Andrew Kelley e4d595a8ba
fix thread local variables for non- position independent code
This fixes comes thanks to Rich Felker from the musl libc project,
who gave me this crucial information:

"to satisfy the abi, your init code has to write the same value
to that memory location as the value passed to the [arch_prctl]

This commit also changes the rules for when to build statically
by default. When building objects and static libraries, position
independent code is disabled if no libraries will be dynamically
linked and the target does not require position independent code.

closes #2063
2019-04-04 01:08:26 -04:00

186 lines
6.7 KiB

// This file is in a package which has the root source file exposed as "@root".
// It is included in the compilation unit when exporting an executable.
const root = @import("@root");
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
var argc_ptr: [*]usize = undefined;
comptime {
const strong_linkage = builtin.GlobalLinkage.Strong;
if (builtin.link_libc) {
@export("main", main, strong_linkage);
} else if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.windows) {
@export("WinMainCRTStartup", WinMainCRTStartup, strong_linkage);
} else {
@export("_start", _start, strong_linkage);
nakedcc fn _start() noreturn {
switch (builtin.arch) {
builtin.Arch.x86_64 => {
argc_ptr = asm ("lea (%%rsp), %[argc]"
: [argc] "=r" (-> [*]usize)
builtin.Arch.i386 => {
argc_ptr = asm ("lea (%%esp), %[argc]"
: [argc] "=r" (-> [*]usize)
builtin.Arch.aarch64, builtin.Arch.aarch64_be => {
argc_ptr = asm ("mov %[argc], sp"
: [argc] "=r" (-> [*]usize)
else => @compileError("unsupported arch"),
// If LLVM inlines stack variables into _start, they will overwrite
// the command line argument data.
extern fn WinMainCRTStartup() noreturn {
if (!builtin.single_threaded) {
_ = @import("bootstrap_windows_tls.zig");
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/265
fn posixCallMainAndExit() noreturn {
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.freebsd) {
const argc = argc_ptr[0];
const argv = @ptrCast([*][*]u8, argc_ptr + 1);
const envp_optional = @ptrCast([*]?[*]u8, argv + argc + 1);
var envp_count: usize = 0;
while (envp_optional[envp_count]) |_| : (envp_count += 1) {}
const envp = @ptrCast([*][*]u8, envp_optional)[0..envp_count];
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.linux) {
// Scan auxiliary vector.
const auxv = @ptrCast([*]std.elf.Auxv, envp.ptr + envp_count + 1);
std.os.linux_elf_aux_maybe = auxv;
var i: usize = 0;
var at_phdr: usize = 0;
var at_phnum: usize = 0;
var at_phent: usize = 0;
while (auxv[i].a_un.a_val != 0) : (i += 1) {
switch (auxv[i].a_type) {
std.elf.AT_PAGESZ => assert(auxv[i].a_un.a_val == std.os.page_size),
std.elf.AT_PHDR => at_phdr = auxv[i].a_un.a_val,
std.elf.AT_PHNUM => at_phnum = auxv[i].a_un.a_val,
std.elf.AT_PHENT => at_phent = auxv[i].a_un.a_val,
else => {},
if (!builtin.single_threaded) linuxInitializeThreadLocalStorage(at_phdr, at_phnum, at_phent);
std.os.posix.exit(callMainWithArgs(argc, argv, envp));
// This is marked inline because for some reason LLVM in release mode fails to inline it,
// and we want fewer call frames in stack traces.
inline fn callMainWithArgs(argc: usize, argv: [*][*]u8, envp: [][*]u8) u8 {
std.os.ArgIteratorPosix.raw = argv[0..argc];
std.os.posix_environ_raw = envp;
return callMain();
extern fn main(c_argc: i32, c_argv: [*][*]u8, c_envp: [*]?[*]u8) i32 {
var env_count: usize = 0;
while (c_envp[env_count] != null) : (env_count += 1) {}
const envp = @ptrCast([*][*]u8, c_envp)[0..env_count];
return callMainWithArgs(@intCast(usize, c_argc), c_argv, envp);
// This is marked inline because for some reason LLVM in release mode fails to inline it,
// and we want fewer call frames in stack traces.
inline fn callMain() u8 {
switch (@typeId(@typeOf(root.main).ReturnType)) {
builtin.TypeId.NoReturn => {
builtin.TypeId.Void => {
return 0;
builtin.TypeId.Int => {
if (@typeOf(root.main).ReturnType.bit_count != 8) {
@compileError("expected return type of main to be 'u8', 'noreturn', 'void', or '!void'");
return root.main();
builtin.TypeId.ErrorUnion => {
root.main() catch |err| {
std.debug.warn("error: {}\n", @errorName(err));
if (builtin.os != builtin.Os.zen) {
if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| {
return 1;
return 0;
else => @compileError("expected return type of main to be 'u8', 'noreturn', 'void', or '!void'"),
const main_thread_tls_align = 32;
var main_thread_tls_bytes: [64]u8 align(main_thread_tls_align) = [1]u8{0} ** 64;
fn linuxInitializeThreadLocalStorage(at_phdr: usize, at_phnum: usize, at_phent: usize) void {
var phdr_addr = at_phdr;
var n = at_phnum;
var base: usize = 0;
while (n != 0) : ({
n -= 1;
phdr_addr += at_phent;
}) {
const phdr = @intToPtr(*std.elf.Phdr, phdr_addr);
// TODO look for PT_DYNAMIC when we have https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1917
switch (phdr.p_type) {
std.elf.PT_PHDR => base = at_phdr - phdr.p_vaddr,
std.elf.PT_TLS => std.os.linux_tls_phdr = phdr,
else => continue,
const tls_phdr = std.os.linux_tls_phdr orelse return;
std.os.linux_tls_img_src = @intToPtr([*]const u8, base + tls_phdr.p_vaddr);
const end_addr = @ptrToInt(&main_thread_tls_bytes) + tls_phdr.p_memsz;
const max_end_addr = @ptrToInt(&main_thread_tls_bytes) + main_thread_tls_bytes.len;
assert(max_end_addr >= end_addr + @sizeOf(usize)); // not enough preallocated Thread Local Storage
assert(main_thread_tls_align >= tls_phdr.p_align); // preallocated Thread Local Storage not aligned enough
@memcpy(&main_thread_tls_bytes, std.os.linux_tls_img_src, tls_phdr.p_filesz);
const end_ptr = @intToPtr(*usize, end_addr);
end_ptr.* = end_addr;
fn linuxSetThreadArea(addr: usize) void {
switch (builtin.arch) {
builtin.Arch.x86_64 => {
const ARCH_SET_FS = 0x1002;
const rc = std.os.linux.syscall2(std.os.linux.SYS_arch_prctl, ARCH_SET_FS, addr);
// acrh_prctl is documented to never fail
assert(rc == 0);
builtin.Arch.aarch64 => {
asm volatile (
\\ msr tpidr_el0,x0
\\ mov w0,#0
\\ ret
else => @compileError("Unsupported architecture"),