Andrew Kelley 5e42378227 disable failing C ABI test
see tracking issue #13629
2022-11-22 13:06:09 -07:00

1039 lines
31 KiB

//! Tests for the C ABI.
//! Those tests are passing back and forth struct and values across C ABI
//! by combining Zig code here and its mirror in cfunc.c
//! To run all the tests on the tier 1 architecture you can use:
//! zig build test-c-abi -fqemu
//! To run the tests on a specific architecture:
//! zig test -fno-stage1 -lc main.zig cfuncs.c -target mips-linux --test-cmd qemu-mips --test-cmd-bin
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const print = std.debug.print;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const has_i128 = builtin.cpu.arch != .x86 and !builtin.cpu.arch.isARM() and
!builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS() and !builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC();
extern fn run_c_tests() void;
export fn zig_panic() noreturn {
@panic("zig_panic called from C");
test "C importing Zig ABI Tests" {
extern fn c_u8(u8) void;
extern fn c_u16(u16) void;
extern fn c_u32(u32) void;
extern fn c_u64(u64) void;
extern fn c_struct_u128(U128) void;
extern fn c_i8(i8) void;
extern fn c_i16(i16) void;
extern fn c_i32(i32) void;
extern fn c_i64(i64) void;
extern fn c_struct_i128(I128) void;
// On windows x64, the first 4 are passed via registers, others on the stack.
extern fn c_five_integers(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32) void;
export fn zig_five_integers(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32, d: i32, e: i32) void {
expect(a == 12) catch @panic("test failure: zig_five_integers 12");
expect(b == 34) catch @panic("test failure: zig_five_integers 34");
expect(c == 56) catch @panic("test failure: zig_five_integers 56");
expect(d == 78) catch @panic("test failure: zig_five_integers 78");
expect(e == 90) catch @panic("test failure: zig_five_integers 90");
test "C ABI integers" {
if (has_i128) c_struct_u128(.{ .value = 0xfffffffffffffffc });
if (has_i128) c_struct_i128(.{ .value = -6 });
c_five_integers(12, 34, 56, 78, 90);
export fn zig_u8(x: u8) void {
expect(x == 0xff) catch @panic("test failure: zig_u8");
export fn zig_u16(x: u16) void {
expect(x == 0xfffe) catch @panic("test failure: zig_u16");
export fn zig_u32(x: u32) void {
expect(x == 0xfffffffd) catch @panic("test failure: zig_u32");
export fn zig_u64(x: u64) void {
expect(x == 0xfffffffffffffffc) catch @panic("test failure: zig_u64");
export fn zig_i8(x: i8) void {
expect(x == -1) catch @panic("test failure: zig_i8");
export fn zig_i16(x: i16) void {
expect(x == -2) catch @panic("test failure: zig_i16");
export fn zig_i32(x: i32) void {
expect(x == -3) catch @panic("test failure: zig_i32");
export fn zig_i64(x: i64) void {
expect(x == -4) catch @panic("test failure: zig_i64");
const I128 = extern struct {
value: i128,
const U128 = extern struct {
value: u128,
export fn zig_struct_i128(a: I128) void {
expect(a.value == -6) catch @panic("test failure: zig_struct_i128");
export fn zig_struct_u128(a: U128) void {
expect(a.value == 0xfffffffffffffffc) catch @panic("test failure: zig_struct_u128");
extern fn c_f32(f32) void;
extern fn c_f64(f64) void;
extern fn c_long_double(c_longdouble) void;
// On windows x64, the first 4 are passed via registers, others on the stack.
extern fn c_five_floats(f32, f32, f32, f32, f32) void;
export fn zig_five_floats(a: f32, b: f32, c: f32, d: f32, e: f32) void {
expect(a == 1.0) catch @panic("test failure: zig_five_floats 1.0");
expect(b == 2.0) catch @panic("test failure: zig_five_floats 2.0");
expect(c == 3.0) catch @panic("test failure: zig_five_floats 3.0");
expect(d == 4.0) catch @panic("test failure: zig_five_floats 4.0");
expect(e == 5.0) catch @panic("test failure: zig_five_floats 5.0");
test "C ABI floats" {
c_five_floats(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
test "C ABI long double" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
export fn zig_f32(x: f32) void {
expect(x == 12.34) catch @panic("test failure: zig_f32");
export fn zig_f64(x: f64) void {
expect(x == 56.78) catch @panic("test failure: zig_f64");
export fn zig_longdouble(x: c_longdouble) void {
if (!builtin.cpu.arch.isWasm()) return; // waiting for #1481
expect(x == 12.34) catch @panic("test failure: zig_longdouble");
extern fn c_ptr(*anyopaque) void;
test "C ABI pointer" {
c_ptr(@intToPtr(*anyopaque, 0xdeadbeef));
export fn zig_ptr(x: *anyopaque) void {
expect(@ptrToInt(x) == 0xdeadbeef) catch @panic("test failure: zig_ptr");
extern fn c_bool(bool) void;
test "C ABI bool" {
export fn zig_bool(x: bool) void {
expect(x) catch @panic("test failure: zig_bool");
// TODO: Replace these with the correct types once we resolve
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/8465
// For now, we have no way of referring to the _Complex C types from Zig,
// so our ABI is unavoidably broken on some platforms (such as x86)
const ComplexFloat = extern struct {
real: f32,
imag: f32,
const ComplexDouble = extern struct {
real: f64,
imag: f64,
// Note: These two functions match the signature of __mulsc3 and __muldc3 in compiler-rt (and libgcc)
extern fn c_cmultf_comp(a_r: f32, a_i: f32, b_r: f32, b_i: f32) ComplexFloat;
extern fn c_cmultd_comp(a_r: f64, a_i: f64, b_r: f64, b_i: f64) ComplexDouble;
extern fn c_cmultf(a: ComplexFloat, b: ComplexFloat) ComplexFloat;
extern fn c_cmultd(a: ComplexDouble, b: ComplexDouble) ComplexDouble;
const complex_abi_compatible = builtin.cpu.arch != .x86 and !builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS() and
!builtin.cpu.arch.isARM() and !builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC() and !builtin.cpu.arch.isRISCV();
test "C ABI complex float" {
if (!complex_abi_compatible) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.cpu.arch == .x86_64) return error.SkipZigTest; // See https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/8465
const a = ComplexFloat{ .real = 1.25, .imag = 2.6 };
const b = ComplexFloat{ .real = 11.3, .imag = -1.5 };
const z = c_cmultf(a, b);
try expect(z.real == 1.5);
try expect(z.imag == 13.5);
test "C ABI complex float by component" {
if (!complex_abi_compatible) return error.SkipZigTest;
const a = ComplexFloat{ .real = 1.25, .imag = 2.6 };
const b = ComplexFloat{ .real = 11.3, .imag = -1.5 };
const z2 = c_cmultf_comp(a.real, a.imag, b.real, b.imag);
try expect(z2.real == 1.5);
try expect(z2.imag == 13.5);
test "C ABI complex double" {
if (!complex_abi_compatible) return error.SkipZigTest;
const a = ComplexDouble{ .real = 1.25, .imag = 2.6 };
const b = ComplexDouble{ .real = 11.3, .imag = -1.5 };
const z = c_cmultd(a, b);
try expect(z.real == 1.5);
try expect(z.imag == 13.5);
test "C ABI complex double by component" {
if (!complex_abi_compatible) return error.SkipZigTest;
const a = ComplexDouble{ .real = 1.25, .imag = 2.6 };
const b = ComplexDouble{ .real = 11.3, .imag = -1.5 };
const z = c_cmultd_comp(a.real, a.imag, b.real, b.imag);
try expect(z.real == 1.5);
try expect(z.imag == 13.5);
export fn zig_cmultf(a: ComplexFloat, b: ComplexFloat) ComplexFloat {
expect(a.real == 1.25) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultf 1");
expect(a.imag == 2.6) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultf 2");
expect(b.real == 11.3) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultf 3");
expect(b.imag == -1.5) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultf 4");
return .{ .real = 1.5, .imag = 13.5 };
export fn zig_cmultd(a: ComplexDouble, b: ComplexDouble) ComplexDouble {
expect(a.real == 1.25) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultd 1");
expect(a.imag == 2.6) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultd 2");
expect(b.real == 11.3) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultd 3");
expect(b.imag == -1.5) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultd 4");
return .{ .real = 1.5, .imag = 13.5 };
export fn zig_cmultf_comp(a_r: f32, a_i: f32, b_r: f32, b_i: f32) ComplexFloat {
expect(a_r == 1.25) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultf_comp 1");
expect(a_i == 2.6) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultf_comp 2");
expect(b_r == 11.3) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultf_comp 3");
expect(b_i == -1.5) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultf_comp 4");
return .{ .real = 1.5, .imag = 13.5 };
export fn zig_cmultd_comp(a_r: f64, a_i: f64, b_r: f64, b_i: f64) ComplexDouble {
expect(a_r == 1.25) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultd_comp 1");
expect(a_i == 2.6) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultd_comp 2");
expect(b_r == 11.3) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultd_comp 3");
expect(b_i == -1.5) catch @panic("test failure: zig_cmultd_comp 4");
return .{ .real = 1.5, .imag = 13.5 };
const BigStruct = extern struct {
a: u64,
b: u64,
c: u64,
d: u64,
e: u8,
extern fn c_big_struct(BigStruct) void;
test "C ABI big struct" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var s = BigStruct{
.a = 1,
.b = 2,
.c = 3,
.d = 4,
.e = 5,
export fn zig_big_struct(x: BigStruct) void {
expect(x.a == 1) catch @panic("test failure: zig_big_struct 1");
expect(x.b == 2) catch @panic("test failure: zig_big_struct 2");
expect(x.c == 3) catch @panic("test failure: zig_big_struct 3");
expect(x.d == 4) catch @panic("test failure: zig_big_struct 4");
expect(x.e == 5) catch @panic("test failure: zig_big_struct 5");
const BigUnion = extern union {
a: BigStruct,
extern fn c_big_union(BigUnion) void;
test "C ABI big union" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var x = BigUnion{
.a = BigStruct{
.a = 1,
.b = 2,
.c = 3,
.d = 4,
.e = 5,
export fn zig_big_union(x: BigUnion) void {
expect(x.a.a == 1) catch @panic("test failure: zig_big_union a");
expect(x.a.b == 2) catch @panic("test failure: zig_big_union b");
expect(x.a.c == 3) catch @panic("test failure: zig_big_union c");
expect(x.a.d == 4) catch @panic("test failure: zig_big_union d");
expect(x.a.e == 5) catch @panic("test failure: zig_big_union e");
const MedStructMixed = extern struct {
a: u32,
b: f32,
c: f32,
d: u32 = 0,
extern fn c_med_struct_mixed(MedStructMixed) void;
extern fn c_ret_med_struct_mixed() MedStructMixed;
test "C ABI medium struct of ints and floats" {
if (builtin.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var s = MedStructMixed{
.a = 1234,
.b = 100.0,
.c = 1337.0,
var s2 = c_ret_med_struct_mixed();
try expect(s2.a == 1234);
try expect(s2.b == 100.0);
try expect(s2.c == 1337.0);
export fn zig_med_struct_mixed(x: MedStructMixed) void {
expect(x.a == 1234) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.b == 100.0) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.c == 1337.0) catch @panic("test failure");
const SmallStructInts = extern struct {
a: u8,
b: u8,
c: u8,
d: u8,
extern fn c_small_struct_ints(SmallStructInts) void;
extern fn c_ret_small_struct_ints() SmallStructInts;
test "C ABI small struct of ints" {
if (builtin.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var s = SmallStructInts{
.a = 1,
.b = 2,
.c = 3,
.d = 4,
var s2 = c_ret_small_struct_ints();
try expect(s2.a == 1);
try expect(s2.b == 2);
try expect(s2.c == 3);
try expect(s2.d == 4);
export fn zig_small_struct_ints(x: SmallStructInts) void {
expect(x.a == 1) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.b == 2) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.c == 3) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.d == 4) catch @panic("test failure");
const SmallPackedStruct = packed struct {
a: u2,
b: u2,
c: u2,
d: u2,
extern fn c_small_packed_struct(SmallPackedStruct) void;
extern fn c_ret_small_packed_struct() SmallPackedStruct;
export fn zig_small_packed_struct(x: SmallPackedStruct) void {
expect(x.a == 0) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.b == 1) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.c == 2) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.d == 3) catch @panic("test failure");
test "C ABI small packed struct" {
var s = SmallPackedStruct{ .a = 0, .b = 1, .c = 2, .d = 3 };
var s2 = c_ret_small_packed_struct();
try expect(s2.a == 0);
try expect(s2.b == 1);
try expect(s2.c == 2);
try expect(s2.d == 3);
const BigPackedStruct = packed struct {
a: u64,
b: u64,
extern fn c_big_packed_struct(BigPackedStruct) void;
extern fn c_ret_big_packed_struct() BigPackedStruct;
export fn zig_big_packed_struct(x: BigPackedStruct) void {
expect(x.a == 1) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.b == 2) catch @panic("test failure");
test "C ABI big packed struct" {
if (!has_i128) return error.SkipZigTest;
var s = BigPackedStruct{ .a = 1, .b = 2 };
var s2 = c_ret_big_packed_struct();
try expect(s2.a == 1);
try expect(s2.b == 2);
const SplitStructInt = extern struct {
a: u64,
b: u8,
c: u32,
extern fn c_split_struct_ints(SplitStructInt) void;
test "C ABI split struct of ints" {
if (builtin.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var s = SplitStructInt{
.a = 1234,
.b = 100,
.c = 1337,
export fn zig_split_struct_ints(x: SplitStructInt) void {
expect(x.a == 1234) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.b == 100) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.c == 1337) catch @panic("test failure");
const SplitStructMixed = extern struct {
a: u64,
b: u8,
c: f32,
extern fn c_split_struct_mixed(SplitStructMixed) void;
extern fn c_ret_split_struct_mixed() SplitStructMixed;
test "C ABI split struct of ints and floats" {
if (builtin.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var s = SplitStructMixed{
.a = 1234,
.b = 100,
.c = 1337.0,
var s2 = c_ret_split_struct_mixed();
try expect(s2.a == 1234);
try expect(s2.b == 100);
try expect(s2.c == 1337.0);
export fn zig_split_struct_mixed(x: SplitStructMixed) void {
expect(x.a == 1234) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.b == 100) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.c == 1337.0) catch @panic("test failure");
extern fn c_big_struct_both(BigStruct) BigStruct;
extern fn c_multiple_struct_ints(Rect, Rect) void;
extern fn c_multiple_struct_floats(FloatRect, FloatRect) void;
test "C ABI sret and byval together" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var s = BigStruct{
.a = 1,
.b = 2,
.c = 3,
.d = 4,
.e = 5,
var y = c_big_struct_both(s);
try expect(y.a == 10);
try expect(y.b == 11);
try expect(y.c == 12);
try expect(y.d == 13);
try expect(y.e == 14);
export fn zig_big_struct_both(x: BigStruct) BigStruct {
expect(x.a == 30) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.b == 31) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.c == 32) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.d == 33) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.e == 34) catch @panic("test failure");
var s = BigStruct{
.a = 20,
.b = 21,
.c = 22,
.d = 23,
.e = 24,
return s;
const Vector3 = extern struct {
x: f32,
y: f32,
z: f32,
extern fn c_small_struct_floats(Vector3) void;
extern fn c_small_struct_floats_extra(Vector3, ?[*]const u8) void;
const Vector5 = extern struct {
x: f32,
y: f32,
z: f32,
w: f32,
q: f32,
extern fn c_big_struct_floats(Vector5) void;
test "C ABI structs of floats as parameter" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var v3 = Vector3{
.x = 3.0,
.y = 6.0,
.z = 12.0,
c_small_struct_floats_extra(v3, "hello");
var v5 = Vector5{
.x = 76.0,
.y = -1.0,
.z = -12.0,
.w = 69.0,
.q = 55,
const Rect = extern struct {
left: u32,
right: u32,
top: u32,
bottom: u32,
export fn zig_multiple_struct_ints(x: Rect, y: Rect) void {
expect(x.left == 1) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.right == 21) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.top == 16) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.bottom == 4) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(y.left == 178) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(y.right == 189) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(y.top == 21) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(y.bottom == 15) catch @panic("test failure");
test "C ABI structs of ints as multiple parameters" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var r1 = Rect{
.left = 1,
.right = 21,
.top = 16,
.bottom = 4,
var r2 = Rect{
.left = 178,
.right = 189,
.top = 21,
.bottom = 15,
c_multiple_struct_ints(r1, r2);
const FloatRect = extern struct {
left: f32,
right: f32,
top: f32,
bottom: f32,
export fn zig_multiple_struct_floats(x: FloatRect, y: FloatRect) void {
expect(x.left == 1) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.right == 21) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.top == 16) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(x.bottom == 4) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(y.left == 178) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(y.right == 189) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(y.top == 21) catch @panic("test failure");
expect(y.bottom == 15) catch @panic("test failure");
test "C ABI structs of floats as multiple parameters" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var r1 = FloatRect{
.left = 1,
.right = 21,
.top = 16,
.bottom = 4,
var r2 = FloatRect{
.left = 178,
.right = 189,
.top = 21,
.bottom = 15,
c_multiple_struct_floats(r1, r2);
export fn zig_ret_bool() bool {
return true;
export fn zig_ret_u8() u8 {
return 0xff;
export fn zig_ret_u16() u16 {
return 0xffff;
export fn zig_ret_u32() u32 {
return 0xffffffff;
export fn zig_ret_u64() u64 {
return 0xffffffffffffffff;
export fn zig_ret_i8() i8 {
return -1;
export fn zig_ret_i16() i16 {
return -1;
export fn zig_ret_i32() i32 {
return -1;
export fn zig_ret_i64() i64 {
return -1;
export fn zig_ret_small_struct_ints() SmallStructInts {
return .{
.a = 1,
.b = 2,
.c = 3,
.d = 4,
export fn zig_ret_med_struct_mixed() MedStructMixed {
return .{
.a = 1234,
.b = 100.0,
.c = 1337.0,
export fn zig_ret_split_struct_mixed() SplitStructMixed {
return .{
.a = 1234,
.b = 100,
.c = 1337.0,
extern fn c_ret_bool() bool;
extern fn c_ret_u8() u8;
extern fn c_ret_u16() u16;
extern fn c_ret_u32() u32;
extern fn c_ret_u64() u64;
extern fn c_ret_i8() i8;
extern fn c_ret_i16() i16;
extern fn c_ret_i32() i32;
extern fn c_ret_i64() i64;
test "C ABI integer return types" {
try expect(c_ret_bool() == true);
try expect(c_ret_u8() == 0xff);
try expect(c_ret_u16() == 0xffff);
try expect(c_ret_u32() == 0xffffffff);
try expect(c_ret_u64() == 0xffffffffffffffff);
try expect(c_ret_i8() == -1);
try expect(c_ret_i16() == -1);
try expect(c_ret_i32() == -1);
try expect(c_ret_i64() == -1);
const StructWithArray = extern struct {
a: i32,
padding: [4]u8,
b: i64,
extern fn c_struct_with_array(StructWithArray) void;
extern fn c_ret_struct_with_array() StructWithArray;
test "Struct with array as padding." {
if (builtin.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
c_struct_with_array(.{ .a = 1, .padding = undefined, .b = 2 });
var x = c_ret_struct_with_array();
try expect(x.a == 4);
try expect(x.b == 155);
const FloatArrayStruct = extern struct {
origin: extern struct {
x: f64,
y: f64,
size: extern struct {
width: f64,
height: f64,
extern fn c_float_array_struct(FloatArrayStruct) void;
extern fn c_ret_float_array_struct() FloatArrayStruct;
test "Float array like struct" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
.origin = .{
.x = 5,
.y = 6,
.size = .{
.width = 7,
.height = 8,
var x = c_ret_float_array_struct();
try expect(x.origin.x == 1);
try expect(x.origin.y == 2);
try expect(x.size.width == 3);
try expect(x.size.height == 4);
const SmallVec = @Vector(2, u32);
extern fn c_small_vec(SmallVec) void;
extern fn c_ret_small_vec() SmallVec;
test "small simd vector" {
if (builtin.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
c_small_vec(.{ 1, 2 });
var x = c_ret_small_vec();
try expect(x[0] == 3);
try expect(x[1] == 4);
const BigVec = @Vector(8, usize);
extern fn c_big_vec(BigVec) void;
extern fn c_ret_big_vec() BigVec;
test "big simd vector" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (true) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/13629
return error.SkipZigTest;
c_big_vec(.{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 });
var x = c_ret_big_vec();
try expect(x[0] == 9);
try expect(x[1] == 10);
try expect(x[2] == 11);
try expect(x[3] == 12);
try expect(x[4] == 13);
try expect(x[5] == 14);
try expect(x[6] == 15);
try expect(x[7] == 16);
const Vector2 = extern struct { x: f32, y: f32 };
extern fn c_ptr_size_float_struct(Vector2) void;
extern fn c_ret_ptr_size_float_struct() Vector2;
test "C ABI pointer sized float struct" {
if (builtin.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isRISCV()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
c_ptr_size_float_struct(.{ .x = 1, .y = 2 });
var x = c_ret_ptr_size_float_struct();
try expect(x.x == 3);
try expect(x.y == 4);
//=== Helpers for struct test ===//
pub inline fn expectOk(c_err: c_int) !void {
if (c_err != 0) {
std.debug.print("ABI mismatch on field v{d}.\n", .{c_err});
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
/// Tests for Double + Char struct
const DC = extern struct { v1: f64, v2: u8 };
test "DC: Zig passes to C" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isRISCV()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectOk(c_assert_DC(.{ .v1 = -0.25, .v2 = 15 }));
test "DC: Zig returns to C" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isRISCV()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectOk(c_assert_ret_DC());
test "DC: C passes to Zig" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isRISCV()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectOk(c_send_DC());
test "DC: C returns to Zig" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isRISCV()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectEqual(c_ret_DC(), .{ .v1 = -0.25, .v2 = 15 });
pub extern fn c_assert_DC(lv: DC) c_int;
pub extern fn c_assert_ret_DC() c_int;
pub extern fn c_send_DC() c_int;
pub extern fn c_ret_DC() DC;
pub export fn zig_assert_DC(lv: DC) c_int {
var err: c_int = 0;
if (lv.v1 != -0.25) err = 1;
if (lv.v2 != 15) err = 2;
if (err != 0) std.debug.print("Received {}", .{lv});
return err;
pub export fn zig_ret_DC() DC {
return .{ .v1 = -0.25, .v2 = 15 };
/// Tests for Char + Float + FloatRect struct
const CFF = extern struct { v1: u8, v2: f32, v3: f32 };
test "CFF: Zig passes to C" {
if (builtin.target.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectOk(c_assert_CFF(.{ .v1 = 39, .v2 = 0.875, .v3 = 1.0 }));
test "CFF: Zig returns to C" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectOk(c_assert_ret_CFF());
test "CFF: C passes to Zig" {
if (builtin.target.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectOk(c_send_CFF());
test "CFF: C returns to Zig" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectEqual(c_ret_CFF(), .{ .v1 = 39, .v2 = 0.875, .v3 = 1.0 });
pub extern fn c_assert_CFF(lv: CFF) c_int;
pub extern fn c_assert_ret_CFF() c_int;
pub extern fn c_send_CFF() c_int;
pub extern fn c_ret_CFF() CFF;
pub export fn zig_assert_CFF(lv: CFF) c_int {
var err: c_int = 0;
if (lv.v1 != 39) err = 1;
if (lv.v2 != 0.875) err = 2;
if (lv.v3 != 1.0) err = 3;
if (err != 0) std.debug.print("Received {}", .{lv});
return err;
pub export fn zig_ret_CFF() CFF {
return .{ .v1 = 39, .v2 = 0.875, .v3 = 1.0 };
/// Tests for Pointer + Double struct
const PD = extern struct { v1: ?*anyopaque, v2: f64 };
test "PD: Zig passes to C" {
if (builtin.target.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectOk(c_assert_PD(.{ .v1 = null, .v2 = 0.5 }));
test "PD: Zig returns to C" {
if (builtin.target.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectOk(c_assert_ret_PD());
test "PD: C passes to Zig" {
if (builtin.target.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isMIPS()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectOk(c_send_PD());
test "PD: C returns to Zig" {
if (builtin.target.cpu.arch == .x86) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC64()) return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectEqual(c_ret_PD(), .{ .v1 = null, .v2 = 0.5 });
pub extern fn c_assert_PD(lv: PD) c_int;
pub extern fn c_assert_ret_PD() c_int;
pub extern fn c_send_PD() c_int;
pub extern fn c_ret_PD() PD;
pub export fn zig_c_assert_PD(lv: PD) c_int {
var err: c_int = 0;
if (lv.v1 != null) err = 1;
if (lv.v2 != 0.5) err = 2;
if (err != 0) std.debug.print("Received {}", .{lv});
return err;
pub export fn zig_ret_PD() PD {
return .{ .v1 = null, .v2 = 0.5 };
pub export fn zig_assert_PD(lv: PD) c_int {
var err: c_int = 0;
if (lv.v1 != null) err = 1;
if (lv.v2 != 0.5) err = 2;
if (err != 0) std.debug.print("Received {}", .{lv});
return err;
const ByRef = extern struct {
val: c_int,
arr: [15]c_int,
extern fn c_modify_by_ref_param(ByRef) ByRef;
test "C function modifies by ref param" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
const res = c_modify_by_ref_param(.{ .val = 1, .arr = undefined });
try expect(res.val == 42);
const ByVal = extern struct {
origin: extern struct {
x: c_ulong,
y: c_ulong,
z: c_ulong,
size: extern struct {
width: c_ulong,
height: c_ulong,
depth: c_ulong,
extern fn c_func_ptr_byval(*anyopaque, *anyopaque, ByVal, c_ulong, *anyopaque, c_ulong) void;
test "C function that takes byval struct called via function pointer" {
if (comptime builtin.cpu.arch.isPPC()) return error.SkipZigTest;
var fn_ptr = &c_func_ptr_byval;
@intToPtr(*anyopaque, 1),
@intToPtr(*anyopaque, 2),
.origin = .{ .x = 9, .y = 10, .z = 11 },
.size = .{ .width = 12, .height = 13, .depth = 14 },
@as(c_ulong, 3),
@intToPtr(*anyopaque, 4),
@as(c_ulong, 5),