Marc Tiehuis 53b18b0791 Add secureZero function
This is identical to `mem.set(u8, slice, 0)` except that it will never
be optimized out by the compiler. Intended usage is for clearing
secret data.

The resulting assembly has been manually verified in --release-* modes.

It would be valuable to test the 'never be optimized out' claim in tests
but this is harder than initially expected due to how much Zig appears
to know locally. May be doable with @intToPtr, @ptrToInt to get around
known data dependencies but I could not work it out right now.
2018-08-18 12:15:39 +12:00

812 lines
25 KiB

const std = @import("index.zig");
const debug = std.debug;
const assert = debug.assert;
const math = std.math;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const mem = this;
pub const Allocator = struct {
pub const Error = error{OutOfMemory};
/// Allocate byte_count bytes and return them in a slice, with the
/// slice's pointer aligned at least to alignment bytes.
/// The returned newly allocated memory is undefined.
/// `alignment` is guaranteed to be >= 1
/// `alignment` is guaranteed to be a power of 2
allocFn: fn (self: *Allocator, byte_count: usize, alignment: u29) Error![]u8,
/// If `new_byte_count > old_mem.len`:
/// * `old_mem.len` is the same as what was returned from allocFn or reallocFn.
/// * alignment >= alignment of old_mem.ptr
/// If `new_byte_count <= old_mem.len`:
/// * this function must return successfully.
/// * alignment <= alignment of old_mem.ptr
/// When `reallocFn` returns,
/// `return_value[0..min(old_mem.len, new_byte_count)]` must be the same
/// as `old_mem` was when `reallocFn` is called. The bytes of
/// `return_value[old_mem.len..]` have undefined values.
/// `alignment` is guaranteed to be >= 1
/// `alignment` is guaranteed to be a power of 2
reallocFn: fn (self: *Allocator, old_mem: []u8, new_byte_count: usize, alignment: u29) Error![]u8,
/// Guaranteed: `old_mem.len` is the same as what was returned from `allocFn` or `reallocFn`
freeFn: fn (self: *Allocator, old_mem: []u8) void,
/// Call `destroy` with the result
/// TODO this is deprecated. use createOne instead
pub fn create(self: *Allocator, init: var) Error!*@typeOf(init) {
const T = @typeOf(init);
if (@sizeOf(T) == 0) return &(T{});
const slice = try self.alloc(T, 1);
const ptr = &slice[0];
ptr.* = init;
return ptr;
/// Call `destroy` with the result.
/// Returns undefined memory.
pub fn createOne(self: *Allocator, comptime T: type) Error!*T {
if (@sizeOf(T) == 0) return &(T{});
const slice = try self.alloc(T, 1);
return &slice[0];
/// `ptr` should be the return value of `create`
pub fn destroy(self: *Allocator, ptr: var) void {
const non_const_ptr = @intToPtr([*]u8, @ptrToInt(ptr));
self.freeFn(self, non_const_ptr[0..@sizeOf(@typeOf(ptr).Child)]);
pub fn alloc(self: *Allocator, comptime T: type, n: usize) ![]T {
return self.alignedAlloc(T, @alignOf(T), n);
pub fn alignedAlloc(self: *Allocator, comptime T: type, comptime alignment: u29, n: usize) ![]align(alignment) T {
if (n == 0) {
return ([*]align(alignment) T)(undefined)[0..0];
const byte_count = math.mul(usize, @sizeOf(T), n) catch return Error.OutOfMemory;
const byte_slice = try self.allocFn(self, byte_count, alignment);
assert(byte_slice.len == byte_count);
// This loop gets optimized out in ReleaseFast mode
for (byte_slice) |*byte| {
byte.* = undefined;
return @bytesToSlice(T, @alignCast(alignment, byte_slice));
pub fn realloc(self: *Allocator, comptime T: type, old_mem: []T, n: usize) ![]T {
return self.alignedRealloc(T, @alignOf(T), @alignCast(@alignOf(T), old_mem), n);
pub fn alignedRealloc(self: *Allocator, comptime T: type, comptime alignment: u29, old_mem: []align(alignment) T, n: usize) ![]align(alignment) T {
if (old_mem.len == 0) {
return self.alignedAlloc(T, alignment, n);
if (n == 0) {
return ([*]align(alignment) T)(undefined)[0..0];
const old_byte_slice = @sliceToBytes(old_mem);
const byte_count = math.mul(usize, @sizeOf(T), n) catch return Error.OutOfMemory;
const byte_slice = try self.reallocFn(self, old_byte_slice, byte_count, alignment);
assert(byte_slice.len == byte_count);
if (n > old_mem.len) {
// This loop gets optimized out in ReleaseFast mode
for (byte_slice[old_byte_slice.len..]) |*byte| {
byte.* = undefined;
return @bytesToSlice(T, @alignCast(alignment, byte_slice));
/// Reallocate, but `n` must be less than or equal to `old_mem.len`.
/// Unlike `realloc`, this function cannot fail.
/// Shrinking to 0 is the same as calling `free`.
pub fn shrink(self: *Allocator, comptime T: type, old_mem: []T, n: usize) []T {
return self.alignedShrink(T, @alignOf(T), @alignCast(@alignOf(T), old_mem), n);
pub fn alignedShrink(self: *Allocator, comptime T: type, comptime alignment: u29, old_mem: []align(alignment) T, n: usize) []align(alignment) T {
if (n == 0) {
return old_mem[0..0];
assert(n <= old_mem.len);
// Here we skip the overflow checking on the multiplication because
// n <= old_mem.len and the multiplication didn't overflow for that operation.
const byte_count = @sizeOf(T) * n;
const byte_slice = self.reallocFn(self, @sliceToBytes(old_mem), byte_count, alignment) catch unreachable;
assert(byte_slice.len == byte_count);
return @bytesToSlice(T, @alignCast(alignment, byte_slice));
pub fn free(self: *Allocator, memory: var) void {
const bytes = @sliceToBytes(memory);
if (bytes.len == 0) return;
const non_const_ptr = @intToPtr([*]u8, @ptrToInt(bytes.ptr));
self.freeFn(self, non_const_ptr[0..bytes.len]);
pub const Compare = enum {
/// Copy all of source into dest at position 0.
/// dest.len must be >= source.len.
/// dest.ptr must be <= src.ptr.
pub fn copy(comptime T: type, dest: []T, source: []const T) void {
// TODO instead of manually doing this check for the whole array
// and turning off runtime safety, the compiler should detect loops like
// this and automatically omit safety checks for loops
assert(dest.len >= source.len);
for (source) |s, i|
dest[i] = s;
/// Copy all of source into dest at position 0.
/// dest.len must be >= source.len.
/// dest.ptr must be >= src.ptr.
pub fn copyBackwards(comptime T: type, dest: []T, source: []const T) void {
// TODO instead of manually doing this check for the whole array
// and turning off runtime safety, the compiler should detect loops like
// this and automatically omit safety checks for loops
assert(dest.len >= source.len);
var i = source.len;
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
dest[i] = source[i];
pub fn set(comptime T: type, dest: []T, value: T) void {
for (dest) |*d|
d.* = value;
pub fn secureZero(comptime T: type, s: []T) void {
// NOTE: We do not use a volatile slice cast here since LLVM cannot
// see that it can be replaced by a memset.
const ptr = @ptrCast([*]volatile u8, s.ptr);
const len = s.len * @sizeOf(T);
@memset(ptr, 0, len);
test "mem.secureZero" {
var a = []u8{0xfe} ** 8;
var b = []u8{0xfe} ** 8;
set(u8, a[0..], 0);
secureZero(u8, b[0..]);
assert(eql(u8, a[0..], b[0..]));
pub fn compare(comptime T: type, lhs: []const T, rhs: []const T) Compare {
const n = math.min(lhs.len, rhs.len);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < n) : (i += 1) {
if (lhs[i] == rhs[i]) {
} else if (lhs[i] < rhs[i]) {
return Compare.LessThan;
} else if (lhs[i] > rhs[i]) {
return Compare.GreaterThan;
} else {
if (lhs.len == rhs.len) {
return Compare.Equal;
} else if (lhs.len < rhs.len) {
return Compare.LessThan;
} else if (lhs.len > rhs.len) {
return Compare.GreaterThan;
test "mem.compare" {
assert(compare(u8, "abcd", "bee") == Compare.LessThan);
assert(compare(u8, "abc", "abc") == Compare.Equal);
assert(compare(u8, "abc", "abc0") == Compare.LessThan);
assert(compare(u8, "", "") == Compare.Equal);
assert(compare(u8, "", "a") == Compare.LessThan);
/// Returns true if lhs < rhs, false otherwise
pub fn lessThan(comptime T: type, lhs: []const T, rhs: []const T) bool {
var result = compare(T, lhs, rhs);
if (result == Compare.LessThan) {
return true;
} else
return false;
test "mem.lessThan" {
assert(lessThan(u8, "abcd", "bee"));
assert(!lessThan(u8, "abc", "abc"));
assert(lessThan(u8, "abc", "abc0"));
assert(!lessThan(u8, "", ""));
assert(lessThan(u8, "", "a"));
/// Compares two slices and returns whether they are equal.
pub fn eql(comptime T: type, a: []const T, b: []const T) bool {
if (a.len != b.len) return false;
for (a) |item, index| {
if (b[index] != item) return false;
return true;
/// Returns true if all elements in a slice are equal to the scalar value provided
pub fn allEqual(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, scalar: T) bool {
for (slice) |item| {
if (item != scalar) return false;
return true;
/// Copies ::m to newly allocated memory. Caller is responsible to free it.
pub fn dupe(allocator: *Allocator, comptime T: type, m: []const T) ![]T {
const new_buf = try allocator.alloc(T, m.len);
copy(T, new_buf, m);
return new_buf;
/// Remove values from the beginning of a slice.
pub fn trimLeft(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, values_to_strip: []const T) []const T {
var begin: usize = 0;
while (begin < slice.len and indexOfScalar(T, values_to_strip, slice[begin]) != null) : (begin += 1) {}
return slice[begin..];
/// Remove values from the end of a slice.
pub fn trimRight(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, values_to_strip: []const T) []const T {
var end: usize = slice.len;
while (end > 0 and indexOfScalar(T, values_to_strip, slice[end - 1]) != null) : (end -= 1) {}
return slice[0..end];
/// Remove values from the beginning and end of a slice.
pub fn trim(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, values_to_strip: []const T) []const T {
var begin: usize = 0;
var end: usize = slice.len;
while (begin < end and indexOfScalar(T, values_to_strip, slice[begin]) != null) : (begin += 1) {}
while (end > begin and indexOfScalar(T, values_to_strip, slice[end - 1]) != null) : (end -= 1) {}
return slice[begin..end];
test "mem.trim" {
assert(eql(u8, trimLeft(u8, " foo\n ", " \n"), "foo\n "));
assert(eql(u8, trimRight(u8, " foo\n ", " \n"), " foo"));
assert(eql(u8, trim(u8, " foo\n ", " \n"), "foo"));
assert(eql(u8, trim(u8, "foo", " \n"), "foo"));
/// Linear search for the index of a scalar value inside a slice.
pub fn indexOfScalar(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, value: T) ?usize {
return indexOfScalarPos(T, slice, 0, value);
/// Linear search for the last index of a scalar value inside a slice.
pub fn lastIndexOfScalar(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, value: T) ?usize {
var i: usize = slice.len;
while (i != 0) {
i -= 1;
if (slice[i] == value) return i;
return null;
pub fn indexOfScalarPos(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, start_index: usize, value: T) ?usize {
var i: usize = start_index;
while (i < slice.len) : (i += 1) {
if (slice[i] == value) return i;
return null;
pub fn indexOfAny(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, values: []const T) ?usize {
return indexOfAnyPos(T, slice, 0, values);
pub fn lastIndexOfAny(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, values: []const T) ?usize {
var i: usize = slice.len;
while (i != 0) {
i -= 1;
for (values) |value| {
if (slice[i] == value) return i;
return null;
pub fn indexOfAnyPos(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, start_index: usize, values: []const T) ?usize {
var i: usize = start_index;
while (i < slice.len) : (i += 1) {
for (values) |value| {
if (slice[i] == value) return i;
return null;
pub fn indexOf(comptime T: type, haystack: []const T, needle: []const T) ?usize {
return indexOfPos(T, haystack, 0, needle);
/// Find the index in a slice of a sub-slice, searching from the end backwards.
/// To start looking at a different index, slice the haystack first.
/// TODO is there even a better algorithm for this?
pub fn lastIndexOf(comptime T: type, haystack: []const T, needle: []const T) ?usize {
if (needle.len > haystack.len) return null;
var i: usize = haystack.len - needle.len;
while (true) : (i -= 1) {
if (mem.eql(T, haystack[i .. i + needle.len], needle)) return i;
if (i == 0) return null;
// TODO boyer-moore algorithm
pub fn indexOfPos(comptime T: type, haystack: []const T, start_index: usize, needle: []const T) ?usize {
if (needle.len > haystack.len) return null;
var i: usize = start_index;
const end = haystack.len - needle.len;
while (i <= end) : (i += 1) {
if (eql(T, haystack[i .. i + needle.len], needle)) return i;
return null;
test "mem.indexOf" {
assert(indexOf(u8, "one two three four", "four").? == 14);
assert(lastIndexOf(u8, "one two three two four", "two").? == 14);
assert(indexOf(u8, "one two three four", "gour") == null);
assert(lastIndexOf(u8, "one two three four", "gour") == null);
assert(indexOf(u8, "foo", "foo").? == 0);
assert(lastIndexOf(u8, "foo", "foo").? == 0);
assert(indexOf(u8, "foo", "fool") == null);
assert(lastIndexOf(u8, "foo", "lfoo") == null);
assert(lastIndexOf(u8, "foo", "fool") == null);
assert(indexOf(u8, "foo foo", "foo").? == 0);
assert(lastIndexOf(u8, "foo foo", "foo").? == 4);
assert(lastIndexOfAny(u8, "boo, cat", "abo").? == 6);
assert(lastIndexOfScalar(u8, "boo", 'o').? == 2);
/// Reads an integer from memory with size equal to bytes.len.
/// T specifies the return type, which must be large enough to store
/// the result.
/// See also ::readIntBE or ::readIntLE.
pub fn readInt(bytes: []const u8, comptime T: type, endian: builtin.Endian) T {
if (T.bit_count == 8) {
return bytes[0];
var result: T = 0;
switch (endian) {
builtin.Endian.Big => {
for (bytes) |b| {
result = (result << 8) | b;
builtin.Endian.Little => {
const ShiftType = math.Log2Int(T);
for (bytes) |b, index| {
result = result | (T(b) << @intCast(ShiftType, index * 8));
return result;
/// Reads a big-endian int of type T from bytes.
/// bytes.len must be exactly @sizeOf(T).
pub fn readIntBE(comptime T: type, bytes: []const u8) T {
if (T.is_signed) {
return @bitCast(T, readIntBE(@IntType(false, T.bit_count), bytes));
assert(bytes.len == @sizeOf(T));
var result: T = 0;
comptime var i = 0;
inline while (i < @sizeOf(T)) : (i += 1) {
result = (result << 8) | T(bytes[i]);
return result;
/// Reads a little-endian int of type T from bytes.
/// bytes.len must be exactly @sizeOf(T).
pub fn readIntLE(comptime T: type, bytes: []const u8) T {
if (T.is_signed) {
return @bitCast(T, readIntLE(@IntType(false, T.bit_count), bytes));
assert(bytes.len == @sizeOf(T));
var result: T = 0;
comptime var i = 0;
inline while (i < @sizeOf(T)) : (i += 1) {
result |= T(bytes[i]) << i * 8;
return result;
/// Writes an integer to memory with size equal to bytes.len. Pads with zeroes
/// to fill the entire buffer provided.
/// value must be an integer.
pub fn writeInt(buf: []u8, value: var, endian: builtin.Endian) void {
const uint = @IntType(false, @typeOf(value).bit_count);
var bits = @truncate(uint, value);
switch (endian) {
builtin.Endian.Big => {
var index: usize = buf.len;
while (index != 0) {
index -= 1;
buf[index] = @truncate(u8, bits);
bits >>= 8;
builtin.Endian.Little => {
for (buf) |*b| {
b.* = @truncate(u8, bits);
bits >>= 8;
assert(bits == 0);
pub fn hash_slice_u8(k: []const u8) u32 {
// FNV 32-bit hash
var h: u32 = 2166136261;
for (k) |b| {
h = (h ^ b) *% 16777619;
return h;
pub fn eql_slice_u8(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool {
return eql(u8, a, b);
/// Returns an iterator that iterates over the slices of `buffer` that are not
/// any of the bytes in `split_bytes`.
/// split(" abc def ghi ", " ")
/// Will return slices for "abc", "def", "ghi", null, in that order.
pub fn split(buffer: []const u8, split_bytes: []const u8) SplitIterator {
return SplitIterator{
.index = 0,
.buffer = buffer,
.split_bytes = split_bytes,
test "mem.split" {
var it = split(" abc def ghi ", " ");
assert(eql(u8, it.next().?, "abc"));
assert(eql(u8, it.next().?, "def"));
assert(eql(u8, it.next().?, "ghi"));
assert(it.next() == null);
pub fn startsWith(comptime T: type, haystack: []const T, needle: []const T) bool {
return if (needle.len > haystack.len) false else eql(T, haystack[0..needle.len], needle);
test "mem.startsWith" {
assert(startsWith(u8, "Bob", "Bo"));
assert(!startsWith(u8, "Needle in haystack", "haystack"));
pub fn endsWith(comptime T: type, haystack: []const T, needle: []const T) bool {
return if (needle.len > haystack.len) false else eql(T, haystack[haystack.len - needle.len ..], needle);
test "mem.endsWith" {
assert(endsWith(u8, "Needle in haystack", "haystack"));
assert(!endsWith(u8, "Bob", "Bo"));
pub const SplitIterator = struct {
buffer: []const u8,
split_bytes: []const u8,
index: usize,
pub fn next(self: *SplitIterator) ?[]const u8 {
// move to beginning of token
while (self.index < self.buffer.len and self.isSplitByte(self.buffer[self.index])) : (self.index += 1) {}
const start = self.index;
if (start == self.buffer.len) {
return null;
// move to end of token
while (self.index < self.buffer.len and !self.isSplitByte(self.buffer[self.index])) : (self.index += 1) {}
const end = self.index;
return self.buffer[start..end];
/// Returns a slice of the remaining bytes. Does not affect iterator state.
pub fn rest(self: *const SplitIterator) []const u8 {
// move to beginning of token
var index: usize = self.index;
while (index < self.buffer.len and self.isSplitByte(self.buffer[index])) : (index += 1) {}
return self.buffer[index..];
fn isSplitByte(self: *const SplitIterator, byte: u8) bool {
for (self.split_bytes) |split_byte| {
if (byte == split_byte) {
return true;
return false;
/// Naively combines a series of strings with a separator.
/// Allocates memory for the result, which must be freed by the caller.
pub fn join(allocator: *Allocator, sep: u8, strings: ...) ![]u8 {
comptime assert(strings.len >= 1);
var total_strings_len: usize = strings.len; // 1 sep per string
comptime var string_i = 0;
inline while (string_i < strings.len) : (string_i += 1) {
const arg = ([]const u8)(strings[string_i]);
total_strings_len += arg.len;
const buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, total_strings_len);
errdefer allocator.free(buf);
var buf_index: usize = 0;
comptime var string_i = 0;
inline while (true) {
const arg = ([]const u8)(strings[string_i]);
string_i += 1;
copy(u8, buf[buf_index..], arg);
buf_index += arg.len;
if (string_i >= strings.len) break;
if (buf[buf_index - 1] != sep) {
buf[buf_index] = sep;
buf_index += 1;
return allocator.shrink(u8, buf, buf_index);
test "mem.join" {
assert(eql(u8, try join(debug.global_allocator, ',', "a", "b", "c"), "a,b,c"));
assert(eql(u8, try join(debug.global_allocator, ',', "a"), "a"));
test "testStringEquality" {
assert(eql(u8, "abcd", "abcd"));
assert(!eql(u8, "abcdef", "abZdef"));
assert(!eql(u8, "abcdefg", "abcdef"));
test "testReadInt" {
comptime testReadIntImpl();
fn testReadIntImpl() void {
const bytes = []u8{
assert(readInt(bytes, u32, builtin.Endian.Big) == 0x12345678);
assert(readIntBE(u32, bytes) == 0x12345678);
assert(readIntBE(i32, bytes) == 0x12345678);
assert(readInt(bytes, u32, builtin.Endian.Little) == 0x78563412);
assert(readIntLE(u32, bytes) == 0x78563412);
assert(readIntLE(i32, bytes) == 0x78563412);
const buf = []u8{
const answer = readInt(buf, u64, builtin.Endian.Big);
assert(answer == 0x00001234);
const buf = []u8{
const answer = readInt(buf, u64, builtin.Endian.Little);
assert(answer == 0x00003412);
const bytes = []u8{
assert(readIntBE(u16, bytes) == 0xfffe);
assert(readIntBE(i16, bytes) == -0x0002);
assert(readIntLE(u16, bytes) == 0xfeff);
assert(readIntLE(i16, bytes) == -0x0101);
test "testWriteInt" {
comptime testWriteIntImpl();
fn testWriteIntImpl() void {
var bytes: [4]u8 = undefined;
writeInt(bytes[0..], u32(0x12345678), builtin.Endian.Big);
assert(eql(u8, bytes, []u8{
writeInt(bytes[0..], u32(0x78563412), builtin.Endian.Little);
assert(eql(u8, bytes, []u8{
writeInt(bytes[0..], u16(0x1234), builtin.Endian.Big);
assert(eql(u8, bytes, []u8{
writeInt(bytes[0..], u16(0x1234), builtin.Endian.Little);
assert(eql(u8, bytes, []u8{
pub fn min(comptime T: type, slice: []const T) T {
var best = slice[0];
for (slice[1..]) |item| {
best = math.min(best, item);
return best;
test "mem.min" {
assert(min(u8, "abcdefg") == 'a');
pub fn max(comptime T: type, slice: []const T) T {
var best = slice[0];
for (slice[1..]) |item| {
best = math.max(best, item);
return best;
test "mem.max" {
assert(max(u8, "abcdefg") == 'g');
pub fn swap(comptime T: type, a: *T, b: *T) void {
const tmp = a.*;
a.* = b.*;
b.* = tmp;
/// In-place order reversal of a slice
pub fn reverse(comptime T: type, items: []T) void {
var i: usize = 0;
const end = items.len / 2;
while (i < end) : (i += 1) {
swap(T, &items[i], &items[items.len - i - 1]);
test "std.mem.reverse" {
var arr = []i32{
reverse(i32, arr[0..]);
assert(eql(i32, arr, []i32{
/// In-place rotation of the values in an array ([0 1 2 3] becomes [1 2 3 0] if we rotate by 1)
/// Assumes 0 <= amount <= items.len
pub fn rotate(comptime T: type, items: []T, amount: usize) void {
reverse(T, items[0..amount]);
reverse(T, items[amount..]);
reverse(T, items);
test "std.mem.rotate" {
var arr = []i32{
rotate(i32, arr[0..], 2);
assert(eql(i32, arr, []i32{
// TODO: When https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/649 is solved these can be done by
// endian-casting the pointer and then dereferencing
pub fn endianSwapIfLe(comptime T: type, x: T) T {
return endianSwapIf(builtin.Endian.Little, T, x);
pub fn endianSwapIfBe(comptime T: type, x: T) T {
return endianSwapIf(builtin.Endian.Big, T, x);
pub fn endianSwapIf(endian: builtin.Endian, comptime T: type, x: T) T {
return if (builtin.endian == endian) endianSwap(T, x) else x;
pub fn endianSwap(comptime T: type, x: T) T {
var buf: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined;
mem.writeInt(buf[0..], x, builtin.Endian.Little);
return mem.readInt(buf, T, builtin.Endian.Big);
test "std.mem.endianSwap" {
assert(endianSwap(u32, 0xDEADBEEF) == 0xEFBEADDE);