2017-09-21 00:02:18 -04:00

377 lines
9.4 KiB

const tests = @import("tests.zig");
pub fn addCases(cases: &tests.ParseCContext) {
cases.addAllowWarnings("simple data types",
\\#include <stdint.h>
\\int foo(char a, unsigned char b, signed char c);
\\int foo(char a, unsigned char b, signed char c); // test a duplicate prototype
\\void bar(uint8_t a, uint16_t b, uint32_t c, uint64_t d);
\\void baz(int8_t a, int16_t b, int32_t c, int64_t d);
\\pub extern fn foo(a: u8, b: u8, c: i8) -> c_int;
\\pub extern fn bar(a: u8, b: u16, c: u32, d: u64);
\\pub extern fn baz(a: i8, b: i16, c: i32, d: i64);
cases.add("noreturn attribute",
\\void foo(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
\\pub extern fn foo() -> noreturn;
cases.add("simple function",
\\int abs(int a) {
\\ return a < 0 ? -a : a;
\\export fn abs(a: c_int) -> c_int {
\\ return if (a < 0) -a else a;
\\enum Foo {
\\ FooA,
\\ FooB,
\\ Foo1,
\\pub const enum_Foo = extern enum {
\\ A,
\\ B,
\\ @"1",
\\pub const FooA = enum_Foo.A;
\\pub const FooB = enum_Foo.B;
\\pub const Foo1 = enum_Foo.@"1";
\\pub const Foo = enum_Foo;
cases.add("restrict -> noalias",
\\void foo(void *restrict bar, void *restrict);
\\pub extern fn foo(noalias bar: ?&c_void, noalias arg1: ?&c_void);
cases.add("simple struct",
\\struct Foo {
\\ int x;
\\ char *y;
\\const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: ?&u8,
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
cases.add("qualified struct and enum",
\\struct Foo {
\\ int x;
\\ int y;
\\enum Bar {
\\ BarA,
\\ BarB,
\\void func(struct Foo *a, enum Bar **b);
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: c_int,
\\pub const enum_Bar = extern enum {
\\ A,
\\ B,
\\pub const BarA = enum_Bar.A;
\\pub const BarB = enum_Bar.B;
\\pub extern fn func(a: ?&struct_Foo, b: ?&?&enum_Bar);
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
\\pub const Bar = enum_Bar;
cases.add("constant size array",
\\void func(int array[20]);
\\pub extern fn func(array: ?&c_int);
cases.add("self referential struct with function pointer",
\\struct Foo {
\\ void (*derp)(struct Foo *foo);
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ derp: ?extern fn(?&struct_Foo),
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
cases.add("struct prototype used in func",
\\struct Foo;
\\struct Foo *some_func(struct Foo *foo, int x);
\\pub const struct_Foo = @OpaqueType();
\\pub extern fn some_func(foo: ?&struct_Foo, x: c_int) -> ?&struct_Foo;
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
cases.add("#define a char literal",
\\#define A_CHAR 'a'
\\pub const A_CHAR = 97;
cases.add("#define an unsigned integer literal",
\\#define CHANNEL_COUNT 24
\\pub const CHANNEL_COUNT = 24;
cases.add("#define referencing another #define",
\\#define THING2 THING1
\\#define THING1 1234
\\pub const THING1 = 1234;
\\pub const THING2 = THING1;
\\extern int extern_var;
\\static const int int_var = 13;
\\pub extern var extern_var: c_int;
\\pub const int_var: c_int = 13;
cases.add("circular struct definitions",
\\struct Bar;
\\struct Foo {
\\ struct Bar *next;
\\struct Bar {
\\ struct Foo *next;
\\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct {
\\ next: ?&struct_Foo,
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ next: ?&struct_Bar,
cases.add("typedef void",
\\typedef void Foo;
\\Foo fun(Foo *a);
\\pub const Foo = c_void;
\\pub extern fn fun(a: ?&Foo) -> Foo;
cases.add("generate inline func for #define global extern fn",
\\extern void (*fn_ptr)(void);
\\#define foo fn_ptr
\\extern char (*fn_ptr2)(int, float);
\\#define bar fn_ptr2
\\pub extern var fn_ptr: ?extern fn();
\\pub inline fn foo() {
\\ ??fn_ptr()
\\pub extern var fn_ptr2: ?extern fn(c_int, f32) -> u8;
\\pub inline fn bar(arg0: c_int, arg1: f32) -> u8 {
\\ ??fn_ptr2(arg0, arg1)
cases.add("#define string",
\\#define foo "a string"
\\pub const foo = c"a string";
cases.add("__cdecl doesn't mess up function pointers",
\\void foo(void (__cdecl *fn_ptr)(void));
\\pub extern fn foo(fn_ptr: ?extern fn());
cases.add("comment after integer literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020 /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = 32;
cases.add("u integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020u /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = c_uint(32);
cases.add("l integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020l /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = c_long(32);
cases.add("ul integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ul /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = c_ulong(32);
cases.add("lu integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020lu /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = c_ulong(32);
cases.add("ll integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ll /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = c_longlong(32);
cases.add("ull integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ull /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = c_ulonglong(32);
cases.add("llu integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020llu /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = c_ulonglong(32);
cases.add("zig keywords in C code",
\\struct comptime {
\\ int defer;
\\pub const struct_comptime = extern struct {
\\ @"defer": c_int,
\\pub const @"comptime" = struct_comptime;
cases.add("macro defines string literal with hex",
\\#define FOO "aoeu\xab derp"
\\#define FOO2 "aoeu\x0007a derp"
\\#define FOO_CHAR '\xfF'
\\pub const FOO = c"aoeu\xab derp";
\\pub const FOO2 = c"aoeuz derp";
\\pub const FOO_CHAR = 255;
cases.add("macro defines string literal with octal",
\\#define FOO "aoeu\023 derp"
\\#define FOO2 "aoeu\0234 derp"
\\#define FOO_CHAR '\077'
\\pub const FOO = c"aoeu\x13 derp";
\\pub const FOO2 = c"aoeu\x134 derp";
\\pub const FOO_CHAR = 63;
cases.add("macro with parens around negative number",
\\#define LUA_GLOBALSINDEX (-10002)
\\pub const LUA_GLOBALSINDEX = -10002;
cases.add("shift right assign",
\\int log2(unsigned a) {
\\ int i = 0;
\\ while (a > 0) {
\\ a >>= 1;
\\ }
\\ return i;
\\export fn log2(_arg_a: c_uint) -> c_int {
\\ var a = _arg_a;
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ while (a > c_uint(0)) {
\\ a >>= @import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint)(1);
\\ };
\\ return i;
cases.add("shift right assign with a fixed size type",
\\#include <stdint.h>
\\int log2(uint32_t a) {
\\ int i = 0;
\\ while (a > 0) {
\\ a >>= 1;
\\ }
\\ return i;
\\export fn log2(_arg_a: u32) -> c_int {
\\ var a = _arg_a;
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ while (a > c_uint(0)) {
\\ a >>= u5(1);
\\ };
\\ return i;
cases.add("anonymous enum",
\\enum {
\\ One,
\\ Two,
\\pub const One = 0;
\\pub const Two = 1;
cases.add("function call",
\\static void bar(void) { }
\\void foo(void) { bar(); }
\\pub fn bar() {}
\\export fn foo() {
\\ bar();