Andrew Kelley 8fd0fddce5 zig build system progress
* In-progress os.ChildProcess.spawn implementation. See #204
 * Add explicit cast from integer to error. Closes #294
 * fix casting from error to integer
 * fix compiler crash when initializing variable to undefined
   with no type
2017-04-02 18:19:59 -04:00

92 lines
2.8 KiB

const io = @import("io.zig");
const mem = @import("mem.zig");
const debug = @import("debug.zig");
const List = @import("list.zig").List;
const Allocator = @import("mem.zig").Allocator;
const os = @import("os/index.zig");
const StdIo = os.ChildProcess.StdIo;
const Term = os.ChildProcess.Term;
error ExtraArg;
error UncleanExit;
pub const Builder = struct {
zig_exe: []const u8,
allocator: &Allocator,
exe_list: List(&Exe),
pub fn init(zig_exe: []const u8, allocator: &Allocator) -> Builder {
Builder {
.zig_exe = zig_exe,
.allocator = allocator,
.exe_list = List(&Exe).init(allocator),
pub fn addExe(self: &Builder, root_src: []const u8, name: []const u8) -> &Exe {
return self.addExeErr(root_src, name) %% |err| handleErr(err);
pub fn addExeErr(self: &Builder, root_src: []const u8, name: []const u8) -> %&Exe {
const exe = %return self.allocator.create(Exe);
*exe = Exe {
.root_src = root_src,
.name = name,
%return self.exe_list.append(exe);
return exe;
pub fn make(self: &Builder, cli_args: []const []const u8) -> %void {
var verbose = false;
for (cli_args) |arg| {
if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose")) {
verbose = true;
} else {
%%io.stderr.printf("Unrecognized argument: '{}'\n", arg);
return error.ExtraArg;
for (self.exe_list.toSlice()) |exe| {
var zig_args = List([]const u8).init(self.allocator);
defer zig_args.deinit();
%return zig_args.append("build_exe"[0...]); // TODO issue #296
%return zig_args.append(exe.root_src);
%return zig_args.append("--name"[0...]); // TODO issue #296
%return zig_args.append(exe.name);
printInvocation(self.zig_exe, zig_args);
const TODO_env: []const []const u8 = undefined; // TODO
var child = %return os.ChildProcess.spawn(self.zig_exe, zig_args.toSliceConst(), TODO_env,
StdIo.Ignore, StdIo.Inherit, StdIo.Inherit);
const term = %return child.wait();
switch (term) {
Term.Clean => |code| {
if (code != 0) {
return error.UncleanExit;
else => return error.UncleanExit,
const Exe = struct {
root_src: []const u8,
name: []const u8,
fn handleErr(err: error) -> noreturn {
debug.panic("error: {}\n", @errorName(err));
fn printInvocation(exe_name: []const u8, args: &const List([]const u8)) {
%%io.stderr.printf("{}", exe_name);
for (args.toSliceConst()) |arg| {
%%io.stderr.printf(" {}", arg);