Andrew Kelley 4a4ea92cf3 remove std.heap.IncrementingAllocator
Use std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator combined with
std.heap.DirectAllocator instead.

std.mem.FixedBufferAllocator is moved to std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator
2018-02-12 02:44:31 -05:00

854 lines
28 KiB

const std = @import("../index.zig");
const cstr = std.cstr;
const io = std.io;
const os = std.os;
const posix = os.posix;
const windows = os.windows;
const mem = std.mem;
const debug = std.debug;
const assert = debug.assert;
const BufMap = std.BufMap;
const Buffer = std.Buffer;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Os = builtin.Os;
const LinkedList = std.LinkedList;
var children_nodes = LinkedList(&ChildProcess).init();
const is_windows = builtin.os == Os.windows;
pub const ChildProcess = struct {
pub pid: if (is_windows) void else i32,
pub handle: if (is_windows) windows.HANDLE else void,
pub thread_handle: if (is_windows) windows.HANDLE else void,
pub allocator: &mem.Allocator,
pub stdin: ?os.File,
pub stdout: ?os.File,
pub stderr: ?os.File,
pub term: ?(SpawnError!Term),
pub argv: []const []const u8,
/// Possibly called from a signal handler. Must set this before calling `spawn`.
pub onTerm: ?fn(&ChildProcess)void,
/// Leave as null to use the current env map using the supplied allocator.
pub env_map: ?&const BufMap,
pub stdin_behavior: StdIo,
pub stdout_behavior: StdIo,
pub stderr_behavior: StdIo,
/// Set to change the user id when spawning the child process.
pub uid: if (is_windows) void else ?u32,
/// Set to change the group id when spawning the child process.
pub gid: if (is_windows) void else ?u32,
/// Set to change the current working directory when spawning the child process.
pub cwd: ?[]const u8,
err_pipe: if (is_windows) void else [2]i32,
llnode: if (is_windows) void else LinkedList(&ChildProcess).Node,
pub const SpawnError = error {
pub const Term = union(enum) {
Exited: i32,
Signal: i32,
Stopped: i32,
Unknown: i32,
pub const StdIo = enum {
/// First argument in argv is the executable.
/// On success must call deinit.
pub fn init(argv: []const []const u8, allocator: &mem.Allocator) !&ChildProcess {
const child = try allocator.create(ChildProcess);
errdefer allocator.destroy(child);
*child = ChildProcess {
.allocator = allocator,
.argv = argv,
.pid = undefined,
.handle = undefined,
.thread_handle = undefined,
.err_pipe = undefined,
.llnode = undefined,
.term = null,
.onTerm = null,
.env_map = null,
.cwd = null,
.uid = if (is_windows) {} else null,
.gid = if (is_windows) {} else null,
.stdin = null,
.stdout = null,
.stderr = null,
.stdin_behavior = StdIo.Inherit,
.stdout_behavior = StdIo.Inherit,
.stderr_behavior = StdIo.Inherit,
return child;
pub fn setUserName(self: &ChildProcess, name: []const u8) !void {
const user_info = try os.getUserInfo(name);
self.uid = user_info.uid;
self.gid = user_info.gid;
/// onTerm can be called before `spawn` returns.
/// On success must call `kill` or `wait`.
pub fn spawn(self: &ChildProcess) !void {
if (is_windows) {
return self.spawnWindows();
} else {
return self.spawnPosix();
pub fn spawnAndWait(self: &ChildProcess) !Term {
try self.spawn();
return self.wait();
/// Forcibly terminates child process and then cleans up all resources.
pub fn kill(self: &ChildProcess) !Term {
if (is_windows) {
return self.killWindows(1);
} else {
return self.killPosix();
pub fn killWindows(self: &ChildProcess, exit_code: windows.UINT) !Term {
if (self.term) |term| {
return term;
if (!windows.TerminateProcess(self.handle, exit_code)) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
try self.waitUnwrappedWindows();
return ??self.term;
pub fn killPosix(self: &ChildProcess) !Term {
defer restore_SIGCHLD();
if (self.term) |term| {
return term;
const ret = posix.kill(self.pid, posix.SIGTERM);
const err = posix.getErrno(ret);
if (err > 0) {
return switch (err) {
posix.EINVAL => unreachable,
posix.EPERM => error.PermissionDenied,
posix.ESRCH => error.ProcessNotFound,
else => os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
return ??self.term;
/// Blocks until child process terminates and then cleans up all resources.
pub fn wait(self: &ChildProcess) !Term {
if (is_windows) {
return self.waitWindows();
} else {
return self.waitPosix();
pub const ExecResult = struct {
term: os.ChildProcess.Term,
stdout: []u8,
stderr: []u8,
/// Spawns a child process, waits for it, collecting stdout and stderr, and then returns.
/// If it succeeds, the caller owns result.stdout and result.stderr memory.
pub fn exec(allocator: &mem.Allocator, argv: []const []const u8, cwd: ?[]const u8,
env_map: ?&const BufMap, max_output_size: usize) !ExecResult
const child = try ChildProcess.init(argv, allocator);
defer child.deinit();
child.stdin_behavior = ChildProcess.StdIo.Ignore;
child.stdout_behavior = ChildProcess.StdIo.Pipe;
child.stderr_behavior = ChildProcess.StdIo.Pipe;
child.cwd = cwd;
child.env_map = env_map;
try child.spawn();
var stdout = Buffer.initNull(allocator);
var stderr = Buffer.initNull(allocator);
defer Buffer.deinit(&stdout);
defer Buffer.deinit(&stderr);
var stdout_file_in_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&??child.stdout);
var stderr_file_in_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&??child.stderr);
try stdout_file_in_stream.stream.readAllBuffer(&stdout, max_output_size);
try stderr_file_in_stream.stream.readAllBuffer(&stderr, max_output_size);
return ExecResult {
.term = try child.wait(),
.stdout = stdout.toOwnedSlice(),
.stderr = stderr.toOwnedSlice(),
fn waitWindows(self: &ChildProcess) !Term {
if (self.term) |term| {
return term;
try self.waitUnwrappedWindows();
return ??self.term;
fn waitPosix(self: &ChildProcess) !Term {
defer restore_SIGCHLD();
if (self.term) |term| {
return term;
return ??self.term;
pub fn deinit(self: &ChildProcess) void {
fn waitUnwrappedWindows(self: &ChildProcess) !void {
const result = os.windowsWaitSingle(self.handle, windows.INFINITE);
self.term = (SpawnError!Term)(x: {
var exit_code: windows.DWORD = undefined;
if (windows.GetExitCodeProcess(self.handle, &exit_code) == 0) {
break :x Term { .Unknown = 0 };
} else {
break :x Term { .Exited = @bitCast(i32, exit_code)};
return result;
fn waitUnwrapped(self: &ChildProcess) void {
var status: i32 = undefined;
while (true) {
const err = posix.getErrno(posix.waitpid(self.pid, &status, 0));
if (err > 0) {
switch (err) {
posix.EINTR => continue,
else => unreachable,
fn handleWaitResult(self: &ChildProcess, status: i32) void {
self.term = self.cleanupAfterWait(status);
if (self.onTerm) |onTerm| {
fn cleanupStreams(self: &ChildProcess) void {
if (self.stdin) |*stdin| { stdin.close(); self.stdin = null; }
if (self.stdout) |*stdout| { stdout.close(); self.stdout = null; }
if (self.stderr) |*stderr| { stderr.close(); self.stderr = null; }
fn cleanupAfterWait(self: &ChildProcess, status: i32) !Term {
defer {
// Write @maxValue(ErrInt) to the write end of the err_pipe. This is after
// waitpid, so this write is guaranteed to be after the child
// pid potentially wrote an error. This way we can do a blocking
// read on the error pipe and either get @maxValue(ErrInt) (no error) or
// an error code.
try writeIntFd(self.err_pipe[1], @maxValue(ErrInt));
const err_int = try readIntFd(self.err_pipe[0]);
// Here we potentially return the fork child's error
// from the parent pid.
if (err_int != @maxValue(ErrInt)) {
return SpawnError(err_int);
return statusToTerm(status);
fn statusToTerm(status: i32) Term {
return if (posix.WIFEXITED(status))
Term { .Exited = posix.WEXITSTATUS(status) }
else if (posix.WIFSIGNALED(status))
Term { .Signal = posix.WTERMSIG(status) }
else if (posix.WIFSTOPPED(status))
Term { .Stopped = posix.WSTOPSIG(status) }
Term { .Unknown = status }
fn spawnPosix(self: &ChildProcess) !void {
// TODO atomically set a flag saying that we already did this
const stdin_pipe = if (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) try makePipe() else undefined;
errdefer if (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { destroyPipe(stdin_pipe); };
const stdout_pipe = if (self.stdout_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) try makePipe() else undefined;
errdefer if (self.stdout_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { destroyPipe(stdout_pipe); };
const stderr_pipe = if (self.stderr_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) try makePipe() else undefined;
errdefer if (self.stderr_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { destroyPipe(stderr_pipe); };
const any_ignore = (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Ignore or self.stdout_behavior == StdIo.Ignore or self.stderr_behavior == StdIo.Ignore);
const dev_null_fd = if (any_ignore) blk: {
const dev_null_path = "/dev/null";
var fixed_buffer_mem: [dev_null_path.len + 1]u8 = undefined;
var fixed_allocator = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(fixed_buffer_mem[0..]);
break :blk try os.posixOpen(&fixed_allocator.allocator, "/dev/null", posix.O_RDWR, 0);
} else blk: {
break :blk undefined;
defer { if (any_ignore) os.close(dev_null_fd); }
var env_map_owned: BufMap = undefined;
var we_own_env_map: bool = undefined;
const env_map = if (self.env_map) |env_map| x: {
we_own_env_map = false;
break :x env_map;
} else x: {
we_own_env_map = true;
env_map_owned = try os.getEnvMap(self.allocator);
break :x &env_map_owned;
defer { if (we_own_env_map) env_map_owned.deinit(); }
// This pipe is used to communicate errors between the time of fork
// and execve from the child process to the parent process.
const err_pipe = try makePipe();
errdefer destroyPipe(err_pipe);
const pid_result = posix.fork();
const pid_err = posix.getErrno(pid_result);
if (pid_err > 0) {
return switch (pid_err) {
posix.EAGAIN, posix.ENOMEM, posix.ENOSYS => error.SystemResources,
else => os.unexpectedErrorPosix(pid_err),
if (pid_result == 0) {
// we are the child
setUpChildIo(self.stdin_behavior, stdin_pipe[0], posix.STDIN_FILENO, dev_null_fd) catch
|err| forkChildErrReport(err_pipe[1], err);
setUpChildIo(self.stdout_behavior, stdout_pipe[1], posix.STDOUT_FILENO, dev_null_fd) catch
|err| forkChildErrReport(err_pipe[1], err);
setUpChildIo(self.stderr_behavior, stderr_pipe[1], posix.STDERR_FILENO, dev_null_fd) catch
|err| forkChildErrReport(err_pipe[1], err);
if (self.cwd) |cwd| {
os.changeCurDir(self.allocator, cwd) catch
|err| forkChildErrReport(err_pipe[1], err);
if (self.gid) |gid| {
os.posix_setregid(gid, gid) catch |err| forkChildErrReport(err_pipe[1], err);
if (self.uid) |uid| {
os.posix_setreuid(uid, uid) catch |err| forkChildErrReport(err_pipe[1], err);
os.posixExecve(self.argv, env_map, self.allocator) catch
|err| forkChildErrReport(err_pipe[1], err);
// we are the parent
const pid = i32(pid_result);
if (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) {
self.stdin = os.File.openHandle(stdin_pipe[1]);
} else {
self.stdin = null;
if (self.stdout_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) {
self.stdout = os.File.openHandle(stdout_pipe[0]);
} else {
self.stdout = null;
if (self.stderr_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) {
self.stderr = os.File.openHandle(stderr_pipe[0]);
} else {
self.stderr = null;
self.pid = pid;
self.err_pipe = err_pipe;
self.llnode = LinkedList(&ChildProcess).Node.init(self);
self.term = null;
// TODO make this atomic so it works even with threads
if (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { os.close(stdin_pipe[0]); }
if (self.stdout_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { os.close(stdout_pipe[1]); }
if (self.stderr_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { os.close(stderr_pipe[1]); }
fn spawnWindows(self: &ChildProcess) !void {
const saAttr = windows.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {
.nLength = @sizeOf(windows.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES),
.bInheritHandle = windows.TRUE,
.lpSecurityDescriptor = null,
const any_ignore = (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Ignore or
self.stdout_behavior == StdIo.Ignore or
self.stderr_behavior == StdIo.Ignore);
const nul_handle = if (any_ignore) blk: {
const nul_file_path = "NUL";
var fixed_buffer_mem: [nul_file_path.len + 1]u8 = undefined;
var fixed_allocator = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(fixed_buffer_mem[0..]);
break :blk try os.windowsOpen(&fixed_allocator.allocator, "NUL", windows.GENERIC_READ, windows.FILE_SHARE_READ,
} else blk: {
break :blk undefined;
defer { if (any_ignore) os.close(nul_handle); }
if (any_ignore) {
try windowsSetHandleInfo(nul_handle, windows.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
var g_hChildStd_IN_Rd: ?windows.HANDLE = null;
var g_hChildStd_IN_Wr: ?windows.HANDLE = null;
switch (self.stdin_behavior) {
StdIo.Pipe => {
try windowsMakePipeIn(&g_hChildStd_IN_Rd, &g_hChildStd_IN_Wr, saAttr);
StdIo.Ignore => {
g_hChildStd_IN_Rd = nul_handle;
StdIo.Inherit => {
g_hChildStd_IN_Rd = windows.GetStdHandle(windows.STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
StdIo.Close => {
g_hChildStd_IN_Rd = null;
errdefer if (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { windowsDestroyPipe(g_hChildStd_IN_Rd, g_hChildStd_IN_Wr); };
var g_hChildStd_OUT_Rd: ?windows.HANDLE = null;
var g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr: ?windows.HANDLE = null;
switch (self.stdout_behavior) {
StdIo.Pipe => {
try windowsMakePipeOut(&g_hChildStd_OUT_Rd, &g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr, saAttr);
StdIo.Ignore => {
g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr = nul_handle;
StdIo.Inherit => {
g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr = windows.GetStdHandle(windows.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
StdIo.Close => {
g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr = null;
errdefer if (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { windowsDestroyPipe(g_hChildStd_OUT_Rd, g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr); };
var g_hChildStd_ERR_Rd: ?windows.HANDLE = null;
var g_hChildStd_ERR_Wr: ?windows.HANDLE = null;
switch (self.stderr_behavior) {
StdIo.Pipe => {
try windowsMakePipeOut(&g_hChildStd_ERR_Rd, &g_hChildStd_ERR_Wr, saAttr);
StdIo.Ignore => {
g_hChildStd_ERR_Wr = nul_handle;
StdIo.Inherit => {
g_hChildStd_ERR_Wr = windows.GetStdHandle(windows.STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
StdIo.Close => {
g_hChildStd_ERR_Wr = null;
errdefer if (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { windowsDestroyPipe(g_hChildStd_ERR_Rd, g_hChildStd_ERR_Wr); };
const cmd_line = try windowsCreateCommandLine(self.allocator, self.argv);
defer self.allocator.free(cmd_line);
var siStartInfo = windows.STARTUPINFOA {
.cb = @sizeOf(windows.STARTUPINFOA),
.hStdError = g_hChildStd_ERR_Wr,
.hStdOutput = g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr,
.hStdInput = g_hChildStd_IN_Rd,
.dwFlags = windows.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES,
.lpReserved = null,
.lpDesktop = null,
.lpTitle = null,
.dwX = 0,
.dwY = 0,
.dwXSize = 0,
.dwYSize = 0,
.dwXCountChars = 0,
.dwYCountChars = 0,
.dwFillAttribute = 0,
.wShowWindow = 0,
.cbReserved2 = 0,
.lpReserved2 = null,
var piProcInfo: windows.PROCESS_INFORMATION = undefined;
const cwd_slice = if (self.cwd) |cwd|
try cstr.addNullByte(self.allocator, cwd)
defer if (cwd_slice) |cwd| self.allocator.free(cwd);
const cwd_ptr = if (cwd_slice) |cwd| cwd.ptr else null;
const maybe_envp_buf = if (self.env_map) |env_map|
try os.createWindowsEnvBlock(self.allocator, env_map)
defer if (maybe_envp_buf) |envp_buf| self.allocator.free(envp_buf);
const envp_ptr = if (maybe_envp_buf) |envp_buf| envp_buf.ptr else null;
// the cwd set in ChildProcess is in effect when choosing the executable path
// to match posix semantics
const app_name = x: {
if (self.cwd) |cwd| {
const resolved = try os.path.resolve(self.allocator, cwd, self.argv[0]);
defer self.allocator.free(resolved);
break :x try cstr.addNullByte(self.allocator, resolved);
} else {
break :x try cstr.addNullByte(self.allocator, self.argv[0]);
defer self.allocator.free(app_name);
windowsCreateProcess(app_name.ptr, cmd_line.ptr, envp_ptr, cwd_ptr,
&siStartInfo, &piProcInfo) catch |no_path_err|
if (no_path_err != error.FileNotFound)
return no_path_err;
const PATH = try os.getEnvVarOwned(self.allocator, "PATH");
defer self.allocator.free(PATH);
var it = mem.split(PATH, ";");
while (it.next()) |search_path| {
const joined_path = try os.path.join(self.allocator, search_path, app_name);
defer self.allocator.free(joined_path);
if (windowsCreateProcess(joined_path.ptr, cmd_line.ptr, envp_ptr, cwd_ptr,
&siStartInfo, &piProcInfo)) |_|
} else |err| if (err == error.FileNotFound) {
} else {
return err;
if (g_hChildStd_IN_Wr) |h| {
self.stdin = os.File.openHandle(h);
} else {
self.stdin = null;
if (g_hChildStd_OUT_Rd) |h| {
self.stdout = os.File.openHandle(h);
} else {
self.stdout = null;
if (g_hChildStd_ERR_Rd) |h| {
self.stderr = os.File.openHandle(h);
} else {
self.stderr = null;
self.handle = piProcInfo.hProcess;
self.thread_handle = piProcInfo.hThread;
self.term = null;
if (self.stdin_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { os.close(??g_hChildStd_IN_Rd); }
if (self.stderr_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { os.close(??g_hChildStd_ERR_Wr); }
if (self.stdout_behavior == StdIo.Pipe) { os.close(??g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr); }
fn setUpChildIo(stdio: StdIo, pipe_fd: i32, std_fileno: i32, dev_null_fd: i32) !void {
switch (stdio) {
StdIo.Pipe => try os.posixDup2(pipe_fd, std_fileno),
StdIo.Close => os.close(std_fileno),
StdIo.Inherit => {},
StdIo.Ignore => try os.posixDup2(dev_null_fd, std_fileno),
fn windowsCreateProcess(app_name: &u8, cmd_line: &u8, envp_ptr: ?&u8, cwd_ptr: ?&u8,
lpStartupInfo: &windows.STARTUPINFOA, lpProcessInformation: &windows.PROCESS_INFORMATION) !void
if (windows.CreateProcessA(app_name, cmd_line, null, null, windows.TRUE, 0,
@ptrCast(?&c_void, envp_ptr), cwd_ptr, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation) == 0)
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
windows.ERROR.FILE_NOT_FOUND, windows.ERROR.PATH_NOT_FOUND => error.FileNotFound,
windows.ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER => unreachable,
windows.ERROR.INVALID_NAME => error.InvalidName,
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
/// Caller must dealloc.
/// Guarantees a null byte at result[result.len].
fn windowsCreateCommandLine(allocator: &mem.Allocator, argv: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
var buf = try Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0);
defer buf.deinit();
for (argv) |arg, arg_i| {
if (arg_i != 0)
try buf.appendByte(' ');
if (mem.indexOfAny(u8, arg, " \t\n\"") == null) {
try buf.append(arg);
try buf.appendByte('"');
var backslash_count: usize = 0;
for (arg) |byte| {
switch (byte) {
'\\' => backslash_count += 1,
'"' => {
try buf.appendByteNTimes('\\', backslash_count * 2 + 1);
try buf.appendByte('"');
backslash_count = 0;
else => {
try buf.appendByteNTimes('\\', backslash_count);
try buf.appendByte(byte);
backslash_count = 0;
try buf.appendByteNTimes('\\', backslash_count * 2);
try buf.appendByte('"');
return buf.toOwnedSlice();
fn windowsDestroyPipe(rd: ?windows.HANDLE, wr: ?windows.HANDLE) void {
if (rd) |h| os.close(h);
if (wr) |h| os.close(h);
// TODO: workaround for bug where the `const` from `&const` is dropped when the type is
// a namespace field lookup
fn windowsMakePipe(rd: &windows.HANDLE, wr: &windows.HANDLE, sattr: &const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) !void {
if (windows.CreatePipe(rd, wr, sattr, 0) == 0) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
fn windowsSetHandleInfo(h: windows.HANDLE, mask: windows.DWORD, flags: windows.DWORD) !void {
if (windows.SetHandleInformation(h, mask, flags) == 0) {
const err = windows.GetLastError();
return switch (err) {
else => os.unexpectedErrorWindows(err),
fn windowsMakePipeIn(rd: &?windows.HANDLE, wr: &?windows.HANDLE, sattr: &const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) !void {
var rd_h: windows.HANDLE = undefined;
var wr_h: windows.HANDLE = undefined;
try windowsMakePipe(&rd_h, &wr_h, sattr);
errdefer windowsDestroyPipe(rd_h, wr_h);
try windowsSetHandleInfo(wr_h, windows.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
*rd = rd_h;
*wr = wr_h;
fn windowsMakePipeOut(rd: &?windows.HANDLE, wr: &?windows.HANDLE, sattr: &const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) !void {
var rd_h: windows.HANDLE = undefined;
var wr_h: windows.HANDLE = undefined;
try windowsMakePipe(&rd_h, &wr_h, sattr);
errdefer windowsDestroyPipe(rd_h, wr_h);
try windowsSetHandleInfo(rd_h, windows.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
*rd = rd_h;
*wr = wr_h;
fn makePipe() ![2]i32 {
var fds: [2]i32 = undefined;
const err = posix.getErrno(posix.pipe(&fds));
if (err > 0) {
return switch (err) {
posix.EMFILE, posix.ENFILE => error.SystemResources,
else => os.unexpectedErrorPosix(err),
return fds;
fn destroyPipe(pipe: &const [2]i32) void {
// Child of fork calls this to report an error to the fork parent.
// Then the child exits.
fn forkChildErrReport(fd: i32, err: ChildProcess.SpawnError) noreturn {
_ = writeIntFd(fd, ErrInt(err));
const ErrInt = @IntType(false, @sizeOf(error) * 8);
fn writeIntFd(fd: i32, value: ErrInt) !void {
var bytes: [@sizeOf(ErrInt)]u8 = undefined;
mem.writeInt(bytes[0..], value, builtin.endian);
os.posixWrite(fd, bytes[0..]) catch return error.SystemResources;
fn readIntFd(fd: i32) !ErrInt {
var bytes: [@sizeOf(ErrInt)]u8 = undefined;
os.posixRead(fd, bytes[0..]) catch return error.SystemResources;
return mem.readInt(bytes[0..], ErrInt, builtin.endian);
extern fn sigchld_handler(_: i32) void {
while (true) {
var status: i32 = undefined;
const pid_result = posix.waitpid(-1, &status, posix.WNOHANG);
if (pid_result == 0) {
const err = posix.getErrno(pid_result);
if (err > 0) {
if (err == posix.ECHILD) {
handleTerm(i32(pid_result), status);
fn handleTerm(pid: i32, status: i32) void {
var it = children_nodes.first;
while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) {
if (node.data.pid == pid) {
const sigchld_set = x: {
var signal_set = posix.empty_sigset;
posix.sigaddset(&signal_set, posix.SIGCHLD);
break :x signal_set;
fn block_SIGCHLD() void {
const err = posix.getErrno(posix.sigprocmask(posix.SIG_BLOCK, &sigchld_set, null));
assert(err == 0);
fn restore_SIGCHLD() void {
const err = posix.getErrno(posix.sigprocmask(posix.SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigchld_set, null));
assert(err == 0);
const sigchld_action = posix.Sigaction {
.handler = sigchld_handler,
.mask = posix.empty_sigset,
.flags = posix.SA_RESTART | posix.SA_NOCLDSTOP,
fn install_SIGCHLD_handler() void {
const err = posix.getErrno(posix.sigaction(posix.SIGCHLD, &sigchld_action, null));
assert(err == 0);