub fn expectEqualSentinel(comptime T: type, comptime sentinel: T, expected: [:sentinel]const T, actual: [:sentinel]const T) !void {
try expectEqualSlices(T, expected, actual);
const expected_value_sentinel = blk: {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(expected))) {
.Pointer => {
break :blk expected[expected.len];
.Array => |array_info| {
const indexable_outside_of_bounds = @as([]const array_info.child, &expected);
break :blk indexable_outside_of_bounds[indexable_outside_of_bounds.len];
else => {},
const actual_value_sentinel = blk: {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(actual))) {
.Pointer => {
break :blk actual[actual.len];
.Array => |array_info| {
const indexable_outside_of_bounds = @as([]const array_info.child, &actual);
break :blk indexable_outside_of_bounds[indexable_outside_of_bounds.len];
else => {},
if (!std.meta.eql(sentinel, expected_value_sentinel)) {
std.debug.print("expectEqualSentinel: 'expected' sentinel in memory is different from its type sentinel. type sentinel {}, in memory sentinel {}\n", .{ sentinel, expected_value_sentinel });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
if (!std.meta.eql(sentinel, actual_value_sentinel)) {
std.debug.print("expectEqualSentinel: 'actual' sentinel in memory is different from its type sentinel. type sentinel {}, in memory sentinel {}\n", .{ sentinel, actual_value_sentinel });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests.
/// When `ok` is false, returns a test failure error.
pub fn expect(ok: bool) !void {
if (!ok) return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
pub const TmpDir = struct {
dir: std.fs.Dir,
parent_dir: std.fs.Dir,
sub_path: [sub_path_len]u8,
const random_bytes_count = 12;
const sub_path_len = std.fs.base64_encoder.calcSize(random_bytes_count);
pub fn cleanup(self: *TmpDir) void {
self.parent_dir.deleteTree(&self.sub_path) catch {};
self.* = undefined;
pub const TmpIterableDir = struct {
iterable_dir: std.fs.IterableDir,
parent_dir: std.fs.Dir,
sub_path: [sub_path_len]u8,
const random_bytes_count = 12;
const sub_path_len = std.fs.base64_encoder.calcSize(random_bytes_count);
pub fn cleanup(self: *TmpIterableDir) void {
self.parent_dir.deleteTree(&self.sub_path) catch {};
self.* = undefined;
fn getCwdOrWasiPreopen() std.fs.Dir {
if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
var preopens = std.fs.wasi.PreopenList.init(allocator);
defer preopens.deinit();
preopens.populate(null) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to populate preopens");
const preopen = preopens.find(std.fs.wasi.PreopenType{ .Dir = "." }) orelse
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: didn't find '.' in the preopens");
return std.fs.Dir{ .fd = preopen.fd };
} else {
return std.fs.cwd();
pub fn tmpDir(opts: std.fs.Dir.OpenDirOptions) TmpDir {
var random_bytes: [TmpDir.random_bytes_count]u8 = undefined;
var sub_path: [TmpDir.sub_path_len]u8 = undefined;
_ = std.fs.base64_encoder.encode(&sub_path, &random_bytes);
var cwd = getCwdOrWasiPreopen();
var cache_dir = cwd.makeOpenPath("zig-cache", .{}) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to make and open zig-cache dir");
defer cache_dir.close();
var parent_dir = cache_dir.makeOpenPath("tmp", .{}) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to make and open zig-cache/tmp dir");
var dir = parent_dir.makeOpenPath(&sub_path, opts) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to make and open the tmp dir");
return .{
.dir = dir,
.parent_dir = parent_dir,
.sub_path = sub_path,
pub fn tmpIterableDir(opts: std.fs.Dir.OpenDirOptions) TmpIterableDir {
var random_bytes: [TmpIterableDir.random_bytes_count]u8 = undefined;
var sub_path: [TmpIterableDir.sub_path_len]u8 = undefined;
_ = std.fs.base64_encoder.encode(&sub_path, &random_bytes);
var cwd = getCwdOrWasiPreopen();
var cache_dir = cwd.makeOpenPath("zig-cache", .{}) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to make and open zig-cache dir");
defer cache_dir.close();
var parent_dir = cache_dir.makeOpenPath("tmp", .{}) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to make and open zig-cache/tmp dir");
var dir = parent_dir.makeOpenPathIterable(&sub_path, opts) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to make and open the tmp dir");
return .{
.iterable_dir = dir,
.parent_dir = parent_dir,
.sub_path = sub_path,
test "expectEqual nested array" {
const a = [2][2]f32{
[_]f32{ 1.0, 0.0 },
[_]f32{ 0.0, 1.0 },
const b = [2][2]f32{
[_]f32{ 1.0, 0.0 },
[_]f32{ 0.0, 1.0 },
try expectEqual(a, b);
test "expectEqual vector" {
var a = @splat(4, @as(u32, 4));
var b = @splat(4, @as(u32, 4));
try expectEqual(a, b);
pub fn expectEqualStrings(expected: []const u8, actual: []const u8) !void {
if (std.mem.indexOfDiff(u8, actual, expected)) |diff_index| {
print("\n====== expected this output: =========\n", .{});
print("\n======== instead found this: =========\n", .{});
print("\n======================================\n", .{});
var diff_line_number: usize = 1;
for (expected[0..diff_index]) |value| {
if (value == '\n') diff_line_number += 1;
print("First difference occurs on line {d}:\n", .{diff_line_number});
print("expected:\n", .{});
printIndicatorLine(expected, diff_index);
print("found:\n", .{});
printIndicatorLine(actual, diff_index);
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
pub fn expectStringStartsWith(actual: []const u8, expected_starts_with: []const u8) !void {
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, actual, expected_starts_with))
const shortened_actual = if (actual.len >= expected_starts_with.len)
print("\n====== expected to start with: =========\n", .{});
print("\n====== instead ended with: ===========\n", .{});
print("\n========= full output: ==============\n", .{});
print("\n======================================\n", .{});
return error.TestExpectedStartsWith;
pub fn expectStringEndsWith(actual: []const u8, expected_ends_with: []const u8) !void {
if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, actual, expected_ends_with))
const shortened_actual = if (actual.len >= expected_ends_with.len)
actual[(actual.len - expected_ends_with.len)..]
print("\n====== expected to end with: =========\n", .{});
print("\n====== instead ended with: ===========\n", .{});
print("\n========= full output: ==============\n", .{});
print("\n======================================\n", .{});
return error.TestExpectedEndsWith;
fn printIndicatorLine(source: []const u8, indicator_index: usize) void {
const line_begin_index = if (std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, source[0..indicator_index], '\n')) |line_begin|
line_begin + 1
const line_end_index = if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, source[indicator_index..], '\n')) |line_end|
(indicator_index + line_end)
var i: usize = line_begin_index;
while (i < indicator_index) : (i += 1)
print(" ", .{});
if (indicator_index >= source.len)
print("^ (end of string)\n", .{})
print("^ ('\\x{x:0>2}')\n", .{source[indicator_index]});
fn printWithVisibleNewlines(source: []const u8) void {
var i: usize = 0;
while (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, source[i..], '\n')) |nl| : (i += nl + 1) {
printLine(source[i .. i + nl]);
print("{s}␃\n", .{source[i..]}); // End of Text symbol (ETX)
fn printLine(line: []const u8) void {
if (line.len != 0) switch (line[line.len - 1]) {
' ', '\t' => return print("{s}⏎\n", .{line}), // Carriage return symbol,
else => {},
print("{s}\n", .{line});
test {
try expectEqualStrings("foo", "foo");
/// Exhaustively check that allocation failures within `test_fn` are handled without
/// introducing memory leaks. If used with the `testing.allocator` as the `backing_allocator`,
/// it will also be able to detect double frees, etc (when runtime safety is enabled).
/// The provided `test_fn` must have a `std.mem.Allocator` as its first argument,
/// and must have a return type of `!void`. Any extra arguments of `test_fn` can
/// be provided via the `extra_args` tuple.
/// Any relevant state shared between runs of `test_fn` *must* be reset within `test_fn`.
/// The strategy employed is to:
/// - Run the test function once to get the total number of allocations.
/// - Then, iterate and run the function X more times, incrementing
/// the failing index each iteration (where X is the total number of
/// allocations determined previously)
/// Expects that `test_fn` has a deterministic number of memory allocations:
/// - If an allocation was made to fail during a run of `test_fn`, but `test_fn`
/// didn't return `error.OutOfMemory`, then `error.SwallowedOutOfMemoryError`
/// is returned from `checkAllAllocationFailures`. You may want to ignore this
/// depending on whether or not the code you're testing includes some strategies
/// for recovering from `error.OutOfMemory`.
/// - If a run of `test_fn` with an expected allocation failure executes without
/// an allocation failure being induced, then `error.NondeterministicMemoryUsage`
/// is returned. This error means that there are allocation points that won't be
/// tested by the strategy this function employs (that is, there are sometimes more
/// points of allocation than the initial run of `test_fn` detects).
/// ---
/// Here's an example using a simple test case that will cause a leak when the
/// allocation of `bar` fails (but will pass normally):
/// ```zig
/// test {
/// const length: usize = 10;
/// const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
/// var foo = try allocator.alloc(u8, length);
/// var bar = try allocator.alloc(u8, length);
/// allocator.free(foo);
/// allocator.free(bar);
/// }
/// ```
/// The test case can be converted to something that this function can use by
/// doing:
/// ```zig
/// fn testImpl(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, length: usize) !void {
/// var foo = try allocator.alloc(u8, length);
/// var bar = try allocator.alloc(u8, length);
/// allocator.free(foo);
/// allocator.free(bar);
/// }
/// test {
/// const length: usize = 10;
/// const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
/// try std.testing.checkAllAllocationFailures(allocator, testImpl, .{length});
/// }
/// ```
/// Running this test will show that `foo` is leaked when the allocation of
/// `bar` fails. The simplest fix, in this case, would be to use defer like so:
/// ```zig
/// fn testImpl(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, length: usize) !void {
/// var foo = try allocator.alloc(u8, length);
/// defer allocator.free(foo);
/// var bar = try allocator.alloc(u8, length);
/// defer allocator.free(bar);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn checkAllAllocationFailures(backing_allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime test_fn: anytype, extra_args: anytype) !void {
switch (@typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(test_fn)).Fn.return_type.?)) {
.ErrorUnion => |info| {
if (info.payload != void) {
@compileError("Return type must be !void");
else => @compileError("Return type must be !void"),
if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(extra_args)) != .Struct) {
@compileError("Expected tuple or struct argument, found " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(extra_args)));
const ArgsTuple = std.meta.ArgsTuple(@TypeOf(test_fn));
const fn_args_fields = @typeInfo(ArgsTuple).Struct.fields;
if (fn_args_fields.len == 0 or fn_args_fields[0].field_type != std.mem.Allocator) {
@compileError("The provided function must have an " ++ @typeName(std.mem.Allocator) ++ " as its first argument");
const expected_args_tuple_len = fn_args_fields.len - 1;
if (extra_args.len != expected_args_tuple_len) {
@compileError("The provided function expects " ++ (comptime std.fmt.comptimePrint("{d}", .{expected_args_tuple_len})) ++ " extra arguments, but the provided tuple contains " ++ (comptime std.fmt.comptimePrint("{d}", .{extra_args.len})));
// Setup the tuple that will actually be used with @call (we'll need to insert
// the failing allocator in field @"0" before each @call)
var args: ArgsTuple = undefined;
inline for (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(extra_args)).Struct.fields) |field, i| {
const arg_i_str = comptime str: {
var str_buf: [100]u8 = undefined;
const args_i = i + 1;
const str_len = std.fmt.formatIntBuf(&str_buf, args_i, 10, .lower, .{});
break :str str_buf[0..str_len];
@field(args, arg_i_str) = @field(extra_args, field.name);
// Try it once with unlimited memory, make sure it works
const needed_alloc_count = x: {
var failing_allocator_inst = std.testing.FailingAllocator.init(backing_allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize));
args.@"0" = failing_allocator_inst.allocator();
try @call(.{}, test_fn, args);
break :x failing_allocator_inst.index;
var fail_index: usize = 0;
while (fail_index < needed_alloc_count) : (fail_index += 1) {
var failing_allocator_inst = std.testing.FailingAllocator.init(backing_allocator, fail_index);
args.@"0" = failing_allocator_inst.allocator();
if (@call(.{}, test_fn, args)) |_| {
if (failing_allocator_inst.has_induced_failure) {
return error.SwallowedOutOfMemoryError;
} else {
return error.NondeterministicMemoryUsage;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => {
if (failing_allocator_inst.allocated_bytes != failing_allocator_inst.freed_bytes) {
"\nfail_index: {d}/{d}\nallocated bytes: {d}\nfreed bytes: {d}\nallocations: {d}\ndeallocations: {d}\nallocation that was made to fail: {s}",
return error.MemoryLeakDetected;
else => return err,
/// Given a type, reference all the declarations inside, so that the semantic analyzer sees them.
pub fn refAllDecls(comptime T: type) void {
if (!builtin.is_test) return;
inline for (comptime std.meta.declarations(T)) |decl| {
if (decl.is_pub) _ = @field(T, decl.name);
/// Given a type, and Recursively reference all the declarations inside, so that the semantic analyzer sees them.
/// For deep types, you may use `@setEvalBranchQuota`
pub fn refAllDeclsRecursive(comptime T: type) void {
inline for (comptime std.meta.declarations(T)) |decl| {
if (decl.is_pub) {
if (@TypeOf(@field(T, decl.name)) == type) {
switch (@typeInfo(@field(T, decl.name))) {
.Struct, .Enum, .Union, .Opaque => refAllDeclsRecursive(@field(T, decl.name)),
else => {},
_ = @field(T, decl.name);