2018-09-13 16:34:33 -04:00

172 lines
4.5 KiB

const std = @import("../../index.zig");
const debug = std.debug;
const math = std.math;
pub const abs = @import("abs.zig").abs;
pub const acosh = @import("acosh.zig").acosh;
pub const acos = @import("acos.zig").acos;
pub const arg = @import("arg.zig").arg;
pub const asinh = @import("asinh.zig").asinh;
pub const asin = @import("asin.zig").asin;
pub const atanh = @import("atanh.zig").atanh;
pub const atan = @import("atan.zig").atan;
pub const conj = @import("conj.zig").conj;
pub const cosh = @import("cosh.zig").cosh;
pub const cos = @import("cos.zig").cos;
pub const exp = @import("exp.zig").exp;
pub const log = @import("log.zig").log;
pub const pow = @import("pow.zig").pow;
pub const proj = @import("proj.zig").proj;
pub const sinh = @import("sinh.zig").sinh;
pub const sin = @import("sin.zig").sin;
pub const sqrt = @import("sqrt.zig").sqrt;
pub const tanh = @import("tanh.zig").tanh;
pub const tan = @import("tan.zig").tan;
pub fn Complex(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
re: T,
im: T,
pub fn new(re: T, im: T) Self {
return Self{
.re = re,
.im = im,
pub fn add(self: Self, other: Self) Self {
return Self{
.re = self.re + other.re,
.im = self.im + other.im,
pub fn sub(self: Self, other: Self) Self {
return Self{
.re = self.re - other.re,
.im = self.im - other.im,
pub fn mul(self: Self, other: Self) Self {
return Self{
.re = self.re * other.re - self.im * other.im,
.im = self.im * other.re + self.re * other.im,
pub fn div(self: Self, other: Self) Self {
const re_num = self.re * other.re + self.im * other.im;
const im_num = self.im * other.re - self.re * other.im;
const den = other.re * other.re + other.im * other.im;
return Self{
.re = re_num / den,
.im = im_num / den,
pub fn conjugate(self: Self) Self {
return Self{
.re = self.re,
.im = -self.im,
pub fn reciprocal(self: Self) Self {
const m = self.re * self.re + self.im * self.im;
return Self{
.re = self.re / m,
.im = -self.im / m,
pub fn magnitude(self: Self) T {
return math.sqrt(self.re * self.re + self.im * self.im);
const epsilon = 0.0001;
test "complex.add" {
const a = Complex(f32).new(5, 3);
const b = Complex(f32).new(2, 7);
const c = a.add(b);
debug.assert(c.re == 7 and c.im == 10);
test "complex.sub" {
const a = Complex(f32).new(5, 3);
const b = Complex(f32).new(2, 7);
const c = a.sub(b);
debug.assert(c.re == 3 and c.im == -4);
test "complex.mul" {
const a = Complex(f32).new(5, 3);
const b = Complex(f32).new(2, 7);
const c = a.mul(b);
debug.assert(c.re == -11 and c.im == 41);
test "complex.div" {
const a = Complex(f32).new(5, 3);
const b = Complex(f32).new(2, 7);
const c = a.div(b);
debug.assert(math.approxEq(f32, c.re, f32(31) / 53, epsilon) and
math.approxEq(f32, c.im, f32(-29) / 53, epsilon));
test "complex.conjugate" {
const a = Complex(f32).new(5, 3);
const c = a.conjugate();
debug.assert(c.re == 5 and c.im == -3);
test "complex.reciprocal" {
const a = Complex(f32).new(5, 3);
const c = a.reciprocal();
debug.assert(math.approxEq(f32, c.re, f32(5) / 34, epsilon) and
math.approxEq(f32, c.im, f32(-3) / 34, epsilon));
test "complex.magnitude" {
const a = Complex(f32).new(5, 3);
const c = a.magnitude();
debug.assert(math.approxEq(f32, c, 5.83095, epsilon));
test "complex.cmath" {
_ = @import("abs.zig");
_ = @import("acosh.zig");
_ = @import("acos.zig");
_ = @import("arg.zig");
_ = @import("asinh.zig");
_ = @import("asin.zig");
_ = @import("atanh.zig");
_ = @import("atan.zig");
_ = @import("conj.zig");
_ = @import("cosh.zig");
_ = @import("cos.zig");
_ = @import("exp.zig");
_ = @import("log.zig");
_ = @import("pow.zig");
_ = @import("proj.zig");
_ = @import("sinh.zig");
_ = @import("sin.zig");
_ = @import("sqrt.zig");
_ = @import("tanh.zig");
_ = @import("tan.zig");