r00ster91 da75eb0d79
Compilation: indent multiline error messages properly
Co-authored-by: Veikka Tuominen <git@vexu.eu>
2022-07-12 00:10:39 +03:00

205 lines
6.1 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const TestContext = @import("../src/test.zig").TestContext;
pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void {
const case = ctx.obj("wrong same named struct", .{});
case.backend = .stage1;
\\pub const Foo = struct {
\\ x: i32,
\\pub const Foo = struct {
\\ z: f64,
\\const a = @import("a.zig");
\\const b = @import("b.zig");
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ var a1: a.Foo = undefined;
\\ bar(&a1);
\\fn bar(x: *b.Foo) void {_ = x;}
, &[_][]const u8{
"tmp.zig:6:10: error: expected type '*b.Foo', found '*a.Foo'",
"tmp.zig:6:10: note: pointer type child 'a.Foo' cannot cast into pointer type child 'b.Foo'",
"a.zig:1:17: note: a.Foo declared here",
"b.zig:1:17: note: b.Foo declared here",
const case = ctx.obj("multiple files with private function error", .{});
case.backend = .stage1;
\\fn privateFunction() void { }
\\const foo = @import("foo.zig",);
\\export fn callPrivFunction() void {
\\ foo.privateFunction();
, &[_][]const u8{
"tmp.zig:4:8: error: 'privateFunction' is private",
"foo.zig:1:1: note: declared here",
const case = ctx.obj("multiple files with private member instance function (canonical invocation) error", .{});
case.backend = .stage1;
\\pub const Foo = struct {
\\ fn privateFunction(self: *Foo) void { _ = self; }
\\const Foo = @import("foo.zig",).Foo;
\\export fn callPrivFunction() void {
\\ var foo = Foo{};
\\ Foo.privateFunction(foo);
, &[_][]const u8{
"tmp.zig:5:8: error: 'privateFunction' is private",
"foo.zig:2:5: note: declared here",
const case = ctx.obj("multiple files with private member instance function error", .{});
case.backend = .stage1;
\\pub const Foo = struct {
\\ fn privateFunction(self: *Foo) void { _ = self; }
\\const Foo = @import("foo.zig",).Foo;
\\export fn callPrivFunction() void {
\\ var foo = Foo{};
\\ foo.privateFunction();
, &[_][]const u8{
"tmp.zig:5:8: error: 'privateFunction' is private",
"foo.zig:2:5: note: declared here",
const case = ctx.obj("export collision", .{});
case.backend = .stage1;
\\export fn bar() void {}
\\pub const baz = 1234;
\\const foo = @import("foo.zig",);
\\export fn bar() usize {
\\ return foo.baz;
, &[_][]const u8{
"foo.zig:1:1: error: exported symbol collision: 'bar'",
"tmp.zig:3:1: note: other symbol here",
ctx.objErrStage1("non-printable invalid character", "\xff\xfe" ++
"fn foo() bool {\r\n" ++
" return true;\r\n" ++
"}\r\n", &[_][]const u8{
"tmp.zig:1:1: error: expected test, comptime, var decl, or container field, found 'invalid bytes'",
"tmp.zig:1:1: note: invalid byte: '\\xff'",
ctx.objErrStage1("non-printable invalid character with escape alternative", "fn foo() bool {\n" ++
"\treturn true;\n" ++
"}\n", &[_][]const u8{
"tmp.zig:2:1: error: invalid character: '\\t'",
const case = ctx.obj("multiline error messages", .{});
case.backend = .stage2;
\\comptime {
\\ @compileError("hello\nworld");
, &[_][]const u8{
\\:2:5: error: hello
\\ world
\\comptime {
\\ @compileError(
\\ \\
\\ \\hello!
\\ \\I'm a multiline error message.
\\ \\I hope to be very useful!
\\ \\
\\ \\also I will leave this trailing newline here if you don't mind
\\ \\
\\ );
, &[_][]const u8{
\\:2:5: error:
\\ hello!
\\ I'm a multiline error message.
\\ I hope to be very useful!
\\ also I will leave this trailing newline here if you don't mind
// TODO test this in stage2, but we won't even try in stage1
//ctx.objErrStage1("inline fn calls itself indirectly",
// \\export fn foo() void {
// \\ bar();
// \\}
// \\fn bar() callconv(.Inline) void {
// \\ baz();
// \\ quux();
// \\}
// \\fn baz() callconv(.Inline) void {
// \\ bar();
// \\ quux();
// \\}
// \\extern fn quux() void;
//, &[_][]const u8{
// "tmp.zig:4:1: error: unable to inline function",
//ctx.objErrStage1("save reference to inline function",
// \\export fn foo() void {
// \\ quux(@ptrToInt(bar));
// \\}
// \\fn bar() callconv(.Inline) void { }
// \\extern fn quux(usize) void;
//, &[_][]const u8{
// "tmp.zig:4:1: error: unable to inline function",