2019-07-18 20:03:38 -04:00

2336 lines
83 KiB

const std = @import("std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const io = std.io;
const fs = std.fs;
const mem = std.mem;
const debug = std.debug;
const assert = debug.assert;
const warn = std.debug.warn;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const HashMap = std.HashMap;
const Allocator = mem.Allocator;
const process = std.process;
const BufSet = std.BufSet;
const BufMap = std.BufMap;
const fmt_lib = std.fmt;
const File = std.fs.File;
pub const FmtStep = @import("build/fmt.zig").FmtStep;
pub const Builder = struct {
install_tls: TopLevelStep,
uninstall_tls: TopLevelStep,
allocator: *Allocator,
native_system_lib_paths: ArrayList([]const u8),
native_system_include_dirs: ArrayList([]const u8),
native_system_rpaths: ArrayList([]const u8),
user_input_options: UserInputOptionsMap,
available_options_map: AvailableOptionsMap,
available_options_list: ArrayList(AvailableOption),
verbose: bool,
verbose_tokenize: bool,
verbose_ast: bool,
verbose_link: bool,
verbose_cc: bool,
verbose_ir: bool,
verbose_llvm_ir: bool,
verbose_cimport: bool,
invalid_user_input: bool,
zig_exe: []const u8,
default_step: *Step,
env_map: *BufMap,
top_level_steps: ArrayList(*TopLevelStep),
install_prefix: ?[]const u8,
search_prefixes: ArrayList([]const u8),
lib_dir: ?[]const u8,
exe_dir: ?[]const u8,
installed_files: ArrayList(InstalledFile),
build_root: []const u8,
cache_root: []const u8,
release_mode: ?builtin.Mode,
is_release: bool,
override_std_dir: ?[]const u8,
override_lib_dir: ?[]const u8,
pub const CStd = enum {
const UserInputOptionsMap = HashMap([]const u8, UserInputOption, mem.hash_slice_u8, mem.eql_slice_u8);
const AvailableOptionsMap = HashMap([]const u8, AvailableOption, mem.hash_slice_u8, mem.eql_slice_u8);
const AvailableOption = struct {
name: []const u8,
type_id: TypeId,
description: []const u8,
const UserInputOption = struct {
name: []const u8,
value: UserValue,
used: bool,
const UserValue = union(enum) {
Flag: void,
Scalar: []const u8,
List: ArrayList([]const u8),
const TypeId = enum {
const TopLevelStep = struct {
step: Step,
description: []const u8,
pub fn create(
allocator: *Allocator,
zig_exe: []const u8,
build_root: []const u8,
cache_root: []const u8,
) !*Builder {
const env_map = try allocator.create(BufMap);
env_map.* = try process.getEnvMap(allocator);
const self = try allocator.create(Builder);
self.* = Builder{
.zig_exe = zig_exe,
.build_root = build_root,
.cache_root = try fs.path.relative(allocator, build_root, cache_root),
.verbose = false,
.verbose_tokenize = false,
.verbose_ast = false,
.verbose_link = false,
.verbose_cc = false,
.verbose_ir = false,
.verbose_llvm_ir = false,
.verbose_cimport = false,
.invalid_user_input = false,
.allocator = allocator,
.native_system_lib_paths = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator),
.native_system_include_dirs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator),
.native_system_rpaths = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator),
.user_input_options = UserInputOptionsMap.init(allocator),
.available_options_map = AvailableOptionsMap.init(allocator),
.available_options_list = ArrayList(AvailableOption).init(allocator),
.top_level_steps = ArrayList(*TopLevelStep).init(allocator),
.default_step = undefined,
.env_map = env_map,
.install_prefix = null,
.search_prefixes = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator),
.lib_dir = null,
.exe_dir = null,
.installed_files = ArrayList(InstalledFile).init(allocator),
.install_tls = TopLevelStep{
.step = Step.initNoOp("install", allocator),
.description = "Copy build artifacts to prefix path",
.uninstall_tls = TopLevelStep{
.step = Step.init("uninstall", allocator, makeUninstall),
.description = "Remove build artifacts from prefix path",
.release_mode = null,
.is_release = false,
.override_std_dir = null,
.override_lib_dir = null,
try self.top_level_steps.append(&self.install_tls);
try self.top_level_steps.append(&self.uninstall_tls);
self.default_step = &self.install_tls.step;
return self;
pub fn destroy(self: *Builder) void {
pub fn setInstallPrefix(self: *Builder, optional_prefix: ?[]const u8) void {
self.install_prefix = optional_prefix;
fn resolveInstallPrefix(self: *Builder) void {
const prefix = if (self.install_prefix) |prefix| prefix else blk: {
const prefix = self.cache_root;
self.install_prefix = prefix;
break :blk prefix;
self.lib_dir = fs.path.join(self.allocator, [_][]const u8{ prefix, "lib" }) catch unreachable;
self.exe_dir = fs.path.join(self.allocator, [_][]const u8{ prefix, "bin" }) catch unreachable;
pub fn addExecutable(self: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: ?[]const u8) *LibExeObjStep {
return LibExeObjStep.createExecutable(self, name, root_src, false);
pub fn addObject(self: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: ?[]const u8) *LibExeObjStep {
return LibExeObjStep.createObject(self, name, root_src);
pub fn addSharedLibrary(self: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: ?[]const u8, ver: Version) *LibExeObjStep {
return LibExeObjStep.createSharedLibrary(self, name, root_src, ver);
pub fn addStaticLibrary(self: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: ?[]const u8) *LibExeObjStep {
return LibExeObjStep.createStaticLibrary(self, name, root_src);
pub fn addTest(self: *Builder, root_src: []const u8) *LibExeObjStep {
return LibExeObjStep.createTest(self, "test", root_src);
pub fn addAssemble(self: *Builder, name: []const u8, src: []const u8) *LibExeObjStep {
const obj_step = LibExeObjStep.createObject(self, name, null);
return obj_step;
/// Initializes a RunStep with argv, which must at least have the path to the
/// executable. More command line arguments can be added with `addArg`,
/// `addArgs`, and `addArtifactArg`.
/// Be careful using this function, as it introduces a system dependency.
/// To run an executable built with zig build, see `LibExeObjStep.run`.
pub fn addSystemCommand(self: *Builder, argv: []const []const u8) *RunStep {
assert(argv.len >= 1);
const run_step = RunStep.create(self, self.fmt("run {}", argv[0]));
return run_step;
fn dupe(self: *Builder, bytes: []const u8) []u8 {
return mem.dupe(self.allocator, u8, bytes) catch unreachable;
fn dupePath(self: *Builder, bytes: []const u8) []u8 {
const the_copy = self.dupe(bytes);
for (the_copy) |*byte| {
switch (byte.*) {
'/', '\\' => byte.* = fs.path.sep,
else => {},
return the_copy;
pub fn addWriteFile(self: *Builder, file_path: []const u8, data: []const u8) *WriteFileStep {
const write_file_step = self.allocator.create(WriteFileStep) catch unreachable;
write_file_step.* = WriteFileStep.init(self, file_path, data);
return write_file_step;
pub fn addLog(self: *Builder, comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) *LogStep {
const data = self.fmt(format, args);
const log_step = self.allocator.create(LogStep) catch unreachable;
log_step.* = LogStep.init(self, data);
return log_step;
pub fn addRemoveDirTree(self: *Builder, dir_path: []const u8) *RemoveDirStep {
const remove_dir_step = self.allocator.create(RemoveDirStep) catch unreachable;
remove_dir_step.* = RemoveDirStep.init(self, dir_path);
return remove_dir_step;
pub fn addFmt(self: *Builder, paths: []const []const u8) *FmtStep {
return FmtStep.create(self, paths);
pub fn version(self: *const Builder, major: u32, minor: u32, patch: u32) Version {
return Version{
.major = major,
.minor = minor,
.patch = patch,
pub fn addNativeSystemIncludeDir(self: *Builder, path: []const u8) void {
self.native_system_include_dirs.append(path) catch unreachable;
pub fn addNativeSystemRPath(self: *Builder, path: []const u8) void {
self.native_system_rpaths.append(path) catch unreachable;
pub fn addNativeSystemLibPath(self: *Builder, path: []const u8) void {
self.native_system_lib_paths.append(path) catch unreachable;
pub fn make(self: *Builder, step_names: []const []const u8) !void {
try self.makePath(self.cache_root);
var wanted_steps = ArrayList(*Step).init(self.allocator);
defer wanted_steps.deinit();
if (step_names.len == 0) {
try wanted_steps.append(self.default_step);
} else {
for (step_names) |step_name| {
const s = try self.getTopLevelStepByName(step_name);
try wanted_steps.append(s);
for (wanted_steps.toSliceConst()) |s| {
try self.makeOneStep(s);
pub fn getInstallStep(self: *Builder) *Step {
return &self.install_tls.step;
pub fn getUninstallStep(self: *Builder) *Step {
return &self.uninstall_tls.step;
fn makeUninstall(uninstall_step: *Step) anyerror!void {
const uninstall_tls = @fieldParentPtr(TopLevelStep, "step", uninstall_step);
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Builder, "uninstall_tls", uninstall_tls);
for (self.installed_files.toSliceConst()) |installed_file| {
const full_path = self.getInstallPath(installed_file.dir, installed_file.path);
if (self.verbose) {
warn("rm {}\n", full_path);
fs.deleteTree(self.allocator, full_path) catch {};
// TODO remove empty directories
fn makeOneStep(self: *Builder, s: *Step) anyerror!void {
if (s.loop_flag) {
warn("Dependency loop detected:\n {}\n", s.name);
return error.DependencyLoopDetected;
s.loop_flag = true;
for (s.dependencies.toSlice()) |dep| {
self.makeOneStep(dep) catch |err| {
if (err == error.DependencyLoopDetected) {
warn(" {}\n", s.name);
return err;
s.loop_flag = false;
try s.make();
fn getTopLevelStepByName(self: *Builder, name: []const u8) !*Step {
for (self.top_level_steps.toSliceConst()) |top_level_step| {
if (mem.eql(u8, top_level_step.step.name, name)) {
return &top_level_step.step;
warn("Cannot run step '{}' because it does not exist\n", name);
return error.InvalidStepName;
fn detectNativeSystemPaths(self: *Builder) void {
var is_nixos = false;
if (process.getEnvVarOwned(self.allocator, "NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE")) |nix_cflags_compile| {
is_nixos = true;
var it = mem.tokenize(nix_cflags_compile, " ");
while (true) {
const word = it.next() orelse break;
if (mem.eql(u8, word, "-isystem")) {
const include_path = it.next() orelse {
warn("Expected argument after -isystem in NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE\n");
} else {
warn("Unrecognized C flag from NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE: {}\n", word);
} else |err| {
assert(err == error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound);
if (process.getEnvVarOwned(self.allocator, "NIX_LDFLAGS")) |nix_ldflags| {
is_nixos = true;
var it = mem.tokenize(nix_ldflags, " ");
while (true) {
const word = it.next() orelse break;
if (mem.eql(u8, word, "-rpath")) {
const rpath = it.next() orelse {
warn("Expected argument after -rpath in NIX_LDFLAGS\n");
} else if (word.len > 2 and word[0] == '-' and word[1] == 'L') {
const lib_path = word[2..];
} else {
warn("Unrecognized C flag from NIX_LDFLAGS: {}\n", word);
} else |err| {
assert(err == error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound);
if (is_nixos) return;
switch (builtin.os) {
.windows => {},
else => {
const triple = (Target{
.Cross = CrossTarget{
.arch = builtin.arch,
.os = builtin.os,
.abi = builtin.abi,
// TODO: $ ld --verbose | grep SEARCH_DIR
// the output contains some paths that end with lib64, maybe include them too?
// also, what is the best possible order of things?
self.addNativeSystemIncludeDir(self.fmt("/usr/include/{}", triple));
self.addNativeSystemLibPath(self.fmt("/usr/lib/{}", triple));
// example: on a 64-bit debian-based linux distro, with zlib installed from apt:
// zlib.h is in /usr/include (added above)
// libz.so.1 is in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu (added here)
self.addNativeSystemLibPath(self.fmt("/lib/{}", triple));
pub fn option(self: *Builder, comptime T: type, name: []const u8, description: []const u8) ?T {
const type_id = comptime typeToEnum(T);
const available_option = AvailableOption{
.name = name,
.type_id = type_id,
.description = description,
if ((self.available_options_map.put(name, available_option) catch unreachable) != null) {
debug.panic("Option '{}' declared twice", name);
self.available_options_list.append(available_option) catch unreachable;
const entry = self.user_input_options.get(name) orelse return null;
entry.value.used = true;
switch (type_id) {
TypeId.Bool => switch (entry.value.value) {
UserValue.Flag => return true,
UserValue.Scalar => |s| {
if (mem.eql(u8, s, "true")) {
return true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, s, "false")) {
return false;
} else {
warn("Expected -D{} to be a boolean, but received '{}'\n", name, s);
return null;
UserValue.List => {
warn("Expected -D{} to be a boolean, but received a list.\n", name);
return null;
TypeId.Int => debug.panic("TODO integer options to build script"),
TypeId.Float => debug.panic("TODO float options to build script"),
TypeId.String => switch (entry.value.value) {
UserValue.Flag => {
warn("Expected -D{} to be a string, but received a boolean.\n", name);
return null;
UserValue.List => {
warn("Expected -D{} to be a string, but received a list.\n", name);
return null;
UserValue.Scalar => |s| return s,
TypeId.List => debug.panic("TODO list options to build script"),
pub fn step(self: *Builder, name: []const u8, description: []const u8) *Step {
const step_info = self.allocator.create(TopLevelStep) catch unreachable;
step_info.* = TopLevelStep{
.step = Step.initNoOp(name, self.allocator),
.description = description,
self.top_level_steps.append(step_info) catch unreachable;
return &step_info.step;
/// This provides the -Drelease option to the build user and does not give them the choice.
pub fn setPreferredReleaseMode(self: *Builder, mode: builtin.Mode) void {
if (self.release_mode != null) {
@panic("setPreferredReleaseMode must be called before standardReleaseOptions and may not be called twice");
const description = self.fmt("create a release build ({})", @tagName(mode));
self.is_release = self.option(bool, "release", description) orelse false;
self.release_mode = if (self.is_release) mode else builtin.Mode.Debug;
/// If you call this without first calling `setPreferredReleaseMode` then it gives the build user
/// the choice of what kind of release.
pub fn standardReleaseOptions(self: *Builder) builtin.Mode {
if (self.release_mode) |mode| return mode;
const release_safe = self.option(bool, "release-safe", "optimizations on and safety on") orelse false;
const release_fast = self.option(bool, "release-fast", "optimizations on and safety off") orelse false;
const release_small = self.option(bool, "release-small", "size optimizations on and safety off") orelse false;
const mode = if (release_safe and !release_fast and !release_small)
else if (release_fast and !release_safe and !release_small)
else if (release_small and !release_fast and !release_safe)
else if (!release_fast and !release_safe and !release_small)
else x: {
warn("Multiple release modes (of -Drelease-safe, -Drelease-fast and -Drelease-small)");
break :x builtin.Mode.Debug;
self.is_release = mode != .Debug;
self.release_mode = mode;
return mode;
/// Exposes standard `zig build` options for choosing a target. Pass `null` to support all targets.
pub fn standardTargetOptions(self: *Builder, supported_targets: ?[]const Target) Target {
if (supported_targets) |target_list| {
// TODO detect multiple args and emit an error message
// there's probably a better way to collect the target
for (target_list) |targ| {
const targ_str = targ.zigTriple(self.allocator) catch unreachable;
const targ_desc = targ.allocDescription(self.allocator) catch unreachable;
const this_targ_opt = self.option(bool, targ_str, targ_desc) orelse false;
if (this_targ_opt) {
return targ;
return Target.Native;
} else {
const target_str = self.option([]const u8, "target", "the target to build for") orelse return Target.Native;
return Target.parse(target_str) catch unreachable; // TODO better error message for bad target
pub fn addUserInputOption(self: *Builder, name: []const u8, value: []const u8) !bool {
const gop = try self.user_input_options.getOrPut(name);
if (!gop.found_existing) {
gop.kv.value = UserInputOption{
.name = name,
.value = UserValue{ .Scalar = value },
.used = false,
return false;
// option already exists
switch (gop.kv.value.value) {
UserValue.Scalar => |s| {
// turn it into a list
var list = ArrayList([]const u8).init(self.allocator);
list.append(s) catch unreachable;
list.append(value) catch unreachable;
_ = self.user_input_options.put(name, UserInputOption{
.name = name,
.value = UserValue{ .List = list },
.used = false,
}) catch unreachable;
UserValue.List => |*list| {
// append to the list
list.append(value) catch unreachable;
_ = self.user_input_options.put(name, UserInputOption{
.name = name,
.value = UserValue{ .List = list.* },
.used = false,
}) catch unreachable;
UserValue.Flag => {
warn("Option '-D{}={}' conflicts with flag '-D{}'.\n", name, value, name);
return true;
return false;
pub fn addUserInputFlag(self: *Builder, name: []const u8) !bool {
const gop = try self.user_input_options.getOrPut(name);
if (!gop.found_existing) {
gop.kv.value = UserInputOption{
.name = name,
.value = UserValue{ .Flag = {} },
.used = false,
return false;
// option already exists
switch (gop.kv.value.value) {
UserValue.Scalar => |s| {
warn("Flag '-D{}' conflicts with option '-D{}={}'.\n", name, name, s);
return true;
UserValue.List => {
warn("Flag '-D{}' conflicts with multiple options of the same name.\n", name);
return true;
UserValue.Flag => {},
return false;
fn typeToEnum(comptime T: type) TypeId {
return switch (@typeId(T)) {
builtin.TypeId.Int => TypeId.Int,
builtin.TypeId.Float => TypeId.Float,
builtin.TypeId.Bool => TypeId.Bool,
else => switch (T) {
[]const u8 => TypeId.String,
[]const []const u8 => TypeId.List,
else => @compileError("Unsupported type: " ++ @typeName(T)),
fn markInvalidUserInput(self: *Builder) void {
self.invalid_user_input = true;
pub fn typeIdName(id: TypeId) []const u8 {
return switch (id) {
TypeId.Bool => "bool",
TypeId.Int => "int",
TypeId.Float => "float",
TypeId.String => "string",
TypeId.List => "list",
pub fn validateUserInputDidItFail(self: *Builder) bool {
// make sure all args are used
var it = self.user_input_options.iterator();
while (true) {
const entry = it.next() orelse break;
if (!entry.value.used) {
warn("Invalid option: -D{}\n\n", entry.key);
return self.invalid_user_input;
fn spawnChild(self: *Builder, argv: []const []const u8) !void {
return self.spawnChildEnvMap(null, self.env_map, argv);
fn printCmd(cwd: ?[]const u8, argv: []const []const u8) void {
if (cwd) |yes_cwd| warn("cd {} && ", yes_cwd);
for (argv) |arg| {
warn("{} ", arg);
fn spawnChildEnvMap(self: *Builder, cwd: ?[]const u8, env_map: *const BufMap, argv: []const []const u8) !void {
if (self.verbose) {
printCmd(cwd, argv);
const child = std.ChildProcess.init(argv, self.allocator) catch unreachable;
defer child.deinit();
child.cwd = cwd;
child.env_map = env_map;
const term = child.spawnAndWait() catch |err| {
warn("Unable to spawn {}: {}\n", argv[0], @errorName(err));
return err;
switch (term) {
.Exited => |code| {
if (code != 0) {
warn("The following command exited with error code {}:\n", code);
printCmd(cwd, argv);
return error.UncleanExit;
else => {
warn("The following command terminated unexpectedly:\n");
printCmd(cwd, argv);
return error.UncleanExit;
pub fn makePath(self: *Builder, path: []const u8) !void {
fs.makePath(self.allocator, self.pathFromRoot(path)) catch |err| {
warn("Unable to create path {}: {}\n", path, @errorName(err));
return err;
pub fn installArtifact(self: *Builder, artifact: *LibExeObjStep) void {
pub fn addInstallArtifact(self: *Builder, artifact: *LibExeObjStep) *InstallArtifactStep {
return InstallArtifactStep.create(self, artifact);
///`dest_rel_path` is relative to prefix path
pub fn installFile(self: *Builder, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) void {
self.getInstallStep().dependOn(&self.addInstallFileWithDir(src_path, .Prefix, dest_rel_path).step);
pub fn installDirectory(self: *Builder, options: InstallDirectoryOptions) void {
///`dest_rel_path` is relative to bin path
pub fn installBinFile(self: *Builder, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) void {
self.getInstallStep().dependOn(&self.addInstallFileWithDir(src_path, .Bin, dest_rel_path).step);
///`dest_rel_path` is relative to lib path
pub fn installLibFile(self: *Builder, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) void {
self.getInstallStep().dependOn(&self.addInstallFileWithDir(src_path, .Lib, dest_rel_path).step);
///`dest_rel_path` is relative to install prefix path
pub fn addInstallFile(self: *Builder, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) *InstallFileStep {
return self.addInstallFileWithDir(src_path, .Prefix, dest_rel_path);
///`dest_rel_path` is relative to bin path
pub fn addInstallBinFile(self: *Builder, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) *InstallFileStep {
return self.addInstallFileWithDir(src_path, .Bin, dest_rel_path);
///`dest_rel_path` is relative to lib path
pub fn addInstallLibFile(self: *Builder, src_path: []const u8, dest_rel_path: []const u8) *InstallFileStep {
return self.addInstallFileWithDir(src_path, .Lib, dest_rel_path);
pub fn addInstallFileWithDir(
self: *Builder,
src_path: []const u8,
install_dir: InstallDir,
dest_rel_path: []const u8,
) *InstallFileStep {
const install_step = self.allocator.create(InstallFileStep) catch unreachable;
install_step.* = InstallFileStep.init(self, src_path, install_dir, dest_rel_path);
return install_step;
pub fn addInstallDirectory(self: *Builder, options: InstallDirectoryOptions) *InstallDirStep {
const install_step = self.allocator.create(InstallDirStep) catch unreachable;
install_step.* = InstallDirStep.init(self, options);
return install_step;
pub fn pushInstalledFile(self: *Builder, dir: InstallDir, dest_rel_path: []const u8) void {
.dir = dir,
.path = dest_rel_path,
}) catch unreachable;
fn updateFile(self: *Builder, source_path: []const u8, dest_path: []const u8) !void {
if (self.verbose) {
warn("cp {} {} ", source_path, dest_path);
const prev_status = try fs.updateFile(source_path, dest_path);
if (self.verbose) switch (prev_status) {
.stale => warn("# installed\n"),
.fresh => warn("# up-to-date\n"),
fn pathFromRoot(self: *Builder, rel_path: []const u8) []u8 {
return fs.path.resolve(self.allocator, [_][]const u8{ self.build_root, rel_path }) catch unreachable;
pub fn fmt(self: *Builder, comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) []u8 {
return fmt_lib.allocPrint(self.allocator, format, args) catch unreachable;
pub fn findProgram(self: *Builder, names: []const []const u8, paths: []const []const u8) ![]const u8 {
// TODO report error for ambiguous situations
const exe_extension = (Target{ .Native = {} }).exeFileExt();
for (self.search_prefixes.toSliceConst()) |search_prefix| {
for (names) |name| {
if (fs.path.isAbsolute(name)) {
return name;
const full_path = try fs.path.join(self.allocator, [_][]const u8{ search_prefix, "bin", self.fmt("{}{}", name, exe_extension) });
if (fs.path.real(self.allocator, full_path)) |real_path| {
return real_path;
} else |_| {
if (self.env_map.get("PATH")) |PATH| {
for (names) |name| {
if (fs.path.isAbsolute(name)) {
return name;
var it = mem.tokenize(PATH, []u8{fs.path.delimiter});
while (it.next()) |path| {
const full_path = try fs.path.join(self.allocator, [_][]const u8{ path, self.fmt("{}{}", name, exe_extension) });
if (fs.path.real(self.allocator, full_path)) |real_path| {
return real_path;
} else |_| {
for (names) |name| {
if (fs.path.isAbsolute(name)) {
return name;
for (paths) |path| {
const full_path = try fs.path.join(self.allocator, [_][]const u8{ path, self.fmt("{}{}", name, exe_extension) });
if (fs.path.real(self.allocator, full_path)) |real_path| {
return real_path;
} else |_| {
return error.FileNotFound;
pub fn exec(self: *Builder, argv: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
assert(argv.len != 0);
if (self.verbose) {
printCmd(null, argv);
const max_output_size = 100 * 1024;
const child = try std.ChildProcess.init(argv, self.allocator);
defer child.deinit();
child.stdin_behavior = .Ignore;
child.stdout_behavior = .Pipe;
child.stderr_behavior = .Inherit;
try child.spawn();
var stdout = std.Buffer.initNull(self.allocator);
defer std.Buffer.deinit(&stdout);
var stdout_file_in_stream = child.stdout.?.inStream();
try stdout_file_in_stream.stream.readAllBuffer(&stdout, max_output_size);
const term = child.wait() catch |err| std.debug.panic("unable to spawn {}: {}", argv[0], err);
switch (term) {
.Exited => |code| {
if (code != 0) {
warn("The following command exited with error code {}:\n", code);
printCmd(null, argv);
std.os.exit(@truncate(u8, code));
return stdout.toOwnedSlice();
.Signal, .Stopped, .Unknown => |code| {
warn("The following command terminated unexpectedly:\n");
printCmd(null, argv);
std.os.exit(@truncate(u8, code));
return stdout.toOwnedSlice();
pub fn addSearchPrefix(self: *Builder, search_prefix: []const u8) void {
self.search_prefixes.append(search_prefix) catch unreachable;
fn getInstallPath(self: *Builder, dir: InstallDir, dest_rel_path: []const u8) []const u8 {
const base_dir = switch (dir) {
.Prefix => self.install_prefix.?,
.Bin => self.exe_dir.?,
.Lib => self.lib_dir.?,
return fs.path.resolve(
[_][]const u8{ base_dir, dest_rel_path },
) catch unreachable;
pub const Version = struct {
major: u32,
minor: u32,
patch: u32,
pub const CrossTarget = struct {
arch: builtin.Arch,
os: builtin.Os,
abi: builtin.Abi,
pub const Target = union(enum) {
Native: void,
Cross: CrossTarget,
pub fn zigTriple(self: Target, allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 {
return std.fmt.allocPrint(
pub fn allocDescription(self: Target, allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 {
// TODO is there anything else worthy of the description that is not
// already captured in the triple?
return self.zigTriple(allocator);
pub fn zigTripleNoSubArch(self: Target, allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 {
return std.fmt.allocPrint(
pub fn linuxTriple(self: Target, allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 {
return std.fmt.allocPrint(
pub fn parse(text: []const u8) !Target {
var it = mem.separate(text, "-");
const arch_name = it.next() orelse return error.MissingArchitecture;
const os_name = it.next() orelse return error.MissingOperatingSystem;
const abi_name = it.next();
var cross = CrossTarget{
.arch = try parseArchSub(arch_name),
.os = try parseOs(os_name),
.abi = undefined,
cross.abi = if (abi_name) |n| try parseAbi(n) else defaultAbi(cross.arch, cross.os);
return Target{ .Cross = cross };
pub fn defaultAbi(arch: builtin.Arch, target_os: builtin.Os) builtin.Abi {
switch (arch) {
.wasm32, .wasm64 => return .musl,
else => {},
switch (target_os) {
=> return .eabi,
=> return .gnu,
=> return .msvc,
=> return .musl,
pub const ParseArchSubError = error{
pub fn parseArchSub(text: []const u8) ParseArchSubError!builtin.Arch {
const info = @typeInfo(builtin.Arch);
inline for (info.Union.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, text, field.name)) {
if (field.field_type == void) {
return (builtin.Arch)(@field(builtin.Arch, field.name));
} else {
const sub_info = @typeInfo(field.field_type);
inline for (sub_info.Enum.fields) |sub_field| {
const combined = field.name ++ sub_field.name;
if (mem.eql(u8, text, combined)) {
return @unionInit(builtin.Arch, field.name, @field(field.field_type, sub_field.name));
return error.UnknownSubArchitecture;
return error.UnknownArchitecture;
pub fn parseOs(text: []const u8) !builtin.Os {
const info = @typeInfo(builtin.Os);
inline for (info.Enum.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, text, field.name)) {
return @field(builtin.Os, field.name);
return error.UnknownOperatingSystem;
pub fn parseAbi(text: []const u8) !builtin.Abi {
const info = @typeInfo(builtin.Abi);
inline for (info.Enum.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, text, field.name)) {
return @field(builtin.Abi, field.name);
return error.UnknownApplicationBinaryInterface;
fn archSubArchName(arch: builtin.Arch) []const u8 {
return switch (arch) {
.arm => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.armeb => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.thumb => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.thumbeb => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.aarch64 => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.aarch64_be => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.kalimba => |sub| @tagName(sub),
else => "",
pub fn subArchName(self: Target) []const u8 {
switch (self) {
.Native => return archSubArchName(builtin.arch),
.Cross => |cross| return archSubArchName(cross.arch),
pub fn oFileExt(self: Target) []const u8 {
return switch (self.getAbi()) {
builtin.Abi.msvc => ".obj",
else => ".o",
pub fn exeFileExt(self: Target) []const u8 {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.windows => ".exe",
else => "",
pub fn staticLibSuffix(self: Target) []const u8 {
if (self.isWasm()) {
return ".wasm";
switch (self.getAbi()) {
.msvc => return ".lib",
else => return ".a",
pub fn dynamicLibSuffix(self: Target) []const u8 {
if (self.isDarwin()) {
return ".dylib";
switch (self.getOs()) {
.windows => return ".dll",
else => return ".so",
pub fn libPrefix(self: Target) []const u8 {
switch (self.getAbi()) {
.msvc => return "",
else => return "lib",
pub fn getOs(self: Target) builtin.Os {
return switch (self) {
.Native => builtin.os,
.Cross => |t| t.os,
pub fn getArch(self: Target) builtin.Arch {
switch (self) {
.Native => return builtin.arch,
.Cross => |t| return t.arch,
pub fn getAbi(self: Target) builtin.Abi {
switch (self) {
.Native => return builtin.abi,
.Cross => |t| return t.abi,
pub fn isMinGW(self: Target) bool {
return self.isWindows() and self.isGnu();
pub fn isGnu(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getAbi()) {
.gnu, .gnuabin32, .gnuabi64, .gnueabi, .gnueabihf, .gnux32 => true,
else => false,
pub fn isDarwin(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.ios, .macosx, .watchos, .tvos => true,
else => false,
pub fn isWindows(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.windows => true,
else => false,
pub fn isWasm(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getArch()) {
.wasm32, .wasm64 => true,
else => false,
pub fn isFreeBSD(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.freebsd => true,
else => false,
pub fn wantSharedLibSymLinks(self: Target) bool {
return !self.isWindows();
const Pkg = struct {
name: []const u8,
path: []const u8,
const CSourceFile = struct {
source_path: []const u8,
args: []const []const u8,
fn isLibCLibrary(name: []const u8) bool {
const libc_libraries = [_][]const u8{ "c", "m", "dl", "rt", "pthread" };
for (libc_libraries) |libc_lib_name| {
if (mem.eql(u8, name, libc_lib_name))
return true;
return false;
pub const LibExeObjStep = struct {
step: Step,
builder: *Builder,
name: []const u8,
target: Target,
linker_script: ?[]const u8 = null,
version_script: ?[]const u8 = null,
out_filename: []const u8,
is_dynamic: bool,
version: Version,
build_mode: builtin.Mode,
kind: Kind,
major_only_filename: []const u8,
name_only_filename: []const u8,
strip: bool,
lib_paths: ArrayList([]const u8),
frameworks: BufSet,
verbose_link: bool,
verbose_cc: bool,
disable_gen_h: bool,
bundle_compiler_rt: bool,
disable_stack_probing: bool,
c_std: Builder.CStd,
override_std_dir: ?[]const u8,
override_lib_dir: ?[]const u8,
main_pkg_path: ?[]const u8,
exec_cmd_args: ?[]const ?[]const u8,
name_prefix: []const u8,
filter: ?[]const u8,
single_threaded: bool,
root_src: ?[]const u8,
out_h_filename: []const u8,
out_lib_filename: []const u8,
out_pdb_filename: []const u8,
packages: ArrayList(Pkg),
build_options_contents: std.Buffer,
system_linker_hack: bool,
object_src: []const u8,
link_objects: ArrayList(LinkObject),
include_dirs: ArrayList(IncludeDir),
output_dir: ?[]const u8,
need_system_paths: bool,
installed_path: ?[]const u8,
install_step: ?*InstallArtifactStep,
libc_file: ?[]const u8 = null,
target_glibc: ?Version = null,
valgrind_support: ?bool = null,
const LinkObject = union(enum) {
StaticPath: []const u8,
OtherStep: *LibExeObjStep,
SystemLib: []const u8,
AssemblyFile: []const u8,
CSourceFile: *CSourceFile,
const IncludeDir = union(enum) {
RawPath: []const u8,
OtherStep: *LibExeObjStep,
const Kind = enum {
pub fn createSharedLibrary(builder: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: ?[]const u8, ver: Version) *LibExeObjStep {
const self = builder.allocator.create(LibExeObjStep) catch unreachable;
self.* = initExtraArgs(builder, name, root_src, Kind.Lib, true, ver);
return self;
pub fn createStaticLibrary(builder: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: ?[]const u8) *LibExeObjStep {
const self = builder.allocator.create(LibExeObjStep) catch unreachable;
self.* = initExtraArgs(builder, name, root_src, Kind.Lib, false, builder.version(0, 0, 0));
return self;
pub fn createObject(builder: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: ?[]const u8) *LibExeObjStep {
const self = builder.allocator.create(LibExeObjStep) catch unreachable;
self.* = initExtraArgs(builder, name, root_src, Kind.Obj, false, builder.version(0, 0, 0));
return self;
pub fn createExecutable(builder: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: ?[]const u8, is_dynamic: bool) *LibExeObjStep {
const self = builder.allocator.create(LibExeObjStep) catch unreachable;
self.* = initExtraArgs(builder, name, root_src, Kind.Exe, is_dynamic, builder.version(0, 0, 0));
return self;
pub fn createTest(builder: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: []const u8) *LibExeObjStep {
const self = builder.allocator.create(LibExeObjStep) catch unreachable;
self.* = initExtraArgs(builder, name, root_src, Kind.Test, false, builder.version(0, 0, 0));
return self;
fn initExtraArgs(builder: *Builder, name: []const u8, root_src: ?[]const u8, kind: Kind, is_dynamic: bool, ver: Version) LibExeObjStep {
var self = LibExeObjStep{
.strip = false,
.builder = builder,
.verbose_link = false,
.verbose_cc = false,
.build_mode = builtin.Mode.Debug,
.is_dynamic = is_dynamic,
.kind = kind,
.root_src = root_src,
.name = name,
.target = Target.Native,
.frameworks = BufSet.init(builder.allocator),
.step = Step.init(name, builder.allocator, make),
.version = ver,
.out_filename = undefined,
.out_h_filename = builder.fmt("{}.h", name),
.out_lib_filename = undefined,
.out_pdb_filename = builder.fmt("{}.pdb", name),
.major_only_filename = undefined,
.name_only_filename = undefined,
.packages = ArrayList(Pkg).init(builder.allocator),
.include_dirs = ArrayList(IncludeDir).init(builder.allocator),
.link_objects = ArrayList(LinkObject).init(builder.allocator),
.lib_paths = ArrayList([]const u8).init(builder.allocator),
.object_src = undefined,
.build_options_contents = std.Buffer.initSize(builder.allocator, 0) catch unreachable,
.c_std = Builder.CStd.C99,
.system_linker_hack = false,
.override_std_dir = null,
.override_lib_dir = null,
.main_pkg_path = null,
.exec_cmd_args = null,
.name_prefix = "",
.filter = null,
.disable_gen_h = false,
.bundle_compiler_rt = false,
.disable_stack_probing = false,
.output_dir = null,
.need_system_paths = false,
.single_threaded = false,
.installed_path = null,
.install_step = null,
return self;
fn computeOutFileNames(self: *LibExeObjStep) void {
switch (self.kind) {
.Obj => {
self.out_filename = self.builder.fmt("{}{}", self.name, self.target.oFileExt());
.Exe => {
self.out_filename = self.builder.fmt("{}{}", self.name, self.target.exeFileExt());
.Test => {
self.out_filename = self.builder.fmt("test{}", self.target.exeFileExt());
.Lib => {
if (!self.is_dynamic) {
self.out_filename = self.builder.fmt(
self.out_lib_filename = self.out_filename;
} else {
if (self.target.isDarwin()) {
self.out_filename = self.builder.fmt("lib{}.{d}.{d}.{d}.dylib", self.name, self.version.major, self.version.minor, self.version.patch);
self.major_only_filename = self.builder.fmt("lib{}.{d}.dylib", self.name, self.version.major);
self.name_only_filename = self.builder.fmt("lib{}.dylib", self.name);
self.out_lib_filename = self.out_filename;
} else if (self.target.isWindows()) {
self.out_filename = self.builder.fmt("{}.dll", self.name);
self.out_lib_filename = self.builder.fmt("{}.lib", self.name);
} else {
self.out_filename = self.builder.fmt("lib{}.so.{d}.{d}.{d}", self.name, self.version.major, self.version.minor, self.version.patch);
self.major_only_filename = self.builder.fmt("lib{}.so.{d}", self.name, self.version.major);
self.name_only_filename = self.builder.fmt("lib{}.so", self.name);
self.out_lib_filename = self.out_filename;
/// Deprecated. Use `setTheTarget`.
pub fn setTarget(
self: *LibExeObjStep,
target_arch: builtin.Arch,
target_os: builtin.Os,
target_abi: builtin.Abi,
) void {
return self.setTheTarget(Target{
.Cross = CrossTarget{
.arch = target_arch,
.os = target_os,
.abi = target_abi,
pub fn setTheTarget(self: *LibExeObjStep, target: Target) void {
self.target = target;
pub fn setTargetGLibC(self: *LibExeObjStep, major: u32, minor: u32, patch: u32) void {
self.target_glibc = Version{
.major = major,
.minor = minor,
.patch = patch,
pub fn setOutputDir(self: *LibExeObjStep, dir: []const u8) void {
self.output_dir = self.builder.dupePath(dir);
pub fn install(self: *LibExeObjStep) void {
/// Creates a `RunStep` with an executable built with `addExecutable`.
/// Add command line arguments with `addArg`.
pub fn run(exe: *LibExeObjStep) *RunStep {
assert(exe.kind == Kind.Exe);
// It doesn't have to be native. We catch that if you actually try to run it.
// Consider that this is declarative; the run step may not be run unless a user
// option is supplied.
const run_step = RunStep.create(exe.builder, exe.builder.fmt("run {}", exe.step.name));
return run_step;
pub fn setLinkerScriptPath(self: *LibExeObjStep, path: []const u8) void {
self.linker_script = path;
pub fn linkFramework(self: *LibExeObjStep, framework_name: []const u8) void {
self.frameworks.put(framework_name) catch unreachable;
/// Returns whether the library, executable, or object depends on a particular system library.
pub fn dependsOnSystemLibrary(self: LibExeObjStep, name: []const u8) bool {
for (self.link_objects.toSliceConst()) |link_object| {
switch (link_object) {
LinkObject.SystemLib => |n| if (mem.eql(u8, n, name)) return true,
else => continue,
return false;
pub fn linkLibrary(self: *LibExeObjStep, lib: *LibExeObjStep) void {
assert(lib.kind == Kind.Lib);
pub fn isDynamicLibrary(self: *LibExeObjStep) bool {
return self.kind == Kind.Lib and self.is_dynamic;
pub fn producesPdbFile(self: *LibExeObjStep) bool {
if (!self.target.isWindows()) return false;
if (self.strip) return false;
return self.isDynamicLibrary() or self.kind == .Exe;
pub fn linkSystemLibrary(self: *LibExeObjStep, name: []const u8) void {
self.link_objects.append(LinkObject{ .SystemLib = self.builder.dupe(name) }) catch unreachable;
if (!isLibCLibrary(name)) {
self.need_system_paths = true;
pub fn setNamePrefix(self: *LibExeObjStep, text: []const u8) void {
assert(self.kind == Kind.Test);
self.name_prefix = text;
pub fn setFilter(self: *LibExeObjStep, text: ?[]const u8) void {
assert(self.kind == Kind.Test);
self.filter = text;
pub fn addCSourceFile(self: *LibExeObjStep, file: []const u8, args: []const []const u8) void {
const c_source_file = self.builder.allocator.create(CSourceFile) catch unreachable;
const args_copy = self.builder.allocator.alloc([]u8, args.len) catch unreachable;
for (args) |arg, i| {
args_copy[i] = self.builder.dupe(arg);
c_source_file.* = CSourceFile{
.source_path = self.builder.dupe(file),
.args = args_copy,
self.link_objects.append(LinkObject{ .CSourceFile = c_source_file }) catch unreachable;
pub fn setVerboseLink(self: *LibExeObjStep, value: bool) void {
self.verbose_link = value;
pub fn setVerboseCC(self: *LibExeObjStep, value: bool) void {
self.verbose_cc = value;
pub fn setBuildMode(self: *LibExeObjStep, mode: builtin.Mode) void {
self.build_mode = mode;
pub fn overrideStdDir(self: *LibExeObjStep, dir_path: []const u8) void {
self.override_std_dir = dir_path;
pub fn setMainPkgPath(self: *LibExeObjStep, dir_path: []const u8) void {
self.main_pkg_path = dir_path;
pub fn setDisableGenH(self: *LibExeObjStep, value: bool) void {
self.disable_gen_h = value;
pub fn setLibCFile(self: *LibExeObjStep, libc_file: ?[]const u8) void {
self.libc_file = libc_file;
/// Unless setOutputDir was called, this function must be called only in
/// the make step, from a step that has declared a dependency on this one.
/// To run an executable built with zig build, use `run`, or create an install step and invoke it.
pub fn getOutputPath(self: *LibExeObjStep) []const u8 {
return fs.path.join(
[_][]const u8{ self.output_dir.?, self.out_filename },
) catch unreachable;
/// Unless setOutputDir was called, this function must be called only in
/// the make step, from a step that has declared a dependency on this one.
pub fn getOutputLibPath(self: *LibExeObjStep) []const u8 {
assert(self.kind == Kind.Lib);
return fs.path.join(
[_][]const u8{ self.output_dir.?, self.out_lib_filename },
) catch unreachable;
/// Unless setOutputDir was called, this function must be called only in
/// the make step, from a step that has declared a dependency on this one.
pub fn getOutputHPath(self: *LibExeObjStep) []const u8 {
assert(self.kind != Kind.Exe);
return fs.path.join(
[_][]const u8{ self.output_dir.?, self.out_h_filename },
) catch unreachable;
/// Unless setOutputDir was called, this function must be called only in
/// the make step, from a step that has declared a dependency on this one.
pub fn getOutputPdbPath(self: *LibExeObjStep) []const u8 {
return fs.path.join(
[_][]const u8{ self.output_dir.?, self.out_pdb_filename },
) catch unreachable;
pub fn addAssemblyFile(self: *LibExeObjStep, path: []const u8) void {
self.link_objects.append(LinkObject{ .AssemblyFile = self.builder.dupe(path) }) catch unreachable;
pub fn addObjectFile(self: *LibExeObjStep, path: []const u8) void {
self.link_objects.append(LinkObject{ .StaticPath = self.builder.dupe(path) }) catch unreachable;
pub fn addObject(self: *LibExeObjStep, obj: *LibExeObjStep) void {
assert(obj.kind == Kind.Obj);
pub fn addBuildOption(self: *LibExeObjStep, comptime T: type, name: []const u8, value: T) void {
const out = &std.io.BufferOutStream.init(&self.build_options_contents).stream;
out.print("pub const {} = {};\n", name, value) catch unreachable;
pub fn addIncludeDir(self: *LibExeObjStep, path: []const u8) void {
self.include_dirs.append(IncludeDir{ .RawPath = self.builder.dupe(path) }) catch unreachable;
pub fn addLibPath(self: *LibExeObjStep, path: []const u8) void {
self.lib_paths.append(path) catch unreachable;
pub fn addPackagePath(self: *LibExeObjStep, name: []const u8, pkg_index_path: []const u8) void {
.name = name,
.path = pkg_index_path,
}) catch unreachable;
pub fn setExecCmd(self: *LibExeObjStep, args: []const ?[]const u8) void {
assert(self.kind == Kind.Test);
self.exec_cmd_args = args;
pub fn enableSystemLinkerHack(self: *LibExeObjStep) void {
self.system_linker_hack = true;
fn linkLibraryOrObject(self: *LibExeObjStep, other: *LibExeObjStep) void {
self.link_objects.append(LinkObject{ .OtherStep = other }) catch unreachable;
self.include_dirs.append(IncludeDir{ .OtherStep = other }) catch unreachable;
// Inherit dependency on system libraries
for (other.link_objects.toSliceConst()) |link_object| {
switch (link_object) {
.SystemLib => |name| self.linkSystemLibrary(name),
else => continue,
// Inherit dependencies on darwin frameworks
if (self.target.isDarwin() and !other.isDynamicLibrary()) {
var it = other.frameworks.iterator();
while (it.next()) |entry| {
self.frameworks.put(entry.key) catch unreachable;
fn make(step: *Step) !void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(LibExeObjStep, "step", step);
const builder = self.builder;
if (self.root_src == null and self.link_objects.len == 0) {
warn("{}: linker needs 1 or more objects to link\n", self.step.name);
return error.NeedAnObject;
var zig_args = ArrayList([]const u8).init(builder.allocator);
defer zig_args.deinit();
zig_args.append(builder.zig_exe) catch unreachable;
const cmd = switch (self.kind) {
Kind.Lib => "build-lib",
Kind.Exe => "build-exe",
Kind.Obj => "build-obj",
Kind.Test => "test",
zig_args.append(cmd) catch unreachable;
if (self.root_src) |root_src| {
zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(root_src)) catch unreachable;
for (self.link_objects.toSlice()) |link_object| {
switch (link_object) {
LinkObject.StaticPath => |static_path| {
try zig_args.append("--object");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(static_path));
LinkObject.OtherStep => |other| switch (other.kind) {
LibExeObjStep.Kind.Exe => unreachable,
LibExeObjStep.Kind.Test => unreachable,
LibExeObjStep.Kind.Obj => {
try zig_args.append("--object");
try zig_args.append(other.getOutputPath());
LibExeObjStep.Kind.Lib => {
if (!other.is_dynamic or self.target.isWindows()) {
try zig_args.append("--object");
try zig_args.append(other.getOutputLibPath());
} else {
const full_path_lib = other.getOutputPath();
try zig_args.append("--library");
try zig_args.append(full_path_lib);
if (fs.path.dirname(full_path_lib)) |dirname| {
try zig_args.append("-rpath");
try zig_args.append(dirname);
LinkObject.SystemLib => |name| {
try zig_args.append("--library");
try zig_args.append(name);
LinkObject.AssemblyFile => |asm_file| {
try zig_args.append("--c-source");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(asm_file));
LinkObject.CSourceFile => |c_source_file| {
try zig_args.append("--c-source");
for (c_source_file.args) |arg| {
try zig_args.append(arg);
try zig_args.append(self.builder.pathFromRoot(c_source_file.source_path));
if (self.build_options_contents.len() > 0) {
const build_options_file = try fs.path.join(
[_][]const u8{ builder.cache_root, builder.fmt("{}_build_options.zig", self.name) },
try std.io.writeFile(build_options_file, self.build_options_contents.toSliceConst());
try zig_args.append("--pkg-begin");
try zig_args.append("build_options");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(build_options_file));
try zig_args.append("--pkg-end");
if (self.filter) |filter| {
try zig_args.append("--test-filter");
try zig_args.append(filter);
if (self.name_prefix.len != 0) {
try zig_args.append("--test-name-prefix");
try zig_args.append(self.name_prefix);
if (builder.verbose_tokenize) zig_args.append("--verbose-tokenize") catch unreachable;
if (builder.verbose_ast) zig_args.append("--verbose-ast") catch unreachable;
if (builder.verbose_cimport) zig_args.append("--verbose-cimport") catch unreachable;
if (builder.verbose_ir) zig_args.append("--verbose-ir") catch unreachable;
if (builder.verbose_llvm_ir) zig_args.append("--verbose-llvm-ir") catch unreachable;
if (builder.verbose_link or self.verbose_link) zig_args.append("--verbose-link") catch unreachable;
if (builder.verbose_cc or self.verbose_cc) zig_args.append("--verbose-cc") catch unreachable;
if (self.strip) {
zig_args.append("--strip") catch unreachable;
if (self.single_threaded) {
try zig_args.append("--single-threaded");
if (self.libc_file) |libc_file| {
try zig_args.append("--libc");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(libc_file));
switch (self.build_mode) {
builtin.Mode.Debug => {},
builtin.Mode.ReleaseSafe => zig_args.append("--release-safe") catch unreachable,
builtin.Mode.ReleaseFast => zig_args.append("--release-fast") catch unreachable,
builtin.Mode.ReleaseSmall => zig_args.append("--release-small") catch unreachable,
try zig_args.append("--cache-dir");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(builder.cache_root));
zig_args.append("--name") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(self.name) catch unreachable;
if (self.kind == Kind.Lib and self.is_dynamic) {
zig_args.append("--ver-major") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(builder.fmt("{}", self.version.major)) catch unreachable;
zig_args.append("--ver-minor") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(builder.fmt("{}", self.version.minor)) catch unreachable;
zig_args.append("--ver-patch") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(builder.fmt("{}", self.version.patch)) catch unreachable;
if (self.is_dynamic) {
try zig_args.append("-dynamic");
if (self.disable_gen_h) {
try zig_args.append("--disable-gen-h");
if (self.bundle_compiler_rt) {
try zig_args.append("--bundle-compiler-rt");
if (self.disable_stack_probing) {
try zig_args.append("--disable-stack-probing");
switch (self.target) {
Target.Native => {},
Target.Cross => {
try zig_args.append("-target");
try zig_args.append(self.target.zigTriple(builder.allocator) catch unreachable);
if (self.target_glibc) |ver| {
try zig_args.append("-target-glibc");
try zig_args.append(builder.fmt("{}.{}.{}", ver.major, ver.minor, ver.patch));
if (self.linker_script) |linker_script| {
zig_args.append("--linker-script") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(linker_script)) catch unreachable;
if (self.version_script) |version_script| {
try zig_args.append("--version-script");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(version_script));
if (self.exec_cmd_args) |exec_cmd_args| {
for (exec_cmd_args) |cmd_arg| {
if (cmd_arg) |arg| {
try zig_args.append("--test-cmd");
try zig_args.append(arg);
} else {
try zig_args.append("--test-cmd-bin");
for (self.packages.toSliceConst()) |pkg| {
zig_args.append("--pkg-begin") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(pkg.name) catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(pkg.path)) catch unreachable;
zig_args.append("--pkg-end") catch unreachable;
for (self.include_dirs.toSliceConst()) |include_dir| {
switch (include_dir) {
IncludeDir.RawPath => |include_path| {
try zig_args.append("-isystem");
try zig_args.append(self.builder.pathFromRoot(include_path));
IncludeDir.OtherStep => |other| {
const h_path = other.getOutputHPath();
try zig_args.append("-isystem");
try zig_args.append(fs.path.dirname(h_path).?);
for (self.lib_paths.toSliceConst()) |lib_path| {
zig_args.append("--library-path") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(lib_path) catch unreachable;
if (self.need_system_paths and self.target == Target.Native) {
for (builder.native_system_include_dirs.toSliceConst()) |include_path| {
zig_args.append("-isystem") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(include_path)) catch unreachable;
for (builder.native_system_rpaths.toSliceConst()) |rpath| {
zig_args.append("-rpath") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(rpath) catch unreachable;
for (builder.native_system_lib_paths.toSliceConst()) |lib_path| {
zig_args.append("--library-path") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(lib_path) catch unreachable;
if (self.target.isDarwin()) {
var it = self.frameworks.iterator();
while (it.next()) |entry| {
zig_args.append("-framework") catch unreachable;
zig_args.append(entry.key) catch unreachable;
if (self.system_linker_hack) {
try zig_args.append("--system-linker-hack");
if (self.valgrind_support) |valgrind_support| {
if (valgrind_support) {
try zig_args.append("--enable-valgrind");
} else {
try zig_args.append("--disable-valgrind");
if (self.override_std_dir) |dir| {
try zig_args.append("--override-std-dir");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(dir));
} else if (self.builder.override_std_dir) |dir| {
try zig_args.append("--override-std-dir");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(dir));
if (self.override_lib_dir) |dir| {
try zig_args.append("--override-lib-dir");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(dir));
} else if (self.builder.override_lib_dir) |dir| {
try zig_args.append("--override-lib-dir");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(dir));
if (self.main_pkg_path) |dir| {
try zig_args.append("--main-pkg-path");
try zig_args.append(builder.pathFromRoot(dir));
if (self.kind == Kind.Test) {
try builder.spawnChild(zig_args.toSliceConst());
} else {
try zig_args.append("--cache");
try zig_args.append("on");
const output_path_nl = try builder.exec(zig_args.toSliceConst());
const output_path = mem.trimRight(u8, output_path_nl, "\r\n");
if (self.output_dir) |output_dir| {
const full_dest = try fs.path.join(builder.allocator, [_][]const u8{
try builder.updateFile(output_path, full_dest);
} else {
self.output_dir = fs.path.dirname(output_path).?;
if (self.kind == Kind.Lib and self.is_dynamic and self.target.wantSharedLibSymLinks()) {
try doAtomicSymLinks(builder.allocator, self.getOutputPath(), self.major_only_filename, self.name_only_filename);
pub const RunStep = struct {
step: Step,
builder: *Builder,
/// See also addArg and addArgs to modifying this directly
argv: ArrayList(Arg),
/// Set this to modify the current working directory
cwd: ?[]const u8,
/// Override this field to modify the environment, or use setEnvironmentVariable
env_map: ?*BufMap,
pub const Arg = union(enum) {
Artifact: *LibExeObjStep,
Bytes: []u8,
pub fn create(builder: *Builder, name: []const u8) *RunStep {
const self = builder.allocator.create(RunStep) catch unreachable;
self.* = RunStep{
.builder = builder,
.step = Step.init(name, builder.allocator, make),
.argv = ArrayList(Arg).init(builder.allocator),
.cwd = null,
.env_map = null,
return self;
pub fn addArtifactArg(self: *RunStep, artifact: *LibExeObjStep) void {
self.argv.append(Arg{ .Artifact = artifact }) catch unreachable;
pub fn addArg(self: *RunStep, arg: []const u8) void {
self.argv.append(Arg{ .Bytes = self.builder.dupe(arg) }) catch unreachable;
pub fn addArgs(self: *RunStep, args: []const []const u8) void {
for (args) |arg| {
pub fn clearEnvironment(self: *RunStep) void {
const new_env_map = self.builder.allocator.create(BufMap) catch unreachable;
new_env_map.* = BufMap.init(self.builder.allocator);
self.env_map = new_env_map;
pub fn addPathDir(self: *RunStep, search_path: []const u8) void {
const PATH = if (std.os.windows.is_the_target) "Path" else "PATH";
const env_map = self.getEnvMap();
const prev_path = env_map.get(PATH) orelse {
env_map.set(PATH, search_path) catch unreachable;
const new_path = self.builder.fmt("{}" ++ [1]u8{fs.path.delimiter} ++ "{}", prev_path, search_path);
env_map.set(PATH, new_path) catch unreachable;
pub fn getEnvMap(self: *RunStep) *BufMap {
return self.env_map orelse {
const env_map = self.builder.allocator.create(BufMap) catch unreachable;
env_map.* = process.getEnvMap(self.builder.allocator) catch unreachable;
self.env_map = env_map;
return env_map;
pub fn setEnvironmentVariable(self: *RunStep, key: []const u8, value: []const u8) void {
const env_map = self.getEnvMap();
env_map.set(key, value) catch unreachable;
fn make(step: *Step) !void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(RunStep, "step", step);
const cwd = if (self.cwd) |cwd| self.builder.pathFromRoot(cwd) else self.builder.build_root;
var argv = ArrayList([]const u8).init(self.builder.allocator);
for (self.argv.toSlice()) |arg| {
switch (arg) {
Arg.Bytes => |bytes| try argv.append(bytes),
Arg.Artifact => |artifact| {
if (artifact.target.isWindows()) {
// On Windows we don't have rpaths so we have to add .dll search paths to PATH
const executable_path = artifact.installed_path orelse artifact.getOutputPath();
try argv.append(executable_path);
return self.builder.spawnChildEnvMap(cwd, self.env_map orelse self.builder.env_map, argv.toSliceConst());
fn addPathForDynLibs(self: *RunStep, artifact: *LibExeObjStep) void {
for (artifact.link_objects.toSliceConst()) |link_object| {
switch (link_object) {
LibExeObjStep.LinkObject.OtherStep => |other| {
if (other.target.isWindows() and other.isDynamicLibrary()) {
else => {},
const InstallArtifactStep = struct {
step: Step,
builder: *Builder,
artifact: *LibExeObjStep,
dest_dir: InstallDir,
pdb_dir: ?InstallDir,
const Self = @This();
pub fn create(builder: *Builder, artifact: *LibExeObjStep) *Self {
if (artifact.install_step) |s| return s;
const self = builder.allocator.create(Self) catch unreachable;
self.* = Self{
.builder = builder,
.step = Step.init(builder.fmt("install {}", artifact.step.name), builder.allocator, make),
.artifact = artifact,
.dest_dir = switch (artifact.kind) {
.Obj => unreachable,
.Test => unreachable,
.Exe => InstallDir.Bin,
.Lib => InstallDir.Lib,
.pdb_dir = if (artifact.producesPdbFile()) blk: {
if (artifact.kind == .Exe) {
break :blk InstallDir.Bin;
} else {
break :blk InstallDir.Lib;
} else null,
artifact.install_step = self;
builder.pushInstalledFile(self.dest_dir, artifact.out_filename);
if (self.artifact.isDynamicLibrary()) {
builder.pushInstalledFile(.Lib, artifact.major_only_filename);
builder.pushInstalledFile(.Lib, artifact.name_only_filename);
if (self.pdb_dir) |pdb_dir| {
builder.pushInstalledFile(pdb_dir, artifact.out_pdb_filename);
return self;
fn make(step: *Step) !void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "step", step);
const builder = self.builder;
const full_dest_path = builder.getInstallPath(self.dest_dir, self.artifact.out_filename);
try builder.updateFile(self.artifact.getOutputPath(), full_dest_path);
if (self.artifact.isDynamicLibrary()) {
try doAtomicSymLinks(builder.allocator, full_dest_path, self.artifact.major_only_filename, self.artifact.name_only_filename);
if (self.pdb_dir) |pdb_dir| {
const full_pdb_path = builder.getInstallPath(pdb_dir, self.artifact.out_pdb_filename);
try builder.updateFile(self.artifact.getOutputPdbPath(), full_pdb_path);
self.artifact.installed_path = full_dest_path;
pub const InstallFileStep = struct {
step: Step,
builder: *Builder,
src_path: []const u8,
dir: InstallDir,
dest_rel_path: []const u8,
pub fn init(
builder: *Builder,
src_path: []const u8,
dir: InstallDir,
dest_rel_path: []const u8,
) InstallFileStep {
builder.pushInstalledFile(dir, dest_rel_path);
return InstallFileStep{
.builder = builder,
.step = Step.init(builder.fmt("install {}", src_path), builder.allocator, make),
.src_path = src_path,
.dir = dir,
.dest_rel_path = dest_rel_path,
fn make(step: *Step) !void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(InstallFileStep, "step", step);
const full_dest_path = self.builder.getInstallPath(self.dir, self.dest_rel_path);
const full_src_path = self.builder.pathFromRoot(self.src_path);
try self.builder.updateFile(full_src_path, full_dest_path);
pub const InstallDirectoryOptions = struct {
source_dir: []const u8,
install_dir: InstallDir,
install_subdir: []const u8,
exclude_extensions: ?[]const []const u8 = null,
pub const InstallDirStep = struct {
step: Step,
builder: *Builder,
options: InstallDirectoryOptions,
pub fn init(
builder: *Builder,
options: InstallDirectoryOptions,
) InstallDirStep {
builder.pushInstalledFile(options.install_dir, options.install_subdir);
return InstallDirStep{
.builder = builder,
.step = Step.init(builder.fmt("install {}/", options.source_dir), builder.allocator, make),
.options = options,
fn make(step: *Step) !void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(InstallDirStep, "step", step);
const dest_prefix = self.builder.getInstallPath(self.options.install_dir, self.options.install_subdir);
const full_src_dir = self.builder.pathFromRoot(self.options.source_dir);
var it = try fs.walkPath(self.builder.allocator, full_src_dir);
next_entry: while (try it.next()) |entry| {
if (self.options.exclude_extensions) |ext_list| for (ext_list) |ext| {
if (mem.endsWith(u8, entry.path, ext)) {
continue :next_entry;
const rel_path = entry.path[full_src_dir.len + 1 ..];
const dest_path = try fs.path.join(self.builder.allocator, [_][]const u8{ dest_prefix, rel_path });
switch (entry.kind) {
.Directory => try fs.makePath(self.builder.allocator, dest_path),
.File => try self.builder.updateFile(entry.path, dest_path),
else => continue,
pub const WriteFileStep = struct {
step: Step,
builder: *Builder,
file_path: []const u8,
data: []const u8,
pub fn init(builder: *Builder, file_path: []const u8, data: []const u8) WriteFileStep {
return WriteFileStep{
.builder = builder,
.step = Step.init(builder.fmt("writefile {}", file_path), builder.allocator, make),
.file_path = file_path,
.data = data,
fn make(step: *Step) !void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(WriteFileStep, "step", step);
const full_path = self.builder.pathFromRoot(self.file_path);
const full_path_dir = fs.path.dirname(full_path) orelse ".";
fs.makePath(self.builder.allocator, full_path_dir) catch |err| {
warn("unable to make path {}: {}\n", full_path_dir, @errorName(err));
return err;
io.writeFile(full_path, self.data) catch |err| {
warn("unable to write {}: {}\n", full_path, @errorName(err));
return err;
pub const LogStep = struct {
step: Step,
builder: *Builder,
data: []const u8,
pub fn init(builder: *Builder, data: []const u8) LogStep {
return LogStep{
.builder = builder,
.step = Step.init(builder.fmt("log {}", data), builder.allocator, make),
.data = data,
fn make(step: *Step) anyerror!void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(LogStep, "step", step);
warn("{}", self.data);
pub const RemoveDirStep = struct {
step: Step,
builder: *Builder,
dir_path: []const u8,
pub fn init(builder: *Builder, dir_path: []const u8) RemoveDirStep {
return RemoveDirStep{
.builder = builder,
.step = Step.init(builder.fmt("RemoveDir {}", dir_path), builder.allocator, make),
.dir_path = dir_path,
fn make(step: *Step) !void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(RemoveDirStep, "step", step);
const full_path = self.builder.pathFromRoot(self.dir_path);
fs.deleteTree(self.builder.allocator, full_path) catch |err| {
warn("Unable to remove {}: {}\n", full_path, @errorName(err));
return err;
pub const Step = struct {
name: []const u8,
makeFn: fn (self: *Step) anyerror!void,
dependencies: ArrayList(*Step),
loop_flag: bool,
done_flag: bool,
pub fn init(name: []const u8, allocator: *Allocator, makeFn: fn (*Step) anyerror!void) Step {
return Step{
.name = name,
.makeFn = makeFn,
.dependencies = ArrayList(*Step).init(allocator),
.loop_flag = false,
.done_flag = false,
pub fn initNoOp(name: []const u8, allocator: *Allocator) Step {
return init(name, allocator, makeNoOp);
pub fn make(self: *Step) !void {
if (self.done_flag) return;
try self.makeFn(self);
self.done_flag = true;
pub fn dependOn(self: *Step, other: *Step) void {
self.dependencies.append(other) catch unreachable;
fn makeNoOp(self: *Step) anyerror!void {}
fn doAtomicSymLinks(allocator: *Allocator, output_path: []const u8, filename_major_only: []const u8, filename_name_only: []const u8) !void {
const out_dir = fs.path.dirname(output_path) orelse ".";
const out_basename = fs.path.basename(output_path);
// sym link for libfoo.so.1 to libfoo.so.1.2.3
const major_only_path = fs.path.join(
[_][]const u8{ out_dir, filename_major_only },
) catch unreachable;
fs.atomicSymLink(allocator, out_basename, major_only_path) catch |err| {
warn("Unable to symlink {} -> {}\n", major_only_path, out_basename);
return err;
// sym link for libfoo.so to libfoo.so.1
const name_only_path = fs.path.join(
[_][]const u8{ out_dir, filename_name_only },
) catch unreachable;
fs.atomicSymLink(allocator, filename_major_only, name_only_path) catch |err| {
warn("Unable to symlink {} -> {}\n", name_only_path, filename_major_only);
return err;
pub const InstallDir = enum {
pub const InstalledFile = struct {
dir: InstallDir,
path: []const u8,