2019-05-06 18:30:49 +02:00

86 lines
2.4 KiB

const std = @import("../../std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const linux = std.os.linux;
const mem = std.mem;
const elf = std.elf;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
test "getpid" {
expect(linux.getpid() != 0);
test "timer" {
const epoll_fd = linux.epoll_create();
var err = linux.getErrno(epoll_fd);
expect(err == 0);
const timer_fd = linux.timerfd_create(linux.CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);
expect(linux.getErrno(timer_fd) == 0);
const time_interval = linux.timespec{
.tv_sec = 0,
.tv_nsec = 2000000,
const new_time = linux.itimerspec{
.it_interval = time_interval,
.it_value = time_interval,
err = linux.timerfd_settime(@intCast(i32, timer_fd), 0, &new_time, null);
expect(err == 0);
var event = linux.epoll_event{
.events = linux.EPOLLIN | linux.EPOLLOUT | linux.EPOLLET,
.data = linux.epoll_data{ .ptr = 0 },
err = linux.epoll_ctl(@intCast(i32, epoll_fd), linux.EPOLL_CTL_ADD, @intCast(i32, timer_fd), &event);
expect(err == 0);
const events_one: linux.epoll_event = undefined;
var events = []linux.epoll_event{events_one} ** 8;
// TODO implicit cast from *[N]T to [*]T
err = linux.epoll_wait(@intCast(i32, epoll_fd), @ptrCast([*]linux.epoll_event, &events), 8, -1);
export fn iter_fn(info: *linux.dl_phdr_info, size: usize, data: ?*usize) i32 {
var counter = data.?;
// Count how many libraries are loaded
counter.* += usize(1);
// The image should contain at least a PT_LOAD segment
if (info.dlpi_phnum < 1) return -1;
// Quick & dirty validation of the phdr pointers, make sure we're not
// pointing to some random gibberish
var i: usize = 0;
var found_load = false;
while (i < info.dlpi_phnum) : (i += 1) {
const phdr = info.dlpi_phdr[i];
if (phdr.p_type != elf.PT_LOAD) continue;
// Find the ELF header
const elf_header = @intToPtr(*elf.Ehdr, phdr.p_vaddr - phdr.p_offset);
// Validate the magic
if (!mem.eql(u8, elf_header.e_ident[0..], "\x7fELF")) return -1;
// Consistency check
if (elf_header.e_phnum != info.dlpi_phnum) return -1;
found_load = true;
if (!found_load) return -1;
return 42;
test "dl_iterate_phdr" {
var counter: usize = 0;
expect(linux.dl_iterate_phdr(usize, iter_fn, &counter) != 0);
expect(counter != 0);