2021-05-08 15:15:30 +03:00

248 lines
8.2 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const mem = std.mem;
const math = std.math;
const testing = std.testing;
const AuthenticationError = std.crypto.errors.AuthenticationError;
/// ISAPv2 is an authenticated encryption system hardened against side channels and fault attacks.
/// https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/Projects/lightweight-cryptography/documents/round-2/spec-doc-rnd2/isap-spec-round2.pdf
/// Note that ISAP is not suitable for high-performance applications.
/// However:
/// - if allowing physical access to the device is part of your threat model,
/// - or if you need resistance against microcode/hardware-level side channel attacks,
/// - or if software-induced fault attacks such as rowhammer are a concern,
/// then you may consider ISAP for highly sensitive data.
pub const IsapA128A = struct {
pub const key_length = 16;
pub const nonce_length = 16;
pub const tag_length: usize = 16;
const iv1 = [_]u8{ 0x01, 0x80, 0x40, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x01, 0x06, 0x0c };
const iv2 = [_]u8{ 0x02, 0x80, 0x40, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x01, 0x06, 0x0c };
const iv3 = [_]u8{ 0x03, 0x80, 0x40, 0x01, 0x0c, 0x01, 0x06, 0x0c };
const Block = [5]u64;
block: Block,
fn round(isap: *IsapA128A, rk: u64) void {
var x = &isap.block;
x[2] ^= rk;
x[0] ^= x[4];
x[4] ^= x[3];
x[2] ^= x[1];
var t = x.*;
x[0] = t[0] ^ ((~t[1]) & t[2]);
x[2] = t[2] ^ ((~t[3]) & t[4]);
x[4] = t[4] ^ ((~t[0]) & t[1]);
x[1] = t[1] ^ ((~t[2]) & t[3]);
x[3] = t[3] ^ ((~t[4]) & t[0]);
x[1] ^= x[0];
t[1] = x[1];
x[1] = math.rotr(u64, x[1], 39);
x[3] ^= x[2];
t[2] = x[2];
x[2] = math.rotr(u64, x[2], 1);
t[4] = x[4];
t[2] ^= x[2];
x[2] = math.rotr(u64, x[2], 5);
t[3] = x[3];
t[1] ^= x[1];
x[3] = math.rotr(u64, x[3], 10);
x[0] ^= x[4];
x[4] = math.rotr(u64, x[4], 7);
t[3] ^= x[3];
x[2] ^= t[2];
x[1] = math.rotr(u64, x[1], 22);
t[0] = x[0];
x[2] = ~x[2];
x[3] = math.rotr(u64, x[3], 7);
t[4] ^= x[4];
x[4] = math.rotr(u64, x[4], 34);
x[3] ^= t[3];
x[1] ^= t[1];
x[0] = math.rotr(u64, x[0], 19);
x[4] ^= t[4];
t[0] ^= x[0];
x[0] = math.rotr(u64, x[0], 9);
x[0] ^= t[0];
fn p12(isap: *IsapA128A) void {
const rks = [12]u64{ 0xf0, 0xe1, 0xd2, 0xc3, 0xb4, 0xa5, 0x96, 0x87, 0x78, 0x69, 0x5a, 0x4b };
inline for (rks) |rk| {
fn p6(isap: *IsapA128A) void {
const rks = [6]u64{ 0x96, 0x87, 0x78, 0x69, 0x5a, 0x4b };
inline for (rks) |rk| {
fn p1(isap: *IsapA128A) void {
fn absorb(isap: *IsapA128A, m: []const u8) void {
var block = &isap.block;
var i: usize = 0;
while (true) : (i += 8) {
const left = m.len - i;
if (left >= 8) {
block[0] ^= mem.readIntBig(u64, m[i..][0..8]);
if (left == 8) {
block[0] ^= 0x8000000000000000;
} else {
var padded = [_]u8{0} ** 8;
mem.copy(u8, padded[0..left], m[i..]);
padded[left] = 0x80;
block[0] ^= mem.readIntBig(u64, padded[0..]);
fn trickle(k: [16]u8, iv: [8]u8, y: []const u8, comptime out_len: usize) [out_len]u8 {
var isap = IsapA128A{
.block = Block{
mem.readIntBig(u64, k[0..8]),
mem.readIntBig(u64, k[8..16]),
mem.readIntBig(u64, iv[0..8]),
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < y.len * 8 - 1) : (i += 1) {
const cur_byte_pos = i / 8;
const cur_bit_pos = @truncate(u3, 7 - (i % 8));
const cur_bit = @as(u64, ((y[cur_byte_pos] >> cur_bit_pos) & 1) << 7);
isap.block[0] ^= cur_bit << 56;
const cur_bit = @as(u64, (y[y.len - 1] & 1) << 7);
isap.block[0] ^= cur_bit << 56;
var out: [out_len]u8 = undefined;
var j: usize = 0;
while (j < out_len) : (j += 8) {
mem.writeIntBig(u64, out[j..][0..8], isap.block[j / 8]);
std.crypto.utils.secureZero(u64, &isap.block);
return out;
fn mac(c: []const u8, ad: []const u8, npub: [16]u8, key: [16]u8) [16]u8 {
var isap = IsapA128A{
.block = Block{
mem.readIntBig(u64, npub[0..8]),
mem.readIntBig(u64, npub[8..16]),
mem.readIntBig(u64, iv1[0..]),
isap.block[4] ^= 1;
var y: [16]u8 = undefined;
mem.writeIntBig(u64, y[0..8], isap.block[0]);
mem.writeIntBig(u64, y[8..16], isap.block[1]);
const nb = trickle(key, iv2, y[0..], 16);
isap.block[0] = mem.readIntBig(u64, nb[0..8]);
isap.block[1] = mem.readIntBig(u64, nb[8..16]);
var tag: [16]u8 = undefined;
mem.writeIntBig(u64, tag[0..8], isap.block[0]);
mem.writeIntBig(u64, tag[8..16], isap.block[1]);
std.crypto.utils.secureZero(u64, &isap.block);
return tag;
fn xor(out: []u8, in: []const u8, npub: [16]u8, key: [16]u8) void {
debug.assert(in.len == out.len);
const nb = trickle(key, iv3, npub[0..], 24);
var isap = IsapA128A{
.block = Block{
mem.readIntBig(u64, nb[0..8]),
mem.readIntBig(u64, nb[8..16]),
mem.readIntBig(u64, nb[16..24]),
mem.readIntBig(u64, npub[0..8]),
mem.readIntBig(u64, npub[8..16]),
var i: usize = 0;
while (true) : (i += 8) {
const left = in.len - i;
if (left >= 8) {
mem.writeIntNative(u64, out[i..][0..8], mem.bigToNative(u64, isap.block[0]) ^ mem.readIntNative(u64, in[i..][0..8]));
if (left == 8) {
} else {
var pad = [_]u8{0} ** 8;
mem.copy(u8, pad[0..left], in[i..][0..left]);
mem.writeIntNative(u64, pad[i..][0..8], mem.bigToNative(u64, isap.block[0]) ^ mem.readIntNative(u64, pad[i..][0..8]));
mem.copy(u8, out[i..][0..left], pad[0..left]);
std.crypto.utils.secureZero(u64, &isap.block);
pub fn encrypt(c: []u8, tag: *[tag_length]u8, m: []const u8, ad: []const u8, npub: [nonce_length]u8, key: [key_length]u8) void {
xor(c, m, npub, key);
tag.* = mac(c, ad, npub, key);
pub fn decrypt(m: []u8, c: []const u8, tag: [tag_length]u8, ad: []const u8, npub: [nonce_length]u8, key: [key_length]u8) AuthenticationError!void {
var computed_tag = mac(c, ad, npub, key);
var acc: u8 = 0;
for (computed_tag) |_, j| {
acc |= (computed_tag[j] ^ tag[j]);
std.crypto.utils.secureZero(u8, &computed_tag);
if (acc != 0) {
return error.AuthenticationFailed;
xor(m, c, npub, key);
test "ISAP" {
const k = [_]u8{1} ** 16;
const n = [_]u8{2} ** 16;
var tag: [16]u8 = undefined;
const ad = "ad";
var msg = "test";
var c: [msg.len]u8 = undefined;
IsapA128A.encrypt(c[0..], &tag, msg[0..], ad, n, k);
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, &[_]u8{ 0x8f, 0x68, 0x03, 0x8d }, c[0..]));
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, &[_]u8{ 0x6c, 0x25, 0xe8, 0xe2, 0xe1, 0x1f, 0x38, 0xe9, 0x80, 0x75, 0xde, 0xd5, 0x2d, 0xb2, 0x31, 0x82 }, tag[0..]));
try IsapA128A.decrypt(c[0..], c[0..], tag, ad, n, k);
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, msg, c[0..]));