Marc Tiehuis f94964cd05 std.math: Add upstream changes/fixes and simplify go derived code
This also starts the documentation effort for the math/ subdirectory.
The intent is to use this as a somewhat representative test-case for any
work on the documentation generator.
2019-05-01 18:13:33 +12:00

253 lines
8.0 KiB

// Ported from go, which is licensed under a BSD-3 license.
// https://golang.org/LICENSE
// https://golang.org/src/math/pow.go
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("../std.zig");
const math = std.math;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
/// Returns x raised to the power of y (x^y).
/// Special Cases:
/// - pow(x, +-0) = 1 for any x
/// - pow(1, y) = 1 for any y
/// - pow(x, 1) = x for any x
/// - pow(nan, y) = nan
/// - pow(x, nan) = nan
/// - pow(+-0, y) = +-inf for y an odd integer < 0
/// - pow(+-0, -inf) = +inf
/// - pow(+-0, +inf) = +0
/// - pow(+-0, y) = +inf for finite y < 0 and not an odd integer
/// - pow(+-0, y) = +-0 for y an odd integer > 0
/// - pow(+-0, y) = +0 for finite y > 0 and not an odd integer
/// - pow(-1, +-inf) = 1
/// - pow(x, +inf) = +inf for |x| > 1
/// - pow(x, -inf) = +0 for |x| > 1
/// - pow(x, +inf) = +0 for |x| < 1
/// - pow(x, -inf) = +inf for |x| < 1
/// - pow(+inf, y) = +inf for y > 0
/// - pow(+inf, y) = +0 for y < 0
/// - pow(-inf, y) = pow(-0, -y)
/// - pow(x, y) = nan for finite x < 0 and finite non-integer y
pub fn pow(comptime T: type, x: T, y: T) T {
if (@typeInfo(T) == builtin.TypeId.Int) {
return math.powi(T, x, y) catch unreachable;
if (T != f32 and T != f64) {
@compileError("pow not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T));
// pow(x, +-0) = 1 for all x
// pow(1, y) = 1 for all y
if (y == 0 or x == 1) {
return 1;
// pow(nan, y) = nan for all y
// pow(x, nan) = nan for all x
if (math.isNan(x) or math.isNan(y)) {
return math.nan(T);
// pow(x, 1) = x for all x
if (y == 1) {
return x;
if (x == 0) {
if (y < 0) {
// pow(+-0, y) = +- 0 for y an odd integer
if (isOddInteger(y)) {
return math.copysign(T, math.inf(T), x);
// pow(+-0, y) = +inf for y an even integer
else {
return math.inf(T);
} else {
if (isOddInteger(y)) {
return x;
} else {
return 0;
if (math.isInf(y)) {
// pow(-1, inf) = 1 for all x
if (x == -1) {
return 1.0;
// pow(x, +inf) = +0 for |x| < 1
// pow(x, -inf) = +0 for |x| > 1
else if ((math.fabs(x) < 1) == math.isPositiveInf(y)) {
return 0;
// pow(x, -inf) = +inf for |x| < 1
// pow(x, +inf) = +inf for |x| > 1
else {
return math.inf(T);
if (math.isInf(x)) {
if (math.isNegativeInf(x)) {
return pow(T, 1 / x, -y);
// pow(+inf, y) = +0 for y < 0
else if (y < 0) {
return 0;
// pow(+inf, y) = +0 for y > 0
else if (y > 0) {
return math.inf(T);
// special case sqrt
if (y == 0.5) {
return math.sqrt(x);
if (y == -0.5) {
return 1 / math.sqrt(x);
const r1 = math.modf(math.fabs(y));
var yi = r1.ipart;
var yf = r1.fpart;
if (yf != 0 and x < 0) {
return math.nan(T);
if (yi >= 1 << (T.bit_count - 1)) {
return math.exp(y * math.ln(x));
// a = a1 * 2^ae
var a1: T = 1.0;
var ae: i32 = 0;
// a *= x^yf
if (yf != 0) {
if (yf > 0.5) {
yf -= 1;
yi += 1;
a1 = math.exp(yf * math.ln(x));
// a *= x^yi
const r2 = math.frexp(x);
var xe = r2.exponent;
var x1 = r2.significand;
var i = @floatToInt(@IntType(true, T.bit_count), yi);
while (i != 0) : (i >>= 1) {
const overflow_shift = math.floatExponentBits(T) + 1;
if (xe < -(1 << overflow_shift) or (1 << overflow_shift) < xe) {
// catch xe before it overflows the left shift below
// Since i != 0 it has at least one bit still set, so ae will accumulate xe
// on at least one more iteration, ae += xe is a lower bound on ae
// the lower bound on ae exceeds the size of a float exp
// so the final call to Ldexp will produce under/overflow (0/Inf)
ae += xe;
if (i & 1 == 1) {
a1 *= x1;
ae += xe;
x1 *= x1;
xe <<= 1;
if (x1 < 0.5) {
x1 += x1;
xe -= 1;
// a *= a1 * 2^ae
if (y < 0) {
a1 = 1 / a1;
ae = -ae;
return math.scalbn(a1, ae);
fn isOddInteger(x: f64) bool {
const r = math.modf(x);
return r.fpart == 0.0 and @floatToInt(i64, r.ipart) & 1 == 1;
test "math.pow" {
const epsilon = 0.000001;
expect(math.approxEq(f32, pow(f32, 0.0, 3.3), 0.0, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f32, pow(f32, 0.8923, 3.3), 0.686572, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f32, pow(f32, 0.2, 3.3), 0.004936, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f32, pow(f32, 1.5, 3.3), 3.811546, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f32, pow(f32, 37.45, 3.3), 155736.703125, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f32, pow(f32, 89.123, 3.3), 2722489.5, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f64, pow(f64, 0.0, 3.3), 0.0, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f64, pow(f64, 0.8923, 3.3), 0.686572, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f64, pow(f64, 0.2, 3.3), 0.004936, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f64, pow(f64, 1.5, 3.3), 3.811546, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f64, pow(f64, 37.45, 3.3), 155736.7160616, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f64, pow(f64, 89.123, 3.3), 2722490.231436, epsilon));
test "math.pow.special" {
const epsilon = 0.000001;
expect(pow(f32, 4, 0.0) == 1.0);
expect(pow(f32, 7, -0.0) == 1.0);
expect(pow(f32, 45, 1.0) == 45);
expect(pow(f32, -45, 1.0) == -45);
expect(math.isNan(pow(f32, math.nan(f32), 5.0)));
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, -math.inf(f32), 0.5)));
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, -0, -0.5)));
expect(pow(f32, -0, 0.5) == 0);
expect(math.isNan(pow(f32, 5.0, math.nan(f32))));
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, 0.0, -1.0)));
//expect(math.isNegativeInf(pow(f32, -0.0, -3.0))); TODO is this required?
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, 0.0, -math.inf(f32))));
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, -0.0, -math.inf(f32))));
expect(pow(f32, 0.0, math.inf(f32)) == 0.0);
expect(pow(f32, -0.0, math.inf(f32)) == 0.0);
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, 0.0, -2.0)));
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, -0.0, -2.0)));
expect(pow(f32, 0.0, 1.0) == 0.0);
expect(pow(f32, -0.0, 1.0) == -0.0);
expect(pow(f32, 0.0, 2.0) == 0.0);
expect(pow(f32, -0.0, 2.0) == 0.0);
expect(math.approxEq(f32, pow(f32, -1.0, math.inf(f32)), 1.0, epsilon));
expect(math.approxEq(f32, pow(f32, -1.0, -math.inf(f32)), 1.0, epsilon));
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, 1.2, math.inf(f32))));
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, -1.2, math.inf(f32))));
expect(pow(f32, 1.2, -math.inf(f32)) == 0.0);
expect(pow(f32, -1.2, -math.inf(f32)) == 0.0);
expect(pow(f32, 0.2, math.inf(f32)) == 0.0);
expect(pow(f32, -0.2, math.inf(f32)) == 0.0);
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, 0.2, -math.inf(f32))));
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, -0.2, -math.inf(f32))));
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f32, math.inf(f32), 1.0)));
expect(pow(f32, math.inf(f32), -1.0) == 0.0);
//expect(pow(f32, -math.inf(f32), 5.0) == pow(f32, -0.0, -5.0)); TODO support negative 0?
expect(pow(f32, -math.inf(f32), -5.2) == pow(f32, -0.0, 5.2));
expect(math.isNan(pow(f32, -1.0, 1.2)));
expect(math.isNan(pow(f32, -12.4, 78.5)));
test "math.pow.overflow" {
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f64, 2, 1 << 32)));
expect(pow(f64, 2, -(1 << 32)) == 0);
expect(math.isNegativeInf(pow(f64, -2, (1 << 32) + 1)));
expect(pow(f64, 0.5, 1 << 45) == 0);
expect(math.isPositiveInf(pow(f64, 0.5, -(1 << 45))));