2020-01-19 00:11:45 +01:00

271 lines
10 KiB

// This file is included in the compilation unit when exporting an executable.
const root = @import("root");
const std = @import("std.zig");
const builtin = std.builtin;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const uefi = std.os.uefi;
var starting_stack_ptr: [*]usize = undefined;
const start_sym_name = if (builtin.arch.isMIPS()) "__start" else "_start";
comptime {
if (builtin.output_mode == .Lib and builtin.link_mode == .Dynamic) {
if (builtin.os == .windows and !@hasDecl(root, "_DllMainCRTStartup")) {
@export(_DllMainCRTStartup, .{ .name = "_DllMainCRTStartup" });
} else if (builtin.output_mode == .Exe or @hasDecl(root, "main")) {
if (builtin.link_libc and @hasDecl(root, "main")) {
if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(root.main)).Fn.calling_convention != .C) {
@export(main, .{ .name = "main", .linkage = .Weak });
} else if (builtin.os == .windows) {
if (!@hasDecl(root, "WinMain") and !@hasDecl(root, "WinMainCRTStartup")) {
@export(WinMainCRTStartup, .{ .name = "WinMainCRTStartup" });
} else if (builtin.os == .uefi) {
if (!@hasDecl(root, "EfiMain")) @export(EfiMain, .{ .name = "EfiMain" });
} else if (builtin.arch.isWasm() and builtin.os == .freestanding) {
if (!@hasDecl(root, start_sym_name)) @export(wasm_freestanding_start, .{ .name = start_sym_name });
} else if (builtin.os != .other and builtin.os != .freestanding) {
if (!@hasDecl(root, start_sym_name)) @export(_start, .{ .name = start_sym_name });
fn _DllMainCRTStartup(hinstDLL: std.os.windows.HINSTANCE, fdwReason: std.os.windows.DWORD, lpReserved: std.os.windows.LPVOID) callconv(.Stdcall) std.os.windows.BOOL {
if (@hasDecl(root, "DllMain")) {
return root.DllMain(hinstDLL, fdwReason, lpReserved);
return std.os.windows.TRUE;
fn wasm_freestanding_start() callconv(.C) void {
// This is marked inline because for some reason LLVM in release mode fails to inline it,
// and we want fewer call frames in stack traces.
_ = @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, callMain, .{});
fn EfiMain(handle: uefi.Handle, system_table: *uefi.tables.SystemTable) callconv(.C) usize {
const bad_efi_main_ret = "expected return type of main to be 'void', 'noreturn', or 'usize'";
uefi.handle = handle;
uefi.system_table = system_table;
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(root.main).ReturnType)) {
.NoReturn => {
.Void => {
return 0;
.Int => |info| {
if (info.bits != @typeInfo(usize).Int.bits) {
return root.main();
else => @compileError(bad_efi_main_ret),
fn _start() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.wasi) {
// This is marked inline because for some reason LLVM in release mode fails to inline it,
// and we want fewer call frames in stack traces.
std.os.wasi.proc_exit(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, callMain, .{}));
switch (builtin.arch) {
.x86_64 => {
starting_stack_ptr = asm (""
: [argc] "={rsp}" (-> [*]usize)
.i386 => {
starting_stack_ptr = asm (""
: [argc] "={esp}" (-> [*]usize)
.aarch64, .aarch64_be, .arm => {
starting_stack_ptr = asm ("mov %[argc], sp"
: [argc] "=r" (-> [*]usize)
.riscv64 => {
starting_stack_ptr = asm ("mv %[argc], sp"
: [argc] "=r" (-> [*]usize)
.mipsel => {
// Need noat here because LLVM is free to pick any register
starting_stack_ptr = asm (
\\ .set noat
\\ move %[argc], $sp
: [argc] "=r" (-> [*]usize)
else => @compileError("unsupported arch"),
// If LLVM inlines stack variables into _start, they will overwrite
// the command line argument data.
@call(.{ .modifier = .never_inline }, posixCallMainAndExit, .{});
fn WinMainCRTStartup() callconv(.Stdcall) noreturn {
if (!builtin.single_threaded) {
_ = @import("start_windows_tls.zig");
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/265
fn posixCallMainAndExit() noreturn {
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.freebsd) {
const argc = starting_stack_ptr[0];
const argv = @ptrCast([*][*:0]u8, starting_stack_ptr + 1);
const envp_optional = @ptrCast([*:null]?[*:0]u8, @alignCast(@alignOf(usize), argv + argc + 1));
var envp_count: usize = 0;
while (envp_optional[envp_count]) |_| : (envp_count += 1) {}
const envp = @ptrCast([*][*:0]u8, envp_optional)[0..envp_count];
if (builtin.os == .linux) {
// Find the beginning of the auxiliary vector
const auxv = @ptrCast([*]std.elf.Auxv, @alignCast(@alignOf(usize), envp.ptr + envp_count + 1));
std.os.linux.elf_aux_maybe = auxv;
// Initialize the TLS area
const gnu_stack_phdr = std.os.linux.tls.initTLS() orelse @panic("ELF missing stack size");
if (std.os.linux.tls.tls_image) |tls_img| {
const tls_addr = std.os.linux.tls.allocateTLS(tls_img.alloc_size);
const tp = std.os.linux.tls.copyTLS(tls_addr);
// TODO This is disabled because what should we do when linking libc and this code
// does not execute? And also it's causing a test failure in stack traces in release modes.
//// Linux ignores the stack size from the ELF file, and instead always does 8 MiB. A further
//// problem is that it uses PROT_GROWSDOWN which prevents stores to addresses too far down
//// the stack and requires "probing". So here we allocate our own stack.
//const wanted_stack_size = gnu_stack_phdr.p_memsz;
//assert(wanted_stack_size % std.mem.page_size == 0);
//// Allocate an extra page as the guard page.
//const total_size = wanted_stack_size + std.mem.page_size;
//const new_stack = std.os.mmap(
// null,
// total_size,
// std.os.PROT_READ | std.os.PROT_WRITE,
// std.os.MAP_PRIVATE | std.os.MAP_ANONYMOUS,
// -1,
// 0,
//) catch @panic("out of memory");
//std.os.mprotect(new_stack[0..std.mem.page_size], std.os.PROT_NONE) catch {};
//std.os.exit(@call(.{.stack = new_stack}, callMainWithArgs, .{argc, argv, envp}));
std.os.exit(@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, callMainWithArgs, .{ argc, argv, envp }));
fn callMainWithArgs(argc: usize, argv: [*][*:0]u8, envp: [][*:0]u8) u8 {
std.os.argv = argv[0..argc];
std.os.environ = envp;
return initEventLoopAndCallMain();
fn main(c_argc: i32, c_argv: [*][*:0]u8, c_envp: [*:null]?[*:0]u8) callconv(.C) i32 {
var env_count: usize = 0;
while (c_envp[env_count] != null) : (env_count += 1) {}
const envp = @ptrCast([*][*:0]u8, c_envp)[0..env_count];
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, callMainWithArgs, .{ @intCast(usize, c_argc), c_argv, envp });
// General error message for a malformed return type
const bad_main_ret = "expected return type of main to be 'void', '!void', 'noreturn', 'u8', or '!u8'";
// This is marked inline because for some reason LLVM in release mode fails to inline it,
// and we want fewer call frames in stack traces.
inline fn initEventLoopAndCallMain() u8 {
if (std.event.Loop.instance) |loop| {
if (!@hasDecl(root, "event_loop")) {
loop.init() catch |err| {
std.debug.warn("error: {}\n", .{@errorName(err)});
if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| {
return 1;
defer loop.deinit();
var result: u8 = undefined;
var frame: @Frame(callMainAsync) = undefined;
_ = @asyncCall(&frame, &result, callMainAsync, loop);
return result;
// This is marked inline because for some reason LLVM in release mode fails to inline it,
// and we want fewer call frames in stack traces.
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, callMain, .{});
async fn callMainAsync(loop: *std.event.Loop) u8 {
// This prevents the event loop from terminating at least until main() has returned.
defer loop.finishOneEvent();
return callMain();
// This is not marked inline because it is called with @asyncCall when
// there is an event loop.
pub fn callMain() u8 {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(root.main).ReturnType)) {
.NoReturn => {
.Void => {
return 0;
.Int => |info| {
if (info.bits != 8) {
return root.main();
.ErrorUnion => {
const result = root.main() catch |err| {
std.debug.warn("error: {}\n", .{@errorName(err)});
if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| {
return 1;
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(result))) {
.Void => return 0,
.Int => |info| {
if (info.bits != 8) {
return result;
else => @compileError(bad_main_ret),
else => @compileError(bad_main_ret),