Andrew Kelley 6e4fff6ba6 move installation logic to the build script where it belongs
* build.zig: introduce `-Dflat` option which makes the installation
  match what we want to ship for our download tarballs. This allows
  deleting a bunch of shell script logic from the CI.
  - for example it puts the executable directly in prefix/zig rather
    than prefix/bin/zig and it additionally includes prefix/LICENSE.
* build.zig: by default also install std lib documentation to doc/std/
  - this can be disabled by `-Dno-autodocs` similar to how there is
    already `-Dno-langref`.
* build.zig: add `std-docs` and `langref` steps which build and install
  the std lib autodocs and langref to prefix/doc/std and
  prefix/doc/langref.html, respectively.

* std.Build: implement proper handling of `-femit-docs` using the
  LazyPath system. This is a breaking change.
  - this is a partial implementation of #16351
* frontend: fixed the handling of Autodocs with regards to caching and
  putting the artifacts in the proper location to integrate with the
  build system.
  - closes #15864

* CI: delete the logic for autodocs since it is now handled by build.zig
  and is enabled by default.
  - in the future we should strive to have nearly all the CI shell
    script logic deleted in favor of `zig build` commands.
* CI: pass `-DZIG_NO_LIB=ON`/`-Dno-lib` except for the one command where
  we want to actually generate the langref and autodocs. Generating the
  langref takes 14 minutes right now (why?!) so we don't want to do that
  more times than necessary.

* Autodoc: fixed use of a global variable. It works fine as a local
  variable instead.
  - note that in the future we will want to make Autodoc run
    simultaneously using the job system, but for now the principle of
    YAGNI dictates that we don't have an init()/deinit() API and instead
    simply call the function that does the things.
* Autodoc: only do it when there are no compile errors
2023-07-22 00:16:27 -07:00

111 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File

# Requires cmake ninja-build
set -x
set -e
ARCH="$(uname -m)"
export PATH="$HOME/deps/wasmtime-v2.0.2-$ARCH-linux:$HOME/deps/qemu-linux-x86_64-$PATH"
# Make the `zig version` number consistent.
# This will affect the cmake command below.
git config core.abbrev 9
git fetch --unshallow || true
git fetch --tags
export CC="$ZIG cc -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU"
export CXX="$ZIG c++ -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU"
rm -rf build-debug
mkdir build-debug
cd build-debug
# Override the cache directories because they won't actually help other CI runs
# which will be testing alternate versions of zig, and ultimately would just
# fill up space on the hard drive for no reason.
export ZIG_GLOBAL_CACHE_DIR="$(pwd)/zig-global-cache"
export ZIG_LOCAL_CACHE_DIR="$(pwd)/zig-local-cache"
cmake .. \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="stage3-debug" \
# Now cmake will use zig as the C/C++ compiler. We reset the environment variables
# so that installation and testing do not get affected by them.
unset CC
unset CXX
ninja install
# TODO: move this to a build.zig step (check-fmt)
echo "Looking for non-conforming code formatting..."
stage3-debug/bin/zig fmt --check .. \
--exclude ../test/cases/ \
--exclude ../build-debug
# simultaneously test building self-hosted without LLVM and with 32-bit arm
stage3-debug/bin/zig build \
-Dtarget=arm-linux-musleabihf \
stage3-debug/bin/zig build test docs \
--maxrss 21000000000 \
-fqemu \
-fwasmtime \
-Dstatic-llvm \
-Dtarget=native-native-musl \
--search-prefix "$PREFIX" \
--zig-lib-dir "$(pwd)/../lib"
# Look for HTML errors.
# TODO: move this to a build.zig flag (-Denable-tidy)
tidy --drop-empty-elements no -qe "zig-out/doc/langref.html"
# Ensure that updating the wasm binary from this commit will result in a viable build.
stage3-debug/bin/zig build update-zig1
rm -rf ../build-new
mkdir ../build-new
cd ../build-new
export ZIG_GLOBAL_CACHE_DIR="$(pwd)/zig-global-cache"
export ZIG_LOCAL_CACHE_DIR="$(pwd)/zig-local-cache"
export CC="$ZIG cc -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU"
export CXX="$ZIG c++ -target $TARGET -mcpu=$MCPU"
cmake .. \
unset CC
unset CXX
ninja install
stage3/bin/zig test ../test/behavior.zig -I../test
stage3/bin/zig build -p stage4 \
-Dstatic-llvm \
-Dtarget=native-native-musl \
-Dno-lib \
--search-prefix "$PREFIX" \
--zig-lib-dir "$(pwd)/../lib"
stage4/bin/zig test ../test/behavior.zig -I../test