
2661 lines
90 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015 Andrew Kelley
* This file is part of zig, which is MIT licensed.
* See http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
#include "parser.hpp"
#include "errmsg.hpp"
#include "analyze.hpp"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
struct ParseContext {
Buf *buf;
AstNode *root;
ZigList<Token> *tokens;
ImportTableEntry *owner;
ErrColor err_color;
uint32_t *next_node_index;
// These buffers are used freqently so we preallocate them once here.
Buf *void_buf;
Buf *empty_buf;
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 4, 5)))
__attribute__ ((noreturn))
static void ast_asm_error(ParseContext *pc, AstNode *node, size_t offset, const char *format, ...) {
assert(node->type == NodeTypeAsmExpr);
// TODO calculate or otherwise keep track of originating line/column number for strings
//SrcPos pos = node->data.asm_expr.offset_map.at(offset);
SrcPos pos = { node->line, node->column };
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
Buf *msg = buf_vprintf(format, ap);
ErrorMsg *err = err_msg_create_with_line(pc->owner->path, pos.line, pos.column,
pc->owner->source_code, pc->owner->line_offsets, msg);
print_err_msg(err, pc->err_color);
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)))
__attribute__ ((noreturn))
static void ast_error(ParseContext *pc, Token *token, const char *format, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
Buf *msg = buf_vprintf(format, ap);
ErrorMsg *err = err_msg_create_with_line(pc->owner->path, token->start_line, token->start_column,
pc->owner->source_code, pc->owner->line_offsets, msg);
err->line_start = token->start_line;
err->column_start = token->start_column;
print_err_msg(err, pc->err_color);
static AstNode *ast_create_node_no_line_info(ParseContext *pc, NodeType type) {
AstNode *node = allocate<AstNode>(1);
node->type = type;
node->owner = pc->owner;
node->create_index = *pc->next_node_index;
*pc->next_node_index += 1;
return node;
static void ast_update_node_line_info(AstNode *node, Token *first_token) {
node->line = first_token->start_line;
node->column = first_token->start_column;
static AstNode *ast_create_node(ParseContext *pc, NodeType type, Token *first_token) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node_no_line_info(pc, type);
ast_update_node_line_info(node, first_token);
return node;
static AstNode *ast_create_void_type_node(ParseContext *pc, Token *token) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeSymbol, token);
node->data.symbol_expr.symbol = pc->void_buf;
return node;
static void parse_asm_template(ParseContext *pc, AstNode *node) {
Buf *asm_template = node->data.asm_expr.asm_template;
enum State {
ZigList<AsmToken> *tok_list = &node->data.asm_expr.token_list;
assert(tok_list->length == 0);
AsmToken *cur_tok = nullptr;
enum State state = StateStart;
for (size_t i = 0; i < buf_len(asm_template); i += 1) {
uint8_t c = *((uint8_t*)buf_ptr(asm_template) + i);
switch (state) {
case StateStart:
if (c == '%') {
cur_tok = &tok_list->last();
cur_tok->id = AsmTokenIdPercent;
cur_tok->start = i;
state = StatePercent;
} else {
cur_tok = &tok_list->last();
cur_tok->id = AsmTokenIdTemplate;
cur_tok->start = i;
state = StateTemplate;
case StatePercent:
if (c == '%') {
cur_tok->end = i;
state = StateStart;
} else if (c == '[') {
cur_tok->id = AsmTokenIdVar;
state = StateVar;
} else {
ast_asm_error(pc, node, i, "expected a '%%' or '['");
case StateTemplate:
if (c == '%') {
cur_tok->end = i;
i -= 1;
cur_tok = nullptr;
state = StateStart;
case StateVar:
if (c == ']') {
cur_tok->end = i;
state = StateStart;
} else if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
(c == '_'))
// do nothing
} else {
ast_asm_error(pc, node, i, "invalid substitution character: '%c'", c);
switch (state) {
case StateStart:
case StatePercent:
case StateVar:
ast_asm_error(pc, node, buf_len(asm_template), "unexpected end of assembly template");
case StateTemplate:
cur_tok->end = buf_len(asm_template);
static Buf *token_buf(Token *token) {
assert(token->id == TokenIdStringLiteral || token->id == TokenIdSymbol);
return &token->data.str_lit.str;
static BigNum *token_bignum(Token *token) {
assert(token->id == TokenIdNumberLiteral);
return &token->data.num_lit.bignum;
static uint8_t token_char_lit(Token *token) {
assert(token->id == TokenIdCharLiteral);
return token->data.char_lit.c;
static void ast_buf_from_token(ParseContext *pc, Token *token, Buf *buf) {
if (token->id == TokenIdSymbol) {
buf_init_from_buf(buf, token_buf(token));
} else {
buf_init_from_mem(buf, buf_ptr(pc->buf) + token->start_pos, token->end_pos - token->start_pos);
__attribute__ ((noreturn))
static void ast_invalid_token_error(ParseContext *pc, Token *token) {
Buf token_value = BUF_INIT;
ast_buf_from_token(pc, token, &token_value);
ast_error(pc, token, "invalid token: '%s'", buf_ptr(&token_value));
static AstNode *ast_parse_expression(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory);
static AstNode *ast_parse_block(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory);
static AstNode *ast_parse_if_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory);
static AstNode *ast_parse_block_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory);
static AstNode *ast_parse_unwrap_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory);
static AstNode *ast_parse_prefix_op_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory);
static AstNode *ast_parse_fn_proto(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory, VisibMod visib_mod);
static AstNode *ast_parse_return_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index);
static AstNode *ast_parse_grouped_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory);
static void ast_expect_token(ParseContext *pc, Token *token, TokenId token_id) {
if (token->id == token_id) {
Buf token_value = BUF_INIT;
ast_buf_from_token(pc, token, &token_value);
ast_error(pc, token, "expected token '%s', found '%s'", token_name(token_id), token_name(token->id));
static Token *ast_eat_token(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, TokenId token_id) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
ast_expect_token(pc, token, token_id);
*token_index += 1;
return token;
TypeExpr = PrefixOpExpression | "var"
static AstNode *ast_parse_type_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordVar) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeVarLiteral, token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else {
return ast_parse_prefix_op_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
ParamDecl = option("noalias" | "inline") option("Symbol" ":") TypeExpr | "..."
static AstNode *ast_parse_param_decl(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdEllipsis) {
*token_index += 1;
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeParamDecl, token);
if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordNoAlias) {
node->data.param_decl.is_noalias = true;
*token_index += 1;
token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordInline) {
node->data.param_decl.is_inline = true;
*token_index += 1;
token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
node->data.param_decl.name = pc->empty_buf;
if (token->id == TokenIdSymbol) {
Token *next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdColon) {
node->data.param_decl.name = token_buf(token);
*token_index += 2;
node->data.param_decl.type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, true);
return node;
static void ast_parse_param_decl_list(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index,
ZigList<AstNode *> *params, bool *is_var_args)
*is_var_args = false;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdRParen) {
*token_index += 1;
for (;;) {
AstNode *param_decl_node = ast_parse_param_decl(pc, token_index);
bool expect_end = false;
if (param_decl_node) {
} else {
*is_var_args = true;
expect_end = true;
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
*token_index += 1;
if (token->id == TokenIdRParen) {
} else if (expect_end) {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
} else {
ast_expect_token(pc, token, TokenIdComma);
static void ast_parse_fn_call_param_list(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, ZigList<AstNode*> *params) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdRParen) {
*token_index += 1;
for (;;) {
AstNode *expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
*token_index += 1;
if (token->id == TokenIdRParen) {
} else {
ast_expect_token(pc, token, TokenIdComma);
GroupedExpression : token(LParen) Expression token(RParen)
static AstNode *ast_parse_grouped_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *l_paren = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (l_paren->id != TokenIdLParen) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, l_paren, TokenIdLParen);
} else {
return nullptr;
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
Token *r_paren = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
*token_index += 1;
ast_expect_token(pc, r_paren, TokenIdRParen);
return node;
ArrayType : "[" option(Expression) "]" option("const") PrefixOpExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_array_type_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *l_bracket = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (l_bracket->id != TokenIdLBracket) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, l_bracket, TokenIdLBracket);
} else {
return nullptr;
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeArrayType, l_bracket);
node->data.array_type.size = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, false);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRBracket);
Token *const_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (const_tok->id == TokenIdKeywordConst) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.array_type.is_const = true;
node->data.array_type.child_type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, true);
return node;
AsmInputItem : token(LBracket) token(Symbol) token(RBracket) token(String) token(LParen) Expression token(RParen)
static void ast_parse_asm_input_item(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, AstNode *node) {
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLBracket);
Token *alias = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRBracket);
Token *constraint = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdStringLiteral);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
AstNode *expr_node = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
AsmInput *asm_input = allocate<AsmInput>(1);
asm_input->asm_symbolic_name = token_buf(alias);
asm_input->constraint = token_buf(constraint);
asm_input->expr = expr_node;
AsmOutputItem : "[" "Symbol" "]" "String" "(" ("Symbol" | "->" PrefixOpExpression) ")"
static void ast_parse_asm_output_item(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, AstNode *node) {
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLBracket);
Token *alias = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRBracket);
Token *constraint = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdStringLiteral);
AsmOutput *asm_output = allocate<AsmOutput>(1);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
*token_index += 1;
if (token->id == TokenIdSymbol) {
asm_output->variable_name = token_buf(token);
} else if (token->id == TokenIdArrow) {
asm_output->return_type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, true);
} else {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
asm_output->asm_symbolic_name = token_buf(alias);
asm_output->constraint = token_buf(constraint);
AsmClobbers: token(Colon) list(token(String), token(Comma))
static void ast_parse_asm_clobbers(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, AstNode *node) {
Token *colon_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (colon_tok->id != TokenIdColon)
*token_index += 1;
for (;;) {
Token *string_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
ast_expect_token(pc, string_tok, TokenIdStringLiteral);
*token_index += 1;
Buf *clobber_buf = token_buf(string_tok);
Token *comma = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (comma->id == TokenIdComma) {
*token_index += 1;
} else {
AsmInput : token(Colon) list(AsmInputItem, token(Comma)) option(AsmClobbers)
static void ast_parse_asm_input(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, AstNode *node) {
Token *colon_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (colon_tok->id != TokenIdColon)
*token_index += 1;
for (;;) {
ast_parse_asm_input_item(pc, token_index, node);
Token *comma = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (comma->id == TokenIdComma) {
*token_index += 1;
} else {
ast_parse_asm_clobbers(pc, token_index, node);
AsmOutput : token(Colon) list(AsmOutputItem, token(Comma)) option(AsmInput)
static void ast_parse_asm_output(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, AstNode *node) {
Token *colon_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (colon_tok->id != TokenIdColon)
*token_index += 1;
Token *colon_again = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (colon_again->id == TokenIdColon) {
ast_parse_asm_input(pc, token_index, node);
for (;;) {
ast_parse_asm_output_item(pc, token_index, node);
Token *comma = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (comma->id == TokenIdComma) {
*token_index += 1;
} else {
ast_parse_asm_input(pc, token_index, node);
AsmExpression : token(Asm) option(token(Volatile)) token(LParen) token(String) option(AsmOutput) token(RParen)
static AstNode *ast_parse_asm_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *asm_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (asm_token->id != TokenIdKeywordAsm) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, asm_token, TokenIdKeywordAsm);
} else {
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeAsmExpr, asm_token);
*token_index += 1;
Token *lparen_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (lparen_tok->id == TokenIdKeywordVolatile) {
node->data.asm_expr.is_volatile = true;
*token_index += 1;
lparen_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
ast_expect_token(pc, lparen_tok, TokenIdLParen);
*token_index += 1;
Token *template_tok = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdStringLiteral);
node->data.asm_expr.asm_template = token_buf(template_tok);
parse_asm_template(pc, node);
ast_parse_asm_output(pc, token_index, node);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
return node;
GotoExpression = option("inline") "goto" Symbol
static AstNode *ast_parse_goto_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
Token *goto_token;
bool is_inline;
if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordInline) {
is_inline = true;
goto_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (goto_token->id == TokenIdKeywordGoto) {
*token_index += 2;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, first_token, TokenIdKeywordGoto);
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordGoto) {
goto_token = first_token;
is_inline = false;
*token_index += 1;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, first_token, TokenIdKeywordGoto);
} else {
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeGoto, goto_token);
Token *dest_symbol = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
node->data.goto_expr.name = token_buf(dest_symbol);
node->data.goto_expr.is_inline = is_inline;
return node;
PrimaryExpression = "Number" | "String" | "CharLiteral" | KeywordLiteral | GroupedExpression | GotoExpression | BlockExpression | "Symbol" | ("@" "Symbol" FnCallExpression) | ArrayType | FnProto | AsmExpression | ("error" "." "Symbol")
KeywordLiteral = "true" | "false" | "null" | "break" | "continue" | "undefined" | "zeroes" | "error" | "type" | "this"
static AstNode *ast_parse_primary_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdNumberLiteral) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeNumberLiteral, token);
node->data.number_literal.bignum = token_bignum(token);
node->data.number_literal.overflow = token->data.num_lit.overflow;
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdStringLiteral) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeStringLiteral, token);
node->data.string_literal.buf = token_buf(token);
node->data.string_literal.c = token->data.str_lit.is_c_str;
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdCharLiteral) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeCharLiteral, token);
node->data.char_literal.value = token_char_lit(token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordTrue) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBoolLiteral, token);
node->data.bool_literal.value = true;
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordFalse) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBoolLiteral, token);
node->data.bool_literal.value = false;
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordNull) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeNullLiteral, token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordBreak) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBreak, token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordContinue) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeContinue, token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordUndefined) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeUndefinedLiteral, token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordZeroes) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeZeroesLiteral, token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordThis) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeThisLiteral, token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordType) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeTypeLiteral, token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordError) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeErrorType, token);
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordExtern) {
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_parse_fn_proto(pc, token_index, true, VisibModPrivate);
node->data.fn_proto.is_extern = true;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdAtSign) {
*token_index += 1;
Token *name_tok = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
AstNode *name_node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeSymbol, name_tok);
name_node->data.symbol_expr.symbol = token_buf(name_tok);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeFnCallExpr, token);
node->data.fn_call_expr.fn_ref_expr = name_node;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
ast_parse_fn_call_param_list(pc, token_index, &node->data.fn_call_expr.params);
node->data.fn_call_expr.is_builtin = true;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdSymbol) {
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeSymbol, token);
node->data.symbol_expr.symbol = token_buf(token);
return node;
AstNode *goto_node = ast_parse_goto_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (goto_node)
return goto_node;
AstNode *grouped_expr_node = ast_parse_grouped_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (grouped_expr_node) {
return grouped_expr_node;
AstNode *block_expr_node = ast_parse_block_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (block_expr_node) {
return block_expr_node;
AstNode *array_type_node = ast_parse_array_type_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (array_type_node) {
return array_type_node;
AstNode *fn_proto_node = ast_parse_fn_proto(pc, token_index, false, VisibModPrivate);
if (fn_proto_node) {
return fn_proto_node;
AstNode *asm_expr = ast_parse_asm_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (asm_expr) {
return asm_expr;
if (!mandatory)
return nullptr;
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
CurlySuffixExpression : PrefixOpExpression option(ContainerInitExpression)
ContainerInitExpression : token(LBrace) ContainerInitBody token(RBrace)
ContainerInitBody : list(StructLiteralField, token(Comma)) | list(Expression, token(Comma))
static AstNode *ast_parse_curly_suffix_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *prefix_op_expr = ast_parse_prefix_op_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!prefix_op_expr) {
return nullptr;
while (true) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (first_token->id == TokenIdLBrace) {
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeContainerInitExpr, first_token);
node->data.container_init_expr.type = prefix_op_expr;
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdDot) {
node->data.container_init_expr.kind = ContainerInitKindStruct;
for (;;) {
if (token->id == TokenIdDot) {
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdDot);
Token *field_name_tok = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdEq);
AstNode *field_node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeStructValueField, token);
field_node->data.struct_val_field.name = token_buf(field_name_tok);
field_node->data.struct_val_field.expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
Token *comma_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (comma_tok->id == TokenIdComma) {
*token_index += 1;
token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
} else if (comma_tok->id != TokenIdRBrace) {
ast_expect_token(pc, comma_tok, TokenIdRBrace);
} else {
*token_index += 1;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdRBrace) {
*token_index += 1;
} else {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
} else {
node->data.container_init_expr.kind = ContainerInitKindArray;
for (;;) {
if (token->id == TokenIdRBrace) {
*token_index += 1;
} else {
AstNode *elem_node = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
Token *comma_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (comma_tok->id == TokenIdComma) {
*token_index += 1;
token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
} else if (comma_tok->id != TokenIdRBrace) {
ast_expect_token(pc, comma_tok, TokenIdRBrace);
} else {
*token_index += 1;
prefix_op_expr = node;
} else {
return prefix_op_expr;
SuffixOpExpression : PrimaryExpression option(FnCallExpression | ArrayAccessExpression | FieldAccessExpression | SliceExpression)
FnCallExpression : token(LParen) list(Expression, token(Comma)) token(RParen)
ArrayAccessExpression : token(LBracket) Expression token(RBracket)
SliceExpression : token(LBracket) Expression token(Ellipsis) option(Expression) token(RBracket) option(token(Const))
FieldAccessExpression : token(Dot) token(Symbol)
StructLiteralField : token(Dot) token(Symbol) token(Eq) Expression
static AstNode *ast_parse_suffix_op_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *primary_expr = ast_parse_primary_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!primary_expr) {
return nullptr;
while (true) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (first_token->id == TokenIdLParen) {
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeFnCallExpr, first_token);
node->data.fn_call_expr.fn_ref_expr = primary_expr;
ast_parse_fn_call_param_list(pc, token_index, &node->data.fn_call_expr.params);
primary_expr = node;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdLBracket) {
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *expr_node = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
Token *ellipsis_or_r_bracket = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (ellipsis_or_r_bracket->id == TokenIdEllipsis) {
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeSliceExpr, first_token);
node->data.slice_expr.array_ref_expr = primary_expr;
node->data.slice_expr.start = expr_node;
node->data.slice_expr.end = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, false);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRBracket);
Token *const_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (const_tok->id == TokenIdKeywordConst) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.slice_expr.is_const = true;
primary_expr = node;
} else if (ellipsis_or_r_bracket->id == TokenIdRBracket) {
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeArrayAccessExpr, first_token);
node->data.array_access_expr.array_ref_expr = primary_expr;
node->data.array_access_expr.subscript = expr_node;
primary_expr = node;
} else {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, first_token);
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdDot) {
*token_index += 1;
Token *name_token = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeFieldAccessExpr, first_token);
node->data.field_access_expr.struct_expr = primary_expr;
node->data.field_access_expr.field_name = token_buf(name_token);
primary_expr = node;
} else {
return primary_expr;
static PrefixOp tok_to_prefix_op(Token *token) {
switch (token->id) {
case TokenIdBang: return PrefixOpBoolNot;
case TokenIdDash: return PrefixOpNegation;
case TokenIdMinusPercent: return PrefixOpNegationWrap;
case TokenIdTilde: return PrefixOpBinNot;
case TokenIdAmpersand: return PrefixOpAddressOf;
case TokenIdStar: return PrefixOpDereference;
case TokenIdMaybe: return PrefixOpMaybe;
case TokenIdPercent: return PrefixOpError;
case TokenIdPercentPercent: return PrefixOpUnwrapError;
case TokenIdDoubleQuestion: return PrefixOpUnwrapMaybe;
case TokenIdBoolAnd: return PrefixOpAddressOf;
case TokenIdStarStar: return PrefixOpDereference;
default: return PrefixOpInvalid;
PrefixOpExpression : PrefixOp PrefixOpExpression | SuffixOpExpression
PrefixOp = "!" | "-" | "~" | "*" | ("&" option("const")) | "?" | "%" | "%%" | "??" | "-%"
static AstNode *ast_parse_prefix_op_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
PrefixOp prefix_op = tok_to_prefix_op(token);
if (prefix_op == PrefixOpInvalid) {
return ast_parse_suffix_op_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (prefix_op == PrefixOpError || prefix_op == PrefixOpMaybe) {
Token *maybe_return = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (maybe_return->id == TokenIdKeywordReturn) {
return ast_parse_return_expr(pc, token_index);
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypePrefixOpExpr, token);
AstNode *parent_node = node;
if (token->id == TokenIdBoolAnd) {
// pretend that we got 2 ampersand tokens
parent_node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypePrefixOpExpr, token);
parent_node->data.prefix_op_expr.primary_expr = node;
parent_node->data.prefix_op_expr.prefix_op = PrefixOpAddressOf;
node->column += 1;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdStarStar) {
// pretend that we got 2 star tokens
parent_node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypePrefixOpExpr, token);
parent_node->data.prefix_op_expr.primary_expr = node;
parent_node->data.prefix_op_expr.prefix_op = PrefixOpDereference;
node->column += 1;
if (prefix_op == PrefixOpAddressOf) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordConst) {
*token_index += 1;
prefix_op = PrefixOpConstAddressOf;
AstNode *prefix_op_expr = ast_parse_prefix_op_expr(pc, token_index, true);
node->data.prefix_op_expr.primary_expr = prefix_op_expr;
node->data.prefix_op_expr.prefix_op = prefix_op;
return parent_node;
static BinOpType tok_to_mult_op(Token *token) {
switch (token->id) {
case TokenIdStar: return BinOpTypeMult;
case TokenIdTimesPercent: return BinOpTypeMultWrap;
case TokenIdStarStar: return BinOpTypeArrayMult;
case TokenIdSlash: return BinOpTypeDiv;
case TokenIdPercent: return BinOpTypeMod;
default: return BinOpTypeInvalid;
MultiplyOperator = "*" | "/" | "%" | "**" | "*%"
static BinOpType ast_parse_mult_op(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
BinOpType result = tok_to_mult_op(token);
if (result == BinOpTypeInvalid) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
} else {
return BinOpTypeInvalid;
*token_index += 1;
return result;
MultiplyExpression : CurlySuffixExpression MultiplyOperator MultiplyExpression | CurlySuffixExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_mult_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *operand_1 = ast_parse_curly_suffix_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!operand_1)
return nullptr;
while (true) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
BinOpType mult_op = ast_parse_mult_op(pc, token_index, false);
if (mult_op == BinOpTypeInvalid)
return operand_1;
AstNode *operand_2 = ast_parse_curly_suffix_expr(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = operand_1;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = mult_op;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = operand_2;
operand_1 = node;
static BinOpType tok_to_add_op(Token *token) {
switch (token->id) {
case TokenIdPlus: return BinOpTypeAdd;
case TokenIdPlusPercent: return BinOpTypeAddWrap;
case TokenIdDash: return BinOpTypeSub;
case TokenIdMinusPercent: return BinOpTypeSubWrap;
case TokenIdPlusPlus: return BinOpTypeArrayCat;
default: return BinOpTypeInvalid;
AdditionOperator = "+" | "-" | "++" | "+%" | "-%"
static BinOpType ast_parse_add_op(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
BinOpType result = tok_to_add_op(token);
if (result == BinOpTypeInvalid) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
} else {
return BinOpTypeInvalid;
*token_index += 1;
return result;
AdditionExpression : MultiplyExpression AdditionOperator AdditionExpression | MultiplyExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_add_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *operand_1 = ast_parse_mult_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!operand_1)
return nullptr;
while (true) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
BinOpType add_op = ast_parse_add_op(pc, token_index, false);
if (add_op == BinOpTypeInvalid)
return operand_1;
AstNode *operand_2 = ast_parse_mult_expr(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = operand_1;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = add_op;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = operand_2;
operand_1 = node;
static BinOpType tok_to_bit_shift_op(Token *token) {
switch (token->id) {
case TokenIdBitShiftLeft: return BinOpTypeBitShiftLeft;
case TokenIdBitShiftLeftPercent: return BinOpTypeBitShiftLeftWrap;
case TokenIdBitShiftRight: return BinOpTypeBitShiftRight;
default: return BinOpTypeInvalid;
BitShiftOperator = "<<" | ">>" | "<<%"
static BinOpType ast_parse_bit_shift_op(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
BinOpType result = tok_to_bit_shift_op(token);
if (result == BinOpTypeInvalid) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
} else {
return BinOpTypeInvalid;
*token_index += 1;
return result;
BitShiftExpression : AdditionExpression BitShiftOperator BitShiftExpression | AdditionExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_bit_shift_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *operand_1 = ast_parse_add_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!operand_1)
return nullptr;
while (true) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
BinOpType bit_shift_op = ast_parse_bit_shift_op(pc, token_index, false);
if (bit_shift_op == BinOpTypeInvalid)
return operand_1;
AstNode *operand_2 = ast_parse_add_expr(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = operand_1;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = bit_shift_op;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = operand_2;
operand_1 = node;
BinaryAndExpression : BitShiftExpression token(Ampersand) BinaryAndExpression | BitShiftExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_bin_and_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *operand_1 = ast_parse_bit_shift_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!operand_1)
return nullptr;
while (true) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id != TokenIdAmpersand)
return operand_1;
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *operand_2 = ast_parse_bit_shift_expr(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = operand_1;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = BinOpTypeBinAnd;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = operand_2;
operand_1 = node;
BinaryXorExpression : BinaryAndExpression token(BinXor) BinaryXorExpression | BinaryAndExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_bin_xor_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *operand_1 = ast_parse_bin_and_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!operand_1)
return nullptr;
while (true) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id != TokenIdBinXor)
return operand_1;
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *operand_2 = ast_parse_bin_and_expr(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = operand_1;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = BinOpTypeBinXor;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = operand_2;
operand_1 = node;
BinaryOrExpression : BinaryXorExpression token(BinOr) BinaryOrExpression | BinaryXorExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_bin_or_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *operand_1 = ast_parse_bin_xor_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!operand_1)
return nullptr;
while (true) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id != TokenIdBinOr)
return operand_1;
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *operand_2 = ast_parse_bin_xor_expr(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = operand_1;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = BinOpTypeBinOr;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = operand_2;
operand_1 = node;
static BinOpType tok_to_cmp_op(Token *token) {
switch (token->id) {
case TokenIdCmpEq: return BinOpTypeCmpEq;
case TokenIdCmpNotEq: return BinOpTypeCmpNotEq;
case TokenIdCmpLessThan: return BinOpTypeCmpLessThan;
case TokenIdCmpGreaterThan: return BinOpTypeCmpGreaterThan;
case TokenIdCmpLessOrEq: return BinOpTypeCmpLessOrEq;
case TokenIdCmpGreaterOrEq: return BinOpTypeCmpGreaterOrEq;
default: return BinOpTypeInvalid;
static BinOpType ast_parse_comparison_operator(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
BinOpType result = tok_to_cmp_op(token);
if (result == BinOpTypeInvalid) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
} else {
return BinOpTypeInvalid;
*token_index += 1;
return result;
ComparisonExpression : BinaryOrExpression ComparisonOperator BinaryOrExpression | BinaryOrExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_comparison_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *operand_1 = ast_parse_bin_or_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!operand_1)
return nullptr;
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
BinOpType cmp_op = ast_parse_comparison_operator(pc, token_index, false);
if (cmp_op == BinOpTypeInvalid)
return operand_1;
AstNode *operand_2 = ast_parse_bin_or_expr(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = operand_1;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = cmp_op;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = operand_2;
return node;
BoolAndExpression : ComparisonExpression token(BoolAnd) BoolAndExpression | ComparisonExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_bool_and_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *operand_1 = ast_parse_comparison_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!operand_1)
return nullptr;
while (true) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id != TokenIdBoolAnd)
return operand_1;
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *operand_2 = ast_parse_comparison_expr(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = operand_1;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = BinOpTypeBoolAnd;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = operand_2;
operand_1 = node;
Else : token(Else) Expression
static AstNode *ast_parse_else(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *else_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (else_token->id != TokenIdKeywordElse) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, else_token, TokenIdKeywordElse);
} else {
return nullptr;
*token_index += 1;
return ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
IfExpression : IfVarExpression | IfBoolExpression
IfBoolExpression = option("inline") "if" "(" Expression ")" Expression option(Else)
IfVarExpression = option("inline") "if" "(" ("const" | "var") option("*") Symbol option(":" TypeExpr) "?=" Expression ")" Expression Option(Else)
static AstNode *ast_parse_if_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
Token *if_tok;
bool is_inline;
if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordInline) {
if_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (if_tok->id == TokenIdKeywordIf) {
is_inline = true;
*token_index += 2;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, if_tok, TokenIdKeywordIf);
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordIf) {
if_tok = first_token;
is_inline = false;
*token_index += 1;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, first_token, TokenIdKeywordIf);
} else {
return nullptr;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordConst || token->id == TokenIdKeywordVar) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeIfVarExpr, if_tok);
node->data.if_var_expr.is_inline = is_inline;
node->data.if_var_expr.var_decl.is_const = (token->id == TokenIdKeywordConst);
*token_index += 1;
Token *star_or_symbol = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (star_or_symbol->id == TokenIdStar) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.if_var_expr.var_is_ptr = true;
Token *name_token = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
node->data.if_var_expr.var_decl.symbol = token_buf(name_token);
} else if (star_or_symbol->id == TokenIdSymbol) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.if_var_expr.var_decl.symbol = token_buf(star_or_symbol);
} else {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, star_or_symbol);
Token *eq_or_colon = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (eq_or_colon->id == TokenIdMaybeAssign) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.if_var_expr.var_decl.expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
} else if (eq_or_colon->id == TokenIdColon) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.if_var_expr.var_decl.type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdMaybeAssign);
node->data.if_var_expr.var_decl.expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
} else {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, eq_or_colon);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
node->data.if_var_expr.then_block = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
node->data.if_var_expr.else_node = ast_parse_else(pc, token_index, false);
return node;
} else {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeIfBoolExpr, if_tok);
node->data.if_bool_expr.is_inline = is_inline;
node->data.if_bool_expr.condition = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
node->data.if_bool_expr.then_block = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
node->data.if_bool_expr.else_node = ast_parse_else(pc, token_index, false);
return node;
ReturnExpression : option("%" | "?") "return" option(Expression)
static AstNode *ast_parse_return_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
NodeType node_type;
ReturnKind kind;
if (token->id == TokenIdPercent) {
Token *next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordReturn) {
kind = ReturnKindError;
node_type = NodeTypeReturnExpr;
*token_index += 2;
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdMaybe) {
Token *next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordReturn) {
kind = ReturnKindMaybe;
node_type = NodeTypeReturnExpr;
*token_index += 2;
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordReturn) {
kind = ReturnKindUnconditional;
node_type = NodeTypeReturnExpr;
*token_index += 1;
} else {
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, node_type, token);
node->data.return_expr.kind = kind;
node->data.return_expr.expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, false);
return node;
Defer = option("%" | "?") "defer" Expression
static AstNode *ast_parse_defer_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
NodeType node_type;
ReturnKind kind;
if (token->id == TokenIdPercent) {
Token *next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordDefer) {
kind = ReturnKindError;
node_type = NodeTypeDefer;
*token_index += 2;
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdMaybe) {
Token *next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdKeywordDefer) {
kind = ReturnKindMaybe;
node_type = NodeTypeDefer;
*token_index += 2;
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordDefer) {
kind = ReturnKindUnconditional;
node_type = NodeTypeDefer;
*token_index += 1;
} else {
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, node_type, token);
node->data.defer.kind = kind;
node->data.defer.expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
return node;
VariableDeclaration = option("inline") ("var" | "const") Symbol option(":" TypeExpr) "=" Expression
static AstNode *ast_parse_variable_declaration_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory,
VisibMod visib_mod)
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
Token *var_token;
bool is_const;
bool is_inline;
if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordInline) {
is_inline = true;
var_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (var_token->id == TokenIdKeywordVar) {
is_const = false;
} else if (var_token->id == TokenIdKeywordConst) {
is_const = true;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, var_token);
} else {
return nullptr;
*token_index += 2;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordVar) {
is_inline = false;
is_const = false;
var_token = first_token;
*token_index += 1;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordConst) {
is_inline = false;
is_const = true;
var_token = first_token;
*token_index += 1;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, first_token);
} else {
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeVariableDeclaration, var_token);
node->data.variable_declaration.is_inline = is_inline;
node->data.variable_declaration.is_const = is_const;
node->data.variable_declaration.visib_mod = visib_mod;
Token *name_token = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
node->data.variable_declaration.symbol = token_buf(name_token);
Token *eq_or_colon = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
*token_index += 1;
if (eq_or_colon->id == TokenIdEq) {
node->data.variable_declaration.expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
return node;
} else if (eq_or_colon->id == TokenIdColon) {
node->data.variable_declaration.type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, true);
Token *eq_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (eq_token->id == TokenIdEq) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.variable_declaration.expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
return node;
} else {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, eq_or_colon);
BoolOrExpression : BoolAndExpression token(BoolOr) BoolOrExpression | BoolAndExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_bool_or_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *operand_1 = ast_parse_bool_and_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!operand_1)
return nullptr;
while (true) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id != TokenIdBoolOr)
return operand_1;
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *operand_2 = ast_parse_bool_and_expr(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = operand_1;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = BinOpTypeBoolOr;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = operand_2;
operand_1 = node;
WhileExpression = option("inline") "while" "(" Expression option(";" Expression) ")" Expression
static AstNode *ast_parse_while_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
Token *while_token;
bool is_inline;
if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordInline) {
while_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (while_token->id == TokenIdKeywordWhile) {
is_inline = true;
*token_index += 2;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, while_token, TokenIdKeywordWhile);
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordWhile) {
while_token = first_token;
is_inline = false;
*token_index += 1;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, first_token, TokenIdKeywordWhile);
} else {
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeWhileExpr, while_token);
node->data.while_expr.is_inline = is_inline;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
node->data.while_expr.condition = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
Token *semi_or_rparen = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (semi_or_rparen->id == TokenIdRParen) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.while_expr.body = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
} else if (semi_or_rparen->id == TokenIdSemicolon) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.while_expr.continue_expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
node->data.while_expr.body = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
} else {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, semi_or_rparen);
return node;
static AstNode *ast_parse_symbol(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index) {
Token *token = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeSymbol, token);
node->data.symbol_expr.symbol = token_buf(token);
return node;
ForExpression = option("inline") "for" "(" Expression ")" option("|" option("*") Symbol option("," Symbol) "|") Expression
static AstNode *ast_parse_for_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
Token *for_token;
bool is_inline;
if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordInline) {
is_inline = true;
for_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (for_token->id == TokenIdKeywordFor) {
*token_index += 2;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, first_token, TokenIdKeywordFor);
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordFor) {
for_token = first_token;
is_inline = false;
*token_index += 1;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, first_token, TokenIdKeywordFor);
} else {
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeForExpr, for_token);
node->data.for_expr.is_inline = is_inline;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
node->data.for_expr.array_expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
Token *maybe_bar = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (maybe_bar->id == TokenIdBinOr) {
*token_index += 1;
Token *maybe_star = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (maybe_star->id == TokenIdStar) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.for_expr.elem_is_ptr = true;
node->data.for_expr.elem_node = ast_parse_symbol(pc, token_index);
Token *maybe_comma = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (maybe_comma->id == TokenIdComma) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.for_expr.index_node = ast_parse_symbol(pc, token_index);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdBinOr);
node->data.for_expr.body = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
return node;
SwitchExpression = option("inline") "switch" "(" Expression ")" "{" many(SwitchProng) "}"
SwitchProng = (list(SwitchItem, ",") | "else") "=>" option("|" option("*") Symbol "|") Expression ","
SwitchItem : Expression | (Expression "..." Expression)
static AstNode *ast_parse_switch_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
Token *switch_token;
bool is_inline;
if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordInline) {
is_inline = true;
switch_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (switch_token->id == TokenIdKeywordSwitch) {
*token_index += 2;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, first_token, TokenIdKeywordSwitch);
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordSwitch) {
is_inline = false;
switch_token = first_token;
*token_index += 1;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, first_token, TokenIdKeywordSwitch);
} else {
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeSwitchExpr, switch_token);
node->data.switch_expr.is_inline = is_inline;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLParen);
node->data.switch_expr.expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdRParen);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLBrace);
for (;;) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdRBrace) {
*token_index += 1;
return node;
AstNode *prong_node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeSwitchProng, token);
if (token->id == TokenIdKeywordElse) {
*token_index += 1;
} else for (;;) {
AstNode *expr1 = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
Token *ellipsis_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (ellipsis_tok->id == TokenIdEllipsis) {
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *range_node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeSwitchRange, ellipsis_tok);
range_node->data.switch_range.start = expr1;
range_node->data.switch_range.end = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
prong_node->data.switch_prong.any_items_are_range = true;
} else {
Token *comma_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (comma_tok->id == TokenIdComma) {
*token_index += 1;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdFatArrow);
Token *maybe_bar = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (maybe_bar->id == TokenIdBinOr) {
*token_index += 1;
Token *star_or_symbol = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
AstNode *var_symbol_node;
bool var_is_ptr;
if (star_or_symbol->id == TokenIdStar) {
*token_index += 1;
var_is_ptr = true;
var_symbol_node = ast_parse_symbol(pc, token_index);
} else {
var_is_ptr = false;
var_symbol_node = ast_parse_symbol(pc, token_index);
prong_node->data.switch_prong.var_symbol = var_symbol_node;
prong_node->data.switch_prong.var_is_ptr = var_is_ptr;
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdBinOr);
prong_node->data.switch_prong.expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdComma);
BlockExpression : IfExpression | Block | WhileExpression | ForExpression | SwitchExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_block_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
AstNode *if_expr = ast_parse_if_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (if_expr)
return if_expr;
AstNode *while_expr = ast_parse_while_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (while_expr)
return while_expr;
AstNode *for_expr = ast_parse_for_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (for_expr)
return for_expr;
AstNode *switch_expr = ast_parse_switch_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (switch_expr)
return switch_expr;
AstNode *block = ast_parse_block(pc, token_index, false);
if (block)
return block;
if (mandatory)
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
return nullptr;
static BinOpType tok_to_ass_op(Token *token) {
switch (token->id) {
case TokenIdEq: return BinOpTypeAssign;
case TokenIdTimesEq: return BinOpTypeAssignTimes;
case TokenIdTimesPercentEq: return BinOpTypeAssignTimesWrap;
case TokenIdDivEq: return BinOpTypeAssignDiv;
case TokenIdModEq: return BinOpTypeAssignMod;
case TokenIdPlusEq: return BinOpTypeAssignPlus;
case TokenIdPlusPercentEq: return BinOpTypeAssignPlusWrap;
case TokenIdMinusEq: return BinOpTypeAssignMinus;
case TokenIdMinusPercentEq: return BinOpTypeAssignMinusWrap;
case TokenIdBitShiftLeftEq: return BinOpTypeAssignBitShiftLeft;
case TokenIdBitShiftLeftPercentEq: return BinOpTypeAssignBitShiftLeftWrap;
case TokenIdBitShiftRightEq: return BinOpTypeAssignBitShiftRight;
case TokenIdBitAndEq: return BinOpTypeAssignBitAnd;
case TokenIdBitXorEq: return BinOpTypeAssignBitXor;
case TokenIdBitOrEq: return BinOpTypeAssignBitOr;
case TokenIdBoolAndEq: return BinOpTypeAssignBoolAnd;
case TokenIdBoolOrEq: return BinOpTypeAssignBoolOr;
default: return BinOpTypeInvalid;
AssignmentOperator = "=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "+=" | "-=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "&=" | "^=" | "|=" | "&&=" | "||=" | "*%=" | "+%=" | "-%=" | "<<%="
static BinOpType ast_parse_ass_op(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
BinOpType result = tok_to_ass_op(token);
if (result == BinOpTypeInvalid) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
} else {
return BinOpTypeInvalid;
*token_index += 1;
return result;
UnwrapExpression : BoolOrExpression (UnwrapMaybe | UnwrapError) | BoolOrExpression
UnwrapMaybe : "??" BoolOrExpression
UnwrapError : "%%" option("|" "Symbol" "|") BoolOrExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_unwrap_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *lhs = ast_parse_bool_or_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!lhs)
return nullptr;
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdDoubleQuestion) {
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *rhs = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = lhs;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = BinOpTypeUnwrapMaybe;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = rhs;
return node;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdPercentPercent) {
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeUnwrapErrorExpr, token);
node->data.unwrap_err_expr.op1 = lhs;
Token *maybe_bar_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (maybe_bar_tok->id == TokenIdBinOr) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.unwrap_err_expr.symbol = ast_parse_symbol(pc, token_index);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdBinOr);
node->data.unwrap_err_expr.op2 = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
return node;
} else {
return lhs;
AssignmentExpression : UnwrapExpression AssignmentOperator UnwrapExpression | UnwrapExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_ass_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
AstNode *lhs = ast_parse_unwrap_expr(pc, token_index, mandatory);
if (!lhs)
return nullptr;
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
BinOpType ass_op = ast_parse_ass_op(pc, token_index, false);
if (ass_op == BinOpTypeInvalid)
return lhs;
AstNode *rhs = ast_parse_unwrap_expr(pc, token_index, true);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBinOpExpr, token);
node->data.bin_op_expr.op1 = lhs;
node->data.bin_op_expr.bin_op = ass_op;
node->data.bin_op_expr.op2 = rhs;
return node;
NonBlockExpression : ReturnExpression | AssignmentExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_non_block_expr(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
AstNode *return_expr = ast_parse_return_expr(pc, token_index);
if (return_expr)
return return_expr;
AstNode *ass_expr = ast_parse_ass_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (ass_expr)
return ass_expr;
if (mandatory)
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
return nullptr;
Expression : BlockExpression | NonBlockExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_expression(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
AstNode *block_expr = ast_parse_block_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (block_expr)
return block_expr;
AstNode *non_block_expr = ast_parse_non_block_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (non_block_expr)
return non_block_expr;
if (mandatory)
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
return nullptr;
Label: token(Symbol) token(Colon)
static AstNode *ast_parse_label(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *symbol_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (symbol_token->id != TokenIdSymbol) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, symbol_token, TokenIdSymbol);
} else {
return nullptr;
Token *colon_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index + 1);
if (colon_token->id != TokenIdColon) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, colon_token, TokenIdColon);
} else {
return nullptr;
*token_index += 2;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeLabel, symbol_token);
node->data.label.name = token_buf(symbol_token);
return node;
static AstNode *ast_create_void_expr(ParseContext *pc, Token *token) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBlock, token);
return node;
Block : token(LBrace) list(option(Statement), token(Semicolon)) token(RBrace)
Statement = Label | VariableDeclaration ";" | Defer ";" | NonBlockExpression ";" | BlockExpression
static AstNode *ast_parse_block(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory) {
Token *last_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (last_token->id != TokenIdLBrace) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, last_token, TokenIdLBrace);
} else {
return nullptr;
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeBlock, last_token);
// {} -> {void}
// {;} -> {void;void}
// {2} -> {2}
// {2;} -> {2;void}
// {;2} -> {void;2}
for (;;) {
AstNode *statement_node = ast_parse_label(pc, token_index, false);
bool semicolon_expected;
if (statement_node) {
semicolon_expected = false;
} else {
statement_node = ast_parse_variable_declaration_expr(pc, token_index, false, VisibModPrivate);
if (!statement_node) {
statement_node = ast_parse_defer_expr(pc, token_index);
if (statement_node) {
semicolon_expected = true;
} else {
statement_node = ast_parse_block_expr(pc, token_index, false);
semicolon_expected = !statement_node;
if (!statement_node) {
statement_node = ast_parse_non_block_expr(pc, token_index, false);
if (!statement_node) {
statement_node = ast_create_void_expr(pc, last_token);
last_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (last_token->id == TokenIdRBrace) {
*token_index += 1;
return node;
} else if (!semicolon_expected) {
} else if (last_token->id == TokenIdSemicolon) {
*token_index += 1;
} else {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, last_token);
FnProto = option("coldcc" | "nakedcc") "fn" option(Symbol) ParamDeclList option("->" TypeExpr)
static AstNode *ast_parse_fn_proto(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory, VisibMod visib_mod) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
Token *fn_token;
bool is_coldcc = false;
bool is_nakedcc = false;
if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordColdCC) {
*token_index += 1;
fn_token = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdKeywordFn);
is_coldcc = true;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordNakedCC) {
*token_index += 1;
fn_token = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdKeywordFn);
is_nakedcc = true;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordFn) {
fn_token = first_token;
*token_index += 1;
} else if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, first_token, TokenIdKeywordFn);
} else {
return nullptr;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeFnProto, fn_token);
node->data.fn_proto.visib_mod = visib_mod;
node->data.fn_proto.is_coldcc = is_coldcc;
node->data.fn_proto.is_nakedcc = is_nakedcc;
Token *fn_name = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (fn_name->id == TokenIdSymbol) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.fn_proto.name = token_buf(fn_name);
} else {
node->data.fn_proto.name = pc->empty_buf;
ast_parse_param_decl_list(pc, token_index, &node->data.fn_proto.params, &node->data.fn_proto.is_var_args);
Token *next_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (next_token->id == TokenIdArrow) {
*token_index += 1;
node->data.fn_proto.return_type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, false);
} else {
node->data.fn_proto.return_type = ast_create_void_type_node(pc, next_token);
return node;
FnDef = option("inline" | "extern") FnProto Block
static AstNode *ast_parse_fn_def(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory, VisibMod visib_mod) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
bool is_inline;
bool is_extern;
if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordInline) {
*token_index += 1;
is_inline = true;
is_extern = false;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordExtern) {
*token_index += 1;
is_extern = true;
is_inline = false;
} else {
is_inline = false;
is_extern = false;
AstNode *fn_proto = ast_parse_fn_proto(pc, token_index, mandatory, visib_mod);
if (!fn_proto) {
if (is_inline || is_extern) {
*token_index -= 1;
return nullptr;
fn_proto->data.fn_proto.is_inline = is_inline;
fn_proto->data.fn_proto.is_extern = is_extern;
Token *semi_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (semi_token->id == TokenIdSemicolon) {
*token_index += 1;
return fn_proto;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeFnDef, first_token);
node->data.fn_def.fn_proto = fn_proto;
node->data.fn_def.body = ast_parse_block(pc, token_index, true);
fn_proto->data.fn_proto.fn_def_node = node;
return node;
ExternDecl = "extern" (FnProto | VariableDeclaration) ";"
static AstNode *ast_parse_extern_decl(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, bool mandatory, VisibMod visib_mod) {
Token *extern_kw = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (extern_kw->id != TokenIdKeywordExtern) {
if (mandatory) {
ast_expect_token(pc, extern_kw, TokenIdKeywordExtern);
} else {
return nullptr;
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *fn_proto_node = ast_parse_fn_proto(pc, token_index, false, visib_mod);
if (fn_proto_node) {
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSemicolon);
fn_proto_node->data.fn_proto.is_extern = true;
return fn_proto_node;
AstNode *var_decl_node = ast_parse_variable_declaration_expr(pc, token_index, false, visib_mod);
if (var_decl_node) {
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSemicolon);
var_decl_node->data.variable_declaration.is_extern = true;
return var_decl_node;
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
UseDecl = "use" Expression ";"
static AstNode *ast_parse_use(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, VisibMod visib_mod) {
Token *use_kw = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (use_kw->id != TokenIdKeywordUse)
return nullptr;
*token_index += 1;
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeUse, use_kw);
node->data.use.visib_mod = visib_mod;
node->data.use.expr = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSemicolon);
return node;
ContainerDecl = ("struct" | "enum" | "union") Symbol option(ParamDeclList) "{" many(StructMember) "}"
StructMember = (StructField | FnDef | GlobalVarDecl | ContainerDecl)
StructField = Symbol option(":" Expression) ",")
static AstNode *ast_parse_container_decl(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, VisibMod visib_mod) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
ContainerKind kind;
if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordStruct) {
kind = ContainerKindStruct;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordEnum) {
kind = ContainerKindEnum;
} else if (first_token->id == TokenIdKeywordUnion) {
kind = ContainerKindUnion;
} else {
return nullptr;
*token_index += 1;
Token *struct_name = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeContainerDecl, first_token);
node->data.struct_decl.kind = kind;
node->data.struct_decl.name = token_buf(struct_name);
node->data.struct_decl.visib_mod = visib_mod;
Token *paren_or_brace = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (paren_or_brace->id == TokenIdLParen) {
ast_parse_param_decl_list(pc, token_index, &node->data.struct_decl.generic_params,
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdLBrace);
} else if (paren_or_brace->id == TokenIdLBrace) {
*token_index += 1;
} else {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, paren_or_brace);
for (;;) {
Token *visib_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
VisibMod visib_mod;
if (visib_tok->id == TokenIdKeywordPub) {
*token_index += 1;
visib_mod = VisibModPub;
} else if (visib_tok->id == TokenIdKeywordExport) {
*token_index += 1;
visib_mod = VisibModExport;
} else {
visib_mod = VisibModPrivate;
AstNode *fn_def_node = ast_parse_fn_def(pc, token_index, false, visib_mod);
if (fn_def_node) {
AstNode *var_decl_node = ast_parse_variable_declaration_expr(pc, token_index, false, visib_mod);
if (var_decl_node) {
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSemicolon);
AstNode *container_decl_node = ast_parse_container_decl(pc, token_index, visib_mod);
if (container_decl_node) {
Token *token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (token->id == TokenIdRBrace) {
*token_index += 1;
} else if (token->id == TokenIdSymbol) {
AstNode *field_node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeStructField, token);
*token_index += 1;
field_node->data.struct_field.visib_mod = visib_mod;
field_node->data.struct_field.name = token_buf(token);
Token *expr_or_comma = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (expr_or_comma->id == TokenIdComma) {
field_node->data.struct_field.type = ast_create_void_type_node(pc, expr_or_comma);
*token_index += 1;
} else {
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdColon);
field_node->data.struct_field.type = ast_parse_expression(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdComma);
} else {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, token);
return node;
ErrorValueDecl : "error" "Symbol" ";"
static AstNode *ast_parse_error_value_decl(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, VisibMod visib_mod) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (first_token->id != TokenIdKeywordError) {
return nullptr;
*token_index += 1;
Token *name_tok = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSemicolon);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeErrorValueDecl, first_token);
node->data.error_value_decl.visib_mod = visib_mod;
node->data.error_value_decl.name = token_buf(name_tok);
return node;
TypeDecl = "type" "Symbol" "=" TypeExpr ";"
static AstNode *ast_parse_type_decl(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, VisibMod visib_mod) {
Token *first_token = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
if (first_token->id != TokenIdKeywordType) {
return nullptr;
*token_index += 1;
Token *name_tok = ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSymbol);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdEq);
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeTypeDecl, first_token);
node->data.type_decl.symbol = token_buf(name_tok);
node->data.type_decl.child_type = ast_parse_type_expr(pc, token_index, true);
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSemicolon);
node->data.type_decl.visib_mod = visib_mod;
return node;
TopLevelItem = ErrorValueDecl | Block | TopLevelDecl
TopLevelDecl = option(VisibleMod) (FnDef | ExternDecl | ContainerDecl | GlobalVarDecl | TypeDecl | UseDecl)
static void ast_parse_top_level_decls(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index, ZigList<AstNode *> *top_level_decls) {
for (;;) {
Token *visib_tok = &pc->tokens->at(*token_index);
VisibMod visib_mod;
if (visib_tok->id == TokenIdKeywordPub) {
*token_index += 1;
visib_mod = VisibModPub;
} else if (visib_tok->id == TokenIdKeywordExport) {
*token_index += 1;
visib_mod = VisibModExport;
} else {
visib_mod = VisibModPrivate;
AstNode *fn_def_node = ast_parse_fn_def(pc, token_index, false, visib_mod);
if (fn_def_node) {
AstNode *fn_proto_node = ast_parse_extern_decl(pc, token_index, false, visib_mod);
if (fn_proto_node) {
AstNode *use_node = ast_parse_use(pc, token_index, visib_mod);
if (use_node) {
AstNode *struct_node = ast_parse_container_decl(pc, token_index, visib_mod);
if (struct_node) {
AstNode *var_decl_node = ast_parse_variable_declaration_expr(pc, token_index, false, visib_mod);
if (var_decl_node) {
ast_eat_token(pc, token_index, TokenIdSemicolon);
AstNode *error_value_node = ast_parse_error_value_decl(pc, token_index, visib_mod);
if (error_value_node) {
AstNode *type_decl_node = ast_parse_type_decl(pc, token_index, visib_mod);
if (type_decl_node) {
Root = many(TopLevelItem) "EOF"
static AstNode *ast_parse_root(ParseContext *pc, size_t *token_index) {
AstNode *node = ast_create_node(pc, NodeTypeRoot, &pc->tokens->at(*token_index));
ast_parse_top_level_decls(pc, token_index, &node->data.root.top_level_decls);
if (*token_index != pc->tokens->length - 1) {
ast_invalid_token_error(pc, &pc->tokens->at(*token_index));
return node;
AstNode *ast_parse(Buf *buf, ZigList<Token> *tokens, ImportTableEntry *owner,
ErrColor err_color, uint32_t *next_node_index)
ParseContext pc = {0};
pc.void_buf = buf_create_from_str("void");
pc.empty_buf = buf_create_from_str("");
pc.err_color = err_color;
pc.owner = owner;
pc.buf = buf;
pc.tokens = tokens;
pc.next_node_index = next_node_index;
size_t token_index = 0;
pc.root = ast_parse_root(&pc, &token_index);
return pc.root;
static void visit_field(AstNode **node, void (*visit)(AstNode **, void *context), void *context) {
if (*node) {
visit(node, context);
static void visit_node_list(ZigList<AstNode *> *list, void (*visit)(AstNode **, void *context), void *context) {
if (list) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < list->length; i += 1) {
visit(&list->at(i), context);
void ast_visit_node_children(AstNode *node, void (*visit)(AstNode **, void *context), void *context) {
switch (node->type) {
case NodeTypeRoot:
visit_node_list(&node->data.root.top_level_decls, visit, context);
case NodeTypeFnProto:
visit_field(&node->data.fn_proto.return_type, visit, context);
visit_node_list(&node->data.fn_proto.params, visit, context);
case NodeTypeFnDef:
visit_field(&node->data.fn_def.fn_proto, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.fn_def.body, visit, context);
case NodeTypeFnDecl:
visit_field(&node->data.fn_decl.fn_proto, visit, context);
case NodeTypeParamDecl:
visit_field(&node->data.param_decl.type, visit, context);
case NodeTypeBlock:
visit_node_list(&node->data.block.statements, visit, context);
case NodeTypeReturnExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.return_expr.expr, visit, context);
case NodeTypeDefer:
visit_field(&node->data.defer.expr, visit, context);
case NodeTypeVariableDeclaration:
visit_field(&node->data.variable_declaration.type, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.variable_declaration.expr, visit, context);
case NodeTypeTypeDecl:
visit_field(&node->data.type_decl.child_type, visit, context);
case NodeTypeErrorValueDecl:
// none
case NodeTypeBinOpExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.bin_op_expr.op1, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.bin_op_expr.op2, visit, context);
case NodeTypeUnwrapErrorExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.unwrap_err_expr.op1, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.unwrap_err_expr.symbol, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.unwrap_err_expr.op2, visit, context);
case NodeTypeNumberLiteral:
// none
case NodeTypeStringLiteral:
// none
case NodeTypeCharLiteral:
// none
case NodeTypeSymbol:
// none
case NodeTypePrefixOpExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.prefix_op_expr.primary_expr, visit, context);
case NodeTypeFnCallExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.fn_call_expr.fn_ref_expr, visit, context);
visit_node_list(&node->data.fn_call_expr.params, visit, context);
case NodeTypeArrayAccessExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.array_access_expr.array_ref_expr, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.array_access_expr.subscript, visit, context);
case NodeTypeSliceExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.slice_expr.array_ref_expr, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.slice_expr.start, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.slice_expr.end, visit, context);
case NodeTypeFieldAccessExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.field_access_expr.struct_expr, visit, context);
case NodeTypeUse:
visit_field(&node->data.use.expr, visit, context);
case NodeTypeBoolLiteral:
// none
case NodeTypeNullLiteral:
// none
case NodeTypeUndefinedLiteral:
// none
case NodeTypeZeroesLiteral:
// none
case NodeTypeThisLiteral:
// none
case NodeTypeIfBoolExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.if_bool_expr.condition, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.if_bool_expr.then_block, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.if_bool_expr.else_node, visit, context);
case NodeTypeIfVarExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.if_var_expr.var_decl.type, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.if_var_expr.var_decl.expr, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.if_var_expr.then_block, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.if_var_expr.else_node, visit, context);
case NodeTypeWhileExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.while_expr.condition, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.while_expr.body, visit, context);
case NodeTypeForExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.for_expr.elem_node, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.for_expr.array_expr, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.for_expr.index_node, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.for_expr.body, visit, context);
case NodeTypeSwitchExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.switch_expr.expr, visit, context);
visit_node_list(&node->data.switch_expr.prongs, visit, context);
case NodeTypeSwitchProng:
visit_node_list(&node->data.switch_prong.items, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.switch_prong.var_symbol, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.switch_prong.expr, visit, context);
case NodeTypeSwitchRange:
visit_field(&node->data.switch_range.start, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.switch_range.end, visit, context);
case NodeTypeLabel:
// none
case NodeTypeGoto:
// none
case NodeTypeBreak:
// none
case NodeTypeContinue:
// none
case NodeTypeAsmExpr:
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->data.asm_expr.input_list.length; i += 1) {
AsmInput *asm_input = node->data.asm_expr.input_list.at(i);
visit_field(&asm_input->expr, visit, context);
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->data.asm_expr.output_list.length; i += 1) {
AsmOutput *asm_output = node->data.asm_expr.output_list.at(i);
visit_field(&asm_output->return_type, visit, context);
case NodeTypeContainerDecl:
visit_node_list(&node->data.struct_decl.fields, visit, context);
visit_node_list(&node->data.struct_decl.decls, visit, context);
case NodeTypeStructField:
visit_field(&node->data.struct_field.type, visit, context);
case NodeTypeContainerInitExpr:
visit_field(&node->data.container_init_expr.type, visit, context);
visit_node_list(&node->data.container_init_expr.entries, visit, context);
case NodeTypeStructValueField:
visit_field(&node->data.struct_val_field.expr, visit, context);
case NodeTypeArrayType:
visit_field(&node->data.array_type.size, visit, context);
visit_field(&node->data.array_type.child_type, visit, context);
case NodeTypeErrorType:
// none
case NodeTypeTypeLiteral:
// none
case NodeTypeVarLiteral:
// none