Andrew Kelley af229c1fdc
std lib (breaking): posixRead can return less than buffer size
closes #1414

std.io.InStream.read now can return less than buffer size
introduce std.io.InStream.readFull for previous behavior

add std.os.File.openWriteNoClobberC
rename std.os.deleteFileWindows to std.os.deleteFileW
remove std.os.deleteFilePosix
add std.os.deleteFileC

std.os.copyFile no longer takes an allocator
std.os.copyFileMode no longer takes an allocator
std.os.AtomicFile no longer takes an allocator

add std.os.renameW
add windows support for std.os.renameC

add a test for std.os.AtomicFile
2018-10-01 13:50:55 -04:00

461 lines
17 KiB

const std = @import("../index.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const os = std.os;
const io = std.io;
const mem = std.mem;
const math = std.math;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const posix = os.posix;
const windows = os.windows;
const Os = builtin.Os;
const windows_util = @import("windows/util.zig");
const is_posix = builtin.os != builtin.Os.windows;
const is_windows = builtin.os == builtin.Os.windows;
pub const File = struct {
/// The OS-specific file descriptor or file handle.
handle: os.FileHandle,
pub const Mode = switch (builtin.os) {
Os.windows => void,
else => u32,
pub const default_mode = switch (builtin.os) {
Os.windows => {},
else => 0o666,
pub const OpenError = os.WindowsOpenError || os.PosixOpenError;
/// `openRead` except with a null terminated path
pub fn openReadC(path: [*]const u8) OpenError!File {
if (is_posix) {
const flags = posix.O_LARGEFILE | posix.O_RDONLY;
const fd = try os.posixOpenC(path, flags, 0);
return openHandle(fd);
if (is_windows) {
return openRead(mem.toSliceConst(u8, path));
@compileError("Unsupported OS");
/// Call close to clean up.
pub fn openRead(path: []const u8) OpenError!File {
if (is_posix) {
const path_c = try os.toPosixPath(path);
return openReadC(&path_c);
if (is_windows) {
const path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openReadW(&path_w);
@compileError("Unsupported OS");
pub fn openReadW(path_w: [*]const u16) OpenError!File {
const handle = try os.windowsOpenW(
return openHandle(handle);
/// Calls `openWriteMode` with os.File.default_mode for the mode.
pub fn openWrite(path: []const u8) OpenError!File {
return openWriteMode(path, os.File.default_mode);
/// If the path does not exist it will be created.
/// If a file already exists in the destination it will be truncated.
/// Call close to clean up.
pub fn openWriteMode(path: []const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (is_posix) {
const flags = posix.O_LARGEFILE | posix.O_WRONLY | posix.O_CREAT | posix.O_CLOEXEC | posix.O_TRUNC;
const fd = try os.posixOpen(path, flags, file_mode);
return openHandle(fd);
} else if (is_windows) {
const path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteModeW(&path_w, file_mode);
} else {
@compileError("TODO implement openWriteMode for this OS");
pub fn openWriteModeW(path_w: [*]const u16, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
const handle = try os.windowsOpenW(
return openHandle(handle);
/// If the path does not exist it will be created.
/// If a file already exists in the destination this returns OpenError.PathAlreadyExists
/// Call close to clean up.
pub fn openWriteNoClobber(path: []const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (is_posix) {
const path_c = try os.toPosixPath(path);
return openWriteNoClobberC(path_c, file_mode);
} else if (is_windows) {
const path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteNoClobberW(&path_w, file_mode);
} else {
@compileError("TODO implement openWriteMode for this OS");
pub fn openWriteNoClobberC(path: [*]const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (is_posix) {
const flags = posix.O_LARGEFILE | posix.O_WRONLY | posix.O_CREAT | posix.O_CLOEXEC | posix.O_EXCL;
const fd = try os.posixOpenC(path, flags, file_mode);
return openHandle(fd);
} else if (is_windows) {
const path_w = try windows_util.cStrToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteNoClobberW(&path_w, file_mode);
} else {
@compileError("TODO implement openWriteMode for this OS");
pub fn openWriteNoClobberW(path_w: [*]const u16, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
const handle = try os.windowsOpenW(
return openHandle(handle);
pub fn openHandle(handle: os.FileHandle) File {
return File{ .handle = handle };
pub const AccessError = error{
/// On Windows, file paths must be valid Unicode.
/// Call from Windows-specific code if you already have a UTF-16LE encoded, null terminated string.
/// Otherwise use `access` or `accessC`.
pub fn accessW(path: [*]const u16) AccessError!void {
if (os.windows.GetFileAttributesW(path) != os.windows.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
switch (err) {
windows.ERROR.FILE_NOT_FOUND => return error.FileNotFound,
windows.ERROR.PATH_NOT_FOUND => return error.FileNotFound,
windows.ERROR.ACCESS_DENIED => return error.PermissionDenied,
else => return os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
/// Call if you have a UTF-8 encoded, null-terminated string.
/// Otherwise use `access` or `accessW`.
pub fn accessC(path: [*]const u8) AccessError!void {
if (is_windows) {
const path_w = try windows_util.cStrToPrefixedFileW(path);
return accessW(&path_w);
if (is_posix) {
const result = posix.access(path, posix.F_OK);
const err = posix.getErrno(result);
switch (err) {
0 => return,
posix.EACCES => return error.PermissionDenied,
posix.EROFS => return error.PermissionDenied,
posix.ELOOP => return error.PermissionDenied,
posix.ETXTBSY => return error.PermissionDenied,
posix.ENOTDIR => return error.FileNotFound,
posix.ENOENT => return error.FileNotFound,
posix.ENAMETOOLONG => return error.NameTooLong,
posix.EINVAL => unreachable,
posix.EFAULT => unreachable,
posix.EIO => return error.InputOutput,
posix.ENOMEM => return error.SystemResources,
else => return os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
@compileError("Unsupported OS");
pub fn access(path: []const u8) AccessError!void {
if (is_windows) {
const path_w = try windows_util.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
return accessW(&path_w);
if (is_posix) {
var path_with_null: [posix.PATH_MAX]u8 = undefined;
if (path.len >= posix.PATH_MAX) return error.NameTooLong;
mem.copy(u8, path_with_null[0..], path);
path_with_null[path.len] = 0;
return accessC(&path_with_null);
@compileError("Unsupported OS");
/// Upon success, the stream is in an uninitialized state. To continue using it,
/// you must use the open() function.
pub fn close(self: File) void {
/// Calls `os.isTty` on `self.handle`.
pub fn isTty(self: File) bool {
return os.isTty(self.handle);
pub fn seekForward(self: File, amount: isize) !void {
switch (builtin.os) {
Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => {
const result = posix.lseek(self.handle, amount, posix.SEEK_CUR);
const err = posix.getErrno(result);
if (err > 0) {
return switch (err) {
// We do not make this an error code because if you get EBADF it's always a bug,
// since the fd could have been reused.
posix.EBADF => unreachable,
posix.EINVAL => error.Unseekable,
posix.EOVERFLOW => error.Unseekable,
posix.ESPIPE => error.Unseekable,
posix.ENXIO => error.Unseekable,
else => os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
Os.windows => {
if (windows.SetFilePointerEx(self.handle, amount, null, windows.FILE_CURRENT) == 0) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
windows.ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER => unreachable,
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
else => @compileError("unsupported OS"),
pub fn seekTo(self: File, pos: usize) !void {
switch (builtin.os) {
Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => {
const ipos = try math.cast(isize, pos);
const result = posix.lseek(self.handle, ipos, posix.SEEK_SET);
const err = posix.getErrno(result);
if (err > 0) {
return switch (err) {
// We do not make this an error code because if you get EBADF it's always a bug,
// since the fd could have been reused.
posix.EBADF => unreachable,
posix.EINVAL => error.Unseekable,
posix.EOVERFLOW => error.Unseekable,
posix.ESPIPE => error.Unseekable,
posix.ENXIO => error.Unseekable,
else => os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
Os.windows => {
const ipos = try math.cast(isize, pos);
if (windows.SetFilePointerEx(self.handle, ipos, null, windows.FILE_BEGIN) == 0) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
windows.ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER => unreachable,
windows.ERROR.INVALID_HANDLE => unreachable,
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
else => @compileError("unsupported OS: " ++ @tagName(builtin.os)),
pub fn getPos(self: File) !usize {
switch (builtin.os) {
Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => {
const result = posix.lseek(self.handle, 0, posix.SEEK_CUR);
const err = posix.getErrno(result);
if (err > 0) {
return switch (err) {
// We do not make this an error code because if you get EBADF it's always a bug,
// since the fd could have been reused.
posix.EBADF => unreachable,
posix.EINVAL => error.Unseekable,
posix.EOVERFLOW => error.Unseekable,
posix.ESPIPE => error.Unseekable,
posix.ENXIO => error.Unseekable,
else => os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
return result;
Os.windows => {
var pos: windows.LARGE_INTEGER = undefined;
if (windows.SetFilePointerEx(self.handle, 0, &pos, windows.FILE_CURRENT) == 0) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
windows.ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER => unreachable,
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
assert(pos >= 0);
return math.cast(usize, pos) catch error.FilePosLargerThanPointerRange;
else => @compileError("unsupported OS"),
pub fn getEndPos(self: File) !usize {
if (is_posix) {
const stat = try os.posixFStat(self.handle);
return @intCast(usize, stat.size);
} else if (is_windows) {
var file_size: windows.LARGE_INTEGER = undefined;
if (windows.GetFileSizeEx(self.handle, &file_size) == 0) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
if (file_size < 0)
return error.Overflow;
return math.cast(usize, @intCast(u64, file_size));
} else {
@compileError("TODO support getEndPos on this OS");
pub const ModeError = error{
pub fn mode(self: File) ModeError!Mode {
if (is_posix) {
var stat: posix.Stat = undefined;
const err = posix.getErrno(posix.fstat(self.handle, &stat));
if (err > 0) {
return switch (err) {
// We do not make this an error code because if you get EBADF it's always a bug,
// since the fd could have been reused.
posix.EBADF => unreachable,
posix.ENOMEM => error.SystemResources,
else => os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
// TODO: we should be able to cast u16 to ModeError!u32, making this
// explicit cast not necessary
return Mode(stat.mode);
} else if (is_windows) {
return {};
} else {
@compileError("TODO support file mode on this OS");
pub const ReadError = os.WindowsReadError || os.PosixReadError;
pub fn read(self: File, buffer: []u8) ReadError!usize {
if (is_posix) {
return os.posixRead(self.handle, buffer);
} else if (is_windows) {
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < buffer.len) {
const want_read_count = @intCast(windows.DWORD, math.min(windows.DWORD(@maxValue(windows.DWORD)), buffer.len - index));
var amt_read: windows.DWORD = undefined;
if (windows.ReadFile(self.handle, buffer.ptr + index, want_read_count, &amt_read, null) == 0) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
windows.ERROR.OPERATION_ABORTED => continue,
windows.ERROR.BROKEN_PIPE => return index,
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
if (amt_read == 0) return index;
index += amt_read;
return index;
} else {
@compileError("Unsupported OS");
pub const WriteError = os.WindowsWriteError || os.PosixWriteError;
pub fn write(self: File, bytes: []const u8) WriteError!void {
if (is_posix) {
try os.posixWrite(self.handle, bytes);
} else if (is_windows) {
try os.windowsWrite(self.handle, bytes);
} else {
@compileError("Unsupported OS");
pub fn inStream(file: File) InStream {
return InStream{
.file = file,
.stream = InStream.Stream{ .readFn = InStream.readFn },
pub fn outStream(file: File) OutStream {
return OutStream{
.file = file,
.stream = OutStream.Stream{ .writeFn = OutStream.writeFn },
/// Implementation of io.InStream trait for File
pub const InStream = struct {
file: File,
stream: Stream,
pub const Error = ReadError;
pub const Stream = io.InStream(Error);
fn readFn(in_stream: *Stream, buffer: []u8) Error!usize {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(InStream, "stream", in_stream);
return self.file.read(buffer);
/// Implementation of io.OutStream trait for File
pub const OutStream = struct {
file: File,
stream: Stream,
pub const Error = WriteError;
pub const Stream = io.OutStream(Error);
fn writeFn(out_stream: *Stream, bytes: []const u8) Error!void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(OutStream, "stream", out_stream);
return self.file.write(bytes);