2018-08-24 12:59:31 -04:00

1348 lines
49 KiB

const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("../index.zig");
const event = std.event;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const os = std.os;
const mem = std.mem;
const posix = os.posix;
const windows = os.windows;
const Loop = event.Loop;
pub const RequestNode = std.atomic.Queue(Request).Node;
pub const Request = struct {
msg: Msg,
finish: Finish,
pub const Finish = union(enum) {
TickNode: Loop.NextTickNode,
DeallocCloseOperation: *CloseOperation,
pub const Msg = union(enum) {
PWriteV: PWriteV,
PReadV: PReadV,
Open: Open,
Close: Close,
WriteFile: WriteFile,
End, // special - means the fs thread should exit
pub const PWriteV = struct {
fd: os.FileHandle,
iov: []os.posix.iovec_const,
offset: usize,
result: Error!void,
pub const Error = os.File.WriteError;
pub const PReadV = struct {
fd: os.FileHandle,
iov: []os.posix.iovec,
offset: usize,
result: Error!usize,
pub const Error = os.File.ReadError;
pub const Open = struct {
/// must be null terminated. TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/265
path: []const u8,
flags: u32,
mode: os.File.Mode,
result: Error!os.FileHandle,
pub const Error = os.File.OpenError;
pub const WriteFile = struct {
/// must be null terminated. TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/265
path: []const u8,
contents: []const u8,
mode: os.File.Mode,
result: Error!void,
pub const Error = os.File.OpenError || os.File.WriteError;
pub const Close = struct {
fd: os.FileHandle,
/// data - just the inner references - must live until pwritev promise completes.
pub async fn pwritev(loop: *Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, data: []const []const u8, offset: usize) !void {
switch (builtin.os) {
=> return await (async pwritevPosix(loop, fd, data, offset) catch unreachable),
builtin.Os.windows => return await (async pwritevWindows(loop, fd, data, offset) catch unreachable),
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
/// data - just the inner references - must live until pwritev promise completes.
pub async fn pwritevWindows(loop: *Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, data: []const []const u8, offset: usize) !void {
if (data.len == 0) return;
if (data.len == 1) return await (async pwriteWindows(loop, fd, data[0], offset) catch unreachable);
const data_copy = try std.mem.dupe(loop.allocator, []const u8, data);
defer loop.allocator.free(data_copy);
// TODO do these in parallel
var off = offset;
for (data_copy) |buf| {
try await (async pwriteWindows(loop, fd, buf, off) catch unreachable);
off += buf.len;
pub async fn pwriteWindows(loop: *Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, data: []const u8, offset: u64) os.WindowsWriteError!void {
// workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
suspend {
resume @handle();
var resume_node = Loop.ResumeNode.Basic{
.base = Loop.ResumeNode{
.id = Loop.ResumeNode.Id.Basic,
.handle = @handle(),
const completion_key = @ptrToInt(&resume_node.base);
// TODO support concurrent async ops on the file handle
// we can do this by ignoring completion key and using @fieldParentPtr with the *Overlapped
_ = try os.windowsCreateIoCompletionPort(fd, loop.os_data.io_port, completion_key, undefined);
var overlapped = windows.OVERLAPPED{
.Internal = 0,
.InternalHigh = 0,
.Offset = @truncate(u32, offset),
.OffsetHigh = @truncate(u32, offset >> 32),
.hEvent = null,
errdefer loop.finishOneEvent();
errdefer {
_ = windows.CancelIoEx(fd, &overlapped);
suspend {
_ = windows.WriteFile(fd, data.ptr, @intCast(windows.DWORD, data.len), null, &overlapped);
var bytes_transferred: windows.DWORD = undefined;
if (windows.GetOverlappedResult(fd, &overlapped, &bytes_transferred, windows.FALSE) == 0) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
windows.ERROR.IO_PENDING => unreachable,
windows.ERROR.INVALID_USER_BUFFER => error.SystemResources,
windows.ERROR.NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY => error.SystemResources,
windows.ERROR.OPERATION_ABORTED => error.OperationAborted,
windows.ERROR.NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA => error.SystemResources,
windows.ERROR.BROKEN_PIPE => error.BrokenPipe,
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
/// data - just the inner references - must live until pwritev promise completes.
pub async fn pwritevPosix(loop: *Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, data: []const []const u8, offset: usize) !void {
// workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
suspend {
resume @handle();
const iovecs = try loop.allocator.alloc(os.posix.iovec_const, data.len);
defer loop.allocator.free(iovecs);
for (data) |buf, i| {
iovecs[i] = os.posix.iovec_const{
.iov_base = buf.ptr,
.iov_len = buf.len,
var req_node = RequestNode{
.prev = null,
.next = null,
.data = Request{
.msg = Request.Msg{
.PWriteV = Request.Msg.PWriteV{
.fd = fd,
.iov = iovecs,
.offset = offset,
.result = undefined,
.finish = Request.Finish{
.TickNode = Loop.NextTickNode{
.prev = null,
.next = null,
.data = @handle(),
errdefer loop.posixFsCancel(&req_node);
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.PWriteV.result;
/// data - just the inner references - must live until preadv promise completes.
pub async fn preadv(loop: *Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, data: []const []u8, offset: usize) !usize {
assert(data.len != 0);
switch (builtin.os) {
=> return await (async preadvPosix(loop, fd, data, offset) catch unreachable),
builtin.Os.windows => return await (async preadvWindows(loop, fd, data, offset) catch unreachable),
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
pub async fn preadvWindows(loop: *Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, data: []const []u8, offset: u64) !usize {
assert(data.len != 0);
if (data.len == 1) return await (async preadWindows(loop, fd, data[0], offset) catch unreachable);
const data_copy = try std.mem.dupe(loop.allocator, []u8, data);
defer loop.allocator.free(data_copy);
// TODO do these in parallel?
var off: usize = 0;
var iov_i: usize = 0;
var inner_off: usize = 0;
while (true) {
const v = data_copy[iov_i];
const amt_read = try await (async preadWindows(loop, fd, v[inner_off .. v.len - inner_off], offset + off) catch unreachable);
off += amt_read;
inner_off += amt_read;
if (inner_off == v.len) {
iov_i += 1;
inner_off = 0;
if (iov_i == data_copy.len) {
return off;
if (amt_read == 0) return off; // EOF
pub async fn preadWindows(loop: *Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, data: []u8, offset: u64) !usize {
// workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
suspend {
resume @handle();
var resume_node = Loop.ResumeNode.Basic{
.base = Loop.ResumeNode{
.id = Loop.ResumeNode.Id.Basic,
.handle = @handle(),
const completion_key = @ptrToInt(&resume_node.base);
// TODO support concurrent async ops on the file handle
// we can do this by ignoring completion key and using @fieldParentPtr with the *Overlapped
_ = try os.windowsCreateIoCompletionPort(fd, loop.os_data.io_port, completion_key, undefined);
var overlapped = windows.OVERLAPPED{
.Internal = 0,
.InternalHigh = 0,
.Offset = @truncate(u32, offset),
.OffsetHigh = @truncate(u32, offset >> 32),
.hEvent = null,
errdefer loop.finishOneEvent();
errdefer {
_ = windows.CancelIoEx(fd, &overlapped);
suspend {
_ = windows.ReadFile(fd, data.ptr, @intCast(windows.DWORD, data.len), null, &overlapped);
var bytes_transferred: windows.DWORD = undefined;
if (windows.GetOverlappedResult(fd, &overlapped, &bytes_transferred, windows.FALSE) == 0) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
windows.ERROR.IO_PENDING => unreachable,
windows.ERROR.OPERATION_ABORTED => error.OperationAborted,
windows.ERROR.BROKEN_PIPE => error.BrokenPipe,
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
return usize(bytes_transferred);
/// data - just the inner references - must live until preadv promise completes.
pub async fn preadvPosix(loop: *Loop, fd: os.FileHandle, data: []const []u8, offset: usize) !usize {
// workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
suspend {
resume @handle();
const iovecs = try loop.allocator.alloc(os.posix.iovec, data.len);
defer loop.allocator.free(iovecs);
for (data) |buf, i| {
iovecs[i] = os.posix.iovec{
.iov_base = buf.ptr,
.iov_len = buf.len,
var req_node = RequestNode{
.prev = null,
.next = null,
.data = Request{
.msg = Request.Msg{
.PReadV = Request.Msg.PReadV{
.fd = fd,
.iov = iovecs,
.offset = offset,
.result = undefined,
.finish = Request.Finish{
.TickNode = Loop.NextTickNode{
.prev = null,
.next = null,
.data = @handle(),
errdefer loop.posixFsCancel(&req_node);
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.PReadV.result;
pub async fn openPosix(
loop: *Loop,
path: []const u8,
flags: u32,
mode: os.File.Mode,
) os.File.OpenError!os.FileHandle {
// workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
suspend {
resume @handle();
const path_c = try std.os.toPosixPath(path);
var req_node = RequestNode{
.prev = null,
.next = null,
.data = Request{
.msg = Request.Msg{
.Open = Request.Msg.Open{
.path = path_c[0..path.len],
.flags = flags,
.mode = mode,
.result = undefined,
.finish = Request.Finish{
.TickNode = Loop.NextTickNode{
.prev = null,
.next = null,
.data = @handle(),
errdefer loop.posixFsCancel(&req_node);
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.Open.result;
pub async fn openRead(loop: *Loop, path: []const u8) os.File.OpenError!os.FileHandle {
switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.macosx, builtin.Os.linux => {
const flags = posix.O_LARGEFILE | posix.O_RDONLY | posix.O_CLOEXEC;
return await (async openPosix(loop, path, flags, os.File.default_mode) catch unreachable);
builtin.Os.windows => return os.windowsOpen(
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
/// Creates if does not exist. Truncates the file if it exists.
/// Uses the default mode.
pub async fn openWrite(loop: *Loop, path: []const u8) os.File.OpenError!os.FileHandle {
return await (async openWriteMode(loop, path, os.File.default_mode) catch unreachable);
/// Creates if does not exist. Truncates the file if it exists.
pub async fn openWriteMode(loop: *Loop, path: []const u8, mode: os.File.Mode) os.File.OpenError!os.FileHandle {
switch (builtin.os) {
=> {
const flags = posix.O_LARGEFILE | posix.O_WRONLY | posix.O_CREAT | posix.O_CLOEXEC | posix.O_TRUNC;
return await (async openPosix(loop, path, flags, os.File.default_mode) catch unreachable);
builtin.Os.windows => return os.windowsOpen(
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
/// Creates if does not exist. Does not truncate.
pub async fn openReadWrite(
loop: *Loop,
path: []const u8,
mode: os.File.Mode,
) os.File.OpenError!os.FileHandle {
switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.macosx, builtin.Os.linux => {
const flags = posix.O_LARGEFILE | posix.O_RDWR | posix.O_CREAT | posix.O_CLOEXEC;
return await (async openPosix(loop, path, flags, mode) catch unreachable);
builtin.Os.windows => return os.windowsOpen(
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
/// This abstraction helps to close file handles in defer expressions
/// without the possibility of failure and without the use of suspend points.
/// Start a `CloseOperation` before opening a file, so that you can defer
/// `CloseOperation.finish`.
/// If you call `setHandle` then finishing will close the fd; otherwise finishing
/// will deallocate the `CloseOperation`.
pub const CloseOperation = struct {
loop: *Loop,
os_data: OsData,
const OsData = switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.linux, builtin.Os.macosx => OsDataPosix,
builtin.Os.windows => struct {
handle: ?os.FileHandle,
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
const OsDataPosix = struct {
have_fd: bool,
close_req_node: RequestNode,
pub fn start(loop: *Loop) (error{OutOfMemory}!*CloseOperation) {
const self = try loop.allocator.createOne(CloseOperation);
self.* = CloseOperation{
.loop = loop,
.os_data = switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.linux, builtin.Os.macosx => initOsDataPosix(self),
builtin.Os.windows => OsData{ .handle = null },
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
return self;
fn initOsDataPosix(self: *CloseOperation) OsData {
return OsData{
.have_fd = false,
.close_req_node = RequestNode{
.prev = null,
.next = null,
.data = Request{
.msg = Request.Msg{
.Close = Request.Msg.Close{ .fd = undefined },
.finish = Request.Finish{ .DeallocCloseOperation = self },
/// Defer this after creating.
pub fn finish(self: *CloseOperation) void {
switch (builtin.os) {
=> {
if (self.os_data.have_fd) {
} else {
builtin.Os.windows => {
if (self.os_data.handle) |handle| {
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
pub fn setHandle(self: *CloseOperation, handle: os.FileHandle) void {
switch (builtin.os) {
=> {
self.os_data.close_req_node.data.msg.Close.fd = handle;
self.os_data.have_fd = true;
builtin.Os.windows => {
self.os_data.handle = handle;
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
/// Undo a `setHandle`.
pub fn clearHandle(self: *CloseOperation) void {
switch (builtin.os) {
=> {
self.os_data.have_fd = false;
builtin.Os.windows => {
self.os_data.handle = null;
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
pub fn getHandle(self: *CloseOperation) os.FileHandle {
switch (builtin.os) {
=> {
return self.os_data.close_req_node.data.msg.Close.fd;
builtin.Os.windows => {
return self.os_data.handle.?;
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
/// contents must remain alive until writeFile completes.
/// TODO make this atomic or provide writeFileAtomic and rename this one to writeFileTruncate
pub async fn writeFile(loop: *Loop, path: []const u8, contents: []const u8) !void {
return await (async writeFileMode(loop, path, contents, os.File.default_mode) catch unreachable);
/// contents must remain alive until writeFile completes.
pub async fn writeFileMode(loop: *Loop, path: []const u8, contents: []const u8, mode: os.File.Mode) !void {
switch (builtin.os) {
=> return await (async writeFileModeThread(loop, path, contents, mode) catch unreachable),
builtin.Os.windows => return await (async writeFileWindows(loop, path, contents) catch unreachable),
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
async fn writeFileWindows(loop: *Loop, path: []const u8, contents: []const u8) !void {
const handle = try os.windowsOpen(
defer os.close(handle);
try await (async pwriteWindows(loop, handle, contents, 0) catch unreachable);
async fn writeFileModeThread(loop: *Loop, path: []const u8, contents: []const u8, mode: os.File.Mode) !void {
// workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
suspend {
resume @handle();
const path_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(loop.allocator, path);
defer loop.allocator.free(path_with_null);
var req_node = RequestNode{
.prev = null,
.next = null,
.data = Request{
.msg = Request.Msg{
.WriteFile = Request.Msg.WriteFile{
.path = path_with_null[0..path.len],
.contents = contents,
.mode = mode,
.result = undefined,
.finish = Request.Finish{
.TickNode = Loop.NextTickNode{
.prev = null,
.next = null,
.data = @handle(),
errdefer loop.posixFsCancel(&req_node);
suspend {
return req_node.data.msg.WriteFile.result;
/// The promise resumes when the last data has been confirmed written, but before the file handle
/// is closed.
/// Caller owns returned memory.
pub async fn readFile(loop: *Loop, file_path: []const u8, max_size: usize) ![]u8 {
var close_op = try CloseOperation.start(loop);
defer close_op.finish();
const fd = try await (async openRead(loop, file_path) catch unreachable);
var list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(loop.allocator);
defer list.deinit();
while (true) {
try list.ensureCapacity(list.len + os.page_size);
const buf = list.items[list.len..];
const buf_array = [][]u8{buf};
const amt = try await (async preadv(loop, fd, buf_array, list.len) catch unreachable);
list.len += amt;
if (list.len > max_size) {
return error.FileTooBig;
if (amt < buf.len) {
return list.toOwnedSlice();
pub const WatchEventId = enum {
pub const WatchEventError = error{
Unexpected, // TODO remove this possibility
pub fn Watch(comptime V: type) type {
return struct {
channel: *event.Channel(Event.Error!Event),
os_data: OsData,
const OsData = switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.macosx => struct {
file_table: FileTable,
table_lock: event.Lock,
const FileTable = std.AutoHashMap([]const u8, *Put);
const Put = struct {
putter: promise,
value_ptr: *V,
builtin.Os.linux => LinuxOsData,
builtin.Os.windows => WindowsOsData,
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
const WindowsOsData = struct {
table_lock: event.Lock,
dir_table: DirTable,
all_putters: std.atomic.Queue(promise),
ref_count: std.atomic.Int(usize),
const DirTable = std.AutoHashMap([]const u8, *Dir);
const FileTable = std.AutoHashMap([]const u16, V);
const Dir = struct {
putter: promise,
file_table: FileTable,
table_lock: event.Lock,
const LinuxOsData = struct {
putter: promise,
inotify_fd: i32,
wd_table: WdTable,
table_lock: event.Lock,
const WdTable = std.AutoHashMap(i32, Dir);
const FileTable = std.AutoHashMap([]const u8, V);
const Dir = struct {
dirname: []const u8,
file_table: FileTable,
const FileToHandle = std.AutoHashMap([]const u8, promise);
const Self = this;
pub const Event = struct {
id: Id,
data: V,
pub const Id = WatchEventId;
pub const Error = WatchEventError;
pub fn create(loop: *Loop, event_buf_count: usize) !*Self {
const channel = try event.Channel(Self.Event.Error!Self.Event).create(loop, event_buf_count);
errdefer channel.destroy();
switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.linux => {
const inotify_fd = try os.linuxINotifyInit1(os.linux.IN_NONBLOCK | os.linux.IN_CLOEXEC);
errdefer os.close(inotify_fd);
var result: *Self = undefined;
_ = try async<loop.allocator> linuxEventPutter(inotify_fd, channel, &result);
return result;
builtin.Os.windows => {
const self = try loop.allocator.createOne(Self);
errdefer loop.allocator.destroy(self);
self.* = Self{
.channel = channel,
.os_data = OsData{
.table_lock = event.Lock.init(loop),
.dir_table = OsData.DirTable.init(loop.allocator),
.ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1),
.all_putters = std.atomic.Queue(promise).init(),
return self;
builtin.Os.macosx => {
const self = try loop.allocator.createOne(Self);
errdefer loop.allocator.destroy(self);
self.* = Self{
.channel = channel,
.os_data = OsData{
.table_lock = event.Lock.init(loop),
.file_table = OsData.FileTable.init(loop.allocator),
return self;
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
/// All addFile calls and removeFile calls must have completed.
pub fn destroy(self: *Self) void {
switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.macosx => {
// TODO we need to cancel the coroutines before destroying the lock
var it = self.os_data.file_table.iterator();
while (it.next()) |entry| {
cancel entry.value.putter;
builtin.Os.linux => cancel self.os_data.putter,
builtin.Os.windows => {
while (self.os_data.all_putters.get()) |putter_node| {
cancel putter_node.data;
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
fn ref(self: *Self) void {
_ = self.os_data.ref_count.incr();
fn deref(self: *Self) void {
if (self.os_data.ref_count.decr() == 1) {
const allocator = self.channel.loop.allocator;
var it = self.os_data.dir_table.iterator();
while (it.next()) |entry| {
pub async fn addFile(self: *Self, file_path: []const u8, value: V) !?V {
switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.macosx => return await (async addFileMacosx(self, file_path, value) catch unreachable),
builtin.Os.linux => return await (async addFileLinux(self, file_path, value) catch unreachable),
builtin.Os.windows => return await (async addFileWindows(self, file_path, value) catch unreachable),
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
async fn addFileMacosx(self: *Self, file_path: []const u8, value: V) !?V {
const resolved_path = try os.path.resolve(self.channel.loop.allocator, file_path);
var resolved_path_consumed = false;
defer if (!resolved_path_consumed) self.channel.loop.allocator.free(resolved_path);
var close_op = try CloseOperation.start(self.channel.loop);
var close_op_consumed = false;
defer if (!close_op_consumed) close_op.finish();
const flags = posix.O_SYMLINK | posix.O_EVTONLY;
const mode = 0;
const fd = try await (async openPosix(self.channel.loop, resolved_path, flags, mode) catch unreachable);
var put_data: *OsData.Put = undefined;
const putter = try async self.kqPutEvents(close_op, value, &put_data);
close_op_consumed = true;
errdefer cancel putter;
const result = blk: {
const held = await (async self.os_data.table_lock.acquire() catch unreachable);
defer held.release();
const gop = try self.os_data.file_table.getOrPut(resolved_path);
if (gop.found_existing) {
const prev_value = gop.kv.value.value_ptr.*;
cancel gop.kv.value.putter;
gop.kv.value = put_data;
break :blk prev_value;
} else {
resolved_path_consumed = true;
gop.kv.value = put_data;
break :blk null;
return result;
async fn kqPutEvents(self: *Self, close_op: *CloseOperation, value: V, out_put: **OsData.Put) void {
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
suspend {
resume @handle();
var value_copy = value;
var put = OsData.Put{
.putter = @handle(),
.value_ptr = &value_copy,
out_put.* = &put;
defer {
while (true) {
if (await (async self.channel.loop.bsdWaitKev(
@intCast(usize, close_op.getHandle()),
) catch unreachable)) |kev| {
// TODO handle EV_ERROR
if (kev.fflags & posix.NOTE_DELETE != 0) {
await (async self.channel.put(Self.Event{
.id = Event.Id.Delete,
.data = value_copy,
}) catch unreachable);
} else if (kev.fflags & posix.NOTE_WRITE != 0) {
await (async self.channel.put(Self.Event{
.id = Event.Id.CloseWrite,
.data = value_copy,
}) catch unreachable);
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.EventNotFound => unreachable,
error.ProcessNotFound => unreachable,
error.AccessDenied, error.SystemResources => {
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/769
const casted_err = @errSetCast(error{
}, err);
await (async self.channel.put(casted_err) catch unreachable);
async fn addFileLinux(self: *Self, file_path: []const u8, value: V) !?V {
const value_copy = value;
const dirname = os.path.dirname(file_path) orelse ".";
const dirname_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(self.channel.loop.allocator, dirname);
var dirname_with_null_consumed = false;
defer if (!dirname_with_null_consumed) self.channel.loop.allocator.free(dirname_with_null);
const basename = os.path.basename(file_path);
const basename_with_null = try std.cstr.addNullByte(self.channel.loop.allocator, basename);
var basename_with_null_consumed = false;
defer if (!basename_with_null_consumed) self.channel.loop.allocator.free(basename_with_null);
const wd = try os.linuxINotifyAddWatchC(
os.linux.IN_CLOSE_WRITE | os.linux.IN_ONLYDIR | os.linux.IN_EXCL_UNLINK,
// wd is either a newly created watch or an existing one.
const held = await (async self.os_data.table_lock.acquire() catch unreachable);
defer held.release();
const gop = try self.os_data.wd_table.getOrPut(wd);
if (!gop.found_existing) {
gop.kv.value = OsData.Dir{
.dirname = dirname_with_null,
.file_table = OsData.FileTable.init(self.channel.loop.allocator),
dirname_with_null_consumed = true;
const dir = &gop.kv.value;
const file_table_gop = try dir.file_table.getOrPut(basename_with_null);
if (file_table_gop.found_existing) {
const prev_value = file_table_gop.kv.value;
file_table_gop.kv.value = value_copy;
return prev_value;
} else {
file_table_gop.kv.value = value_copy;
basename_with_null_consumed = true;
return null;
async fn addFileWindows(self: *Self, file_path: []const u8, value: V) !?V {
const value_copy = value;
// TODO we might need to convert dirname and basename to canonical file paths ("short"?)
const dirname = try std.mem.dupe(self.channel.loop.allocator, u8, os.path.dirname(file_path) orelse ".");
var dirname_consumed = false;
defer if (!dirname_consumed) self.channel.loop.allocator.free(dirname);
const dirname_utf16le = try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeWithNull(self.channel.loop.allocator, dirname);
defer self.channel.loop.allocator.free(dirname_utf16le);
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/265
const basename = os.path.basename(file_path);
const basename_utf16le_null = try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeWithNull(self.channel.loop.allocator, basename);
var basename_utf16le_null_consumed = false;
defer if (!basename_utf16le_null_consumed) self.channel.loop.allocator.free(basename_utf16le_null);
const basename_utf16le_no_null = basename_utf16le_null[0 .. basename_utf16le_null.len - 1];
const dir_handle = windows.CreateFileW(
if (dir_handle == windows.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
switch (err) {
windows.ERROR.FILE_NOT_FOUND => return error.FileNotFound,
windows.ERROR.PATH_NOT_FOUND => return error.FileNotFound,
else => return os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
var dir_handle_consumed = false;
defer if (!dir_handle_consumed) os.close(dir_handle);
const held = await (async self.os_data.table_lock.acquire() catch unreachable);
defer held.release();
const gop = try self.os_data.dir_table.getOrPut(dirname);
if (gop.found_existing) {
const dir = gop.kv.value;
const held_dir_lock = await (async dir.table_lock.acquire() catch unreachable);
defer held_dir_lock.release();
const file_gop = try dir.file_table.getOrPut(basename_utf16le_no_null);
if (file_gop.found_existing) {
const prev_value = file_gop.kv.value;
file_gop.kv.value = value_copy;
return prev_value;
} else {
file_gop.kv.value = value_copy;
basename_utf16le_null_consumed = true;
return null;
} else {
errdefer _ = self.os_data.dir_table.remove(dirname);
const dir = try self.channel.loop.allocator.createOne(OsData.Dir);
errdefer self.channel.loop.allocator.destroy(dir);
dir.* = OsData.Dir{
.file_table = OsData.FileTable.init(self.channel.loop.allocator),
.table_lock = event.Lock.init(self.channel.loop),
.putter = undefined,
gop.kv.value = dir;
assert((try dir.file_table.put(basename_utf16le_no_null, value_copy)) == null);
basename_utf16le_null_consumed = true;
dir.putter = try async self.windowsDirReader(dir_handle, dir);
dir_handle_consumed = true;
dirname_consumed = true;
return null;
async fn windowsDirReader(self: *Self, dir_handle: windows.HANDLE, dir: *OsData.Dir) void {
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
suspend {
resume @handle();
defer self.deref();
defer os.close(dir_handle);
var putter_node = std.atomic.Queue(promise).Node{
.data = @handle(),
.prev = null,
.next = null,
defer _ = self.os_data.all_putters.remove(&putter_node);
var resume_node = Loop.ResumeNode.Basic{
.base = Loop.ResumeNode{
.id = Loop.ResumeNode.Id.Basic,
.handle = @handle(),
const completion_key = @ptrToInt(&resume_node.base);
var overlapped = windows.OVERLAPPED{
.Internal = 0,
.InternalHigh = 0,
.Offset = 0,
.OffsetHigh = 0,
.hEvent = null,
var event_buf: [4096]u8 align(@alignOf(windows.FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION)) = undefined;
// TODO handle this error not in the channel but in the setup
_ = os.windowsCreateIoCompletionPort(
) catch |err| {
await (async self.channel.put(err) catch unreachable);
while (true) {
// TODO only 1 beginOneEvent for the whole coroutine
errdefer self.channel.loop.finishOneEvent();
errdefer {
_ = windows.CancelIoEx(dir_handle, &overlapped);
suspend {
_ = windows.ReadDirectoryChangesW(
@intCast(windows.DWORD, event_buf.len),
windows.FALSE, // watch subtree
null, // number of bytes transferred (unused for async)
null, // completion routine - unused because we use IOCP
var bytes_transferred: windows.DWORD = undefined;
if (windows.GetOverlappedResult(dir_handle, &overlapped, &bytes_transferred, windows.FALSE) == 0) {
const errno = windows.GetLastError();
const err = switch (errno) {
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(errno),
await (async self.channel.put(err) catch unreachable);
} else {
// can't use @bytesToSlice because of the special variable length name field
var ptr = event_buf[0..].ptr;
const end_ptr = ptr + bytes_transferred;
var ev: *windows.FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION = undefined;
while (@ptrToInt(ptr) < @ptrToInt(end_ptr)) : (ptr += ev.NextEntryOffset) {
ev = @ptrCast(*windows.FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION, ptr);
const emit = switch (ev.Action) {
windows.FILE_ACTION_REMOVED => WatchEventId.Delete,
windows.FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED => WatchEventId.CloseWrite,
else => null,
if (emit) |id| {
const basename_utf16le = ([*]u16)(&ev.FileName)[0 .. ev.FileNameLength / 2];
const user_value = blk: {
const held = await (async dir.table_lock.acquire() catch unreachable);
defer held.release();
if (dir.file_table.get(basename_utf16le)) |entry| {
break :blk entry.value;
} else {
break :blk null;
if (user_value) |v| {
await (async self.channel.put(Event{
.id = id,
.data = v,
}) catch unreachable);
if (ev.NextEntryOffset == 0) break;
pub async fn removeFile(self: *Self, file_path: []const u8) ?V {
async fn linuxEventPutter(inotify_fd: i32, channel: *event.Channel(Event.Error!Event), out_watch: **Self) void {
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1194
suspend {
resume @handle();
const loop = channel.loop;
var watch = Self{
.channel = channel,
.os_data = OsData{
.putter = @handle(),
.inotify_fd = inotify_fd,
.wd_table = OsData.WdTable.init(loop.allocator),
.table_lock = event.Lock.init(loop),
out_watch.* = &watch;
defer {
var wd_it = watch.os_data.wd_table.iterator();
while (wd_it.next()) |wd_entry| {
var file_it = wd_entry.value.file_table.iterator();
while (file_it.next()) |file_entry| {
var event_buf: [4096]u8 align(@alignOf(os.linux.inotify_event)) = undefined;
while (true) {
const rc = os.linux.read(inotify_fd, &event_buf, event_buf.len);
const errno = os.linux.getErrno(rc);
switch (errno) {
0 => {
// can't use @bytesToSlice because of the special variable length name field
var ptr = event_buf[0..].ptr;
const end_ptr = ptr + event_buf.len;
var ev: *os.linux.inotify_event = undefined;
while (@ptrToInt(ptr) < @ptrToInt(end_ptr)) : (ptr += @sizeOf(os.linux.inotify_event) + ev.len) {
ev = @ptrCast(*os.linux.inotify_event, ptr);
if (ev.mask & os.linux.IN_CLOSE_WRITE == os.linux.IN_CLOSE_WRITE) {
const basename_ptr = ptr + @sizeOf(os.linux.inotify_event);
const basename_with_null = basename_ptr[0 .. std.cstr.len(basename_ptr) + 1];
const user_value = blk: {
const held = await (async watch.os_data.table_lock.acquire() catch unreachable);
defer held.release();
const dir = &watch.os_data.wd_table.get(ev.wd).?.value;
if (dir.file_table.get(basename_with_null)) |entry| {
break :blk entry.value;
} else {
break :blk null;
if (user_value) |v| {
await (async channel.put(Event{
.id = WatchEventId.CloseWrite,
.data = v,
}) catch unreachable);
os.linux.EINTR => continue,
os.linux.EINVAL => unreachable,
os.linux.EFAULT => unreachable,
os.linux.EAGAIN => {
(await (async loop.linuxWaitFd(
os.linux.EPOLLET | os.linux.EPOLLIN,
) catch unreachable)) catch |err| {
const transformed_err = switch (err) {
error.InvalidFileDescriptor => unreachable,
error.FileDescriptorAlreadyPresentInSet => unreachable,
error.InvalidSyscall => unreachable,
error.OperationCausesCircularLoop => unreachable,
error.FileDescriptorNotRegistered => unreachable,
error.SystemResources => error.SystemResources,
error.UserResourceLimitReached => error.UserResourceLimitReached,
error.FileDescriptorIncompatibleWithEpoll => unreachable,
error.Unexpected => unreachable,
await (async channel.put(transformed_err) catch unreachable);
else => unreachable,
const test_tmp_dir = "std_event_fs_test";
test "write a file, watch it, write it again" {
var da = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init();
defer da.deinit();
const allocator = &da.allocator;
// TODO move this into event loop too
try os.makePath(allocator, test_tmp_dir);
defer os.deleteTree(allocator, test_tmp_dir) catch {};
var loop: Loop = undefined;
try loop.initMultiThreaded(allocator);
defer loop.deinit();
var result: error!void = error.ResultNeverWritten;
const handle = try async<allocator> testFsWatchCantFail(&loop, &result);
defer cancel handle;
return result;
async fn testFsWatchCantFail(loop: *Loop, result: *(error!void)) void {
result.* = await async testFsWatch(loop) catch unreachable;
async fn testFsWatch(loop: *Loop) !void {
const file_path = try os.path.join(loop.allocator, test_tmp_dir, "file.txt");
defer loop.allocator.free(file_path);
const contents =
\\line 1
\\line 2
const line2_offset = 7;
// first just write then read the file
try await try async writeFile(loop, file_path, contents);
const read_contents = try await try async readFile(loop, file_path, 1024 * 1024);
assert(mem.eql(u8, read_contents, contents));
// now watch the file
var watch = try Watch(void).create(loop, 0);
defer watch.destroy();
assert((try await try async watch.addFile(file_path, {})) == null);
const ev = try async watch.channel.get();
var ev_consumed = false;
defer if (!ev_consumed) cancel ev;
// overwrite line 2
const fd = try await try async openReadWrite(loop, file_path, os.File.default_mode);
defer os.close(fd);
try await try async pwritev(loop, fd, []const []const u8{"lorem ipsum"}, line2_offset);
ev_consumed = true;
switch ((try await ev).id) {
WatchEventId.CloseWrite => {},
WatchEventId.Delete => @panic("wrong event"),
const contents_updated = try await try async readFile(loop, file_path, 1024 * 1024);
assert(mem.eql(u8, contents_updated,
\\line 1
\\lorem ipsum
// TODO test deleting the file and then re-adding it. we should get events for both