2021-01-19 15:28:17 +01:00

246 lines
7.8 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const Writer = std.ArrayList(u8).Writer;
//! See https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/unified1/MachineReadableGrammar.html
//! and the files in https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Headers/blob/master/include/spirv/unified1/
//! Note: Non-canonical casing in these structs used to match SPIR-V spec json.
const Registry = union(enum) {
core: CoreRegistry,
extension: ExtensionRegistry,
const CoreRegistry = struct {
copyright: [][]const u8,
/// Hexadecimal representation of the magic number
magic_number: []const u8,
major_version: u32,
minor_version: u32,
revision: u32,
instruction_printing_class: []InstructionPrintingClass,
instructions: []Instruction,
operand_kinds: []OperandKind,
const ExtensionRegistry = struct {
copyright: [][]const u8,
version: u32,
revision: u32,
instructions: []Instruction,
operand_kinds: []OperandKind = &[_]OperandKind{},
const InstructionPrintingClass = struct {
tag: []const u8,
heading: ?[]const u8 = null,
const Instruction = struct {
opname: []const u8,
class: ?[]const u8 = null, // Note: Only available in the core registry.
opcode: u32,
operands: []Operand = &[_]Operand{},
capabilities: [][]const u8 = &[_][]const u8{},
extensions: [][]const u8 = &[_][]const u8{},
version: ?[]const u8 = null,
lastVersion: ?[]const u8 = null,
const Operand = struct {
kind: []const u8,
/// If this field is 'null', the operand is only expected once.
quantifier: ?Quantifier = null,
name: []const u8 = "",
const Quantifier = enum {
/// zero or once
/// zero or more
const OperandCategory = enum {
const OperandKind = struct {
category: OperandCategory,
/// The name
kind: []const u8,
doc: ?[]const u8 = null,
enumerants: ?[]Enumerant = null,
bases: ?[]const []const u8 = null,
const Enumerant = struct {
enumerant: []const u8,
value: union(enum) {
bitflag: []const u8, // Hexadecimal representation of the value
int: u31,
capabilities: [][]const u8 = &[_][]const u8{},
/// Valid for .ValueEnum and .BitEnum
extensions: [][]const u8 = &[_][]const u8{},
/// `quantifier` will always be `null`.
parameters: []Operand = &[_]Operand{},
version: ?[]const u8 = null,
lastVersion: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub fn main() !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = &arena.allocator;
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
if (args.len != 2) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdErr(), args[0], 1);
const spec_path = args[1];
const spec = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(allocator, spec_path, std.math.maxInt(usize));
var tokens = std.json.TokenStream.init(spec);
var registry = try std.json.parse(Registry, &tokens, .{.allocator = allocator});
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
try render(buf.writer(), registry);
const tree = try std.zig.parse(allocator, buf.items);
_ = try std.zig.render(allocator, std.io.getStdOut().writer(), tree);
fn render(writer: Writer, registry: Registry) !void {
switch (registry) {
.core => |core_reg| {
try renderCopyRight(writer, core_reg.copyright);
try writer.print(
\\const Version = @import("builtin").Version;
\\pub const version = Version{{.major = {}, .minor = {}, .patch = {}}};
\\pub const magic_number: u32 = {s};
, .{ core_reg.major_version, core_reg.minor_version, core_reg.revision, core_reg.magic_number },
try renderOpcodes(writer, core_reg.instructions);
try renderOperandKinds(writer, core_reg.operand_kinds);
.extension => |ext_reg| {
try renderCopyRight(writer, ext_reg.copyright);
try writer.print(
\\const Version = @import("builtin").Version;
\\pub const version = Version{{.major = {}, .minor = 0, .patch = {}}};
, .{ ext_reg.version, ext_reg.revision },
try renderOpcodes(writer, ext_reg.instructions);
try renderOperandKinds(writer, ext_reg.operand_kinds);
fn renderCopyRight(writer: Writer, copyright: []const []const u8) !void {
for (copyright) |line| {
try writer.print("// {s}\n", .{ line });
fn renderOpcodes(writer: Writer, instructions: []const Instruction) !void {
try writer.writeAll("pub const Opcode = extern enum(u16) {\n");
for (instructions) |instr| {
try writer.print("{} = {},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(instr.opname), instr.opcode });
try writer.writeAll("_,\n};\n");
fn renderOperandKinds(writer: Writer, kinds: []const OperandKind) !void {
for (kinds) |kind| {
switch (kind.category) {
.ValueEnum => try renderValueEnum(writer, kind),
.BitEnum => try renderBitEnum(writer, kind),
else => {},
fn renderValueEnum(writer: Writer, enumeration: OperandKind) !void {
try writer.print("pub const {s} = extern enum(u32) {{\n", .{ enumeration.kind });
const enumerants = enumeration.enumerants orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
for (enumerants) |enumerant| {
if (enumerant.value != .int) return error.InvalidRegistry;
try writer.print("{} = {},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(enumerant.enumerant), enumerant.value.int });
try writer.writeAll("_,\n};\n");
fn renderBitEnum(writer: Writer, enumeration: OperandKind) !void {
try writer.print("pub const {s} = packed struct {{\n", .{ enumeration.kind });
var flags_by_bitpos = [_]?[]const u8{null} ** 32;
const enumerants = enumeration.enumerants orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
for (enumerants) |enumerant| {
if (enumerant.value != .bitflag) return error.InvalidRegistry;
const value = try parseHexInt(enumerant.value.bitflag);
if (@popCount(u32, value) != 1) {
continue; // Skip combinations and 'none' items
var bitpos = std.math.log2_int(u32, value);
if (flags_by_bitpos[bitpos]) |*existing|{
// Keep the shortest
if (enumerant.enumerant.len < existing.len)
existing.* = enumerant.enumerant;
} else {
flags_by_bitpos[bitpos] = enumerant.enumerant;
for (flags_by_bitpos) |maybe_flag_name, bitpos| {
if (maybe_flag_name) |flag_name| {
try writer.writeAll(flag_name);
} else {
try writer.print("_reserved_bit_{}", .{bitpos});
try writer.writeAll(": bool ");
if (bitpos == 0) { // Force alignment to integer boundaries
try writer.writeAll("align(@alignOf(u32)) ");
try writer.writeAll("= false, ");
try writer.writeAll("};\n");
fn parseHexInt(text: []const u8) !u31 {
const prefix = "0x";
if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, text, prefix))
return error.InvalidHexInt;
return try std.fmt.parseInt(u31, text[prefix.len ..], 16);
fn usageAndExit(file: std.fs.File, arg0: []const u8, code: u8) noreturn {
\\Usage: {s} <spirv json spec>
\\Generates Zig bindings for a SPIR-V specification .json (either core or
\\extinst versions). The result, printed to stdout, should be used to update
\\files in src/codegen/spirv.
\\The relevant specifications can be obtained from the SPIR-V registry:
, .{arg0}
) catch std.process.exit(1);