Veikka Tuominen 5792570197 add Aro sources as a dependency
ref: 5688dbccfb58216468267a0f46b96bed7013715a
2023-10-01 23:51:54 +03:00

494 lines
17 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const Driver = @import("Driver.zig");
const Compilation = @import("Compilation.zig");
const util = @import("util.zig");
const mem = std.mem;
const system_defaults = @import("system_defaults");
const target_util = @import("target.zig");
const Linux = @import("toolchains/Linux.zig");
const Multilib = @import("Driver/Multilib.zig");
const Filesystem = @import("Driver/Filesystem.zig").Filesystem;
const Toolchain = @This();
pub const PathList = std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8);
pub const RuntimeLibKind = enum {
pub const FileKind = enum {
pub const LibGCCKind = enum {
pub const UnwindLibKind = enum {
const Inner = union(enum) {
linux: Linux,
unknown: void,
fn deinit(self: *Inner, allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
switch (self.*) {
.linux => |*linux| linux.deinit(allocator),
.uninitialized, .unknown => {},
filesystem: Filesystem = .{ .real = {} },
driver: *Driver,
arena: mem.Allocator,
/// The list of toolchain specific path prefixes to search for libraries.
library_paths: PathList = .{},
/// The list of toolchain specific path prefixes to search for files.
file_paths: PathList = .{},
/// The list of toolchain specific path prefixes to search for programs.
program_paths: PathList = .{},
selected_multilib: Multilib = .{},
inner: Inner = .{ .uninitialized = {} },
pub fn getTarget(tc: *const Toolchain) std.Target {
return tc.driver.comp.target;
fn getDefaultLinker(tc: *const Toolchain) []const u8 {
return switch (tc.inner) {
.uninitialized => unreachable,
.linux => |linux| linux.getDefaultLinker(tc.getTarget()),
.unknown => "ld",
/// Call this after driver has finished parsing command line arguments to find the toolchain
pub fn discover(tc: *Toolchain) !void {
if (tc.inner != .uninitialized) return;
const target = tc.getTarget();
tc.inner = switch (target.os.tag) {
=> if (target.cpu.arch == .hexagon)
.{ .unknown = {} } // TODO
else if (target.cpu.arch.isMIPS())
.{ .unknown = {} } // TODO
else if (target.cpu.arch.isPPC())
.{ .unknown = {} } // TODO
else if (target.cpu.arch == .ve)
.{ .unknown = {} } // TODO
.{ .linux = .{} },
else => .{ .unknown = {} }, // TODO
return switch (tc.inner) {
.uninitialized => unreachable,
.linux => |*linux| linux.discover(tc),
.unknown => {},
pub fn deinit(tc: *Toolchain) void {
const gpa = tc.driver.comp.gpa;
/// Write linker path to `buf` and return a slice of it
pub fn getLinkerPath(tc: *const Toolchain, buf: []u8) ![]const u8 {
// --ld-path= takes precedence over -fuse-ld= and specifies the executable
// name. -B, COMPILER_PATH and PATH are consulted if the value does not
// contain a path component separator.
// -fuse-ld=lld can be used with --ld-path= to indicate that the binary
// that --ld-path= points to is lld.
const use_linker = tc.driver.use_linker orelse system_defaults.linker;
if (tc.driver.linker_path) |ld_path| {
var path = ld_path;
if (path.len > 0) {
if (std.fs.path.dirname(path) == null) {
path = tc.getProgramPath(path, buf);
if (tc.filesystem.canExecute(path)) {
return path;
return tc.driver.fatal(
"invalid linker name in argument '--ld-path={s}'",
// If we're passed -fuse-ld= with no argument, or with the argument ld,
// then use whatever the default system linker is.
if (use_linker.len == 0 or mem.eql(u8, use_linker, "ld")) {
const default = tc.getDefaultLinker();
if (std.fs.path.isAbsolute(default)) return default;
return tc.getProgramPath(default, buf);
// Extending -fuse-ld= to an absolute or relative path is unexpected. Checking
// for the linker flavor is brittle. In addition, prepending "ld." or "ld64."
// to a relative path is surprising. This is more complex due to priorities
// among -B, COMPILER_PATH and PATH. --ld-path= should be used instead.
if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, use_linker, '/') != null) {
try tc.driver.comp.diag.add(.{ .tag = .fuse_ld_path }, &.{});
if (std.fs.path.isAbsolute(use_linker)) {
if (tc.filesystem.canExecute(use_linker)) {
return use_linker;
} else {
var linker_name = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(tc.driver.comp.gpa, 5 + use_linker.len); // "ld64." ++ use_linker
defer linker_name.deinit();
if (tc.getTarget().isDarwin()) {
} else {
const linker_path = tc.getProgramPath(linker_name.items, buf);
if (tc.filesystem.canExecute(linker_path)) {
return linker_path;
if (tc.driver.use_linker) |linker| {
return tc.driver.fatal(
"invalid linker name in argument '-fuse-ld={s}'",
const default_linker = tc.getDefaultLinker();
return tc.getProgramPath(default_linker, buf);
const TargetSpecificToolName = std.BoundedArray(u8, 64);
/// If an explicit target is provided, also check the prefixed tool-specific name
/// TODO: this isn't exactly right since our target names don't necessarily match up
/// with GCC's.
/// For example the Zig target `arm-freestanding-eabi` would need the `arm-none-eabi` tools
fn possibleProgramNames(raw_triple: ?[]const u8, name: []const u8, target_specific: *TargetSpecificToolName) std.BoundedArray([]const u8, 2) {
var possible_names: std.BoundedArray([]const u8, 2) = .{};
if (raw_triple) |triple| {
const w = target_specific.writer();
if (w.print("{s}-{s}", .{ triple, name })) {
} else |_| {}
return possible_names;
/// Add toolchain `file_paths` to argv as `-L` arguments
pub fn addFilePathLibArgs(tc: *const Toolchain, argv: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) !void {
try argv.ensureUnusedCapacity(tc.file_paths.items.len);
var bytes_needed: usize = 0;
for (tc.file_paths.items) |path| {
bytes_needed += path.len + 2; // +2 for `-L`
var bytes = try tc.arena.alloc(u8, bytes_needed);
var index: usize = 0;
for (tc.file_paths.items) |path| {
@memcpy(bytes[index..][0..2], "-L");
@memcpy(bytes[index + 2 ..][0..path.len], path);
argv.appendAssumeCapacity(bytes[index..][0 .. path.len + 2]);
index += path.len + 2;
/// Search for an executable called `name` or `{triple}-{name} in program_paths and the $PATH environment variable
/// If not found there, just use `name`
/// Writes the result to `buf` and returns a slice of it
fn getProgramPath(tc: *const Toolchain, name: []const u8, buf: []u8) []const u8 {
var path_buf: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var fib = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&path_buf);
var tool_specific_name: TargetSpecificToolName = .{};
const possible_names = possibleProgramNames(tc.driver.raw_target_triple, name, &tool_specific_name);
for (possible_names.constSlice()) |tool_name| {
for (tc.program_paths.items) |program_path| {
defer fib.reset();
const candidate = std.fs.path.join(fib.allocator(), &.{ program_path, tool_name }) catch continue;
if (tc.filesystem.canExecute(candidate) and candidate.len <= buf.len) {
@memcpy(buf[0..candidate.len], candidate);
return buf[0..candidate.len];
return tc.filesystem.findProgramByName(tc.driver.comp.gpa, name, tc.driver.comp.environment.path, buf) orelse continue;
@memcpy(buf[0..name.len], name);
return buf[0..name.len];
pub fn getSysroot(tc: *const Toolchain) []const u8 {
return tc.driver.sysroot orelse system_defaults.sysroot;
/// Search for `name` in a variety of places
/// TODO: cache results based on `name` so we're not repeatedly allocating the same strings?
pub fn getFilePath(tc: *const Toolchain, name: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
var path_buf: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var fib = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&path_buf);
const allocator = fib.allocator();
const sysroot = tc.getSysroot();
// todo check resource dir
// todo check compiler RT path
const aro_dir = std.fs.path.dirname(tc.driver.aro_name) orelse "";
const candidate = try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ aro_dir, "..", name });
if (tc.filesystem.exists(candidate)) {
return tc.arena.dupe(u8, candidate);
if (tc.searchPaths(&fib, sysroot, tc.library_paths.items, name)) |path| {
return tc.arena.dupe(u8, path);
if (tc.searchPaths(&fib, sysroot, tc.file_paths.items, name)) |path| {
return try tc.arena.dupe(u8, path);
return name;
/// Search a list of `path_prefixes` for the existence `name`
/// Assumes that `fba` is a fixed-buffer allocator, so does not free joined path candidates
fn searchPaths(tc: *const Toolchain, fib: *std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator, sysroot: []const u8, path_prefixes: []const []const u8, name: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
for (path_prefixes) |path| {
if (path.len == 0) continue;
const candidate = if (path[0] == '=')
std.fs.path.join(fib.allocator(), &.{ sysroot, path[1..], name }) catch continue
std.fs.path.join(fib.allocator(), &.{ path, name }) catch continue;
if (tc.filesystem.exists(candidate)) {
return candidate;
return null;
const PathKind = enum {
/// Join `components` into a path. If the path exists, dupe it into the toolchain arena and
/// add it to the specified path list.
pub fn addPathIfExists(tc: *Toolchain, components: []const []const u8, dest_kind: PathKind) !void {
var path_buf: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var fib = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&path_buf);
const candidate = try std.fs.path.join(fib.allocator(), components);
if (tc.filesystem.exists(candidate)) {
const duped = try tc.arena.dupe(u8, candidate);
const dest = switch (dest_kind) {
.library => &tc.library_paths,
.file => &tc.file_paths,
.program => &tc.program_paths,
try dest.append(tc.driver.comp.gpa, duped);
/// Join `components` using the toolchain arena and add the resulting path to `dest_kind`. Does not check
/// whether the path actually exists
pub fn addPathFromComponents(tc: *Toolchain, components: []const []const u8, dest_kind: PathKind) !void {
const full_path = try std.fs.path.join(tc.arena, components);
const dest = switch (dest_kind) {
.library => &tc.library_paths,
.file => &tc.file_paths,
.program => &tc.program_paths,
try dest.append(tc.driver.comp.gpa, full_path);
/// Add linker args to `argv`. Does not add path to linker executable as first item; that must be handled separately
/// Items added to `argv` will be string literals or owned by `tc.arena` so they must not be individually freed
pub fn buildLinkerArgs(tc: *Toolchain, argv: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) !void {
return switch (tc.inner) {
.uninitialized => unreachable,
.linux => |*linux| linux.buildLinkerArgs(tc, argv),
.unknown => @panic("This toolchain does not support linking yet"),
fn getDefaultRuntimeLibKind(tc: *const Toolchain) RuntimeLibKind {
if (tc.getTarget().isAndroid()) {
return .compiler_rt;
return .libgcc;
pub fn getRuntimeLibKind(tc: *const Toolchain) RuntimeLibKind {
const libname = tc.driver.rtlib orelse system_defaults.rtlib;
if (mem.eql(u8, libname, "compiler-rt"))
return .compiler_rt
else if (mem.eql(u8, libname, "libgcc"))
return .libgcc
return tc.getDefaultRuntimeLibKind();
/// TODO
pub fn getCompilerRt(tc: *const Toolchain, component: []const u8, file_kind: FileKind) ![]const u8 {
_ = file_kind;
_ = component;
_ = tc;
return "";
fn getLibGCCKind(tc: *const Toolchain) LibGCCKind {
const target = tc.getTarget();
if (tc.driver.static_libgcc or tc.driver.static or tc.driver.static_pie or target.isAndroid()) {
return .static;
if (tc.driver.shared_libgcc) {
return .shared;
return .unspecified;
fn getUnwindLibKind(tc: *const Toolchain) !UnwindLibKind {
const libname = tc.driver.unwindlib orelse system_defaults.unwindlib;
if (libname.len == 0 or mem.eql(u8, libname, "platform")) {
switch (tc.getRuntimeLibKind()) {
.compiler_rt => {
const target = tc.getTarget();
if (target.isAndroid() or target.os.tag == .aix) {
return .compiler_rt;
} else {
return .none;
.libgcc => return .libgcc,
} else if (mem.eql(u8, libname, "none")) {
return .none;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, libname, "libgcc")) {
return .libgcc;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, libname, "libunwind")) {
if (tc.getRuntimeLibKind() == .libgcc) {
try tc.driver.comp.diag.add(.{ .tag = .incompatible_unwindlib }, &.{});
return .compiler_rt;
} else {
fn getAsNeededOption(is_solaris: bool, needed: bool) []const u8 {
if (is_solaris) {
return if (needed) "-zignore" else "-zrecord";
} else {
return if (needed) "--as-needed" else "--no-as-needed";
fn addUnwindLibrary(tc: *const Toolchain, argv: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) !void {
const unw = try tc.getUnwindLibKind();
const target = tc.getTarget();
if ((target.isAndroid() and unw == .libgcc) or
target.os.tag == .elfiamcu or
target.ofmt == .wasm or
target_util.isWindowsMSVCEnvironment(target) or
unw == .none) return;
const lgk = tc.getLibGCCKind();
const as_needed = lgk == .unspecified and !target.isAndroid() and !target_util.isCygwinMinGW(target) and target.os.tag != .aix;
if (as_needed) {
try argv.append(getAsNeededOption(target.os.tag == .solaris, true));
switch (unw) {
.none => return,
.libgcc => if (lgk == .static) try argv.append("-lgcc_eh") else try argv.append("-lgcc_s"),
.compiler_rt => if (target.os.tag == .aix) {
if (lgk != .static) {
try argv.append("-lunwind");
} else if (lgk == .static) {
try argv.append("-l:libunwind.a");
} else if (lgk == .shared) {
if (target_util.isCygwinMinGW(target)) {
try argv.append("-l:libunwind.dll.a");
} else {
try argv.append("-l:libunwind.so");
} else {
try argv.append("-lunwind");
if (as_needed) {
try argv.append(getAsNeededOption(target.os.tag == .solaris, false));
fn addLibGCC(tc: *const Toolchain, argv: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) !void {
const libgcc_kind = tc.getLibGCCKind();
if (libgcc_kind == .static or libgcc_kind == .unspecified) {
try argv.append("-lgcc");
try tc.addUnwindLibrary(argv);
if (libgcc_kind == .shared) {
try argv.append("-lgcc");
pub fn addRuntimeLibs(tc: *const Toolchain, argv: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) !void {
const target = tc.getTarget();
const rlt = tc.getRuntimeLibKind();
switch (rlt) {
.compiler_rt => {
.libgcc => {
if (target_util.isKnownWindowsMSVCEnvironment(target)) {
const rtlib_str = tc.driver.rtlib orelse system_defaults.rtlib;
if (!mem.eql(u8, rtlib_str, "platform")) {
try tc.driver.comp.diag.add(.{ .tag = .unsupported_rtlib_gcc, .extra = .{ .str = "MSVC" } }, &.{});
} else {
try tc.addLibGCC(argv);
if (target.isAndroid() and !tc.driver.static and !tc.driver.static_pie) {
try argv.append("-ldl");