2022-08-09 11:59:10 +03:00

32 lines
578 B

const S = struct {
b: u32,
c: i32,
a: struct {
pub fn str(_: @This(), extra: []u32) []i32 {
return @bitCast([]i32, extra);
pub export fn entry() void {
var s: S = undefined;
_ = s.a.str(undefined);
const S2 = struct {
a: [*c]anyopaque,
pub export fn entry2() void {
var s: S2 = undefined;
_ = s;
// error
// backend=llvm
// target=native
// :17:12: error: C pointers cannot point to opaque types
// :6:29: error: cannot @bitCast to '[]i32'
// :6:29: note: use @ptrCast to cast from '[]u32'