Isaac Freund 0d32b73078
stage2: Implement explicit backing integers for packed structs
Now the backing integer of a packed struct type may be explicitly
specified with e.g. `packed struct(u32) { ... }`.
2022-08-10 19:54:45 +02:00

54 lines
2.1 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const native_endian = builtin.cpu.arch.endian();
test "packed struct explicit backing integer" {
assert(builtin.zig_backend != .stage1);
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_c) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_wasm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
const S1 = packed struct { a: u8, b: u8, c: u8 };
const S2 = packed struct(i24) { d: u8, e: u8, f: u8 };
const S3 = packed struct { x: S1, y: S2 };
const S3Padded = packed struct(u64) { s3: S3, pad: u16 };
try expectEqual(48, @bitSizeOf(S3));
try expectEqual(@sizeOf(u48), @sizeOf(S3));
try expectEqual(3, @offsetOf(S3, "y"));
try expectEqual(24, @bitOffsetOf(S3, "y"));
if (native_endian == .Little) {
const s3 = @bitCast(S3Padded, @as(u64, 0xe952d5c71ff4)).s3;
try expectEqual(@as(u8, 0xf4), s3.x.a);
try expectEqual(@as(u8, 0x1f), s3.x.b);
try expectEqual(@as(u8, 0xc7), s3.x.c);
try expectEqual(@as(u8, 0xd5), s3.y.d);
try expectEqual(@as(u8, 0x52), s3.y.e);
try expectEqual(@as(u8, 0xe9), s3.y.f);
const S4 = packed struct { a: i32, b: i8 };
const S5 = packed struct(u80) { a: i32, b: i8, c: S4 };
const S6 = packed struct(i80) { a: i32, b: S4, c: i8 };
const expectedBitSize = 80;
const expectedByteSize = @sizeOf(u80);
try expectEqual(expectedBitSize, @bitSizeOf(S5));
try expectEqual(expectedByteSize, @sizeOf(S5));
try expectEqual(expectedBitSize, @bitSizeOf(S6));
try expectEqual(expectedByteSize, @sizeOf(S6));
try expectEqual(5, @offsetOf(S5, "c"));
try expectEqual(40, @bitOffsetOf(S5, "c"));
try expectEqual(9, @offsetOf(S6, "c"));
try expectEqual(72, @bitOffsetOf(S6, "c"));