Andrew Kelley 5619ce2406 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into stage2-whole-file-astgen
 * doc/langref.html.in
 * lib/std/enums.zig
 * lib/std/fmt.zig
 * lib/std/hash/auto_hash.zig
 * lib/std/math.zig
 * lib/std/mem.zig
 * lib/std/meta.zig
 * test/behavior/alignof.zig
 * test/behavior/bitcast.zig
 * test/behavior/bugs/1421.zig
 * test/behavior/cast.zig
 * test/behavior/ptrcast.zig
 * test/behavior/type_info.zig
 * test/behavior/vector.zig

Master branch added `try` to a bunch of testing function calls, and some
lines also had changed how to refer to the native architecture and other
`@import("builtin")` stuff.
2021-05-08 14:45:21 -07:00

538 lines
12 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectError = std.testing.expectError;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
test "switch with numbers" {
try testSwitchWithNumbers(13);
fn testSwitchWithNumbers(x: u32) !void {
const result = switch (x) {
1, 2, 3, 4...8 => false,
13 => true,
else => false,
try expect(result);
test "switch with all ranges" {
try expect(testSwitchWithAllRanges(50, 3) == 1);
try expect(testSwitchWithAllRanges(101, 0) == 2);
try expect(testSwitchWithAllRanges(300, 5) == 3);
try expect(testSwitchWithAllRanges(301, 6) == 6);
fn testSwitchWithAllRanges(x: u32, y: u32) u32 {
return switch (x) {
0...100 => 1,
101...200 => 2,
201...300 => 3,
else => y,
test "implicit comptime switch" {
const x = 3 + 4;
const result = switch (x) {
3 => 10,
4 => 11,
5, 6 => 12,
7, 8 => 13,
else => 14,
comptime {
try expect(result + 1 == 14);
test "switch on enum" {
const fruit = Fruit.Orange;
const Fruit = enum {
fn nonConstSwitchOnEnum(fruit: Fruit) void {
switch (fruit) {
Fruit.Apple => unreachable,
Fruit.Orange => {},
Fruit.Banana => unreachable,
test "switch statement" {
try nonConstSwitch(SwitchStatmentFoo.C);
fn nonConstSwitch(foo: SwitchStatmentFoo) !void {
const val = switch (foo) {
SwitchStatmentFoo.A => @as(i32, 1),
SwitchStatmentFoo.B => 2,
SwitchStatmentFoo.C => 3,
SwitchStatmentFoo.D => 4,
try expect(val == 3);
const SwitchStatmentFoo = enum {
test "switch prong with variable" {
try switchProngWithVarFn(SwitchProngWithVarEnum{ .One = 13 });
try switchProngWithVarFn(SwitchProngWithVarEnum{ .Two = 13.0 });
try switchProngWithVarFn(SwitchProngWithVarEnum{ .Meh = {} });
const SwitchProngWithVarEnum = union(enum) {
One: i32,
Two: f32,
Meh: void,
fn switchProngWithVarFn(a: SwitchProngWithVarEnum) !void {
switch (a) {
SwitchProngWithVarEnum.One => |x| {
try expect(x == 13);
SwitchProngWithVarEnum.Two => |x| {
try expect(x == 13.0);
SwitchProngWithVarEnum.Meh => |x| {
const v: void = x;
test "switch on enum using pointer capture" {
try testSwitchEnumPtrCapture();
comptime try testSwitchEnumPtrCapture();
fn testSwitchEnumPtrCapture() !void {
var value = SwitchProngWithVarEnum{ .One = 1234 };
switch (value) {
SwitchProngWithVarEnum.One => |*x| x.* += 1,
else => unreachable,
switch (value) {
SwitchProngWithVarEnum.One => |x| try expect(x == 1235),
else => unreachable,
test "switch with multiple expressions" {
const x = switch (returnsFive()) {
1, 2, 3 => 1,
4, 5, 6 => 2,
else => @as(i32, 3),
try expect(x == 2);
fn returnsFive() i32 {
return 5;
const Number = union(enum) {
One: u64,
Two: u8,
Three: f32,
const number = Number{ .Three = 1.23 };
fn returnsFalse() bool {
switch (number) {
Number.One => |x| return x > 1234,
Number.Two => |x| return x == 'a',
Number.Three => |x| return x > 12.34,
test "switch on const enum with var" {
try expect(!returnsFalse());
test "switch on type" {
try expect(trueIfBoolFalseOtherwise(bool));
try expect(!trueIfBoolFalseOtherwise(i32));
fn trueIfBoolFalseOtherwise(comptime T: type) bool {
return switch (T) {
bool => true,
else => false,
test "switch handles all cases of number" {
try testSwitchHandleAllCases();
comptime try testSwitchHandleAllCases();
fn testSwitchHandleAllCases() !void {
try expect(testSwitchHandleAllCasesExhaustive(0) == 3);
try expect(testSwitchHandleAllCasesExhaustive(1) == 2);
try expect(testSwitchHandleAllCasesExhaustive(2) == 1);
try expect(testSwitchHandleAllCasesExhaustive(3) == 0);
try expect(testSwitchHandleAllCasesRange(100) == 0);
try expect(testSwitchHandleAllCasesRange(200) == 1);
try expect(testSwitchHandleAllCasesRange(201) == 2);
try expect(testSwitchHandleAllCasesRange(202) == 4);
try expect(testSwitchHandleAllCasesRange(230) == 3);
fn testSwitchHandleAllCasesExhaustive(x: u2) u2 {
return switch (x) {
0 => @as(u2, 3),
1 => 2,
2 => 1,
3 => 0,
fn testSwitchHandleAllCasesRange(x: u8) u8 {
return switch (x) {
0...100 => @as(u8, 0),
101...200 => 1,
201, 203 => 2,
202 => 4,
204...255 => 3,
test "switch all prongs unreachable" {
try testAllProngsUnreachable();
comptime try testAllProngsUnreachable();
fn testAllProngsUnreachable() !void {
try expect(switchWithUnreachable(1) == 2);
try expect(switchWithUnreachable(2) == 10);
fn switchWithUnreachable(x: i32) i32 {
while (true) {
switch (x) {
1 => return 2,
2 => break,
else => continue,
return 10;
fn return_a_number() anyerror!i32 {
return 1;
test "capture value of switch with all unreachable prongs" {
const x = return_a_number() catch |err| switch (err) {
else => unreachable,
try expect(x == 1);
test "switching on booleans" {
try testSwitchOnBools();
comptime try testSwitchOnBools();
fn testSwitchOnBools() !void {
try expect(testSwitchOnBoolsTrueAndFalse(true) == false);
try expect(testSwitchOnBoolsTrueAndFalse(false) == true);
try expect(testSwitchOnBoolsTrueWithElse(true) == false);
try expect(testSwitchOnBoolsTrueWithElse(false) == true);
try expect(testSwitchOnBoolsFalseWithElse(true) == false);
try expect(testSwitchOnBoolsFalseWithElse(false) == true);
fn testSwitchOnBoolsTrueAndFalse(x: bool) bool {
return switch (x) {
true => false,
false => true,
fn testSwitchOnBoolsTrueWithElse(x: bool) bool {
return switch (x) {
true => false,
else => true,
fn testSwitchOnBoolsFalseWithElse(x: bool) bool {
return switch (x) {
false => true,
else => false,
test "u0" {
var val: u0 = 0;
switch (val) {
0 => try expect(val == 0),
test "undefined.u0" {
var val: u0 = undefined;
switch (val) {
0 => try expect(val == 0),
test "anon enum literal used in switch on union enum" {
const Foo = union(enum) {
a: i32,
var foo = Foo{ .a = 1234 };
switch (foo) {
.a => |x| {
try expect(x == 1234);
test "else prong of switch on error set excludes other cases" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
try expectError(error.C, bar());
const E = error{
} || E2;
const E2 = error{
fn foo() E!void {
return error.C;
fn bar() E2!void {
foo() catch |err| switch (err) {
error.A, error.B => {},
else => |e| return e,
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "switch prongs with error set cases make a new error set type for capture value" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
try expectError(error.B, bar());
const E = E1 || E2;
const E1 = error{
const E2 = error{
fn foo() E!void {
return error.B;
fn bar() E1!void {
foo() catch |err| switch (err) {
error.A, error.B => |e| return e,
else => {},
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "return result loc and then switch with range implicit casted to error union" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
try expect((func(0xb) catch unreachable) == 0xb);
fn func(d: u8) anyerror!u8 {
return switch (d) {
0xa...0xf => d,
else => unreachable,
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "switch with null and T peer types and inferred result location type" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest(c: u8) !void {
if (switch (c) {
0 => true,
else => null,
}) |v| {
try S.doTheTest(1);
comptime try S.doTheTest(1);
test "switch prongs with cases with identical payload types" {
const Union = union(enum) {
A: usize,
B: isize,
C: usize,
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
try doTheSwitch1(Union{ .A = 8 });
try doTheSwitch2(Union{ .B = -8 });
fn doTheSwitch1(u: Union) !void {
switch (u) {
.A, .C => |e| {
try expect(@TypeOf(e) == usize);
try expect(e == 8);
.B => |e| @panic("fail"),
fn doTheSwitch2(u: Union) !void {
switch (u) {
.A, .C => |e| @panic("fail"),
.B => |e| {
try expect(@TypeOf(e) == isize);
try expect(e == -8);
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "switch with disjoint range" {
var q: u8 = 0;
switch (q) {
0...125 => {},
127...255 => {},
126...126 => {},
test "switch variable for range and multiple prongs" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var u: u8 = 16;
try doTheSwitch(u);
comptime try doTheSwitch(u);
var v: u8 = 42;
try doTheSwitch(v);
comptime try doTheSwitch(v);
fn doTheSwitch(q: u8) !void {
switch (q) {
0...40 => |x| try expect(x == 16),
41, 42, 43 => |x| try expect(x == 42),
else => try expect(false),
var state: u32 = 0;
fn poll() void {
switch (state) {
0 => {
state = 1;
else => {
state += 1;
test "switch on global mutable var isn't constant-folded" {
while (state < 2) {
test "switch on pointer type" {
const S = struct {
const X = struct {
field: u32,
const P1 = @intToPtr(*X, 0x400);
const P2 = @intToPtr(*X, 0x800);
const P3 = @intToPtr(*X, 0xC00);
fn doTheTest(arg: *X) i32 {
switch (arg) {
P1 => return 1,
P2 => return 2,
else => return 3,
try expect(1 == S.doTheTest(S.P1));
try expect(2 == S.doTheTest(S.P2));
try expect(3 == S.doTheTest(S.P3));
comptime try expect(1 == S.doTheTest(S.P1));
comptime try expect(2 == S.doTheTest(S.P2));
comptime try expect(3 == S.doTheTest(S.P3));
test "switch on error set with single else" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var some: error{Foo} = error.Foo;
try expect(switch (some) {
else => |a| true,
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();
test "while copies its payload" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
var tmp: union(enum) {
A: u8,
B: u32,
} = .{ .A = 42 };
switch (tmp) {
.A => |value| {
// Modify the original union
tmp = .{ .B = 0x10101010 };
try expectEqual(@as(u8, 42), value);
else => unreachable,
try S.doTheTest();
comptime try S.doTheTest();