Andrew Kelley 4616af0ca4
introduce operating system version ranges as part of the target
* re-introduce `std.build.Target` which is distinct from `std.Target`.
   `std.build.Target` wraps `std.Target` so that it can be annotated as
   "the native target" or an explicitly specified target.
 * `std.Target.Os` is moved to `std.Target.Os.Tag`. The former is now a
   struct which has the tag as well as version range information.
 * `std.elf` gains some more ELF header constants.
 * `std.Target.parse` gains the ability to parse operating system
   version ranges as well as glibc version.
 * Added `std.Target.isGnuLibC()`.
 * self-hosted dynamic linker detection and glibc version detection.
   This also adds the improved logic using `/usr/bin/env` rather than
   invoking the system C compiler to find the dynamic linker when zig
   is statically linked. Related: #2084
   Note: this `/usr/bin/env` code is work-in-progress.
 * `-target-glibc` CLI option is removed in favor of the new `-target`
   syntax. Example: `-target x86_64-linux-gnu.2.27`

closes #1907
2020-02-28 14:51:53 -05:00

236 lines
6.0 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const fs = std.fs;
const io = std.io;
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = mem.Allocator;
const Target = std.Target;
// TODO this is hard-coded until self-hosted gains this information canonically
const available_libcs = [_][]const u8{
"x86_64-linux-gnu (native)",
// TODO this is hard-coded until self-hosted gains this information canonically
const available_glibcs = [_][]const u8{
pub fn cmdTargets(
allocator: *Allocator,
args: []const []const u8,
stdout: *io.OutStream(fs.File.WriteError),
native_target: Target,
) !void {
const BOS = io.BufferedOutStream(fs.File.WriteError);
var bos = BOS.init(stdout);
var jws = std.json.WriteStream(BOS.Stream, 6).init(&bos.stream);
try jws.beginObject();
try jws.objectField("arch");
try jws.beginArray();
inline for (@typeInfo(Target.Cpu.Arch).Enum.fields) |field| {
try jws.arrayElem();
try jws.emitString(field.name);
try jws.endArray();
try jws.objectField("os");
try jws.beginArray();
inline for (@typeInfo(Target.Os.Tag).Enum.fields) |field| {
try jws.arrayElem();
try jws.emitString(field.name);
try jws.endArray();
try jws.objectField("abi");
try jws.beginArray();
inline for (@typeInfo(Target.Abi).Enum.fields) |field| {
try jws.arrayElem();
try jws.emitString(field.name);
try jws.endArray();
try jws.objectField("libc");
try jws.beginArray();
for (available_libcs) |libc| {
try jws.arrayElem();
try jws.emitString(libc);
try jws.endArray();
try jws.objectField("glibc");
try jws.beginArray();
for (available_glibcs) |glibc| {
try jws.arrayElem();
try jws.emitString(glibc);
try jws.endArray();
try jws.objectField("cpus");
try jws.beginObject();
inline for (@typeInfo(Target.Cpu.Arch).Enum.fields) |field| {
try jws.objectField(field.name);
try jws.beginObject();
const arch = @field(Target.Cpu.Arch, field.name);
for (arch.allCpuModels()) |model| {
try jws.objectField(model.name);
try jws.beginArray();
for (arch.allFeaturesList()) |feature, i| {
if (model.features.isEnabled(@intCast(u8, i))) {
try jws.arrayElem();
try jws.emitString(feature.name);
try jws.endArray();
try jws.endObject();
try jws.endObject();
try jws.objectField("cpuFeatures");
try jws.beginObject();
inline for (@typeInfo(Target.Cpu.Arch).Enum.fields) |field| {
try jws.objectField(field.name);
try jws.beginArray();
const arch = @field(Target.Cpu.Arch, field.name);
for (arch.allFeaturesList()) |feature| {
try jws.arrayElem();
try jws.emitString(feature.name);
try jws.endArray();
try jws.endObject();
try jws.objectField("native");
try jws.beginObject();
const triple = try native_target.zigTriple(allocator);
defer allocator.free(triple);
try jws.objectField("triple");
try jws.emitString(triple);
try jws.objectField("cpu");
try jws.beginObject();
try jws.objectField("arch");
try jws.emitString(@tagName(native_target.cpu.arch));
try jws.objectField("name");
const cpu = native_target.cpu;
try jws.emitString(cpu.model.name);
try jws.objectField("features");
try jws.beginArray();
for (native_target.cpu.arch.allFeaturesList()) |feature, i_usize| {
const index = @intCast(Target.Cpu.Feature.Set.Index, i_usize);
if (cpu.features.isEnabled(index)) {
try jws.arrayElem();
try jws.emitString(feature.name);
try jws.endArray();
try jws.endObject();
try jws.objectField("os");
try jws.emitString(@tagName(native_target.os.tag));
try jws.objectField("abi");
try jws.emitString(@tagName(native_target.abi));
// TODO implement native glibc version detection in self-hosted
try jws.endObject();
try jws.endObject();
try bos.stream.writeByte('\n');
return bos.flush();