Andrew Kelley 85be0b8c65 update C headers to LLVM 16
upstream commit 0604154e006e88e9e7f82d8ee5fd076bda206613
2023-01-26 16:36:13 -07:00

59 lines
1.8 KiB

/*===------------- amxfp16intrin.h - AMX_FP16 intrinsics -*- C++ -*---------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef __IMMINTRIN_H
#error "Never use <amxfp16intrin.h> directly; use <immintrin.h> instead."
#endif /* __IMMINTRIN_H */
#ifndef __AMX_FP16INTRIN_H
#define __AMX_FP16INTRIN_H
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// Compute dot-product of FP16 (16-bit) floating-point pairs in tiles \a a
/// and \a b, accumulating the intermediate single-precision (32-bit)
/// floating-point elements with elements in \a dst, and store the 32-bit
/// result back to tile \a dst.
/// \headerfile <immintrin.h>
/// \code
/// void _tile_dpfp16ps (__tile dst, __tile a, __tile b)
/// \endcode
/// \code{.operation}
/// FOR m := 0 TO dst.rows - 1
/// tmp := dst.row[m]
/// FOR k := 0 TO (a.colsb / 4) - 1
/// FOR n := 0 TO (dst.colsb / 4) - 1
/// tmp.fp32[n] += FP32(a.row[m].fp16[2*k+0]) *
/// FP32(b.row[k].fp16[2*n+0])
/// tmp.fp32[n] += FP32(a.row[m].fp16[2*k+1]) *
/// FP32(b.row[k].fp16[2*n+1])
/// write_row_and_zero(dst, m, tmp, dst.colsb)
/// zero_upper_rows(dst, dst.rows)
/// zero_tileconfig_start()
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c TDPFP16PS instruction.
/// \param dst
/// The destination tile. Max size is 1024 Bytes.
/// \param a
/// The 1st source tile. Max size is 1024 Bytes.
/// \param b
/// The 2nd source tile. Max size is 1024 Bytes.
#define _tile_dpfp16ps(dst, a, b) \
__builtin_ia32_tdpfp16ps(dst, a, b)
#endif /* __x86_64__ */
#endif /* __AMX_FP16INTRIN_H */