Andrew Kelley 48c7e6c48b
std.Target.CpuFeatures is now a struct with both CPU and feature set
Previously it was a tagged union which was one of:
 * baseline
 * a specific CPU
 * a set of features

Now, it's possible to have a CPU but also modify the CPU's feature set
on top of that. This is closer to what LLVM does.

This is more correct because Zig's notion of CPUs (and LLVM's) is not
exact CPU models. For example "skylake" is not one very specific model;
there are several different pieces of hardware that match "skylake" that
have different feature sets enabled.
2020-01-22 17:13:31 -05:00

2610 lines
76 KiB

const tests = @import("tests.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Target = @import("std").Target;
pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
cases.add("empty declaration",
, &[_][]const u8{""});
cases.add("#define hex literal with capital X",
\\#define VAL 0XF00D
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const VAL = 0xF00D;
cases.add("anonymous struct & unions",
\\typedef struct {
\\ union {
\\ char x;
\\ struct { int y; };
\\ };
\\} outer;
\\void foo(outer *x) { x->y = x->x; }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\const struct_unnamed_5 = extern struct {
\\ y: c_int,
\\const union_unnamed_3 = extern union {
\\ x: u8,
\\ unnamed_4: struct_unnamed_5,
\\const struct_unnamed_1 = extern struct {
\\ unnamed_2: union_unnamed_3,
\\pub const outer = struct_unnamed_1;
\\pub export fn foo(arg_x: [*c]outer) void {
\\ var x = arg_x;
\\ x.*.unnamed_2.unnamed_4.y = @bitCast(c_int, @as(c_uint, x.*.unnamed_2.x));
cases.add("union initializer",
\\union { int x; char c[4]; }
\\ ua = {1},
\\ ub = {.c={'a','b','b','a'}};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\const union_unnamed_1 = extern union {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ c: [4]u8,
\\pub export var ua: union_unnamed_1 = union_unnamed_1{
\\ .x = @as(c_int, 1),
\\pub export var ub: union_unnamed_1 = union_unnamed_1{
\\ .c = .{
\\ @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, 'a'))),
\\ @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, 'b'))),
\\ @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, 'b'))),
\\ @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, 'a'))),
\\ },
cases.add("struct initializer - simple",
\\typedef struct { int x; } foo;
\\struct {double x,y,z;} s0 = {1.2, 1.3};
\\struct {int sec,min,hour,day,mon,year;} s1 = {.day=31,12,2014,.sec=30,15,17};
\\struct {int x,y;} s2 = {.y = 2, .x=1};
\\foo s3 = { 123 };
, &[_][]const u8{
\\const struct_unnamed_1 = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\pub const foo = struct_unnamed_1;
\\const struct_unnamed_2 = extern struct {
\\ x: f64,
\\ y: f64,
\\ z: f64,
\\pub export var s0: struct_unnamed_2 = struct_unnamed_2{
\\ .x = 1.2,
\\ .y = 1.3,
\\ .z = 0,
\\const struct_unnamed_3 = extern struct {
\\ sec: c_int,
\\ min: c_int,
\\ hour: c_int,
\\ day: c_int,
\\ mon: c_int,
\\ year: c_int,
\\pub export var s1: struct_unnamed_3 = struct_unnamed_3{
\\ .sec = @as(c_int, 30),
\\ .min = @as(c_int, 15),
\\ .hour = @as(c_int, 17),
\\ .day = @as(c_int, 31),
\\ .mon = @as(c_int, 12),
\\ .year = @as(c_int, 2014),
\\const struct_unnamed_4 = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: c_int,
\\pub export var s2: struct_unnamed_4 = struct_unnamed_4{
\\ .x = @as(c_int, 1),
\\ .y = @as(c_int, 2),
\\pub export var s3: foo = foo{
\\ .x = @as(c_int, 123),
cases.add("simple ptrCast for casts between opaque types",
\\struct opaque;
\\struct opaque_2;
\\void function(struct opaque *opaque) {
\\ struct opaque_2 *cast = (struct opaque_2 *)opaque;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_opaque = @OpaqueType();
\\pub const struct_opaque_2 = @OpaqueType();
\\pub export fn function(arg_opaque_1: ?*struct_opaque) void {
\\ var opaque_1 = arg_opaque_1;
\\ var cast: ?*struct_opaque_2 = @ptrCast(?*struct_opaque_2, opaque_1);
cases.add("struct initializer - packed",
\\struct {int x,y,z;} __attribute__((packed)) s0 = {1, 2};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\const struct_unnamed_1 = packed struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: c_int,
\\ z: c_int,
\\pub export var s0: struct_unnamed_1 = struct_unnamed_1{
\\ .x = @as(c_int, 1),
\\ .y = @as(c_int, 2),
\\ .z = 0,
cases.add("align() attribute",
\\__attribute__ ((aligned(128)))
\\extern char my_array[16];
\\__attribute__ ((aligned(128)))
\\void my_fn(void) { }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var my_array: [16]u8 align(128);
\\pub export fn my_fn() align(128) void {}
cases.add("linksection() attribute",
\\// Use the "segment,section" format to make this test pass when
\\// targeting the mach-o binary format
\\__attribute__ ((__section__("NEAR,.data")))
\\extern char my_array[16];
\\__attribute__ ((__section__("NEAR,.data")))
\\void my_fn(void) { }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var my_array: [16]u8 linksection("NEAR,.data");
\\pub export fn my_fn() linksection("NEAR,.data") void {}
cases.add("simple function prototypes",
\\void __attribute__((noreturn)) foo(void);
\\int bar(void);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo() noreturn;
\\pub extern fn bar() c_int;
cases.add("simple var decls",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int a;
\\ char b = 123;
\\ const int c;
\\ const unsigned d = 440;
\\ int e = 10;
\\ unsigned int f = 10u;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, 123)));
\\ const c: c_int = undefined;
\\ const d: c_uint = @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 440));
\\ var e: c_int = 10;
\\ var f: c_uint = 10;
cases.add("ignore result, explicit function arguments",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int a;
\\ 1;
\\ "hey";
\\ 1 + 1;
\\ 1 - 1;
\\ a = 1;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 1);
\\ _ = "hey";
\\ _ = (@as(c_int, 1) + @as(c_int, 1));
\\ _ = (@as(c_int, 1) - @as(c_int, 1));
\\ a = 1;
cases.add("function with no prototype",
\\int foo() {
\\ return 5;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ return 5;
\\extern int extern_var;
\\static const int int_var = 13;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var extern_var: c_int;
\\pub const int_var: c_int = 13;
cases.add("const ptr initializer",
\\static const char *v0 = "0.0.0";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub var v0: [*c]const u8 = "0.0.0";
cases.add("static incomplete array inside function",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ static const char v2[] = "2.2.2";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ const v2: [*c]const u8 = "2.2.2";
cases.add("simple function definition",
\\void foo(void) {}
\\static void bar(void) {}
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {}
\\pub fn bar() callconv(.C) void {}
cases.add("typedef void",
\\typedef void Foo;
\\Foo fun(Foo *a);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const Foo = c_void;
\\pub extern fn fun(a: ?*Foo) Foo;
cases.add("duplicate typedef",
\\typedef long foo;
\\typedef int bar;
\\typedef long foo;
\\typedef int baz;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const foo = c_long;
\\pub const bar = c_int;
\\pub const baz = c_int;
cases.add("casting pointers to ints and ints to pointers",
\\void foo(void);
\\void bar(void) {
\\ void *func_ptr = foo;
\\ void (*typed_func_ptr)(void) = (void (*)(void)) (unsigned long) func_ptr;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo() void;
\\pub export fn bar() void {
\\ var func_ptr: ?*c_void = @ptrCast(?*c_void, foo);
\\ var typed_func_ptr: ?fn () callconv(.C) void = @intToPtr(?fn () callconv(.C) void, @intCast(c_ulong, @ptrToInt(func_ptr)));
cases.add("noreturn attribute",
\\void foo(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo() noreturn;
cases.add("add, sub, mul, div, rem",
\\int s() {
\\ int a, b, c;
\\ c = a + b;
\\ c = a - b;
\\ c = a * b;
\\ c = a / b;
\\ c = a % b;
\\unsigned u() {
\\ unsigned a, b, c;
\\ c = a + b;
\\ c = a - b;
\\ c = a * b;
\\ c = a / b;
\\ c = a % b;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn s() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: c_int = undefined;
\\ var c: c_int = undefined;
\\ c = (a + b);
\\ c = (a - b);
\\ c = (a * b);
\\ c = @divTrunc(a, b);
\\ c = @rem(a, b);
\\pub export fn u() c_uint {
\\ var a: c_uint = undefined;
\\ var b: c_uint = undefined;
\\ var c: c_uint = undefined;
\\ c = (a +% b);
\\ c = (a -% b);
\\ c = (a *% b);
\\ c = (a / b);
\\ c = (a % b);
cases.add("typedef of function in struct field",
\\typedef void lws_callback_function(void);
\\struct Foo {
\\ void (*func)(void);
\\ lws_callback_function *callback_http;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const lws_callback_function = fn () callconv(.C) void;
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ func: ?fn () callconv(.C) void,
\\ callback_http: ?lws_callback_function,
cases.add("pointer to struct demoted to opaque due to bit fields",
\\struct Foo {
\\ unsigned int: 1;
\\struct Bar {
\\ struct Foo *foo;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = @OpaqueType();
\\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct {
\\ foo: ?*struct_Foo,
cases.add("macro with left shift",
\\#define REDISMODULE_READ (1<<0)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const REDISMODULE_READ = 1 << 0;
cases.add("macro with right shift",
\\#define FLASH_SIZE 0x200000UL /* 2 MB */
\\#define FLASH_BANK_SIZE (FLASH_SIZE >> 1) /* 1 MB */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FLASH_SIZE = @as(c_ulong, 0x200000);
\\pub const FLASH_BANK_SIZE = FLASH_SIZE >> 1;
cases.add("double define struct",
\\typedef struct Bar Bar;
\\typedef struct Foo Foo;
\\struct Foo {
\\ Foo *a;
\\struct Bar {
\\ Foo *a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ a: [*c]Foo,
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
\\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct {
\\ a: [*c]Foo,
\\pub const Bar = struct_Bar;
cases.add("simple struct",
\\struct Foo {
\\ int x;
\\ char *y;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: [*c]u8,
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
cases.add("self referential struct with function pointer",
\\struct Foo {
\\ void (*derp)(struct Foo *foo);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ derp: ?fn ([*c]struct_Foo) callconv(.C) void,
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
cases.add("struct prototype used in func",
\\struct Foo;
\\struct Foo *some_func(struct Foo *foo, int x);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = @OpaqueType();
\\pub extern fn some_func(foo: ?*struct_Foo, x: c_int) ?*struct_Foo;
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
cases.add("#define an unsigned integer literal",
\\#define CHANNEL_COUNT 24
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const CHANNEL_COUNT = 24;
cases.add("#define referencing another #define",
\\#define THING2 THING1
\\#define THING1 1234
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const THING1 = 1234;
\\pub const THING2 = THING1;
cases.add("circular struct definitions",
\\struct Bar;
\\struct Foo {
\\ struct Bar *next;
\\struct Bar {
\\ struct Foo *next;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct {
\\ next: [*c]struct_Foo,
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ next: [*c]struct_Bar,
cases.add("#define string",
\\#define foo "a string"
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const foo = "a string";
cases.add("zig keywords in C code",
\\struct comptime {
\\ int defer;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_comptime = extern struct {
\\ @"defer": c_int,
\\pub const @"comptime" = struct_comptime;
cases.add("macro with parens around negative number",
\\#define LUA_GLOBALSINDEX (-10002)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const LUA_GLOBALSINDEX = -10002;
"u integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0U",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_uint, 0);",
"l integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0L",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_long, 0);",
"ul integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0UL",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulong, 0);",
"lu integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0LU",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulong, 0);",
"ll integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0LL",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_longlong, 0);",
"ull integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0ULL",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0);",
"llu integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define ZERO 0LLU",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0);",
"bitwise not on u-suffixed 0 (zero) in macro definition",
"#define NOT_ZERO (~0U)",
&[_][]const u8{
"pub const NOT_ZERO = ~@as(c_uint, 0);",
cases.add("null statements",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ ;;;;;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ {}
\\ {}
\\ {}
\\ {}
\\ {}
if (builtin.os != builtin.Os.windows) {
// Windows treats this as an enum with type c_int
cases.add("big negative enum init values when C ABI supports long long enums",
\\enum EnumWithInits {
\\ VAL01 = 0,
\\ VAL02 = 1,
\\ VAL03 = 2,
\\ VAL04 = 3,
\\ VAL05 = -1,
\\ VAL06 = -2,
\\ VAL07 = -3,
\\ VAL08 = -4,
\\ VAL09 = VAL02 + VAL08,
\\ VAL10 = -1000012000,
\\ VAL11 = -1000161000,
\\ VAL12 = -1000174001,
\\ VAL13 = VAL09,
\\ VAL14 = VAL10,
\\ VAL15 = VAL11,
\\ VAL16 = VAL13,
\\ VAL17 = (VAL16 - VAL10 + 1),
\\ VAL18 = 0x1000000000000000L,
\\ VAL19 = VAL18 + VAL18 + VAL18 - 1,
\\ VAL20 = VAL19 + VAL19,
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const enum_EnumWithInits = extern enum(c_longlong) {
\\ VAL01 = 0,
\\ VAL02 = 1,
\\ VAL03 = 2,
\\ VAL04 = 3,
\\ VAL05 = -1,
\\ VAL06 = -2,
\\ VAL07 = -3,
\\ VAL08 = -4,
\\ VAL09 = -3,
\\ VAL10 = -1000012000,
\\ VAL11 = -1000161000,
\\ VAL12 = -1000174001,
\\ VAL13 = -3,
\\ VAL14 = -1000012000,
\\ VAL15 = -1000161000,
\\ VAL16 = -3,
\\ VAL17 = 1000011998,
\\ VAL18 = 1152921504606846976,
\\ VAL19 = 3458764513820540927,
\\ VAL20 = 6917529027641081854,
\\ VAL21 = 6917529027641081853,
\\ VAL22 = 0,
\\ VAL23 = -1,
\\ _,
cases.add("predefined expressions",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ __func__;
\\ __FUNCTION__;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ _ = "foo";
\\ _ = "foo";
\\ _ = "void foo(void)";
cases.add("constant size array",
\\void func(int array[20]);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn func(array: [*c]c_int) void;
cases.add("__cdecl doesn't mess up function pointers",
\\void foo(void (__cdecl *fn_ptr)(void));
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo(fn_ptr: ?fn () callconv(.C) void) void;
cases.add("void cast",
\\void foo() {
\\ int a;
\\ (void) a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ _ = a;
cases.add("implicit cast to void *",
\\void *foo() {
\\ unsigned short *x;
\\ return x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() ?*c_void {
\\ var x: [*c]c_ushort = undefined;
\\ return @ptrCast(?*c_void, x);
cases.add("null pointer implicit cast",
\\int* foo(void) {
\\ return 0;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() [*c]c_int {
\\ return null;
cases.add("simple union",
\\union Foo {
\\ int x;
\\ double y;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const union_Foo = extern union {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: f64,
\\pub const Foo = union_Foo;
cases.add("string literal",
\\const char *foo(void) {
\\ return "bar";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() [*c]const u8 {
\\ return "bar";
cases.add("return void",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ return;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ return;
cases.add("for loop",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ for (int i = 0; i; i++) { }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ {
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ while (i != 0) : (i += 1) {}
\\ }
cases.add("empty for loop",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ for (;;) { }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ while (true) {}
cases.add("for loop with simple init expression",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int i;
\\ for (i = 3; i; i--) { }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var i: c_int = undefined;
\\ {
\\ i = 3;
\\ while (i != 0) : (i -= 1) {}
\\ }
cases.add("break statement",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ for (;;) {
\\ break;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ while (true) {
\\ break;
\\ }
cases.add("continue statement",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ for (;;) {
\\ continue;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ while (true) {
\\ continue;
\\ }
cases.add("pointer casting",
\\float *ptrcast() {
\\ int *a;
\\ return (float *)a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn ptrcast() [*c]f32 {
\\ var a: [*c]c_int = undefined;
\\ return @ptrCast([*c]f32, @alignCast(@alignOf(f32), a));
cases.add("pointer conversion with different alignment",
\\void test_ptr_cast() {
\\ void *p;
\\ {
\\ char *to_char = (char *)p;
\\ short *to_short = (short *)p;
\\ int *to_int = (int *)p;
\\ long long *to_longlong = (long long *)p;
\\ }
\\ {
\\ char *to_char = p;
\\ short *to_short = p;
\\ int *to_int = p;
\\ long long *to_longlong = p;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn test_ptr_cast() void {
\\ var p: ?*c_void = undefined;
\\ {
\\ var to_char: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, @alignCast(@alignOf(u8), p));
\\ var to_short: [*c]c_short = @ptrCast([*c]c_short, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_short), p));
\\ var to_int: [*c]c_int = @ptrCast([*c]c_int, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_int), p));
\\ var to_longlong: [*c]c_longlong = @ptrCast([*c]c_longlong, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_longlong), p));
\\ }
\\ {
\\ var to_char: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, @alignCast(@alignOf(u8), p));
\\ var to_short: [*c]c_short = @ptrCast([*c]c_short, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_short), p));
\\ var to_int: [*c]c_int = @ptrCast([*c]c_int, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_int), p));
\\ var to_longlong: [*c]c_longlong = @ptrCast([*c]c_longlong, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_longlong), p));
\\ }
cases.add("while on non-bool",
\\int while_none_bool() {
\\ int a;
\\ float b;
\\ void *c;
\\ while (a) return 0;
\\ while (b) return 1;
\\ while (c) return 2;
\\ return 3;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn while_none_bool() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: f32 = undefined;
\\ var c: ?*c_void = undefined;
\\ while (a != 0) return 0;
\\ while (b != 0) return 1;
\\ while (c != null) return 2;
\\ return 3;
cases.add("for on non-bool",
\\int for_none_bool() {
\\ int a;
\\ float b;
\\ void *c;
\\ for (;a;) return 0;
\\ for (;b;) return 1;
\\ for (;c;) return 2;
\\ return 3;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn for_none_bool() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: f32 = undefined;
\\ var c: ?*c_void = undefined;
\\ while (a != 0) return 0;
\\ while (b != 0) return 1;
\\ while (c != null) return 2;
\\ return 3;
\\int foo(void) {
\\ return (1 << 2) >> 1;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ return (@as(c_int, 1) << @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 2)) >> @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 1);
\\#include <stddef.h>
\\size_t size_of(void) {
\\ return sizeof(int);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn size_of() usize {
\\ return @sizeOf(c_int);
cases.add("normal deref",
\\void foo() {
\\ int *x;
\\ *x = 1;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var x: [*c]c_int = undefined;
\\ x.?.* = 1;
cases.add("address of operator",
\\int foo(void) {
\\ int x = 1234;
\\ int *ptr = &x;
\\ return *ptr;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var x: c_int = 1234;
\\ var ptr: [*c]c_int = &x;
\\ return ptr.?.*;
cases.add("bin not",
\\int foo() {
\\ int x;
\\ return ~x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var x: c_int = undefined;
\\ return ~x;
cases.add("bool not",
\\int foo() {
\\ int a;
\\ float b;
\\ void *c;
\\ return !(a == 0);
\\ return !a;
\\ return !b;
\\ return !c;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: f32 = undefined;
\\ var c: ?*c_void = undefined;
\\ return !(a == @as(c_int, 0));
\\ return !(a != 0);
\\ return !(b != 0);
\\ return !(c != null);
cases.add("__extension__ cast",
\\int foo(void) {
\\ return __extension__ 1;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ return 1;
if (builtin.os != builtin.Os.windows) {
// sysv_abi not currently supported on windows
cases.add("Macro qualified functions",
\\void __attribute__((sysv_abi)) foo(void);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo() void;
cases.add("Forward-declared enum",
\\extern enum enum_ty my_enum;
\\enum enum_ty { FOO };
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = @enumToInt(enum_enum_ty.FOO);
\\pub const enum_enum_ty = extern enum(c_int) {
\\ FOO,
\\ _,
\\pub extern var my_enum: enum_enum_ty;
cases.add("Parameterless function pointers",
\\typedef void (*fn0)();
\\typedef void (*fn1)(char);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const fn0 = ?fn (...) callconv(.C) void;
\\pub const fn1 = ?fn (u8) callconv(.C) void;
cases.addWithTarget("Calling convention", tests.Target{
.Cross = .{
.os = .linux,
.arch = .i386,
.abi = .none,
.cpu_features = Target.Arch.i386.getBaselineCpuFeatures(),
\\void __attribute__((fastcall)) foo1(float *a);
\\void __attribute__((stdcall)) foo2(float *a);
\\void __attribute__((vectorcall)) foo3(float *a);
\\void __attribute__((cdecl)) foo4(float *a);
\\void __attribute__((thiscall)) foo5(float *a);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn foo1(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.Fastcall) void;
\\pub fn foo2(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.Stdcall) void;
\\pub fn foo3(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.Vectorcall) void;
\\pub extern fn foo4(a: [*c]f32) void;
\\pub fn foo5(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.Thiscall) void;
cases.addWithTarget("Calling convention", tests.Target{
.Cross = .{
.os = .linux,
.arch = .{ .arm = .v8_5a },
.abi = .none,
.cpu_features = (Target.Arch{ .arm = .v8_5a }).getBaselineCpuFeatures(),
\\void __attribute__((pcs("aapcs"))) foo1(float *a);
\\void __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp"))) foo2(float *a);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn foo1(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.AAPCS) void;
\\pub fn foo2(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.AAPCSVFP) void;
cases.addWithTarget("Calling convention", tests.Target{
.Cross = .{
.os = .linux,
.arch = .{ .aarch64 = .v8_5a },
.abi = .none,
.cpu_features = (Target.Arch{ .aarch64 = .v8_5a }).getBaselineCpuFeatures(),
\\void __attribute__((aarch64_vector_pcs)) foo1(float *a);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn foo1(a: [*c]f32) callconv(.Vectorcall) void;
cases.add("Parameterless function prototypes",
\\void a() {}
\\void b(void) {}
\\void c();
\\void d(void);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn a() void {}
\\pub export fn b() void {}
\\pub extern fn c(...) void;
\\pub extern fn d() void;
cases.add("variable declarations",
\\extern char arr0[] = "hello";
\\static char arr1[] = "hello";
\\char arr2[] = "hello";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var arr0: [*c]u8 = "hello";
\\pub var arr1: [*c]u8 = "hello";
\\pub export var arr2: [*c]u8 = "hello";
cases.add("array initializer expr",
\\static void foo(void){
\\ char arr[10] ={1};
\\ char *arr1[10] ={0};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn foo() callconv(.C) void {
\\ var arr: [10]u8 = .{
\\ @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, 1))),
\\ } ++ .{0} ** 9;
\\ var arr1: [10][*c]u8 = .{
\\ null,
\\ } ++ .{null} ** 9;
\\typedef enum {
\\ a,
\\ b,
\\ c,
\\} d;
\\enum {
\\ e,
\\ f = 4,
\\ g,
\\} h = e;
\\struct Baz {
\\ enum {
\\ i,
\\ j,
\\ k,
\\ } l;
\\ d m;
\\enum i {
\\ n,
\\ o,
\\ p,
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const a = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_1.a);
\\pub const b = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_1.b);
\\pub const c = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_1.c);
\\const enum_unnamed_1 = extern enum(c_int) {
\\ a,
\\ b,
\\ c,
\\ _,
\\pub const d = enum_unnamed_1;
\\pub const e = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_2.e);
\\pub const f = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_2.f);
\\pub const g = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_2.g);
\\const enum_unnamed_2 = extern enum(c_int) {
\\ e = 0,
\\ f = 4,
\\ g = 5,
\\ _,
\\pub export var h: enum_unnamed_2 = @intToEnum(enum_unnamed_2, e);
\\pub const i = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_3.i);
\\pub const j = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_3.j);
\\pub const k = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_3.k);
\\const enum_unnamed_3 = extern enum(c_int) {
\\ i,
\\ j,
\\ k,
\\ _,
\\pub const struct_Baz = extern struct {
\\ l: enum_unnamed_3,
\\ m: d,
\\pub const n = @enumToInt(enum_i.n);
\\pub const o = @enumToInt(enum_i.o);
\\pub const p = @enumToInt(enum_i.p);
\\pub const enum_i = extern enum(c_int) {
\\ n,
\\ o,
\\ p,
\\ _,
\\pub const Baz = struct_Baz;
cases.add("#define a char literal",
\\#define A_CHAR 'a'
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const A_CHAR = 'a';
cases.add("comment after integer literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020 /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = 0x00000020;
cases.add("u integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020u /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_uint, 0x00000020);
cases.add("l integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020l /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_long, 0x00000020);
cases.add("ul integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ul /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulong, 0x00000020);
cases.add("lu integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020lu /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulong, 0x00000020);
cases.add("ll integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ll /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_longlong, 0x00000020);
cases.add("ull integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ull /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0x00000020);
cases.add("llu integer suffix after hex literal",
\\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020llu /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0x00000020);
cases.add("generate inline func for #define global extern fn",
\\extern void (*fn_ptr)(void);
\\#define foo fn_ptr
\\extern char (*fn_ptr2)(int, float);
\\#define bar fn_ptr2
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var fn_ptr: ?fn () callconv(.C) void;
\\pub inline fn foo() void {
\\ return fn_ptr.?();
\\pub extern var fn_ptr2: ?fn (c_int, f32) callconv(.C) u8;
\\pub inline fn bar(arg_1: c_int, arg_2: f32) u8 {
\\ return fn_ptr2.?(arg_1, arg_2);
cases.add("macros with field targets",
\\typedef unsigned int GLbitfield;
\\typedef void (*PFNGLCLEARPROC) (GLbitfield mask);
\\typedef void(*OpenGLProc)(void);
\\union OpenGLProcs {
\\ OpenGLProc ptr[1];
\\ struct {
\\ } gl;
\\extern union OpenGLProcs glProcs;
\\#define glClearUnion glProcs.gl.Clear
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const GLbitfield = c_uint;
\\pub const PFNGLCLEARPROC = ?fn (GLbitfield) callconv(.C) void;
\\pub const OpenGLProc = ?fn () callconv(.C) void;
\\const struct_unnamed_1 = extern struct {
\\pub const union_OpenGLProcs = extern union {
\\ ptr: [1]OpenGLProc,
\\ gl: struct_unnamed_1,
\\pub extern var glProcs: union_OpenGLProcs;
\\pub const glClearPFN = PFNGLCLEARPROC;
\\pub inline fn glClearUnion(arg_2: GLbitfield) void {
\\ return glProcs.gl.Clear.?(arg_2);
\\pub const OpenGLProcs = union_OpenGLProcs;
cases.add("macro pointer cast",
\\#define NRF_GPIO ((NRF_GPIO_Type *) NRF_GPIO_BASE)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const NRF_GPIO = if (@typeId(@TypeOf(NRF_GPIO_BASE)) == .Pointer) @ptrCast([*c]NRF_GPIO_Type, NRF_GPIO_BASE) else if (@typeId(@TypeOf(NRF_GPIO_BASE)) == .Int) @intToPtr([*c]NRF_GPIO_Type, NRF_GPIO_BASE) else @as([*c]NRF_GPIO_Type, NRF_GPIO_BASE);
cases.add("basic macro function",
\\extern int c;
\\#define BASIC(c) (c*2)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var c: c_int;
\\pub inline fn BASIC(c_1: var) @TypeOf(c_1 * 2) {
\\ return c_1 * 2;
cases.add("macro defines string literal with hex",
\\#define FOO "aoeu\xab derp"
\\#define FOO2 "aoeu\x0007a derp"
\\#define FOO_CHAR '\xfF'
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = "aoeu\xab derp";
\\pub const FOO2 = "aoeu\x7a derp";
\\pub const FOO_CHAR = '\xff';
cases.add("macro add",
\\#define PERIPH_BASE (0x40000000UL) /*!< Base address of : AHB/APB Peripherals */
\\#define D3_APB1PERIPH_BASE (PERIPH_BASE + 0x18000000UL)
\\#define RCC_BASE (D3_AHB1PERIPH_BASE + 0x4400UL)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const PERIPH_BASE = @as(c_ulong, 0x40000000);
\\pub const D3_APB1PERIPH_BASE = PERIPH_BASE + @as(c_ulong, 0x18000000);
\\pub const RCC_BASE = D3_AHB1PERIPH_BASE + @as(c_ulong, 0x4400);
cases.add("variable aliasing",
\\static long a = 2;
\\static long b = 2;
\\static int c = 4;
\\void foo(char c) {
\\ int a;
\\ char b = 123;
\\ b = (char) a;
\\ {
\\ int d = 5;
\\ }
\\ unsigned d = 440;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub var a: c_long = @bitCast(c_long, @as(c_long, @as(c_int, 2)));
\\pub var b: c_long = @bitCast(c_long, @as(c_long, @as(c_int, 2)));
\\pub var c: c_int = 4;
\\pub export fn foo(arg_c_1: u8) void {
\\ var c_1 = arg_c_1;
\\ var a_2: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b_3: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, 123)));
\\ b_3 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, a_2));
\\ {
\\ var d: c_int = 5;
\\ }
\\ var d: c_uint = @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 440));
cases.add("comma operator",
\\int foo() {
\\ 2, 4;
\\ return 2, 4, 6;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 4);
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 4);
\\ return @as(c_int, 6);
cases.add("worst-case assign",
\\int foo() {
\\ int a;
\\ int b;
\\ a = b = 2;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = undefined;
\\ var b: c_int = undefined;
\\ a = blk: {
\\ const tmp = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ b = tmp;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ };
cases.add("while loops",
\\int foo() {
\\ int a = 5;
\\ while (2)
\\ a = 2;
\\ while (4) {
\\ int a = 4;
\\ a = 9;
\\ return 6, a;
\\ }
\\ do {
\\ int a = 2;
\\ a = 12;
\\ } while (4);
\\ do
\\ a = 7;
\\ while (4);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = 5;
\\ while (@as(c_int, 2) != 0) a = 2;
\\ while (@as(c_int, 4) != 0) {
\\ var a_1: c_int = 4;
\\ a_1 = 9;
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 6);
\\ return a_1;
\\ }
\\ while (true) {
\\ var a_1: c_int = 2;
\\ a_1 = 12;
\\ if (!(@as(c_int, 4) != 0)) break;
\\ }
\\ while (true) {
\\ a = 7;
\\ if (!(@as(c_int, 4) != 0)) break;
\\ }
cases.add("for loops",
\\int foo() {
\\ for (int i = 2, b = 4; i + 2; i = 2) {
\\ int a = 2;
\\ a = 6, 5, 7;
\\ }
\\ char i = 2;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ {
\\ var i: c_int = 2;
\\ var b: c_int = 4;
\\ while ((i + @as(c_int, 2)) != 0) : (i = 2) {
\\ var a: c_int = 2;
\\ a = 6;
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 5);
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 7);
\\ }
\\ }
\\ var i: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, 2)));
cases.add("shadowing primitive types",
\\unsigned anyerror = 2;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var _anyerror: c_uint = @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 2));
\\float a = 3.1415;
\\double b = 3.1415;
\\int c = 3.1415;
\\double d = 3;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var a: f32 = @floatCast(f32, 3.1415);
\\pub export var b: f64 = 3.1415;
\\pub export var c: c_int = @floatToInt(c_int, 3.1415);
\\pub export var d: f64 = @intToFloat(f64, @as(c_int, 3));
cases.add("conditional operator",
\\int bar(void) {
\\ if (2 ? 5 : 5 ? 4 : 6) 2;
\\ return 2 ? 5 : 5 ? 4 : 6;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn bar() c_int {
\\ if ((if (@as(c_int, 2) != 0) @as(c_int, 5) else (if (@as(c_int, 5) != 0) @as(c_int, 4) else @as(c_int, 6))) != 0) _ = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ return if (@as(c_int, 2) != 0) @as(c_int, 5) else if (@as(c_int, 5) != 0) @as(c_int, 4) else @as(c_int, 6);
cases.add("switch on int",
\\int switch_fn(int i) {
\\ int res = 0;
\\ switch (i) {
\\ case 0:
\\ res = 1;
\\ case 1 ... 3:
\\ res = 2;
\\ default:
\\ res = 3 * i;
\\ break;
\\ case 4:
\\ res = 5;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn switch_fn(arg_i: c_int) c_int {
\\ var i = arg_i;
\\ var res: c_int = 0;
\\ __switch: {
\\ __case_2: {
\\ __default: {
\\ __case_1: {
\\ __case_0: {
\\ switch (i) {
\\ @as(c_int, 0) => break :__case_0,
\\ @as(c_int, 1)...@as(c_int, 3) => break :__case_1,
\\ else => break :__default,
\\ @as(c_int, 4) => break :__case_2,
\\ }
\\ }
\\ res = 1;
\\ }
\\ res = 2;
\\ }
\\ res = (@as(c_int, 3) * i);
\\ break :__switch;
\\ }
\\ res = 5;
\\ }
if (builtin.os != .windows) {
// When clang uses the <arch>-windows-none triple it behaves as MSVC and
// interprets the inner `struct Bar` as an anonymous structure
cases.add("type referenced struct",
\\struct Foo {
\\ struct Bar{
\\ int b;
\\ };
\\ struct Bar c;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct {
\\ b: c_int,
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ c: struct_Bar,
cases.add("undefined array global",
\\int array[100] = {};
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var array: [100]c_int = .{0} ** 100;
cases.add("restrict -> noalias",
\\void foo(void *restrict bar, void *restrict);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo(noalias bar: ?*c_void, noalias ?*c_void) void;
\\int max(int a) {
\\ int tmp;
\\ tmp = a;
\\ a = tmp;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var tmp: c_int = undefined;
\\ tmp = a;
\\ a = tmp;
cases.add("chaining assign",
\\void max(int a) {
\\ int b, c;
\\ c = b = a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int) void {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b: c_int = undefined;
\\ var c: c_int = undefined;
\\ c = blk: {
\\ const tmp = a;
\\ b = tmp;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ };
cases.add("anonymous enum",
\\enum {
\\ One,
\\ Two,
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const One = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_1.One);
\\pub const Two = @enumToInt(enum_unnamed_1.Two);
\\const enum_unnamed_1 = extern enum(c_int) {
\\ One,
\\ Two,
\\ _,
cases.add("c style cast",
\\int float_to_int(float a) {
\\ return (int)a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn float_to_int(arg_a: f32) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ return @floatToInt(c_int, a);
// TODO translate-c should in theory be able to figure out to drop all these casts
cases.add("escape sequences",
\\const char *escapes() {
\\char a = '\'',
\\ b = '\\',
\\ c = '\a',
\\ d = '\b',
\\ e = '\f',
\\ f = '\n',
\\ g = '\r',
\\ h = '\t',
\\ i = '\v',
\\ j = '\0',
\\ k = '\"';
\\ return "\'\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\0\"";
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn escapes() [*c]const u8 {
\\ var a: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\'')));
\\ var b: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\\')));
\\ var c: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\x07')));
\\ var d: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\x08')));
\\ var e: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\x0c')));
\\ var f: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\n')));
\\ var g: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\r')));
\\ var h: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\t')));
\\ var i: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\x0b')));
\\ var j: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\x00')));
\\ var k: u8 = @bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\"')));
\\ return "\'\\\x07\x08\x0c\n\r\t\x0b\x00\"";
cases.add("do loop",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int a = 2;
\\ do {
\\ a = a - 1;
\\ } while (a);
\\ int b = 2;
\\ do
\\ b = b -1;
\\ while (b);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = 2;
\\ while (true) {
\\ a = (a - @as(c_int, 1));
\\ if (!(a != 0)) break;
\\ }
\\ var b: c_int = 2;
\\ while (true) {
\\ b = (b - @as(c_int, 1));
\\ if (!(b != 0)) break;
\\ }
cases.add("logical and, logical or, on non-bool values, extra parens",
\\enum Foo {
\\ FooA,
\\ FooB,
\\ FooC,
\\typedef int SomeTypedef;
\\int and_or_non_bool(int a, float b, void *c) {
\\ enum Foo d = FooA;
\\ int e = (a && b);
\\ int f = (b && c);
\\ int g = (a && c);
\\ int h = (a || b);
\\ int i = (b || c);
\\ int j = (a || c);
\\ int k = (a || d);
\\ int l = (d && b);
\\ int m = (c || d);
\\ SomeTypedef td = 44;
\\ int o = (td || b);
\\ int p = (c && td);
\\ return ((((((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m) + o) + p);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const enum_Foo = extern enum(c_int) {
\\ A,
\\ B,
\\ C,
\\ _,
\\pub const SomeTypedef = c_int;
\\pub export fn and_or_non_bool(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: f32, arg_c: ?*c_void) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ var c = arg_c;
\\ var d: enum_Foo = @intToEnum(enum_Foo, FooA);
\\ var e: c_int = @boolToInt(((a != 0) and (b != 0)));
\\ var f: c_int = @boolToInt(((b != 0) and (c != null)));
\\ var g: c_int = @boolToInt(((a != 0) and (c != null)));
\\ var h: c_int = @boolToInt(((a != 0) or (b != 0)));
\\ var i: c_int = @boolToInt(((b != 0) or (c != null)));
\\ var j: c_int = @boolToInt(((a != 0) or (c != null)));
\\ var k: c_int = @boolToInt(((a != 0) or (@enumToInt(d) != 0)));
\\ var l: c_int = @boolToInt(((@enumToInt(d) != 0) and (b != 0)));
\\ var m: c_int = @boolToInt(((c != null) or (@enumToInt(d) != 0)));
\\ var td: SomeTypedef = 44;
\\ var o: c_int = @boolToInt(((td != 0) or (b != 0)));
\\ var p: c_int = @boolToInt(((c != null) and (td != 0)));
\\ return ((((((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m) + o) + p);
\\pub const Foo = enum_Foo;
cases.add("qualified struct and enum",
\\struct Foo {
\\ int x;
\\ int y;
\\enum Bar {
\\ BarA,
\\ BarB,
\\void func(struct Foo *a, enum Bar **b);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ x: c_int,
\\ y: c_int,
\\pub const enum_Bar = extern enum(c_int) {
\\ A,
\\ B,
\\ _,
\\pub extern fn func(a: [*c]struct_Foo, b: [*c][*c]enum_Bar) void;
\\pub const Foo = struct_Foo;
\\pub const Bar = enum_Bar;
cases.add("bitwise binary operators, simpler parens",
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ return (a & b) ^ (a | b);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ return ((a & b) ^ (a | b));
cases.add("comparison operators (no if)", // TODO Come up with less contrived tests? Make sure to cover all these comparisons.
\\int test_comparisons(int a, int b) {
\\ int c = (a < b);
\\ int d = (a > b);
\\ int e = (a <= b);
\\ int f = (a >= b);
\\ int g = (c < d);
\\ int h = (e < f);
\\ int i = (g < h);
\\ return i;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn test_comparisons(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ var c: c_int = @boolToInt((a < b));
\\ var d: c_int = @boolToInt((a > b));
\\ var e: c_int = @boolToInt((a <= b));
\\ var f: c_int = @boolToInt((a >= b));
\\ var g: c_int = @boolToInt((c < d));
\\ var h: c_int = @boolToInt((e < f));
\\ var i: c_int = @boolToInt((g < h));
\\ return i;
cases.add("==, !=",
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ if (a == b)
\\ return a;
\\ if (a != b)
\\ return b;
\\ return a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ if (a == b) return a;
\\ if (a != b) return b;
\\ return a;
cases.add("typedeffed bool expression",
\\typedef char* yes;
\\void foo(void) {
\\ yes a;
\\ if (a) 2;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const yes = [*c]u8;
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: yes = undefined;
\\ if (a != null) _ = @as(c_int, 2);
cases.add("statement expression",
\\int foo(void) {
\\ return ({
\\ int a = 1;
\\ a;
\\ a;
\\ });
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ return (blk: {
\\ var a: c_int = 1;
\\ _ = a;
\\ break :blk a;
\\ });
cases.add("field access expression",
\\#define ARROW a->b
\\#define DOT a.b
\\extern struct Foo {
\\ int b;
\\float b = 2.0f;
\\int foo(void) {
\\ struct Foo *c;
\\ a.b;
\\ c->b;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct {
\\ b: c_int,
\\pub extern var a: struct_Foo;
\\pub export var b: f32 = 2;
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ var c: [*c]struct_Foo = undefined;
\\ _ = a.b;
\\ _ = c.*.b;
\\pub const DOT = a.b;
\\pub const ARROW = a.*.b;
cases.add("array access",
\\#define ACCESS array[2]
\\int array[100] = {};
\\int foo(int index) {
\\ return array[index];
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export var array: [100]c_int = .{0} ** 100;
\\pub export fn foo(arg_index: c_int) c_int {
\\ var index = arg_index;
\\ return array[@intCast(c_uint, index)];
\\pub const ACCESS = array[2];
cases.add("cast signed array index to unsigned",
\\void foo() {
\\ int a[10], i = 0;
\\ a[i] = 0;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: [10]c_int = undefined;
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ a[@intCast(c_uint, i)] = 0;
cases.add("long long array index cast to usize",
\\void foo() {
\\ long long a[10], i = 0;
\\ a[i] = 0;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: [10]c_longlong = undefined;
\\ var i: c_longlong = @bitCast(c_longlong, @as(c_longlong, @as(c_int, 0)));
\\ a[@intCast(usize, i)] = @bitCast(c_longlong, @as(c_longlong, @as(c_int, 0)));
cases.add("unsigned array index skips cast",
\\void foo() {
\\ unsigned int a[10], i = 0;
\\ a[i] = 0;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: [10]c_uint = undefined;
\\ var i: c_uint = @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 0));
\\ a[i] = @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 0));
cases.add("macro call",
\\#define CALL(arg) bar(arg)
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn CALL(arg: var) @TypeOf(bar(arg)) {
\\ return bar(arg);
cases.add("logical and, logical or",
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ if (a < b || a == b)
\\ return b;
\\ if (a >= b && a == b)
\\ return a;
\\ return a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ if ((a < b) or (a == b)) return b;
\\ if ((a >= b) and (a == b)) return a;
\\ return a;
cases.add("simple if statement",
\\int max(int a, int b) {
\\ if (a < b)
\\ return b;
\\ if (a < b)
\\ return b;
\\ else
\\ return a;
\\ if (a < b) ; else ;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn max(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ if (a < b) return b;
\\ if (a < b) return b else return a;
\\ if (a < b) {} else {}
cases.add("if statements",
\\int foo() {
\\ if (2) {
\\ int a = 2;
\\ }
\\ if (2, 5) {
\\ int a = 2;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_int {
\\ if (@as(c_int, 2) != 0) {
\\ var a: c_int = 2;
\\ }
\\ if ((blk: {
\\ _ = @as(c_int, 2);
\\ break :blk @as(c_int, 5);
\\ }) != 0) {
\\ var a: c_int = 2;
\\ }
cases.add("if on non-bool",
\\enum SomeEnum { A, B, C };
\\int if_none_bool(int a, float b, void *c, enum SomeEnum d) {
\\ if (a) return 0;
\\ if (b) return 1;
\\ if (c) return 2;
\\ if (d) return 3;
\\ return 4;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const enum_SomeEnum = extern enum(c_int) {
\\ A,
\\ B,
\\ C,
\\ _,
\\pub export fn if_none_bool(arg_a: c_int, arg_b: f32, arg_c: ?*c_void, arg_d: enum_SomeEnum) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var b = arg_b;
\\ var c = arg_c;
\\ var d = arg_d;
\\ if (a != 0) return 0;
\\ if (b != 0) return 1;
\\ if (c != null) return 2;
\\ if (d != 0) return 3;
\\ return 4;
cases.add("simple data types",
\\#include <stdint.h>
\\int foo(char a, unsigned char b, signed char c);
\\int foo(char a, unsigned char b, signed char c); // test a duplicate prototype
\\void bar(uint8_t a, uint16_t b, uint32_t c, uint64_t d);
\\void baz(int8_t a, int16_t b, int32_t c, int64_t d);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn foo(a: u8, b: u8, c: i8) c_int;
\\pub extern fn bar(a: u8, b: u16, c: u32, d: u64) void;
\\pub extern fn baz(a: i8, b: i16, c: i32, d: i64) void;
cases.add("simple function",
\\int abs(int a) {
\\ return a < 0 ? -a : a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn abs(arg_a: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ return if (a < @as(c_int, 0)) -a else a;
cases.add("post increment",
\\unsigned foo1(unsigned a) {
\\ a++;
\\ return a;
\\int foo2(int a) {
\\ a++;
\\ return a;
\\int *foo3(int *a) {
\\ a++;
\\ return a;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo1(arg_a: c_uint) c_uint {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ a +%= 1;
\\ return a;
\\pub export fn foo2(arg_a: c_int) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ a += 1;
\\ return a;
\\pub export fn foo3(arg_a: [*c]c_int) [*c]c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ a += 1;
\\ return a;
cases.add("deref function pointer",
\\void foo(void) {}
\\int baz(void) { return 0; }
\\void bar(void) {
\\ void(*f)(void) = foo;
\\ int(*b)(void) = baz;
\\ f();
\\ (*(f))();
\\ foo();
\\ b();
\\ (*(b))();
\\ baz();
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {}
\\pub export fn baz() c_int {
\\ return 0;
\\pub export fn bar() void {
\\ var f: ?fn () callconv(.C) void = foo;
\\ var b: ?fn () callconv(.C) c_int = baz;
\\ f.?();
\\ (f).?();
\\ foo();
\\ _ = b.?();
\\ _ = (b).?();
\\ _ = baz();
cases.add("pre increment/decrement",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int i = 0;
\\ unsigned u = 0;
\\ ++i;
\\ --i;
\\ ++u;
\\ --u;
\\ i = ++i;
\\ i = --i;
\\ u = ++u;
\\ u = --u;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ var u: c_uint = @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 0));
\\ i += 1;
\\ i -= 1;
\\ u +%= 1;
\\ u -%= 1;
\\ i = (blk: {
\\ const ref = &i;
\\ ref.* += 1;
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ i = (blk: {
\\ const ref = &i;
\\ ref.* -= 1;
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ u = (blk: {
\\ const ref = &u;
\\ ref.* +%= 1;
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ u = (blk: {
\\ const ref = &u;
\\ ref.* -%= 1;
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
cases.add("shift right assign",
\\int log2(unsigned a) {
\\ int i = 0;
\\ while (a > 0) {
\\ a >>= 1;
\\ }
\\ return i;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn log2(arg_a: c_uint) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ while (a > @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 0))) {
\\ a >>= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 1);
\\ }
\\ return i;
cases.add("shift right assign with a fixed size type",
\\#include <stdint.h>
\\int log2(uint32_t a) {
\\ int i = 0;
\\ while (a > 0) {
\\ a >>= 1;
\\ }
\\ return i;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn log2(arg_a: u32) c_int {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ while (a > @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 0))) {
\\ a >>= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 1);
\\ }
\\ return i;
cases.add("compound assignment operators",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int a = 0;
\\ a += (a += 1);
\\ a -= (a -= 1);
\\ a *= (a *= 1);
\\ a &= (a &= 1);
\\ a |= (a |= 1);
\\ a ^= (a ^= 1);
\\ a >>= (a >>= 1);
\\ a <<= (a <<= 1);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_int = 0;
\\ a += (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* + @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a -= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* - @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a *= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* * @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a &= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* & @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a |= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* | @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a ^= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* ^ @as(c_int, 1);
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a >>= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* >> @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ }));
\\ a <<= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* << @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ }));
cases.add("compound assignment operators unsigned",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ unsigned a = 0;
\\ a += (a += 1);
\\ a -= (a -= 1);
\\ a *= (a *= 1);
\\ a &= (a &= 1);
\\ a |= (a |= 1);
\\ a ^= (a ^= 1);
\\ a >>= (a >>= 1);
\\ a <<= (a <<= 1);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var a: c_uint = @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 0));
\\ a +%= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* +% @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a -%= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* -% @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a *%= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* *% @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a &= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* & @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a |= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* | @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a ^= (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* ^ @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ });
\\ a >>= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint), (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* >> @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ }));
\\ a <<= @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint), (blk: {
\\ const ref = &a;
\\ ref.* = ref.* << @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), @as(c_int, 1));
\\ break :blk ref.*;
\\ }));
cases.add("post increment/decrement",
\\void foo(void) {
\\ int i = 0;
\\ unsigned u = 0;
\\ i++;
\\ i--;
\\ u++;
\\ u--;
\\ i = i++;
\\ i = i--;
\\ u = u++;
\\ u = u--;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
\\ var i: c_int = 0;
\\ var u: c_uint = @bitCast(c_uint, @as(c_int, 0));
\\ i += 1;
\\ i -= 1;
\\ u +%= 1;
\\ u -%= 1;
\\ i = (blk: {
\\ const ref = &i;
\\ const tmp = ref.*;
\\ ref.* += 1;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ });
\\ i = (blk: {
\\ const ref = &i;
\\ const tmp = ref.*;
\\ ref.* -= 1;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ });
\\ u = (blk: {
\\ const ref = &u;
\\ const tmp = ref.*;
\\ ref.* +%= 1;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ });
\\ u = (blk: {
\\ const ref = &u;
\\ const tmp = ref.*;
\\ ref.* -%= 1;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ });
cases.add("implicit casts",
\\#include <stdbool.h>
\\void fn_int(int x);
\\void fn_f32(float x);
\\void fn_f64(double x);
\\void fn_char(char x);
\\void fn_bool(bool x);
\\void fn_ptr(void *x);
\\void call() {
\\ fn_int(3.0f);
\\ fn_int(3.0);
\\ fn_int(3.0L);
\\ fn_int('ABCD');
\\ fn_f32(3);
\\ fn_f64(3);
\\ fn_char('3');
\\ fn_char('\x1');
\\ fn_char(0);
\\ fn_f32(3.0f);
\\ fn_f64(3.0);
\\ fn_bool(123);
\\ fn_bool(0);
\\ fn_bool(&fn_int);
\\ fn_int(&fn_int);
\\ fn_ptr(42);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern fn fn_int(x: c_int) void;
\\pub extern fn fn_f32(x: f32) void;
\\pub extern fn fn_f64(x: f64) void;
\\pub extern fn fn_char(x: u8) void;
\\pub extern fn fn_bool(x: bool) void;
\\pub extern fn fn_ptr(x: ?*c_void) void;
\\pub export fn call() void {
\\ fn_int(@floatToInt(c_int, 3));
\\ fn_int(@floatToInt(c_int, 3));
\\ fn_int(@floatToInt(c_int, 3));
\\ fn_int(@as(c_int, 1094861636));
\\ fn_f32(@intToFloat(f32, @as(c_int, 3)));
\\ fn_f64(@intToFloat(f64, @as(c_int, 3)));
\\ fn_char(@bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '3'))));
\\ fn_char(@bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, '\x01'))));
\\ fn_char(@bitCast(u8, @truncate(i8, @as(c_int, 0))));
\\ fn_f32(3);
\\ fn_f64(3);
\\ fn_bool(@as(c_int, 123) != 0);
\\ fn_bool(@as(c_int, 0) != 0);
\\ fn_bool(@ptrToInt(&fn_int) != 0);
\\ fn_int(@intCast(c_int, @ptrToInt(&fn_int)));
\\ fn_ptr(@intToPtr(?*c_void, @as(c_int, 42)));
cases.add("function call",
\\static void bar(void) { }
\\void foo(int *(baz)(void)) {
\\ bar();
\\ baz();
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn bar() callconv(.C) void {}
\\pub export fn foo(arg_baz: ?fn () callconv(.C) [*c]c_int) void {
\\ var baz = arg_baz;
\\ bar();
\\ _ = baz.?();
cases.add("macro defines string literal with octal",
\\#define FOO "aoeu\023 derp"
\\#define FOO2 "aoeu\0234 derp"
\\#define FOO_CHAR '\077'
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = "aoeu\x13 derp";
\\pub const FOO2 = "aoeu\x134 derp";
\\pub const FOO_CHAR = '\x3f';
\\enum Foo {
\\ FooA = 2,
\\ FooB = 5,
\\ Foo1,
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FooA = @enumToInt(enum_Foo.A);
\\pub const FooB = @enumToInt(enum_Foo.B);
\\pub const Foo1 = @enumToInt(enum_Foo.@"1");
\\pub const enum_Foo = extern enum(c_int) {
\\ A = 2,
\\ B = 5,
\\ @"1" = 6,
\\ _,
\\pub const Foo = enum_Foo;
cases.add("macro cast",
\\#define FOO(bar) baz((void *)(baz))
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn FOO(bar: var) @TypeOf(baz(if (@typeId(@TypeOf(baz)) == .Pointer) @ptrCast([*c]void, baz) else if (@typeId(@TypeOf(baz)) == .Int) @intToPtr([*c]void, baz) else @as([*c]void, baz))) {
\\ return baz(if (@typeId(@TypeOf(baz)) == .Pointer) @ptrCast([*c]void, baz) else if (@typeId(@TypeOf(baz)) == .Int) @intToPtr([*c]void, baz) else @as([*c]void, baz));
cases.add("macro conditional operator",
\\#define FOO a ? b : c
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = if (a) b else c;
cases.add("do while as expr",
\\static void foo(void) {
\\ if (1)
\\ do {} while (0);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn foo() callconv(.C) void {
\\ if (@as(c_int, 1) != 0) while (true) {
\\ if (!(@as(c_int, 0) != 0)) break;
\\ };
cases.add("macro comparisions",
\\#define MIN(a, b) ((b) < (a) ? (b) : (a))
\\#define MAX(a, b) ((b) > (a) ? (b) : (a))
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub inline fn MIN(a: var, b: var) @TypeOf(if (b < a) b else a) {
\\ return if (b < a) b else a;
\\pub inline fn MAX(a: var, b: var) @TypeOf(if (b > a) b else a) {
\\ return if (b > a) b else a;
// TODO: detect to use different block labels here
cases.add("nested assignment",
\\int foo(int *p, int x) {
\\ return *p++ = x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_p: [*c]c_int, arg_x: c_int) c_int {
\\ var p = arg_p;
\\ var x = arg_x;
\\ return blk: {
\\ const tmp = x;
\\ (blk: {
\\ const ref = &p;
\\ const tmp_1 = ref.*;
\\ ref.* += 1;
\\ break :blk tmp_1;
\\ }).?.* = tmp;
\\ break :blk tmp;
\\ };
cases.add("widening and truncating integer casting to different signedness",
\\unsigned long foo(void) {
\\ return -1;
\\unsigned short bar(long x) {
\\ return x;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() c_ulong {
\\ return @bitCast(c_ulong, @as(c_long, -@as(c_int, 1)));
\\pub export fn bar(arg_x: c_long) c_ushort {
\\ var x = arg_x;
\\ return @bitCast(c_ushort, @truncate(c_short, x));
cases.add("arg name aliasing decl which comes after",
\\int foo(int bar) {
\\ bar = 2;
\\int bar = 4;
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_bar_1: c_int) c_int {
\\ var bar_1 = arg_bar_1;
\\ bar_1 = 2;
\\pub export var bar: c_int = 4;
cases.add("arg name aliasing macro which comes after",
\\int foo(int bar) {
\\ bar = 2;
\\#define bar 4
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_bar_1: c_int) c_int {
\\ var bar_1 = arg_bar_1;
\\ bar_1 = 2;
\\pub const bar = 4;
cases.add("don't export inline functions",
\\inline void a(void) {}
\\static void b(void) {}
\\void c(void) {}
\\static void foo() {}
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub fn a() callconv(.C) void {}
\\pub fn b() callconv(.C) void {}
\\pub export fn c() void {}
\\pub fn foo() callconv(.C) void {}
cases.add("casting away const and volatile",
\\void foo(int *a) {}
\\void bar(const int *a) {
\\ foo((int *)a);
\\void baz(volatile int *a) {
\\ foo((int *)a);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_a: [*c]c_int) void {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\pub export fn bar(arg_a: [*c]const c_int) void {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ foo(@intToPtr([*c]c_int, @ptrToInt(a)));
\\pub export fn baz(arg_a: [*c]volatile c_int) void {
\\ var a = arg_a;
\\ foo(@intToPtr([*c]c_int, @ptrToInt(a)));
cases.add("handling of _Bool type",
\\_Bool foo(_Bool x) {
\\ _Bool a = x != 1;
\\ _Bool b = a != 0;
\\ _Bool c = foo;
\\ return foo(c != b);
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo(arg_x: bool) bool {
\\ var x = arg_x;
\\ var a: bool = (@intCast(c_int, @bitCast(i1, @intCast(u1, @boolToInt(x)))) != @as(c_int, 1));
\\ var b: bool = (@intCast(c_int, @bitCast(i1, @intCast(u1, @boolToInt(a)))) != @as(c_int, 0));
\\ var c: bool = @ptrToInt(foo) != 0;
\\ return foo((@intCast(c_int, @bitCast(i1, @intCast(u1, @boolToInt(c)))) != @intCast(c_int, @bitCast(i1, @intCast(u1, @boolToInt(b))))));