Jimmi Holst Christensen 378d3e4403
Solve the return type ambiguity (#1628)
Changed container and initializer syntax
* <container> { ... } -> <container> . { ... }
* <exrp> { ... } -> <expr> . { ...}
2018-10-15 09:51:15 -04:00

885 lines
26 KiB

// The engines provided here should be initialized from an external source. For now, getRandomBytes
// from the os package is the most suitable. Be sure to use a CSPRNG when required, otherwise using
// a normal PRNG will be faster and use substantially less stack space.
// ```
// var buf: [8]u8 = undefined;
// try std.os.getRandomBytes(buf[0..]);
// const seed = mem.readIntLE(u64, buf[0..8]);
// var r = DefaultPrng.init(seed);
// const s = r.random.int(u64);
// ```
// TODO(tiehuis): Benchmark these against other reference implementations.
const std = @import("../index.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const mem = std.mem;
const math = std.math;
const ziggurat = @import("ziggurat.zig");
// When you need fast unbiased random numbers
pub const DefaultPrng = Xoroshiro128;
// When you need cryptographically secure random numbers
pub const DefaultCsprng = Isaac64;
pub const Random = struct.{
fillFn: fn (r: *Random, buf: []u8) void,
/// Read random bytes into the specified buffer until full.
pub fn bytes(r: *Random, buf: []u8) void {
r.fillFn(r, buf);
pub fn boolean(r: *Random) bool {
return r.int(u1) != 0;
/// Returns a random int `i` such that `0 <= i <= @maxValue(T)`.
/// `i` is evenly distributed.
pub fn int(r: *Random, comptime T: type) T {
const UnsignedT = @IntType(false, T.bit_count);
const ByteAlignedT = @IntType(false, @divTrunc(T.bit_count + 7, 8) * 8);
var rand_bytes: [@sizeOf(ByteAlignedT)]u8 = undefined;
// use LE instead of native endian for better portability maybe?
// TODO: endian portability is pointless if the underlying prng isn't endian portable.
// TODO: document the endian portability of this library.
const byte_aligned_result = mem.readIntLE(ByteAlignedT, rand_bytes);
const unsigned_result = @truncate(UnsignedT, byte_aligned_result);
return @bitCast(T, unsigned_result);
/// Returns an evenly distributed random unsigned integer `0 <= i < less_than`.
/// This function assumes that the underlying ::fillFn produces evenly distributed values.
/// Within this assumption, the runtime of this function is exponentially distributed.
/// If ::fillFn were backed by a true random generator,
/// the runtime of this function would technically be unbounded.
/// However, if ::fillFn is backed by any evenly distributed pseudo random number generator,
/// this function is guaranteed to return.
/// If you need deterministic runtime bounds, consider instead using `r.int(T) % less_than`,
/// which will usually be biased toward smaller values.
pub fn uintLessThan(r: *Random, comptime T: type, less_than: T) T {
assert(T.is_signed == false);
assert(0 < less_than);
const last_group_size_minus_one: T = @maxValue(T) % less_than;
if (last_group_size_minus_one == less_than - 1) {
// less_than is a power of two.
assert(math.floorPowerOfTwo(T, less_than) == less_than);
// There is no retry zone. The optimal retry_zone_start would be @maxValue(T) + 1.
return r.int(T) % less_than;
const retry_zone_start = @maxValue(T) - last_group_size_minus_one;
while (true) {
const rand_val = r.int(T);
if (rand_val < retry_zone_start) {
return rand_val % less_than;
/// Returns an evenly distributed random unsigned integer `0 <= i <= at_most`.
/// See ::uintLessThan, which this function uses in most cases,
/// for commentary on the runtime of this function.
pub fn uintAtMost(r: *Random, comptime T: type, at_most: T) T {
assert(T.is_signed == false);
if (at_most == @maxValue(T)) {
// have the full range
return r.int(T);
return r.uintLessThan(T, at_most + 1);
/// Returns an evenly distributed random integer `at_least <= i < less_than`.
/// See ::uintLessThan, which this function uses in most cases,
/// for commentary on the runtime of this function.
pub fn intRangeLessThan(r: *Random, comptime T: type, at_least: T, less_than: T) T {
assert(at_least < less_than);
if (T.is_signed) {
// Two's complement makes this math pretty easy.
const UnsignedT = @IntType(false, T.bit_count);
const lo = @bitCast(UnsignedT, at_least);
const hi = @bitCast(UnsignedT, less_than);
const result = lo +% r.uintLessThan(UnsignedT, hi -% lo);
return @bitCast(T, result);
} else {
// The signed implementation would work fine, but we can use stricter arithmetic operators here.
return at_least + r.uintLessThan(T, less_than - at_least);
/// Returns an evenly distributed random integer `at_least <= i <= at_most`.
/// See ::uintLessThan, which this function uses in most cases,
/// for commentary on the runtime of this function.
pub fn intRangeAtMost(r: *Random, comptime T: type, at_least: T, at_most: T) T {
assert(at_least <= at_most);
if (T.is_signed) {
// Two's complement makes this math pretty easy.
const UnsignedT = @IntType(false, T.bit_count);
const lo = @bitCast(UnsignedT, at_least);
const hi = @bitCast(UnsignedT, at_most);
const result = lo +% r.uintAtMost(UnsignedT, hi -% lo);
return @bitCast(T, result);
} else {
// The signed implementation would work fine, but we can use stricter arithmetic operators here.
return at_least + r.uintAtMost(T, at_most - at_least);
/// Return a random integer/boolean type.
/// TODO: deprecated. use ::boolean or ::int instead.
pub fn scalar(r: *Random, comptime T: type) T {
if (T == bool) return r.boolean();
return r.int(T);
/// Return a random integer with even distribution between `start`
/// inclusive and `end` exclusive. `start` must be less than `end`.
/// TODO: deprecated. renamed to ::intRangeLessThan
pub fn range(r: *Random, comptime T: type, start: T, end: T) T {
return r.intRangeLessThan(T, start, end);
/// Return a floating point value evenly distributed in the range [0, 1).
pub fn float(r: *Random, comptime T: type) T {
// Generate a uniform value between [1, 2) and scale down to [0, 1).
// Note: The lowest mantissa bit is always set to 0 so we only use half the available range.
switch (T) {
f32 => {
const s = r.int(u32);
const repr = (0x7f << 23) | (s >> 9);
return @bitCast(f32, repr) - 1.0;
f64 => {
const s = r.int(u64);
const repr = (0x3ff << 52) | (s >> 12);
return @bitCast(f64, repr) - 1.0;
else => @compileError("unknown floating point type"),
/// Return a floating point value normally distributed with mean = 0, stddev = 1.
/// To use different parameters, use: floatNorm(...) * desiredStddev + desiredMean.
pub fn floatNorm(r: *Random, comptime T: type) T {
const value = ziggurat.next_f64(r, ziggurat.NormDist);
switch (T) {
f32 => return @floatCast(f32, value),
f64 => return value,
else => @compileError("unknown floating point type"),
/// Return an exponentially distributed float with a rate parameter of 1.
/// To use a different rate parameter, use: floatExp(...) / desiredRate.
pub fn floatExp(r: *Random, comptime T: type) T {
const value = ziggurat.next_f64(r, ziggurat.ExpDist);
switch (T) {
f32 => return @floatCast(f32, value),
f64 => return value,
else => @compileError("unknown floating point type"),
/// Shuffle a slice into a random order.
pub fn shuffle(r: *Random, comptime T: type, buf: []T) void {
if (buf.len < 2) {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < buf.len - 1) : (i += 1) {
const j = r.intRangeLessThan(usize, i, buf.len);
mem.swap(T, &buf[i], &buf[j]);
const SequentialPrng = struct.{
const Self = @This();
random: Random,
next_value: u8,
pub fn init() Self {
return Self.{
.random = Random.{ .fillFn = fill },
.next_value = 0,
fn fill(r: *Random, buf: []u8) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "random", r);
for (buf) |*b| {
b.* = self.next_value;
self.next_value +%= 1;
test "Random int" {
comptime testRandomInt();
fn testRandomInt() void {
var r = SequentialPrng.init();
assert(r.random.int(u0) == 0);
r.next_value = 0;
assert(r.random.int(u1) == 0);
assert(r.random.int(u1) == 1);
assert(r.random.int(u2) == 2);
assert(r.random.int(u2) == 3);
assert(r.random.int(u2) == 0);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.int(u8) == 0xff);
r.next_value = 0x11;
assert(r.random.int(u8) == 0x11);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.int(u32) == 0xffffffff);
r.next_value = 0x11;
assert(r.random.int(u32) == 0x11111111);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.int(i32) == -1);
r.next_value = 0x11;
assert(r.random.int(i32) == 0x11111111);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.int(i8) == -1);
r.next_value = 0x11;
assert(r.random.int(i8) == 0x11);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.int(u33) == 0x1ffffffff);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.int(i1) == -1);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.int(i2) == -1);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.int(i33) == -1);
test "Random boolean" {
comptime testRandomBoolean();
fn testRandomBoolean() void {
var r = SequentialPrng.init();
assert(r.random.boolean() == false);
assert(r.random.boolean() == true);
assert(r.random.boolean() == false);
assert(r.random.boolean() == true);
test "Random intLessThan" {
comptime testRandomIntLessThan();
fn testRandomIntLessThan() void {
var r = SequentialPrng.init();
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.uintLessThan(u8, 4) == 3);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.uintLessThan(u8, 3) == 0);
assert(r.next_value == 1);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeLessThan(u8, 0, 0x80) == 0x7f);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeLessThan(u8, 0x7f, 0xff) == 0xfe);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeLessThan(i8, 0, 0x40) == 0x3f);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeLessThan(i8, -0x40, 0x40) == 0x3f);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeLessThan(i8, -0x80, 0) == -1);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeLessThan(i64, -0x8000000000000000, 0) == -1);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeLessThan(i3, -4, 0) == -1);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeLessThan(i3, -2, 2) == 1);
// test retrying and eventually getting a good value
// start just out of bounds
r.next_value = 0x81;
assert(r.random.uintLessThan(u8, 0x81) == 0);
test "Random intAtMost" {
comptime testRandomIntAtMost();
fn testRandomIntAtMost() void {
var r = SequentialPrng.init();
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.uintAtMost(u8, 3) == 3);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.uintAtMost(u8, 2) == 0);
assert(r.next_value == 1);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeAtMost(u8, 0, 0x7f) == 0x7f);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeAtMost(u8, 0x7f, 0xfe) == 0xfe);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeAtMost(i8, 0, 0x3f) == 0x3f);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeAtMost(i8, -0x40, 0x3f) == 0x3f);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeAtMost(i8, -0x80, -1) == -1);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeAtMost(i64, -0x8000000000000000, -1) == -1);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeAtMost(i3, -4, -1) == -1);
r.next_value = 0xff;
assert(r.random.intRangeAtMost(i3, -2, 1) == 1);
// test retrying and eventually getting a good value
// start just out of bounds
r.next_value = 0x81;
assert(r.random.uintAtMost(u8, 0x80) == 0);
// Generator to extend 64-bit seed values into longer sequences.
// The number of cycles is thus limited to 64-bits regardless of the engine, but this
// is still plenty for practical purposes.
const SplitMix64 = struct.{
s: u64,
pub fn init(seed: u64) SplitMix64 {
return SplitMix64.{ .s = seed };
pub fn next(self: *SplitMix64) u64 {
self.s +%= 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15;
var z = self.s;
z = (z ^ (z >> 30)) *% 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9;
z = (z ^ (z >> 27)) *% 0x94d049bb133111eb;
return z ^ (z >> 31);
test "splitmix64 sequence" {
var r = SplitMix64.init(0xaeecf86f7878dd75);
const seq = []const u64.{
for (seq) |s| {
std.debug.assert(s == r.next());
// PCG32 - http://www.pcg-random.org/
pub const Pcg = struct.{
const default_multiplier = 6364136223846793005;
random: Random,
s: u64,
i: u64,
pub fn init(init_s: u64) Pcg {
var pcg = Pcg.{
.random = Random.{ .fillFn = fill },
.s = undefined,
.i = undefined,
return pcg;
fn next(self: *Pcg) u32 {
const l = self.s;
self.s = l *% default_multiplier +% (self.i | 1);
const xor_s = @truncate(u32, ((l >> 18) ^ l) >> 27);
const rot = @intCast(u32, l >> 59);
return (xor_s >> @intCast(u5, rot)) | (xor_s << @intCast(u5, (0 -% rot) & 31));
fn seed(self: *Pcg, init_s: u64) void {
// Pcg requires 128-bits of seed.
var gen = SplitMix64.init(init_s);
self.seedTwo(gen.next(), gen.next());
fn seedTwo(self: *Pcg, init_s: u64, init_i: u64) void {
self.s = 0;
self.i = (init_s << 1) | 1;
self.s = self.s *% default_multiplier +% self.i;
self.s +%= init_i;
self.s = self.s *% default_multiplier +% self.i;
fn fill(r: *Random, buf: []u8) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Pcg, "random", r);
var i: usize = 0;
const aligned_len = buf.len - (buf.len & 7);
// Complete 4 byte segments.
while (i < aligned_len) : (i += 4) {
var n = self.next();
comptime var j: usize = 0;
inline while (j < 4) : (j += 1) {
buf[i + j] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
// Remaining. (cuts the stream)
if (i != buf.len) {
var n = self.next();
while (i < buf.len) : (i += 1) {
buf[i] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 4;
test "pcg sequence" {
var r = Pcg.init(0);
const s0: u64 = 0x9394bf54ce5d79de;
const s1: u64 = 0x84e9c579ef59bbf7;
r.seedTwo(s0, s1);
const seq = []const u32.{
for (seq) |s| {
std.debug.assert(s == r.next());
// Xoroshiro128+ - http://xoroshiro.di.unimi.it/
pub const Xoroshiro128 = struct.{
random: Random,
s: [2]u64,
pub fn init(init_s: u64) Xoroshiro128 {
var x = Xoroshiro128.{
.random = Random.{ .fillFn = fill },
.s = undefined,
return x;
fn next(self: *Xoroshiro128) u64 {
const s0 = self.s[0];
var s1 = self.s[1];
const r = s0 +% s1;
s1 ^= s0;
self.s[0] = math.rotl(u64, s0, u8(55)) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << 14);
self.s[1] = math.rotl(u64, s1, u8(36));
return r;
// Skip 2^64 places ahead in the sequence
fn jump(self: *Xoroshiro128) void {
var s0: u64 = 0;
var s1: u64 = 0;
const table = []const u64.{
inline for (table) |entry| {
var b: usize = 0;
while (b < 64) : (b += 1) {
if ((entry & (u64(1) << @intCast(u6, b))) != 0) {
s0 ^= self.s[0];
s1 ^= self.s[1];
_ = self.next();
self.s[0] = s0;
self.s[1] = s1;
fn seed(self: *Xoroshiro128, init_s: u64) void {
// Xoroshiro requires 128-bits of seed.
var gen = SplitMix64.init(init_s);
self.s[0] = gen.next();
self.s[1] = gen.next();
fn fill(r: *Random, buf: []u8) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Xoroshiro128, "random", r);
var i: usize = 0;
const aligned_len = buf.len - (buf.len & 7);
// Complete 8 byte segments.
while (i < aligned_len) : (i += 8) {
var n = self.next();
comptime var j: usize = 0;
inline while (j < 8) : (j += 1) {
buf[i + j] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
// Remaining. (cuts the stream)
if (i != buf.len) {
var n = self.next();
while (i < buf.len) : (i += 1) {
buf[i] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
test "xoroshiro sequence" {
var r = Xoroshiro128.init(0);
r.s[0] = 0xaeecf86f7878dd75;
r.s[1] = 0x01cd153642e72622;
const seq1 = []const u64.{
for (seq1) |s| {
std.debug.assert(s == r.next());
const seq2 = []const u64.{
for (seq2) |s| {
std.debug.assert(s == r.next());
// ISAAC64 - http://www.burtleburtle.net/bob/rand/isaacafa.html
// Follows the general idea of the implementation from here with a few shortcuts.
// https://doc.rust-lang.org/rand/src/rand/prng/isaac64.rs.html
pub const Isaac64 = struct.{
random: Random,
r: [256]u64,
m: [256]u64,
a: u64,
b: u64,
c: u64,
i: usize,
pub fn init(init_s: u64) Isaac64 {
var isaac = Isaac64.{
.random = Random.{ .fillFn = fill },
.r = undefined,
.m = undefined,
.a = undefined,
.b = undefined,
.c = undefined,
.i = undefined,
// seed == 0 => same result as the unseeded reference implementation
isaac.seed(init_s, 1);
return isaac;
fn step(self: *Isaac64, mix: u64, base: usize, comptime m1: usize, comptime m2: usize) void {
const x = self.m[base + m1];
self.a = mix +% self.m[base + m2];
const y = self.a +% self.b +% self.m[(x >> 3) % self.m.len];
self.m[base + m1] = y;
self.b = x +% self.m[(y >> 11) % self.m.len];
self.r[self.r.len - 1 - base - m1] = self.b;
fn refill(self: *Isaac64) void {
const midpoint = self.r.len / 2;
self.c +%= 1;
self.b +%= self.c;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < midpoint) : (i += 4) {
self.step(~(self.a ^ (self.a << 21)), i + 0, 0, midpoint);
self.step(self.a ^ (self.a >> 5), i + 1, 0, midpoint);
self.step(self.a ^ (self.a << 12), i + 2, 0, midpoint);
self.step(self.a ^ (self.a >> 33), i + 3, 0, midpoint);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < midpoint) : (i += 4) {
self.step(~(self.a ^ (self.a << 21)), i + 0, midpoint, 0);
self.step(self.a ^ (self.a >> 5), i + 1, midpoint, 0);
self.step(self.a ^ (self.a << 12), i + 2, midpoint, 0);
self.step(self.a ^ (self.a >> 33), i + 3, midpoint, 0);
self.i = 0;
fn next(self: *Isaac64) u64 {
if (self.i >= self.r.len) {
const value = self.r[self.i];
self.i += 1;
return value;
fn seed(self: *Isaac64, init_s: u64, comptime rounds: usize) void {
// We ignore the multi-pass requirement since we don't currently expose full access to
// seeding the self.m array completely.
mem.set(u64, self.m[0..], 0);
self.m[0] = init_s;
// prescrambled golden ratio constants
var a = []const u64.{
comptime var i: usize = 0;
inline while (i < rounds) : (i += 1) {
var j: usize = 0;
while (j < self.m.len) : (j += 8) {
comptime var x1: usize = 0;
inline while (x1 < 8) : (x1 += 1) {
a[x1] +%= self.m[j + x1];
a[0] -%= a[4];
a[5] ^= a[7] >> 9;
a[7] +%= a[0];
a[1] -%= a[5];
a[6] ^= a[0] << 9;
a[0] +%= a[1];
a[2] -%= a[6];
a[7] ^= a[1] >> 23;
a[1] +%= a[2];
a[3] -%= a[7];
a[0] ^= a[2] << 15;
a[2] +%= a[3];
a[4] -%= a[0];
a[1] ^= a[3] >> 14;
a[3] +%= a[4];
a[5] -%= a[1];
a[2] ^= a[4] << 20;
a[4] +%= a[5];
a[6] -%= a[2];
a[3] ^= a[5] >> 17;
a[5] +%= a[6];
a[7] -%= a[3];
a[4] ^= a[6] << 14;
a[6] +%= a[7];
comptime var x2: usize = 0;
inline while (x2 < 8) : (x2 += 1) {
self.m[j + x2] = a[x2];
mem.set(u64, self.r[0..], 0);
self.a = 0;
self.b = 0;
self.c = 0;
self.i = self.r.len; // trigger refill on first value
fn fill(r: *Random, buf: []u8) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Isaac64, "random", r);
var i: usize = 0;
const aligned_len = buf.len - (buf.len & 7);
// Fill complete 64-byte segments
while (i < aligned_len) : (i += 8) {
var n = self.next();
comptime var j: usize = 0;
inline while (j < 8) : (j += 1) {
buf[i + j] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
// Fill trailing, ignoring excess (cut the stream).
if (i != buf.len) {
var n = self.next();
while (i < buf.len) : (i += 1) {
buf[i] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
test "isaac64 sequence" {
var r = Isaac64.init(0);
// from reference implementation
const seq = []const u64.{
for (seq) |s| {
std.debug.assert(s == r.next());
// Actual Random helper function tests, pcg engine is assumed correct.
test "Random float" {
var prng = DefaultPrng.init(0);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 1000) : (i += 1) {
const val1 = prng.random.float(f32);
std.debug.assert(val1 >= 0.0);
std.debug.assert(val1 < 1.0);
const val2 = prng.random.float(f64);
std.debug.assert(val2 >= 0.0);
std.debug.assert(val2 < 1.0);
test "Random shuffle" {
var prng = DefaultPrng.init(0);
var seq = []const u8.{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
var seen = []bool.{false} ** 5;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 1000) : (i += 1) {
prng.random.shuffle(u8, seq[0..]);
seen[seq[0]] = true;
std.debug.assert(sumArray(seq[0..]) == 10);
// we should see every entry at the head at least once
for (seen) |e| {
std.debug.assert(e == true);
fn sumArray(s: []const u8) u32 {
var r: u32 = 0;
for (s) |e|
r += e;
return r;
test "Random range" {
var prng = DefaultPrng.init(0);
testRange(&prng.random, -4, 3);
testRange(&prng.random, -4, -1);
testRange(&prng.random, 10, 14);
testRange(&prng.random, -0x80, 0x7f);
fn testRange(r: *Random, start: i8, end: i8) void {
const count = @intCast(usize, i32(end) - i32(start));
var values_buffer = []bool.{false} ** 0x100;
const values = values_buffer[0..count];
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < count) {
const value: i32 = r.intRangeLessThan(i8, start, end);
const index = @intCast(usize, value - start);
if (!values[index]) {
i += 1;
values[index] = true;