
119 lines
3.7 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const llvm = @import("llvm.zig");
pub const Target = union(enum) {
Cross: Cross,
pub const Cross = struct {
arch: builtin.Arch,
os: builtin.Os,
environ: builtin.Environ,
object_format: builtin.ObjectFormat,
pub fn oFileExt(self: Target) []const u8 {
return switch (self.getObjectFormat()) {
builtin.ObjectFormat.coff => ".obj",
else => ".o",
pub fn exeFileExt(self: Target) []const u8 {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
builtin.Os.windows => ".exe",
else => "",
pub fn getOs(self: Target) builtin.Os {
return switch (self) {
Target.Native => builtin.os,
@TagType(Target).Cross => |t| t.os,
pub fn getArch(self: Target) builtin.Arch {
return switch (self) {
Target.Native => builtin.arch,
@TagType(Target).Cross => |t| t.arch,
pub fn getEnviron(self: Target) builtin.Environ {
return switch (self) {
Target.Native => builtin.environ,
@TagType(Target).Cross => |t| t.environ,
pub fn getObjectFormat(self: Target) builtin.ObjectFormat {
return switch (self) {
Target.Native => builtin.object_format,
@TagType(Target).Cross => |t| t.object_format,
pub fn isWasm(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getArch()) {
builtin.Arch.wasm32, builtin.Arch.wasm64 => true,
else => false,
pub fn isDarwin(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
builtin.Os.ios, builtin.Os.macosx => true,
else => false,
pub fn isWindows(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
builtin.Os.windows => true,
else => false,
pub fn initializeAll() void {
pub fn getTriple(self: Target, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !std.Buffer {
var result = try std.Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0);
errdefer result.deinit();
// LLVM WebAssembly output support requires the target to be activated at
// LLVM determines the output format based on the environment suffix,
// defaulting to an object based on the architecture. The default format in
// LLVM 6 sets the wasm arch output incorrectly to ELF. We need to
// explicitly set this ourself in order for it to work.
// This is fixed in LLVM 7 and you will be able to get wasm output by
// using the target triple `wasm32-unknown-unknown-unknown`.
const env_name = if (self.isWasm()) "wasm" else @tagName(self.getEnviron());
var out = &std.io.BufferOutStream.init(&result).stream;
try out.print("{}-unknown-{}-{}", @tagName(self.getArch()), @tagName(self.getOs()), env_name);
return result;
pub fn llvmTargetFromTriple(triple: std.Buffer) !llvm.TargetRef {
var result: llvm.TargetRef = undefined;
var err_msg: [*]u8 = undefined;
if (llvm.GetTargetFromTriple(triple.ptr(), &result, &err_msg) != 0) {
std.debug.warn("triple: {s} error: {s}\n", triple.ptr(), err_msg);
return error.UnsupportedTarget;
return result;