Eric Joldasov 50339f595a all: zig fmt and rename "@XToY" to "@YFromX"
Signed-off-by: Eric Joldasov <bratishkaerik@getgoogleoff.me>
2023-06-19 12:34:42 -07:00

22 lines
751 B

const common = @import("./common.zig");
const intFromFloat = @import("./int_from_float.zig").intFromFloat;
pub const panic = common.panic;
comptime {
if (common.want_ppc_abi) {
@export(__fixunstfdi, .{ .name = "__fixunskfdi", .linkage = common.linkage, .visibility = common.visibility });
} else if (common.want_sparc_abi) {
@export(_Qp_qtoux, .{ .name = "_Qp_qtoux", .linkage = common.linkage, .visibility = common.visibility });
@export(__fixunstfdi, .{ .name = "__fixunstfdi", .linkage = common.linkage, .visibility = common.visibility });
pub fn __fixunstfdi(a: f128) callconv(.C) u64 {
return intFromFloat(u64, a);
fn _Qp_qtoux(a: *const f128) callconv(.C) u64 {
return intFromFloat(u64, a.*);