mlugg b3f9fe6d04
Unify incremental test cases and disable many
The self-hosted aarch64 backend is not currently functional due to the
Liveness changes. A previous commit disabled aarch64 on the behavior
tests; this commit disables it and arm for the test cases. Moreover, all
incremental test cases have been unified into shared cross-platform
cases, which can be gradually enabled as the backends improve.
2023-04-20 20:49:36 +01:00

39 lines
882 B

pub fn main() void {
assert(add(3, 4) == 791);
fn add(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
const x: u32 = blk: {
const c = a + b; // 7
const d = a + c; // 10
const e = d + b; // 14
const f = d + e; // 24
const g = e + f; // 38
const h = f + g; // 62
const i = g + h; // 100
const j = i + d; // 110
const k = i + j; // 210
const l = k + c; // 217
const m = l + d; // 227
const n = m + e; // 241
const o = n + f; // 265
const p = o + g; // 303
const q = p + h; // 365
const r = q + i; // 465
const s = r + j; // 575
const t = s + k; // 785
break :blk t;
const y = x + a; // 788
const z = y + a; // 791
return z;
fn assert(ok: bool) void {
if (!ok) unreachable;
// run
// target=x86_64-linux,x86_64-macos