Andrew Kelley caefaf781e std.debug: dumpStackTrace & friends use DirectAllocator
this has the downside of failing to print a stack trace
when the system is out of memory (maybe we could add a
FallbackAllocator which tries DirectAllocator and falls
back on the 200KB preallocated buffer).

but for the more common use case when the system is not
out of memory, but the debug info cannot fit in
std.debug.global_allocator, now stack traces will work.

this is the case for the self hosted compiler.
2018-04-16 03:17:15 -04:00

1147 lines
41 KiB

const std = @import("../index.zig");
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const io = std.io;
const os = std.os;
const elf = std.elf;
const DW = std.dwarf;
const macho = std.macho;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
pub const FailingAllocator = @import("failing_allocator.zig").FailingAllocator;
/// Tries to write to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
/// Does not append a newline.
/// TODO atomic/multithread support
var stderr_file: os.File = undefined;
var stderr_file_out_stream: io.FileOutStream = undefined;
var stderr_stream: ?&io.OutStream(io.FileOutStream.Error) = null;
pub fn warn(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) void {
const stderr = getStderrStream() catch return;
stderr.print(fmt, args) catch return;
fn getStderrStream() !&io.OutStream(io.FileOutStream.Error) {
if (stderr_stream) |st| {
return st;
} else {
stderr_file = try io.getStdErr();
stderr_file_out_stream = io.FileOutStream.init(&stderr_file);
const st = &stderr_file_out_stream.stream;
stderr_stream = st;
return st;
var self_debug_info: ?&ElfStackTrace = null;
pub fn getSelfDebugInfo() !&ElfStackTrace {
if (self_debug_info) |info| {
return info;
} else {
const info = try openSelfDebugInfo(getDebugInfoAllocator());
self_debug_info = info;
return info;
/// Tries to print the current stack trace to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
pub fn dumpCurrentStackTrace(start_addr: ?usize) void {
const stderr = getStderrStream() catch return;
const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return;
writeCurrentStackTrace(stderr, getDebugInfoAllocator(), debug_info, stderr_file.isTty(), start_addr) catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return;
/// Tries to print a stack trace to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned.
pub fn dumpStackTrace(stack_trace: &const builtin.StackTrace) void {
const stderr = getStderrStream() catch return;
const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return;
writeStackTrace(stack_trace, stderr, getDebugInfoAllocator(), debug_info, stderr_file.isTty()) catch |err| {
stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return;
/// This function invokes undefined behavior when `ok` is `false`.
/// In Debug and ReleaseSafe modes, calls to this function are always
/// generated, and the `unreachable` statement triggers a panic.
/// In ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall modes, calls to this function can be
/// optimized away.
pub fn assert(ok: bool) void {
if (!ok) {
// In ReleaseFast test mode, we still want assert(false) to crash, so
// we insert an explicit call to @panic instead of unreachable.
// TODO we should use `assertOrPanic` in tests and remove this logic.
if (builtin.is_test) {
@panic("assertion failure");
} else {
unreachable; // assertion failure
/// Call this function when you want to panic if the condition is not true.
/// If `ok` is `false`, this function will panic in every release mode.
pub fn assertOrPanic(ok: bool) void {
if (!ok) {
@panic("assertion failure");
pub fn panic(comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) noreturn {
const first_trace_addr = @ptrToInt(@returnAddress());
panicExtra(null, first_trace_addr, format, args);
var panicking: u8 = 0; // TODO make this a bool
pub fn panicExtra(trace: ?&const builtin.StackTrace, first_trace_addr: ?usize,
comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) noreturn
if (@atomicRmw(u8, &panicking, builtin.AtomicRmwOp.Xchg, 1, builtin.AtomicOrder.SeqCst) == 1) {
// Panicked during a panic.
// TODO detect if a different thread caused the panic, because in that case
// we would want to return here instead of calling abort, so that the thread
// which first called panic can finish printing a stack trace.
const stderr = getStderrStream() catch os.abort();
stderr.print(format ++ "\n", args) catch os.abort();
if (trace) |t| {
const GREEN = "\x1b[32;1m";
const WHITE = "\x1b[37;1m";
const DIM = "\x1b[2m";
const RESET = "\x1b[0m";
pub fn writeStackTrace(stack_trace: &const builtin.StackTrace, out_stream: var, allocator: &mem.Allocator,
debug_info: &ElfStackTrace, tty_color: bool) !void
var frame_index: usize = undefined;
var frames_left: usize = undefined;
if (stack_trace.index < stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len) {
frame_index = 0;
frames_left = stack_trace.index;
} else {
frame_index = (stack_trace.index + 1) % stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len;
frames_left = stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len;
while (frames_left != 0) : ({
frames_left -= 1;
frame_index = (frame_index + 1) % stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len;
}) {
const return_address = stack_trace.instruction_addresses[frame_index];
try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, return_address);
pub fn writeCurrentStackTrace(out_stream: var, allocator: &mem.Allocator,
debug_info: &ElfStackTrace, tty_color: bool, start_addr: ?usize) !void
const AddressState = union(enum) {
LookingForStartAddress: usize,
// TODO: I want to express like this:
//var addr_state = if (start_addr) |addr| AddressState { .LookingForStartAddress = addr }
// else AddressState.NotLookingForStartAddress;
var addr_state: AddressState = undefined;
if (start_addr) |addr| {
addr_state = AddressState { .LookingForStartAddress = addr };
} else {
addr_state = AddressState.NotLookingForStartAddress;
var fp = @ptrToInt(@frameAddress());
while (fp != 0) : (fp = *@intToPtr(&const usize, fp)) {
const return_address = *@intToPtr(&const usize, fp + @sizeOf(usize));
switch (addr_state) {
AddressState.NotLookingForStartAddress => {},
AddressState.LookingForStartAddress => |addr| {
if (return_address == addr) {
addr_state = AddressState.NotLookingForStartAddress;
} else {
try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, return_address);
fn printSourceAtAddress(debug_info: &ElfStackTrace, out_stream: var, address: usize) !void {
const ptr_hex = "0x{x}";
switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.windows => return error.UnsupportedDebugInfo,
builtin.Os.macosx => {
// TODO(bnoordhuis) It's theoretically possible to obtain the
// compilation unit from the symbtab but it's not that useful
// in practice because the compiler dumps everything in a single
// object file. Future improvement: use external dSYM data when
// available.
const unknown = macho.Symbol { .name = "???", .address = address };
const symbol = debug_info.symbol_table.search(address) ?? &unknown;
try out_stream.print(WHITE ++ "{}" ++ RESET ++ ": " ++
DIM ++ ptr_hex ++ " in ??? (???)" ++ RESET ++ "\n",
symbol.name, address);
else => {
const compile_unit = findCompileUnit(debug_info, address) catch {
try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ ptr_hex ++ " in ??? (???)" ++ RESET ++ "\n ???\n\n",
const compile_unit_name = try compile_unit.die.getAttrString(debug_info, DW.AT_name);
if (getLineNumberInfo(debug_info, compile_unit, address - 1)) |line_info| {
defer line_info.deinit();
try out_stream.print(WHITE ++ "{}:{}:{}" ++ RESET ++ ": " ++
DIM ++ ptr_hex ++ " in ??? ({})" ++ RESET ++ "\n",
line_info.file_name, line_info.line, line_info.column,
address, compile_unit_name);
if (printLineFromFile(debug_info.allocator(), out_stream, line_info)) {
if (line_info.column == 0) {
try out_stream.write("\n");
} else {
{var col_i: usize = 1; while (col_i < line_info.column) : (col_i += 1) {
try out_stream.writeByte(' ');
try out_stream.write(GREEN ++ "^" ++ RESET ++ "\n");
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.EndOfFile => {},
else => return err,
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => {
try out_stream.print(ptr_hex ++ " in ??? ({})\n", address, compile_unit_name);
else => return err,
pub fn openSelfDebugInfo(allocator: &mem.Allocator) !&ElfStackTrace {
switch (builtin.object_format) {
builtin.ObjectFormat.elf => {
const st = try allocator.create(ElfStackTrace);
errdefer allocator.destroy(st);
*st = ElfStackTrace {
.self_exe_file = undefined,
.elf = undefined,
.debug_info = undefined,
.debug_abbrev = undefined,
.debug_str = undefined,
.debug_line = undefined,
.debug_ranges = null,
.abbrev_table_list = ArrayList(AbbrevTableHeader).init(allocator),
.compile_unit_list = ArrayList(CompileUnit).init(allocator),
st.self_exe_file = try os.openSelfExe();
errdefer st.self_exe_file.close();
try st.elf.openFile(allocator, &st.self_exe_file);
errdefer st.elf.close();
st.debug_info = (try st.elf.findSection(".debug_info")) ?? return error.MissingDebugInfo;
st.debug_abbrev = (try st.elf.findSection(".debug_abbrev")) ?? return error.MissingDebugInfo;
st.debug_str = (try st.elf.findSection(".debug_str")) ?? return error.MissingDebugInfo;
st.debug_line = (try st.elf.findSection(".debug_line")) ?? return error.MissingDebugInfo;
st.debug_ranges = (try st.elf.findSection(".debug_ranges"));
try scanAllCompileUnits(st);
return st;
builtin.ObjectFormat.macho => {
var exe_file = try os.openSelfExe();
defer exe_file.close();
const st = try allocator.create(ElfStackTrace);
errdefer allocator.destroy(st);
*st = ElfStackTrace {
.symbol_table = try macho.loadSymbols(allocator, &io.FileInStream.init(&exe_file)),
return st;
builtin.ObjectFormat.coff => {
return error.TodoSupportCoffDebugInfo;
builtin.ObjectFormat.wasm => {
return error.TodoSupportCOFFDebugInfo;
builtin.ObjectFormat.unknown => {
return error.UnknownObjectFormat;
fn printLineFromFile(allocator: &mem.Allocator, out_stream: var, line_info: &const LineInfo) !void {
var f = try os.File.openRead(allocator, line_info.file_name);
defer f.close();
// TODO fstat and make sure that the file has the correct size
var buf: [os.page_size]u8 = undefined;
var line: usize = 1;
var column: usize = 1;
var abs_index: usize = 0;
while (true) {
const amt_read = try f.read(buf[0..]);
const slice = buf[0..amt_read];
for (slice) |byte| {
if (line == line_info.line) {
try out_stream.writeByte(byte);
if (byte == '\n') {
if (byte == '\n') {
line += 1;
column = 1;
} else {
column += 1;
if (amt_read < buf.len)
return error.EndOfFile;
pub const ElfStackTrace = switch (builtin.os) {
builtin.Os.macosx => struct {
symbol_table: macho.SymbolTable,
pub fn close(self: &ElfStackTrace) void {
else => struct {
self_exe_file: os.File,
elf: elf.Elf,
debug_info: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_abbrev: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_str: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_line: &elf.SectionHeader,
debug_ranges: ?&elf.SectionHeader,
abbrev_table_list: ArrayList(AbbrevTableHeader),
compile_unit_list: ArrayList(CompileUnit),
pub fn allocator(self: &const ElfStackTrace) &mem.Allocator {
return self.abbrev_table_list.allocator;
pub fn readString(self: &ElfStackTrace) ![]u8 {
var in_file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&self.self_exe_file);
const in_stream = &in_file_stream.stream;
return readStringRaw(self.allocator(), in_stream);
pub fn close(self: &ElfStackTrace) void {
const PcRange = struct {
start: u64,
end: u64,
const CompileUnit = struct {
version: u16,
is_64: bool,
die: &Die,
index: usize,
pc_range: ?PcRange,
const AbbrevTable = ArrayList(AbbrevTableEntry);
const AbbrevTableHeader = struct {
// offset from .debug_abbrev
offset: u64,
table: AbbrevTable,
const AbbrevTableEntry = struct {
has_children: bool,
abbrev_code: u64,
tag_id: u64,
attrs: ArrayList(AbbrevAttr),
const AbbrevAttr = struct {
attr_id: u64,
form_id: u64,
const FormValue = union(enum) {
Address: u64,
Block: []u8,
Const: Constant,
ExprLoc: []u8,
Flag: bool,
SecOffset: u64,
Ref: []u8,
RefAddr: u64,
RefSig8: u64,
String: []u8,
StrPtr: u64,
const Constant = struct {
payload: []u8,
signed: bool,
fn asUnsignedLe(self: &const Constant) !u64 {
if (self.payload.len > @sizeOf(u64))
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (self.signed)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
return mem.readInt(self.payload, u64, builtin.Endian.Little);
const Die = struct {
tag_id: u64,
has_children: bool,
attrs: ArrayList(Attr),
const Attr = struct {
id: u64,
value: FormValue,
fn getAttr(self: &const Die, id: u64) ?&const FormValue {
for (self.attrs.toSliceConst()) |*attr| {
if (attr.id == id)
return &attr.value;
return null;
fn getAttrAddr(self: &const Die, id: u64) !u64 {
const form_value = self.getAttr(id) ?? return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return switch (*form_value) {
FormValue.Address => |value| value,
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
fn getAttrSecOffset(self: &const Die, id: u64) !u64 {
const form_value = self.getAttr(id) ?? return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return switch (*form_value) {
FormValue.Const => |value| value.asUnsignedLe(),
FormValue.SecOffset => |value| value,
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
fn getAttrUnsignedLe(self: &const Die, id: u64) !u64 {
const form_value = self.getAttr(id) ?? return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return switch (*form_value) {
FormValue.Const => |value| value.asUnsignedLe(),
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
fn getAttrString(self: &const Die, st: &ElfStackTrace, id: u64) ![]u8 {
const form_value = self.getAttr(id) ?? return error.MissingDebugInfo;
return switch (*form_value) {
FormValue.String => |value| value,
FormValue.StrPtr => |offset| getString(st, offset),
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
const FileEntry = struct {
file_name: []const u8,
dir_index: usize,
mtime: usize,
len_bytes: usize,
const LineInfo = struct {
line: usize,
column: usize,
file_name: []u8,
allocator: &mem.Allocator,
fn deinit(self: &const LineInfo) void {
const LineNumberProgram = struct {
address: usize,
file: usize,
line: isize,
column: usize,
is_stmt: bool,
basic_block: bool,
end_sequence: bool,
target_address: usize,
include_dirs: []const []const u8,
file_entries: &ArrayList(FileEntry),
prev_address: usize,
prev_file: usize,
prev_line: isize,
prev_column: usize,
prev_is_stmt: bool,
prev_basic_block: bool,
prev_end_sequence: bool,
pub fn init(is_stmt: bool, include_dirs: []const []const u8,
file_entries: &ArrayList(FileEntry), target_address: usize) LineNumberProgram
return LineNumberProgram {
.address = 0,
.file = 1,
.line = 1,
.column = 0,
.is_stmt = is_stmt,
.basic_block = false,
.end_sequence = false,
.include_dirs = include_dirs,
.file_entries = file_entries,
.target_address = target_address,
.prev_address = 0,
.prev_file = undefined,
.prev_line = undefined,
.prev_column = undefined,
.prev_is_stmt = undefined,
.prev_basic_block = undefined,
.prev_end_sequence = undefined,
pub fn checkLineMatch(self: &LineNumberProgram) !?LineInfo {
if (self.target_address >= self.prev_address and self.target_address < self.address) {
const file_entry = if (self.prev_file == 0) {
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
} else if (self.prev_file - 1 >= self.file_entries.len) {
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else &self.file_entries.items[self.prev_file - 1];
const dir_name = if (file_entry.dir_index >= self.include_dirs.len) {
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
} else self.include_dirs[file_entry.dir_index];
const file_name = try os.path.join(self.file_entries.allocator, dir_name, file_entry.file_name);
errdefer self.file_entries.allocator.free(file_name);
return LineInfo {
.line = if (self.prev_line >= 0) usize(self.prev_line) else 0,
.column = self.prev_column,
.file_name = file_name,
.allocator = self.file_entries.allocator,
self.prev_address = self.address;
self.prev_file = self.file;
self.prev_line = self.line;
self.prev_column = self.column;
self.prev_is_stmt = self.is_stmt;
self.prev_basic_block = self.basic_block;
self.prev_end_sequence = self.end_sequence;
return null;
fn readStringRaw(allocator: &mem.Allocator, in_stream: var) ![]u8 {
var buf = ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
while (true) {
const byte = try in_stream.readByte();
if (byte == 0)
try buf.append(byte);
return buf.toSlice();
fn getString(st: &ElfStackTrace, offset: u64) ![]u8 {
const pos = st.debug_str.offset + offset;
try st.self_exe_file.seekTo(pos);
return st.readString();
fn readAllocBytes(allocator: &mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) ![]u8 {
const buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, size);
errdefer allocator.free(buf);
if ((try in_stream.read(buf)) < size) return error.EndOfFile;
return buf;
fn parseFormValueBlockLen(allocator: &mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) !FormValue {
const buf = try readAllocBytes(allocator, in_stream, size);
return FormValue { .Block = buf };
fn parseFormValueBlock(allocator: &mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) !FormValue {
const block_len = try in_stream.readVarInt(builtin.Endian.Little, usize, size);
return parseFormValueBlockLen(allocator, in_stream, block_len);
fn parseFormValueConstant(allocator: &mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, signed: bool, size: usize) !FormValue {
return FormValue { .Const = Constant {
.signed = signed,
.payload = try readAllocBytes(allocator, in_stream, size),
fn parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream: var, is_64: bool) !u64 {
return if (is_64) try in_stream.readIntLe(u64)
else u64(try in_stream.readIntLe(u32)) ;
fn parseFormValueTargetAddrSize(in_stream: var) !u64 {
return if (@sizeOf(usize) == 4) u64(try in_stream.readIntLe(u32))
else if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) try in_stream.readIntLe(u64)
else unreachable;
fn parseFormValueRefLen(allocator: &mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) !FormValue {
const buf = try readAllocBytes(allocator, in_stream, size);
return FormValue { .Ref = buf };
fn parseFormValueRef(allocator: &mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, comptime T: type) !FormValue {
const block_len = try in_stream.readIntLe(T);
return parseFormValueRefLen(allocator, in_stream, block_len);
const ParseFormValueError = error {
fn parseFormValue(allocator: &mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, form_id: u64, is_64: bool)
return switch (form_id) {
DW.FORM_addr => FormValue { .Address = try parseFormValueTargetAddrSize(in_stream) },
DW.FORM_block1 => parseFormValueBlock(allocator, in_stream, 1),
DW.FORM_block2 => parseFormValueBlock(allocator, in_stream, 2),
DW.FORM_block4 => parseFormValueBlock(allocator, in_stream, 4),
DW.FORM_block => x: {
const block_len = try readULeb128(in_stream);
return parseFormValueBlockLen(allocator, in_stream, block_len);
DW.FORM_data1 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 1),
DW.FORM_data2 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 2),
DW.FORM_data4 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 4),
DW.FORM_data8 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 8),
DW.FORM_udata, DW.FORM_sdata => {
const block_len = try readULeb128(in_stream);
const signed = form_id == DW.FORM_sdata;
return parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, signed, block_len);
DW.FORM_exprloc => {
const size = try readULeb128(in_stream);
const buf = try readAllocBytes(allocator, in_stream, size);
return FormValue { .ExprLoc = buf };
DW.FORM_flag => FormValue { .Flag = (try in_stream.readByte()) != 0 },
DW.FORM_flag_present => FormValue { .Flag = true },
DW.FORM_sec_offset => FormValue { .SecOffset = try parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream, is_64) },
DW.FORM_ref1 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, u8),
DW.FORM_ref2 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, u16),
DW.FORM_ref4 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, u32),
DW.FORM_ref8 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, u64),
DW.FORM_ref_udata => {
const ref_len = try readULeb128(in_stream);
return parseFormValueRefLen(allocator, in_stream, ref_len);
DW.FORM_ref_addr => FormValue { .RefAddr = try parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream, is_64) },
DW.FORM_ref_sig8 => FormValue { .RefSig8 = try in_stream.readIntLe(u64) },
DW.FORM_string => FormValue { .String = try readStringRaw(allocator, in_stream) },
DW.FORM_strp => FormValue { .StrPtr = try parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream, is_64) },
DW.FORM_indirect => {
const child_form_id = try readULeb128(in_stream);
return parseFormValue(allocator, in_stream, child_form_id, is_64);
else => error.InvalidDebugInfo,
fn parseAbbrevTable(st: &ElfStackTrace) !AbbrevTable {
const in_file = &st.self_exe_file;
var in_file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(in_file);
const in_stream = &in_file_stream.stream;
var result = AbbrevTable.init(st.allocator());
while (true) {
const abbrev_code = try readULeb128(in_stream);
if (abbrev_code == 0)
return result;
try result.append(AbbrevTableEntry {
.abbrev_code = abbrev_code,
.tag_id = try readULeb128(in_stream),
.has_children = (try in_stream.readByte()) == DW.CHILDREN_yes,
.attrs = ArrayList(AbbrevAttr).init(st.allocator()),
const attrs = &result.items[result.len - 1].attrs;
while (true) {
const attr_id = try readULeb128(in_stream);
const form_id = try readULeb128(in_stream);
if (attr_id == 0 and form_id == 0)
try attrs.append(AbbrevAttr {
.attr_id = attr_id,
.form_id = form_id,
/// Gets an already existing AbbrevTable given the abbrev_offset, or if not found,
/// seeks in the stream and parses it.
fn getAbbrevTable(st: &ElfStackTrace, abbrev_offset: u64) !&const AbbrevTable {
for (st.abbrev_table_list.toSlice()) |*header| {
if (header.offset == abbrev_offset) {
return &header.table;
try st.self_exe_file.seekTo(st.debug_abbrev.offset + abbrev_offset);
try st.abbrev_table_list.append(AbbrevTableHeader {
.offset = abbrev_offset,
.table = try parseAbbrevTable(st),
return &st.abbrev_table_list.items[st.abbrev_table_list.len - 1].table;
fn getAbbrevTableEntry(abbrev_table: &const AbbrevTable, abbrev_code: u64) ?&const AbbrevTableEntry {
for (abbrev_table.toSliceConst()) |*table_entry| {
if (table_entry.abbrev_code == abbrev_code)
return table_entry;
return null;
fn parseDie(st: &ElfStackTrace, abbrev_table: &const AbbrevTable, is_64: bool) !Die {
const in_file = &st.self_exe_file;
var in_file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(in_file);
const in_stream = &in_file_stream.stream;
const abbrev_code = try readULeb128(in_stream);
const table_entry = getAbbrevTableEntry(abbrev_table, abbrev_code) ?? return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
var result = Die {
.tag_id = table_entry.tag_id,
.has_children = table_entry.has_children,
.attrs = ArrayList(Die.Attr).init(st.allocator()),
try result.attrs.resize(table_entry.attrs.len);
for (table_entry.attrs.toSliceConst()) |attr, i| {
result.attrs.items[i] = Die.Attr {
.id = attr.attr_id,
.value = try parseFormValue(st.allocator(), in_stream, attr.form_id, is_64),
return result;
fn getLineNumberInfo(st: &ElfStackTrace, compile_unit: &const CompileUnit, target_address: usize) !LineInfo {
const compile_unit_cwd = try compile_unit.die.getAttrString(st, DW.AT_comp_dir);
const in_file = &st.self_exe_file;
const debug_line_end = st.debug_line.offset + st.debug_line.size;
var this_offset = st.debug_line.offset;
var this_index: usize = 0;
var in_file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(in_file);
const in_stream = &in_file_stream.stream;
while (this_offset < debug_line_end) : (this_index += 1) {
try in_file.seekTo(this_offset);
var is_64: bool = undefined;
const unit_length = try readInitialLength(@typeOf(in_stream.readFn).ReturnType.ErrorSet, in_stream, &is_64);
if (unit_length == 0)
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
const next_offset = unit_length + (if (is_64) usize(12) else usize(4));
if (compile_unit.index != this_index) {
this_offset += next_offset;
const version = try in_stream.readInt(st.elf.endian, u16);
// TODO support 3 and 5
if (version != 2 and version != 4) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const prologue_length = if (is_64) try in_stream.readInt(st.elf.endian, u64)
else try in_stream.readInt(st.elf.endian, u32);
const prog_start_offset = (try in_file.getPos()) + prologue_length;
const minimum_instruction_length = try in_stream.readByte();
if (minimum_instruction_length == 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
if (version >= 4) {
// maximum_operations_per_instruction
_ = try in_stream.readByte();
const default_is_stmt = (try in_stream.readByte()) != 0;
const line_base = try in_stream.readByteSigned();
const line_range = try in_stream.readByte();
if (line_range == 0)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const opcode_base = try in_stream.readByte();
const standard_opcode_lengths = try st.allocator().alloc(u8, opcode_base - 1);
{var i: usize = 0; while (i < opcode_base - 1) : (i += 1) {
standard_opcode_lengths[i] = try in_stream.readByte();
var include_directories = ArrayList([]u8).init(st.allocator());
try include_directories.append(compile_unit_cwd);
while (true) {
const dir = try st.readString();
if (dir.len == 0)
try include_directories.append(dir);
var file_entries = ArrayList(FileEntry).init(st.allocator());
var prog = LineNumberProgram.init(default_is_stmt, include_directories.toSliceConst(),
&file_entries, target_address);
while (true) {
const file_name = try st.readString();
if (file_name.len == 0)
const dir_index = try readULeb128(in_stream);
const mtime = try readULeb128(in_stream);
const len_bytes = try readULeb128(in_stream);
try file_entries.append(FileEntry {
.file_name = file_name,
.dir_index = dir_index,
.mtime = mtime,
.len_bytes = len_bytes,
try in_file.seekTo(prog_start_offset);
while (true) {
const opcode = try in_stream.readByte();
var sub_op: u8 = undefined; // TODO move this to the correct scope and fix the compiler crash
if (opcode == DW.LNS_extended_op) {
const op_size = try readULeb128(in_stream);
if (op_size < 1)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
sub_op = try in_stream.readByte();
switch (sub_op) {
DW.LNE_end_sequence => {
prog.end_sequence = true;
if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
DW.LNE_set_address => {
const addr = try in_stream.readInt(st.elf.endian, usize);
prog.address = addr;
DW.LNE_define_file => {
const file_name = try st.readString();
const dir_index = try readULeb128(in_stream);
const mtime = try readULeb128(in_stream);
const len_bytes = try readULeb128(in_stream);
try file_entries.append(FileEntry {
.file_name = file_name,
.dir_index = dir_index,
.mtime = mtime,
.len_bytes = len_bytes,
else => {
const fwd_amt = math.cast(isize, op_size - 1) catch return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
try in_file.seekForward(fwd_amt);
} else if (opcode >= opcode_base) {
// special opcodes
const adjusted_opcode = opcode - opcode_base;
const inc_addr = minimum_instruction_length * (adjusted_opcode / line_range);
const inc_line = i32(line_base) + i32(adjusted_opcode % line_range);
prog.line += inc_line;
prog.address += inc_addr;
if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info;
prog.basic_block = false;
} else {
switch (opcode) {
DW.LNS_copy => {
if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info;
prog.basic_block = false;
DW.LNS_advance_pc => {
const arg = try readULeb128(in_stream);
prog.address += arg * minimum_instruction_length;
DW.LNS_advance_line => {
const arg = try readILeb128(in_stream);
prog.line += arg;
DW.LNS_set_file => {
const arg = try readULeb128(in_stream);
prog.file = arg;
DW.LNS_set_column => {
const arg = try readULeb128(in_stream);
prog.column = arg;
DW.LNS_negate_stmt => {
prog.is_stmt = !prog.is_stmt;
DW.LNS_set_basic_block => {
prog.basic_block = true;
DW.LNS_const_add_pc => {
const inc_addr = minimum_instruction_length * ((255 - opcode_base) / line_range);
prog.address += inc_addr;
DW.LNS_fixed_advance_pc => {
const arg = try in_stream.readInt(st.elf.endian, u16);
prog.address += arg;
DW.LNS_set_prologue_end => {
else => {
if (opcode - 1 >= standard_opcode_lengths.len)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const len_bytes = standard_opcode_lengths[opcode - 1];
try in_file.seekForward(len_bytes);
this_offset += next_offset;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
fn scanAllCompileUnits(st: &ElfStackTrace) !void {
const debug_info_end = st.debug_info.offset + st.debug_info.size;
var this_unit_offset = st.debug_info.offset;
var cu_index: usize = 0;
var in_file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&st.self_exe_file);
const in_stream = &in_file_stream.stream;
while (this_unit_offset < debug_info_end) {
try st.self_exe_file.seekTo(this_unit_offset);
var is_64: bool = undefined;
const unit_length = try readInitialLength(@typeOf(in_stream.readFn).ReturnType.ErrorSet, in_stream, &is_64);
if (unit_length == 0)
const next_offset = unit_length + (if (is_64) usize(12) else usize(4));
const version = try in_stream.readInt(st.elf.endian, u16);
if (version < 2 or version > 5) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const debug_abbrev_offset =
if (is_64) try in_stream.readInt(st.elf.endian, u64)
else try in_stream.readInt(st.elf.endian, u32);
const address_size = try in_stream.readByte();
if (address_size != @sizeOf(usize)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const compile_unit_pos = try st.self_exe_file.getPos();
const abbrev_table = try getAbbrevTable(st, debug_abbrev_offset);
try st.self_exe_file.seekTo(compile_unit_pos);
const compile_unit_die = try st.allocator().create(Die);
*compile_unit_die = try parseDie(st, abbrev_table, is_64);
if (compile_unit_die.tag_id != DW.TAG_compile_unit)
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
const pc_range = x: {
if (compile_unit_die.getAttrAddr(DW.AT_low_pc)) |low_pc| {
if (compile_unit_die.getAttr(DW.AT_high_pc)) |high_pc_value| {
const pc_end = switch (*high_pc_value) {
FormValue.Address => |value| value,
FormValue.Const => |value| b: {
const offset = try value.asUnsignedLe();
break :b (low_pc + offset);
else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo,
break :x PcRange {
.start = low_pc,
.end = pc_end,
} else {
break :x null;
} else |err| {
if (err != error.MissingDebugInfo)
return err;
break :x null;
try st.compile_unit_list.append(CompileUnit {
.version = version,
.is_64 = is_64,
.pc_range = pc_range,
.die = compile_unit_die,
.index = cu_index,
this_unit_offset += next_offset;
cu_index += 1;
fn findCompileUnit(st: &ElfStackTrace, target_address: u64) !&const CompileUnit {
var in_file_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&st.self_exe_file);
const in_stream = &in_file_stream.stream;
for (st.compile_unit_list.toSlice()) |*compile_unit| {
if (compile_unit.pc_range) |range| {
if (target_address >= range.start and target_address < range.end)
return compile_unit;
if (compile_unit.die.getAttrSecOffset(DW.AT_ranges)) |ranges_offset| {
var base_address: usize = 0;
if (st.debug_ranges) |debug_ranges| {
try st.self_exe_file.seekTo(debug_ranges.offset + ranges_offset);
while (true) {
const begin_addr = try in_stream.readIntLe(usize);
const end_addr = try in_stream.readIntLe(usize);
if (begin_addr == 0 and end_addr == 0) {
if (begin_addr == @maxValue(usize)) {
base_address = begin_addr;
if (target_address >= begin_addr and target_address < end_addr) {
return compile_unit;
} else |err| {
if (err != error.MissingDebugInfo)
return err;
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
fn readInitialLength(comptime E: type, in_stream: &io.InStream(E), is_64: &bool) !u64 {
const first_32_bits = try in_stream.readIntLe(u32);
*is_64 = (first_32_bits == 0xffffffff);
if (*is_64) {
return in_stream.readIntLe(u64);
} else {
if (first_32_bits >= 0xfffffff0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
return u64(first_32_bits);
fn readULeb128(in_stream: var) !u64 {
var result: u64 = 0;
var shift: usize = 0;
while (true) {
const byte = try in_stream.readByte();
var operand: u64 = undefined;
if (@shlWithOverflow(u64, byte & 0b01111111, u6(shift), &operand))
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
result |= operand;
if ((byte & 0b10000000) == 0)
return result;
shift += 7;
fn readILeb128(in_stream: var) !i64 {
var result: i64 = 0;
var shift: usize = 0;
while (true) {
const byte = try in_stream.readByte();
var operand: i64 = undefined;
if (@shlWithOverflow(i64, byte & 0b01111111, u6(shift), &operand))
return error.InvalidDebugInfo;
result |= operand;
shift += 7;
if ((byte & 0b10000000) == 0) {
if (shift < @sizeOf(i64) * 8 and (byte & 0b01000000) != 0)
result |= -(i64(1) << u6(shift));
return result;
/// This should only be used in temporary test programs.
pub const global_allocator = &global_fixed_allocator.allocator;
var global_fixed_allocator = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(global_allocator_mem[0..]);
var global_allocator_mem: [100 * 1024]u8 = undefined;
// TODO make thread safe
var debug_info_allocator: ?&mem.Allocator = null;
var debug_info_direct_allocator: std.heap.DirectAllocator = undefined;
var debug_info_arena_allocator: std.heap.ArenaAllocator = undefined;
fn getDebugInfoAllocator() &mem.Allocator {
if (debug_info_allocator) |a| return a;
debug_info_direct_allocator = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init();
debug_info_arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(&debug_info_direct_allocator.allocator);
debug_info_allocator = &debug_info_arena_allocator.allocator;
return &debug_info_arena_allocator.allocator;