Andrew Kelley 445b03384a introduce std.heap.ArenaAllocator and std.heap.DirectAllocator
* DirectAllocator does the underlying syscall for every allocation.
 * ArenaAllocator takes another allocator as an argument and
   allocates bytes up front, falling back to DirectAllocator with
   increasingly large allocation sizes, to avoid calling it too often.
   Then the entire arena can be freed at once.

The self hosted parser is updated to take advantage of ArenaAllocator
for the AST that it returns. This significantly reduces the complexity
of cleanup code.

docgen and build runner are updated to use the combination of
ArenaAllocator and DirectAllocator instead of IncrementingAllocator,
which is now deprecated in favor of FixedBufferAllocator combined
with DirectAllocator.

The C allocator calls aligned_alloc instead of malloc, in order to
respect the alignment parameter.

Added asserts in Allocator to ensure that implementors of the
interface return slices of the correct size.

Fixed a bug in Allocator when you call realloc to grow the allocation.
2018-02-12 02:14:44 -05:00

262 lines
7.9 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const io = std.io;
const mem = std.mem;
const debug = std.debug;
const assert = debug.assert;
const Buffer = std.Buffer;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const Token = union(enum) {
Word: []const u8,
var global_allocator: &mem.Allocator = undefined;
fn tokenize(input:[] const u8) !ArrayList(Token) {
const State = enum {
var token_list = ArrayList(Token).init(global_allocator);
var tok_begin: usize = undefined;
var state = State.Start;
for (input) |b, i| {
switch (state) {
State.Start => switch (b) {
'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z' => {
state = State.Word;
tok_begin = i;
'{' => try token_list.append(Token.OpenBrace),
'}' => try token_list.append(Token.CloseBrace),
',' => try token_list.append(Token.Comma),
else => return error.InvalidInput,
State.Word => switch (b) {
'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z' => {},
'{', '}', ',' => {
try token_list.append(Token { .Word = input[tok_begin..i] });
switch (b) {
'{' => try token_list.append(Token.OpenBrace),
'}' => try token_list.append(Token.CloseBrace),
',' => try token_list.append(Token.Comma),
else => unreachable,
state = State.Start;
else => return error.InvalidInput,
switch (state) {
State.Start => {},
State.Word => try token_list.append(Token {.Word = input[tok_begin..] }),
try token_list.append(Token.Eof);
return token_list;
const Node = union(enum) {
Scalar: []const u8,
List: ArrayList(Node),
Combine: []Node,
const ParseError = error {
fn parse(tokens: &const ArrayList(Token), token_index: &usize) ParseError!Node {
const first_token = tokens.items[*token_index];
*token_index += 1;
const result_node = switch (first_token) {
Token.Word => |word| Node { .Scalar = word },
Token.OpenBrace => blk: {
var list = ArrayList(Node).init(global_allocator);
while (true) {
try list.append(try parse(tokens, token_index));
const token = tokens.items[*token_index];
*token_index += 1;
switch (token) {
Token.CloseBrace => break,
Token.Comma => continue,
else => return error.InvalidInput,
break :blk Node { .List = list };
else => return error.InvalidInput,
switch (tokens.items[*token_index]) {
Token.Word, Token.OpenBrace => {
const pair = try global_allocator.alloc(Node, 2);
pair[0] = result_node;
pair[1] = try parse(tokens, token_index);
return Node { .Combine = pair };
else => return result_node,
fn expandString(input: []const u8, output: &Buffer) !void {
const tokens = try tokenize(input);
if (tokens.len == 1) {
return output.resize(0);
var token_index: usize = 0;
const root = try parse(tokens, &token_index);
const last_token = tokens.items[token_index];
switch (last_token) {
Token.Eof => {},
else => return error.InvalidInput,
var result_list = ArrayList(Buffer).init(global_allocator);
defer result_list.deinit();
try expandNode(root, &result_list);
try output.resize(0);
for (result_list.toSliceConst()) |buf, i| {
if (i != 0) {
try output.appendByte(' ');
try output.append(buf.toSliceConst());
const ExpandNodeError = error {
fn expandNode(node: &const Node, output: &ArrayList(Buffer)) ExpandNodeError!void {
assert(output.len == 0);
switch (*node) {
Node.Scalar => |scalar| {
try output.append(try Buffer.init(global_allocator, scalar));
Node.Combine => |pair| {
const a_node = pair[0];
const b_node = pair[1];
var child_list_a = ArrayList(Buffer).init(global_allocator);
try expandNode(a_node, &child_list_a);
var child_list_b = ArrayList(Buffer).init(global_allocator);
try expandNode(b_node, &child_list_b);
for (child_list_a.toSliceConst()) |buf_a| {
for (child_list_b.toSliceConst()) |buf_b| {
var combined_buf = try Buffer.initFromBuffer(buf_a);
try combined_buf.append(buf_b.toSliceConst());
try output.append(combined_buf);
Node.List => |list| {
for (list.toSliceConst()) |child_node| {
var child_list = ArrayList(Buffer).init(global_allocator);
try expandNode(child_node, &child_list);
for (child_list.toSliceConst()) |buf| {
try output.append(buf);
pub fn main() !void {
var stdin_file = try io.getStdIn();
var stdout_file = try io.getStdOut();
var direct_allocator = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init();
defer direct_allocator.deinit();
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(&direct_allocator.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
global_allocator = &arena.allocator;
var stdin_buf = try Buffer.initSize(global_allocator, 0);
defer stdin_buf.deinit();
var stdin_adapter = io.FileInStream.init(&stdin_file);
try stdin_adapter.stream.readAllBuffer(&stdin_buf, @maxValue(usize));
var result_buf = try Buffer.initSize(global_allocator, 0);
defer result_buf.deinit();
try expandString(stdin_buf.toSlice(), &result_buf);
try stdout_file.write(result_buf.toSliceConst());
test "invalid inputs" {
global_allocator = std.debug.global_allocator;
expectError("}ABC", error.InvalidInput);
expectError("{ABC", error.InvalidInput);
expectError("}{", error.InvalidInput);
expectError("{}", error.InvalidInput);
expectError("A,B,C", error.InvalidInput);
expectError("{A{B,C}", error.InvalidInput);
expectError("{A,}", error.InvalidInput);
expectError("\n", error.InvalidInput);
fn expectError(test_input: []const u8, expected_err: error) void {
var output_buf = Buffer.initSize(global_allocator, 0) catch unreachable;
defer output_buf.deinit();
if (expandString(test_input, &output_buf)) {
} else |err| {
assert(expected_err == err);
test "valid inputs" {
global_allocator = std.debug.global_allocator;
expectExpansion("{x,y,z}", "x y z");
expectExpansion("{A,B}{x,y}", "Ax Ay Bx By");
expectExpansion("{A,B{x,y}}", "A Bx By");
expectExpansion("{ABC}", "ABC");
expectExpansion("{A,B,C}", "A B C");
expectExpansion("ABC", "ABC");
expectExpansion("", "");
expectExpansion("{A,B}{C,{x,y}}{g,h}", "ACg ACh Axg Axh Ayg Ayh BCg BCh Bxg Bxh Byg Byh");
expectExpansion("{A,B}{C,C{x,y}}{g,h}", "ACg ACh ACxg ACxh ACyg ACyh BCg BCh BCxg BCxh BCyg BCyh");
expectExpansion("{A,B}a", "Aa Ba");
expectExpansion("{C,{x,y}}", "C x y");
expectExpansion("z{C,{x,y}}", "zC zx zy");
expectExpansion("a{b,c{d,e{f,g}}}", "ab acd acef aceg");
expectExpansion("a{x,y}b", "axb ayb");
expectExpansion("z{{a,b}}", "za zb");
expectExpansion("a{b}", "ab");
fn expectExpansion(test_input: []const u8, expected_result: []const u8) void {
var result = Buffer.initSize(global_allocator, 0) catch unreachable;
defer result.deinit();
expandString(test_input, &result) catch unreachable;
assert(mem.eql(u8, result.toSlice(), expected_result));