Frank Denis ee01dd4032
crypto: add the Xoodoo permutation, prepare for Gimli deprecation (#11866)
Gimli was a game changer. A permutation that is large enough to be
used in sponge-like constructions, yet small enough to be compact
to implement and fast on a wide range of platforms.

And Gimli being part of the Zig standard library was awesome.

But since then, Gimli entered the NIST Lightweight Cryptography
Competition, competing againt other candidates sharing a similar set
of properties.

Unfortunately, Gimli didn't pass the 3rd round.

There are no practical attacks against Gimli when used correctly, but
NIST's decision means that Gimli is unlikely to ever get any traction.

So, maybe the time has come to move Gimli from the standard library
to another repository.

We shouldn't do it without providing an alternative, though.
And the best candidate for this is probably Xoodoo.

Xoodoo is the core function of Xoodyak, one of the finalists of the
NIST LWC competition, and the most direct competitor to Gimli. It is
also a 384-bit permutation, so it can easily be used everywhere Gimli
was used with no parameter changes.

It is the building block of Xoodyak (for actual encryption and hashing)
as well as Charm, that some Zig applications are already using.

Like Gimli that it was heavily inspired from, it is compact and
suitable for constrained environments.

This change adds the Xoodoo permutation to std.crypto.core.

The set of public functions includes everything required to later
implement existing Xoodoo-based constructions.

In order to prepare for the Gimli deprecation, the default
CSPRNG was changed to a Xoodoo-based that works exactly the same way.
2022-07-01 13:18:08 +02:00

310 lines
10 KiB

/// Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
pub const aead = struct {
pub const aegis = struct {
pub const Aegis128L = @import("crypto/aegis.zig").Aegis128L;
pub const Aegis256 = @import("crypto/aegis.zig").Aegis256;
pub const aes_gcm = struct {
pub const Aes128Gcm = @import("crypto/aes_gcm.zig").Aes128Gcm;
pub const Aes256Gcm = @import("crypto/aes_gcm.zig").Aes256Gcm;
pub const aes_ocb = struct {
pub const Aes128Ocb = @import("crypto/aes_ocb.zig").Aes128Ocb;
pub const Aes256Ocb = @import("crypto/aes_ocb.zig").Aes256Ocb;
pub const Gimli = @import("crypto/gimli.zig").Aead;
pub const chacha_poly = struct {
pub const ChaCha20Poly1305 = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").ChaCha20Poly1305;
pub const ChaCha12Poly1305 = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").ChaCha12Poly1305;
pub const ChaCha8Poly1305 = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").ChaCha8Poly1305;
pub const XChaCha20Poly1305 = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").XChaCha20Poly1305;
pub const XChaCha12Poly1305 = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").XChaCha12Poly1305;
pub const XChaCha8Poly1305 = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").XChaCha8Poly1305;
pub const isap = @import("crypto/isap.zig");
pub const salsa_poly = struct {
pub const XSalsa20Poly1305 = @import("crypto/salsa20.zig").XSalsa20Poly1305;
/// Authentication (MAC) functions.
pub const auth = struct {
pub const hmac = @import("crypto/hmac.zig");
pub const siphash = @import("crypto/siphash.zig");
/// Core functions, that should rarely be used directly by applications.
pub const core = struct {
pub const aes = @import("crypto/aes.zig");
pub const Gimli = @import("crypto/gimli.zig").State;
pub const Xoodoo = @import("crypto/xoodoo.zig").State;
/// Modes are generic compositions to construct encryption/decryption functions from block ciphers and permutations.
/// These modes are designed to be building blocks for higher-level constructions, and should generally not be used directly by applications, as they may not provide the expected properties and security guarantees.
/// Most applications may want to use AEADs instead.
pub const modes = @import("crypto/modes.zig");
/// Diffie-Hellman key exchange functions.
pub const dh = struct {
pub const X25519 = @import("crypto/25519/x25519.zig").X25519;
/// Elliptic-curve arithmetic.
pub const ecc = struct {
pub const Curve25519 = @import("crypto/25519/curve25519.zig").Curve25519;
pub const Edwards25519 = @import("crypto/25519/edwards25519.zig").Edwards25519;
pub const P256 = @import("crypto/pcurves/p256.zig").P256;
pub const P384 = @import("crypto/pcurves/p384.zig").P384;
pub const Ristretto255 = @import("crypto/25519/ristretto255.zig").Ristretto255;
pub const Secp256k1 = @import("crypto/pcurves/secp256k1.zig").Secp256k1;
/// Hash functions.
pub const hash = struct {
pub const blake2 = @import("crypto/blake2.zig");
pub const Blake3 = @import("crypto/blake3.zig").Blake3;
pub const Gimli = @import("crypto/gimli.zig").Hash;
pub const Md5 = @import("crypto/md5.zig").Md5;
pub const Sha1 = @import("crypto/sha1.zig").Sha1;
pub const sha2 = @import("crypto/sha2.zig");
pub const sha3 = @import("crypto/sha3.zig");
pub const composition = @import("crypto/hash_composition.zig");
/// Key derivation functions.
pub const kdf = struct {
pub const hkdf = @import("crypto/hkdf.zig");
/// MAC functions requiring single-use secret keys.
pub const onetimeauth = struct {
pub const Ghash = @import("crypto/ghash.zig").Ghash;
pub const Poly1305 = @import("crypto/poly1305.zig").Poly1305;
/// A password hashing function derives a uniform key from low-entropy input material such as passwords.
/// It is intentionally slow or expensive.
/// With the standard definition of a key derivation function, if a key space is small, an exhaustive search may be practical.
/// Password hashing functions make exhaustive searches way slower or way more expensive, even when implemented on GPUs and ASICs, by using different, optionally combined strategies:
/// - Requiring a lot of computation cycles to complete
/// - Requiring a lot of memory to complete
/// - Requiring multiple CPU cores to complete
/// - Requiring cache-local data to complete in reasonable time
/// - Requiring large static tables
/// - Avoiding precomputations and time/memory tradeoffs
/// - Requiring multi-party computations
/// - Combining the input material with random per-entry data (salts), application-specific contexts and keys
/// Password hashing functions must be used whenever sensitive data has to be directly derived from a password.
pub const pwhash = struct {
pub const Encoding = enum {
pub const Error = HasherError || error{AllocatorRequired};
pub const HasherError = KdfError || phc_format.Error;
pub const KdfError = errors.Error || std.mem.Allocator.Error || std.Thread.SpawnError;
pub const argon2 = @import("crypto/argon2.zig");
pub const bcrypt = @import("crypto/bcrypt.zig");
pub const scrypt = @import("crypto/scrypt.zig");
pub const pbkdf2 = @import("crypto/pbkdf2.zig").pbkdf2;
pub const phc_format = @import("crypto/phc_encoding.zig");
/// Digital signature functions.
pub const sign = struct {
pub const Ed25519 = @import("crypto/25519/ed25519.zig").Ed25519;
pub const ecdsa = @import("crypto/ecdsa.zig");
/// Stream ciphers. These do not provide any kind of authentication.
/// Most applications should be using AEAD constructions instead of stream ciphers directly.
pub const stream = struct {
pub const chacha = struct {
pub const ChaCha20IETF = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").ChaCha20IETF;
pub const ChaCha12IETF = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").ChaCha12IETF;
pub const ChaCha8IETF = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").ChaCha8IETF;
pub const ChaCha20With64BitNonce = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").ChaCha20With64BitNonce;
pub const ChaCha12With64BitNonce = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").ChaCha12With64BitNonce;
pub const ChaCha8With64BitNonce = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").ChaCha8With64BitNonce;
pub const XChaCha20IETF = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").XChaCha20IETF;
pub const XChaCha12IETF = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").XChaCha12IETF;
pub const XChaCha8IETF = @import("crypto/chacha20.zig").XChaCha8IETF;
pub const salsa = struct {
pub const Salsa20 = @import("crypto/salsa20.zig").Salsa20;
pub const XSalsa20 = @import("crypto/salsa20.zig").XSalsa20;
pub const nacl = struct {
const salsa20 = @import("crypto/salsa20.zig");
pub const Box = salsa20.Box;
pub const SecretBox = salsa20.SecretBox;
pub const SealedBox = salsa20.SealedBox;
pub const utils = @import("crypto/utils.zig");
/// This is a thread-local, cryptographically secure pseudo random number generator.
pub const random = @import("crypto/tlcsprng.zig").interface;
const std = @import("std.zig");
pub const errors = @import("crypto/errors.zig");
test {
const please_windows_dont_oom = @import("builtin").os.tag == .windows;
if (please_windows_dont_oom) return error.SkipZigTest;
_ = aead.aegis.Aegis128L;
_ = aead.aegis.Aegis256;
_ = aead.aes_gcm.Aes128Gcm;
_ = aead.aes_gcm.Aes256Gcm;
_ = aead.aes_ocb.Aes128Ocb;
_ = aead.aes_ocb.Aes256Ocb;
_ = aead.Gimli;
_ = aead.chacha_poly.ChaCha20Poly1305;
_ = aead.chacha_poly.ChaCha12Poly1305;
_ = aead.chacha_poly.ChaCha8Poly1305;
_ = aead.chacha_poly.XChaCha20Poly1305;
_ = aead.chacha_poly.XChaCha12Poly1305;
_ = aead.chacha_poly.XChaCha8Poly1305;
_ = aead.isap;
_ = aead.salsa_poly.XSalsa20Poly1305;
_ = auth.hmac;
_ = auth.siphash;
_ = core.aes;
_ = core.Gimli;
_ = core.modes;
_ = dh.X25519;
_ = ecc.Curve25519;
_ = ecc.Edwards25519;
_ = ecc.P256;
_ = ecc.P384;
_ = ecc.Ristretto255;
_ = ecc.Secp256k1;
_ = hash.blake2;
_ = hash.Blake3;
_ = hash.Gimli;
_ = hash.Md5;
_ = hash.Sha1;
_ = hash.sha2;
_ = hash.sha3;
_ = hash.composition;
_ = kdf.hkdf;
_ = onetimeauth.Ghash;
_ = onetimeauth.Poly1305;
_ = pwhash.Encoding;
_ = pwhash.Error;
_ = pwhash.HasherError;
_ = pwhash.KdfError;
_ = pwhash.argon2;
_ = pwhash.bcrypt;
_ = pwhash.scrypt;
_ = pwhash.pbkdf2;
_ = pwhash.phc_format;
_ = sign.Ed25519;
_ = sign.ecdsa;
_ = stream.chacha.ChaCha20IETF;
_ = stream.chacha.ChaCha12IETF;
_ = stream.chacha.ChaCha8IETF;
_ = stream.chacha.ChaCha20With64BitNonce;
_ = stream.chacha.ChaCha12With64BitNonce;
_ = stream.chacha.ChaCha8With64BitNonce;
_ = stream.chacha.XChaCha20IETF;
_ = stream.chacha.XChaCha12IETF;
_ = stream.chacha.XChaCha8IETF;
_ = stream.salsa.Salsa20;
_ = stream.salsa.XSalsa20;
_ = nacl.Box;
_ = nacl.SecretBox;
_ = nacl.SealedBox;
_ = utils;
_ = random;
_ = errors;
test "CSPRNG" {
const a = random.int(u64);
const b = random.int(u64);
const c = random.int(u64);
try std.testing.expect(a ^ b ^ c != 0);
test "issue #4532: no index out of bounds" {
const types = [_]type{
inline for (types) |Hasher| {
var block = [_]u8{'#'} ** Hasher.block_length;
var out1: [Hasher.digest_length]u8 = undefined;
var out2: [Hasher.digest_length]u8 = undefined;
const h0 = Hasher.init(.{});
var h = h0;
h = h0;
try std.testing.expectEqual(out1, out2);