Robin Voetter f12beb857a
amdgpu,nvptx: unify kernel calling conventions
AmdgpuKernel and NvptxKernel are unified into a Kernel calling convention.
There is really no reason for these to be separate; no backend is allowed to
emit the calling convention of the other. This is in the same spirit as the
.Interrupt calling convention lowering to different LLVM calling conventions,
and opens the way for SPIR-V kernels to be exported using the Kernel calling
2023-04-09 01:51:54 +02:00

107 lines
3.1 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const Cases = @import("src/Cases.zig");
pub fn addCases(ctx: *Cases) !void {
var case = addPtx(ctx, "simple addition and subtraction");
\\fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
\\ return a + b;
\\pub export fn add_and_substract(a: i32, out: *i32) callconv(.Kernel) void {
\\ const x = add(a, 7);
\\ var y = add(2, 0);
\\ y -= x;
\\ out.* = y;
var case = addPtx(ctx, "read special registers");
\\fn threadIdX() u32 {
\\ return asm ("mov.u32 \t%[r], %tid.x;"
\\ : [r] "=r" (-> u32),
\\ );
\\pub export fn special_reg(a: []const i32, out: []i32) callconv(.Kernel) void {
\\ const i = threadIdX();
\\ out[i] = a[i] + 7;
var case = addPtx(ctx, "address spaces");
\\var x: i32 addrspace(.global) = 0;
\\pub export fn increment(out: *i32) callconv(.Kernel) void {
\\ x += 1;
\\ out.* = x;
var case = addPtx(ctx, "reduce in shared mem");
\\fn threadIdX() u32 {
\\ return asm ("mov.u32 \t%[r], %tid.x;"
\\ : [r] "=r" (-> u32),
\\ );
\\ var _sdata: [1024]f32 addrspace(.shared) = undefined;
\\ pub export fn reduceSum(d_x: []const f32, out: *f32) callconv(.Kernel) void {
\\ var sdata = @addrSpaceCast(.generic, &_sdata);
\\ const tid: u32 = threadIdX();
\\ var sum = d_x[tid];
\\ sdata[tid] = sum;
\\ asm volatile ("bar.sync \t0;");
\\ var s: u32 = 512;
\\ while (s > 0) : (s = s >> 1) {
\\ if (tid < s) {
\\ sum += sdata[tid + s];
\\ sdata[tid] = sum;
\\ }
\\ asm volatile ("bar.sync \t0;");
\\ }
\\ if (tid == 0) {
\\ out.* = sum;
\\ }
\\ }
const nvptx_target = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .nvptx64,
.os_tag = .cuda,
pub fn addPtx(
ctx: *Cases,
name: []const u8,
) *Cases.Case {
.name = name,
.target = nvptx_target,
.updates = std.ArrayList(Cases.Update).init(ctx.cases.allocator),
.output_mode = .Obj,
.deps = std.ArrayList(Cases.DepModule).init(ctx.cases.allocator),
.link_libc = false,
.backend = .llvm,
// Bug in Debug mode
.optimize_mode = .ReleaseSafe,
}) catch @panic("out of memory");
return &ctx.cases.items[ctx.cases.items.len - 1];