Andrew Kelley dbe4d72bcf
separate std.Target and std.zig.CrossTarget
Zig now supports a more fine-grained sense of what is native and what is
not. Some examples:

This is now allowed:
-target native

Different OS but native CPU, default Windows C ABI:
-target native-windows
This could be useful for example when running in Wine.

Different CPU but native OS, native C ABI.
-target x86_64-native -mcpu=skylake

Different C ABI but otherwise native target:
-target native-native-musl
-target native-native-gnu

Lots of breaking changes to related std lib APIs.
Calls to getOs() will need to be changed to getOsTag().
Calls to getArch() will need to be changed to getCpuArch().

Usage of Target.Cross and Target.Native need to be updated to use
CrossTarget API.

`std.build.Builder.standardTargetOptions` is changed to accept its
parameters as a struct with default values. It now has the ability to
specify a whitelist of targets allowed, as well as the default target.
Rather than two different ways of collecting the target, it's now always
a string that is validated, and prints helpful diagnostics for invalid
targets. This feature should now be actually useful, and contributions
welcome to further improve the user experience.

`std.build.LibExeObjStep.setTheTarget` is removed.
`std.build.LibExeObjStep.setTarget` is updated to take a CrossTarget

`std.build.LibExeObjStep.setTargetGLibC` is removed. glibc versions are
handled in the CrossTarget API and can be specified with the `-target`

`std.builtin.Version` gains a `format` method.
2020-02-28 14:51:54 -05:00

367 lines
14 KiB

const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const Builder = std.build.Builder;
const tests = @import("test/tests.zig");
const BufMap = std.BufMap;
const warn = std.debug.warn;
const mem = std.mem;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const Buffer = std.Buffer;
const io = std.io;
const fs = std.fs;
const InstallDirectoryOptions = std.build.InstallDirectoryOptions;
pub fn build(b: *Builder) !void {
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
var docgen_exe = b.addExecutable("docgen", "doc/docgen.zig");
const rel_zig_exe = try fs.path.relative(b.allocator, b.build_root, b.zig_exe);
const langref_out_path = fs.path.join(
&[_][]const u8{ b.cache_root, "langref.html" },
) catch unreachable;
var docgen_cmd = docgen_exe.run();
docgen_cmd.addArgs(&[_][]const u8{
"doc" ++ fs.path.sep_str ++ "langref.html.in",
const docs_step = b.step("docs", "Build documentation");
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run all the tests");
// find the stage0 build artifacts because we're going to re-use config.h and zig_cpp library
const build_info = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{
var index: usize = 0;
var ctx = Context{
.cmake_binary_dir = nextValue(&index, build_info),
.cxx_compiler = nextValue(&index, build_info),
.llvm_config_exe = nextValue(&index, build_info),
.lld_include_dir = nextValue(&index, build_info),
.lld_libraries = nextValue(&index, build_info),
.dia_guids_lib = nextValue(&index, build_info),
.llvm = undefined,
ctx.llvm = try findLLVM(b, ctx.llvm_config_exe);
var test_stage2 = b.addTest("src-self-hosted/test.zig");
test_stage2.addPackagePath("stage2_tests", "test/stage2/test.zig");
const fmt_build_zig = b.addFmt(&[_][]const u8{"build.zig"});
var exe = b.addExecutable("zig", "src-self-hosted/main.zig");
try configureStage2(b, test_stage2, ctx);
try configureStage2(b, exe, ctx);
const skip_release = b.option(bool, "skip-release", "Main test suite skips release builds") orelse false;
const skip_release_small = b.option(bool, "skip-release-small", "Main test suite skips release-small builds") orelse skip_release;
const skip_release_fast = b.option(bool, "skip-release-fast", "Main test suite skips release-fast builds") orelse skip_release;
const skip_release_safe = b.option(bool, "skip-release-safe", "Main test suite skips release-safe builds") orelse skip_release;
const skip_non_native = b.option(bool, "skip-non-native", "Main test suite skips non-native builds") orelse false;
const skip_libc = b.option(bool, "skip-libc", "Main test suite skips tests that link libc") orelse false;
const skip_self_hosted = (b.option(bool, "skip-self-hosted", "Main test suite skips building self hosted compiler") orelse false) or true; // TODO evented I/O good enough that this passes everywhere
if (!skip_self_hosted) {
const only_install_lib_files = b.option(bool, "lib-files-only", "Only install library files") orelse false;
if (!only_install_lib_files and !skip_self_hosted) {
.source_dir = "lib",
.install_dir = .Lib,
.install_subdir = "zig",
.exclude_extensions = &[_][]const u8{ "test.zig", "README.md" },
const test_filter = b.option([]const u8, "test-filter", "Skip tests that do not match filter");
const is_wine_enabled = b.option(bool, "enable-wine", "Use Wine to run cross compiled Windows tests") orelse false;
const is_qemu_enabled = b.option(bool, "enable-qemu", "Use QEMU to run cross compiled foreign architecture tests") orelse false;
const glibc_multi_dir = b.option([]const u8, "enable-foreign-glibc", "Provide directory with glibc installations to run cross compiled tests that link glibc");
const test_stage2_step = b.step("test-stage2", "Run the stage2 compiler tests");
var chosen_modes: [4]builtin.Mode = undefined;
var chosen_mode_index: usize = 0;
chosen_modes[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.Mode.Debug;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
if (!skip_release_safe) {
chosen_modes[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.Mode.ReleaseSafe;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
if (!skip_release_fast) {
chosen_modes[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.Mode.ReleaseFast;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
if (!skip_release_small) {
chosen_modes[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.Mode.ReleaseSmall;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
const modes = chosen_modes[0..chosen_mode_index];
// run stage1 `zig fmt` on this build.zig file just to make sure it works
const fmt_step = b.step("test-fmt", "Run zig fmt against build.zig to make sure it works");
test_step.dependOn(tests.addPkgTests(b, test_filter, "test/stage1/behavior.zig", "behavior", "Run the behavior tests", modes, false, skip_non_native, skip_libc, is_wine_enabled, is_qemu_enabled, glibc_multi_dir));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addPkgTests(b, test_filter, "lib/std/std.zig", "std", "Run the standard library tests", modes, false, skip_non_native, skip_libc, is_wine_enabled, is_qemu_enabled, glibc_multi_dir));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addPkgTests(b, test_filter, "lib/std/special/compiler_rt.zig", "compiler-rt", "Run the compiler_rt tests", modes, true, skip_non_native, true, is_wine_enabled, is_qemu_enabled, glibc_multi_dir));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addCompareOutputTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addStandaloneTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addStackTraceTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addCliTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addAssembleAndLinkTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addRuntimeSafetyTests(b, test_filter, modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addTranslateCTests(b, test_filter));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addRunTranslatedCTests(b, test_filter));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addGenHTests(b, test_filter));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addCompileErrorTests(b, test_filter, modes));
fn dependOnLib(b: *Builder, lib_exe_obj: var, dep: LibraryDep) void {
for (dep.libdirs.toSliceConst()) |lib_dir| {
const lib_dir = fs.path.join(
&[_][]const u8{ dep.prefix, "lib" },
) catch unreachable;
for (dep.system_libs.toSliceConst()) |lib| {
const static_bare_name = if (mem.eql(u8, lib, "curses"))
@as([]const u8, "libncurses.a")
b.fmt("lib{}.a", .{lib});
const static_lib_name = fs.path.join(
&[_][]const u8{ lib_dir, static_bare_name },
) catch unreachable;
const have_static = fileExists(static_lib_name) catch unreachable;
if (have_static) {
} else {
for (dep.libs.toSliceConst()) |lib| {
for (dep.includes.toSliceConst()) |include_path| {
fn fileExists(filename: []const u8) !bool {
fs.cwd().access(filename, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => return false,
else => return err,
return true;
fn addCppLib(b: *Builder, lib_exe_obj: var, cmake_binary_dir: []const u8, lib_name: []const u8) void {
lib_exe_obj.addObjectFile(fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8{
b.fmt("{}{}{}", .{ lib_exe_obj.target.libPrefix(), lib_name, lib_exe_obj.target.staticLibSuffix() }),
}) catch unreachable);
const LibraryDep = struct {
prefix: []const u8,
libdirs: ArrayList([]const u8),
libs: ArrayList([]const u8),
system_libs: ArrayList([]const u8),
includes: ArrayList([]const u8),
fn findLLVM(b: *Builder, llvm_config_exe: []const u8) !LibraryDep {
const shared_mode = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--shared-mode" });
const is_static = mem.startsWith(u8, shared_mode, "static");
const libs_output = if (is_static)
try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{
try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{
const includes_output = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--includedir" });
const libdir_output = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--libdir" });
const prefix_output = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{ llvm_config_exe, "--prefix" });
var result = LibraryDep{
.prefix = mem.tokenize(prefix_output, " \r\n").next().?,
.libs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator),
.system_libs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator),
.includes = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator),
.libdirs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator),
var it = mem.tokenize(libs_output, " \r\n");
while (it.next()) |lib_arg| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, lib_arg, "-l")) {
try result.system_libs.append(lib_arg[2..]);
} else {
if (fs.path.isAbsolute(lib_arg)) {
try result.libs.append(lib_arg);
} else {
if (mem.endsWith(u8, lib_arg, ".lib")) {
lib_arg = lib_arg[0 .. lib_arg.len - 4];
try result.system_libs.append(lib_arg);
var it = mem.tokenize(includes_output, " \r\n");
while (it.next()) |include_arg| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, include_arg, "-I")) {
try result.includes.append(include_arg[2..]);
} else {
try result.includes.append(include_arg);
var it = mem.tokenize(libdir_output, " \r\n");
while (it.next()) |libdir| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, libdir, "-L")) {
try result.libdirs.append(libdir[2..]);
} else {
try result.libdirs.append(libdir);
return result;
fn nextValue(index: *usize, build_info: []const u8) []const u8 {
const start = index.*;
while (true) : (index.* += 1) {
switch (build_info[index.*]) {
'\n' => {
const result = build_info[start..index.*];
index.* += 1;
return result;
'\r' => {
const result = build_info[start..index.*];
index.* += 2;
return result;
else => continue,
fn configureStage2(b: *Builder, exe: var, ctx: Context) !void {
addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "zig_cpp");
if (ctx.lld_include_dir.len != 0) {
var it = mem.tokenize(ctx.lld_libraries, ";");
while (it.next()) |lib| {
} else {
addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "embedded_lld_wasm");
addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "embedded_lld_elf");
addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "embedded_lld_coff");
addCppLib(b, exe, ctx.cmake_binary_dir, "embedded_lld_lib");
dependOnLib(b, exe, ctx.llvm);
if (exe.target.getOsTag() == .linux) {
try addCxxKnownPath(b, ctx, exe, "libstdc++.a",
\\Unable to determine path to libstdc++.a
\\On Fedora, install libstdc++-static and try again.
} else if (exe.target.isFreeBSD()) {
try addCxxKnownPath(b, ctx, exe, "libc++.a", null);
} else if (exe.target.isDarwin()) {
if (addCxxKnownPath(b, ctx, exe, "libgcc_eh.a", "")) {
// Compiler is GCC.
try addCxxKnownPath(b, ctx, exe, "libstdc++.a", null);
// TODO LLD cannot perform this link.
// See https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1535
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.RequiredLibraryNotFound => {
// System compiler, not gcc.
else => return err,
if (ctx.dia_guids_lib.len != 0) {
fn addCxxKnownPath(
b: *Builder,
ctx: Context,
exe: var,
objname: []const u8,
errtxt: ?[]const u8,
) !void {
const path_padded = try b.exec(&[_][]const u8{
b.fmt("-print-file-name={}", .{objname}),
const path_unpadded = mem.tokenize(path_padded, "\r\n").next().?;
if (mem.eql(u8, path_unpadded, objname)) {
if (errtxt) |msg| {
warn("{}", .{msg});
} else {
warn("Unable to determine path to {}\n", .{objname});
return error.RequiredLibraryNotFound;
const Context = struct {
cmake_binary_dir: []const u8,
cxx_compiler: []const u8,
llvm_config_exe: []const u8,
lld_include_dir: []const u8,
lld_libraries: []const u8,
dia_guids_lib: []const u8,
llvm: LibraryDep,