Andrew Kelley b581da41f8 remove compiler directives
* add `setFnTest`, `setFnVisible`, `setFnStaticEval`,
   `setFnNoInline` builtin functions to replace previous
   directive functionality
 * add `coldcc` and `nakedcc` as keywords which can be used as part
   of a function prototype.
 * `setDebugSafety` builtin can be used to set debug safety features
   at a per block scope level.
 * closes #169
2016-09-28 02:33:32 -04:00

82 lines
3.4 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: Zig
" Maintainer: Andrew Kelley
" Latest Revision: 03 August 2016
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let b:current_syntax = "zig"
syn keyword zigStorage const var extern export pub noalias inline nakedcc coldcc
syn keyword zigStructure struct enum union
syn keyword zigStatement goto break return continue asm defer
syn keyword zigConditional if else switch
syn keyword zigRepeat while for
syn keyword zigConstant null undefined zeroes this
syn keyword zigKeyword fn use
syn keyword zigType bool f32 f64 void unreachable type error
syn keyword zigType i8 u8 i16 u16 i32 u32 i64 u64 isize usize
syn keyword zigType c_short c_ushort c_int c_uint c_long c_ulong c_longlong c_ulonglong c_long_double
syn keyword zigBoolean true false
syn match zigOperator display "\%(+%\?\|-%\?\|/\|*%\?\|=\|\^\|&\|?\||\|!\|>\|<\|%\|<<%\?\|>>\|&&\|||\)=\?"
syn match zigArrowCharacter display "->"
syn match zigDecNumber display "\<[0-9]*\%(.[0-9]\+\)\=\%([eE][+-]\?[0-9]\+\)\="
syn match zigHexNumber display "\<0x[a-fA-F0-9]\+\%(.[a-fA-F0-9]\+\%([pP][+-]\?[0-9]\+\)\?\)\="
syn match zigOctNumber display "\<0o[0-7]\+"
syn match zigBinNumber display "\<0b[01]\+\%(.[01]\+\%([eE][+-]\?[0-9]\+\)\?\)\="
syn match zigCharacterInvalid display contained /b\?'\zs[\n\r\t']\ze'/
syn match zigCharacterInvalidUnicode display contained /b'\zs[^[:cntrl:][:graph:][:alnum:][:space:]]\ze'/
syn match zigCharacter /b'\([^\\]\|\\\(.\|x\x\{2}\)\)'/ contains=zigEscape,zigEscapeError,zigCharacterInvalid,zigCharacterInvalidUnicode
syn match zigCharacter /'\([^\\]\|\\\(.\|x\x\{2}\|u\x\{4}\|U\x\{6}\)\)'/ contains=zigEscape,zigEscapeUnicode,zigEscapeError,zigCharacterInvalid
syn region zigCommentLine start="//" end="$" contains=zigTodo,@Spell
syn region zigCommentLineDoc start="//\%(//\@!\|!\)" end="$" contains=zigTodo,@Spell
" TODO match only the first '\\' within the zigMultilineString as zigMultilineStringPrefix
syn match zigMultilineStringPrefix display contained /c\?\\\\/
syn region zigMultilineString start="c\?\\\\" end="$" contains=zigMultilineStringPrefix
syn keyword zigTodo contained TODO XXX
syn match zigEscapeError display contained /\\./
syn match zigEscape display contained /\\\([nrt\\'"]\|x\x\{2}\)/
syn match zigEscapeUnicode display contained /\\\(u\x\{4}\|U\x\{6}\)/
syn region zigString start=+c\?"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=zigEscape,zigEscapeUnicode,zigEscapeError,@Spell
hi def link zigDecNumber zigNumber
hi def link zigHexNumber zigNumber
hi def link zigOctNumber zigNumber
hi def link zigBinNumber zigNumber
hi def link zigKeyword Keyword
hi def link zigType Type
hi def link zigCommentLine Comment
hi def link zigCommentLineDoc SpecialComment
hi def link zigTodo Todo
hi def link zigString String
hi def link zigMultilineString String
hi def link zigMultilineStringPrefix Comment
hi def link zigCharacterInvalid Error
hi def link zigCharacterInvalidUnicode zigCharacterInvalid
hi def link zigCharacter Character
hi def link zigEscape Special
hi def link zigEscapeUnicode zigEscape
hi def link zigEscapeError Error
hi def link zigBoolean Boolean
hi def link zigConstant Constant
hi def link zigNumber Number
hi def link zigArrowCharacter zigOperator
hi def link zigOperator Operator
hi def link zigStorage StorageClass
hi def link zigStructure Structure
hi def link zigStatement Statement
hi def link zigConditional Conditional
hi def link zigRepeat Repeat