Andrew Kelley 96164ce613 disallow single-item pointer indexing
add pointer arithmetic for unknown length pointer
2018-06-04 01:39:57 -04:00

215 lines
5.4 KiB

const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
var foo: u8 align(4) = 100;
test "global variable alignment" {
assert(@typeOf(&foo).alignment == 4);
assert(@typeOf(&foo) == *align(4) u8);
const slice = (&foo)[0..1];
assert(@typeOf(slice) == []align(4) u8);
fn derp() align(@sizeOf(usize) * 2) i32 {
return 1234;
fn noop1() align(1) void {}
fn noop4() align(4) void {}
test "function alignment" {
assert(derp() == 1234);
assert(@typeOf(noop1) == fn () align(1) void);
assert(@typeOf(noop4) == fn () align(4) void);
var baz: packed struct {
a: u32,
b: u32,
} = undefined;
test "packed struct alignment" {
assert(@typeOf(&baz.b) == *align(1) u32);
const blah: packed struct {
a: u3,
b: u3,
c: u2,
} = undefined;
test "bit field alignment" {
assert(@typeOf(&blah.b) == *align(1:3:6) const u3);
test "default alignment allows unspecified in type syntax" {
assert(*u32 == *align(@alignOf(u32)) u32);
test "implicitly decreasing pointer alignment" {
const a: u32 align(4) = 3;
const b: u32 align(8) = 4;
assert(addUnaligned(&a, &b) == 7);
fn addUnaligned(a: *align(1) const u32, b: *align(1) const u32) u32 {
return a.* + b.*;
test "implicitly decreasing slice alignment" {
const a: u32 align(4) = 3;
const b: u32 align(8) = 4;
assert(addUnalignedSlice((&a)[0..1], (&b)[0..1]) == 7);
fn addUnalignedSlice(a: []align(1) const u32, b: []align(1) const u32) u32 {
return a[0] + b[0];
test "specifying alignment allows pointer cast" {
fn testBytesAlign(b: u8) void {
var bytes align(4) = []u8{
const ptr = @ptrCast(*u32, &bytes[0]);
assert(ptr.* == 0x33333333);
test "specifying alignment allows slice cast" {
fn testBytesAlignSlice(b: u8) void {
var bytes align(4) = []u8{
const slice = ([]u32)(bytes[0..]);
assert(slice[0] == 0x33333333);
test "@alignCast pointers" {
var x: u32 align(4) = 1;
assert(x == 2);
fn expectsOnly1(x: *align(1) u32) void {
expects4(@alignCast(4, x));
fn expects4(x: *align(4) u32) void {
x.* += 1;
test "@alignCast slices" {
var array align(4) = []u32{
const slice = array[0..];
assert(slice[0] == 2);
fn sliceExpectsOnly1(slice: []align(1) u32) void {
sliceExpects4(@alignCast(4, slice));
fn sliceExpects4(slice: []align(4) u32) void {
slice[0] += 1;
test "implicitly decreasing fn alignment" {
testImplicitlyDecreaseFnAlign(alignedSmall, 1234);
testImplicitlyDecreaseFnAlign(alignedBig, 5678);
fn testImplicitlyDecreaseFnAlign(ptr: fn () align(1) i32, answer: i32) void {
assert(ptr() == answer);
fn alignedSmall() align(8) i32 {
return 1234;
fn alignedBig() align(16) i32 {
return 5678;
test "@alignCast functions" {
assert(fnExpectsOnly1(simple4) == 0x19);
fn fnExpectsOnly1(ptr: fn () align(1) i32) i32 {
return fnExpects4(@alignCast(4, ptr));
fn fnExpects4(ptr: fn () align(4) i32) i32 {
return ptr();
fn simple4() align(4) i32 {
return 0x19;
test "generic function with align param" {
assert(whyWouldYouEverDoThis(1) == 0x1);
assert(whyWouldYouEverDoThis(4) == 0x1);
assert(whyWouldYouEverDoThis(8) == 0x1);
fn whyWouldYouEverDoThis(comptime align_bytes: u8) align(align_bytes) u8 {
return 0x1;
test "@ptrCast preserves alignment of bigger source" {
var x: u32 align(16) = 1234;
const ptr = @ptrCast(*u8, &x);
assert(@typeOf(ptr) == *align(16) u8);
test "runtime known array index has best alignment possible" {
// take full advantage of over-alignment
var array align(4) = []u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };
assert(@typeOf(&array[0]) == *align(4) u8);
assert(@typeOf(&array[1]) == *u8);
assert(@typeOf(&array[2]) == *align(2) u8);
assert(@typeOf(&array[3]) == *u8);
// because align is too small but we still figure out to use 2
var bigger align(2) = []u64{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };
assert(@typeOf(&bigger[0]) == *align(2) u64);
assert(@typeOf(&bigger[1]) == *align(2) u64);
assert(@typeOf(&bigger[2]) == *align(2) u64);
assert(@typeOf(&bigger[3]) == *align(2) u64);
// because pointer is align 2 and u32 align % 2 == 0 we can assume align 2
var smaller align(2) = []u32{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };
comptime assert(@typeOf(smaller[0..]) == []align(2) u32);
comptime assert(@typeOf(smaller[0..].ptr) == [*]align(2) u32);
testIndex(smaller[0..].ptr, 0, *align(2) u32);
testIndex(smaller[0..].ptr, 1, *align(2) u32);
testIndex(smaller[0..].ptr, 2, *align(2) u32);
testIndex(smaller[0..].ptr, 3, *align(2) u32);
// has to use ABI alignment because index known at runtime only
testIndex2(array[0..].ptr, 0, *u8);
testIndex2(array[0..].ptr, 1, *u8);
testIndex2(array[0..].ptr, 2, *u8);
testIndex2(array[0..].ptr, 3, *u8);
fn testIndex(smaller: [*]align(2) u32, index: usize, comptime T: type) void {
comptime assert(@typeOf(&smaller[index]) == T);
fn testIndex2(ptr: [*]align(4) u8, index: usize, comptime T: type) void {
comptime assert(@typeOf(&ptr[index]) == T);
test "alignstack" {
assert(fnWithAlignedStack() == 1234);
fn fnWithAlignedStack() i32 {
return 1234;