Andrew Kelley 704374e512
rename section keyword to linksection
add zig fmt support for this syntax

closes #1152
2018-11-17 01:38:35 -05:00

1979 lines
46 KiB

test "zig fmt: linksection" {
try testCanonical(
\\export var aoeu: u64 linksection(".text.derp") = 1234;
\\export nakedcc fn _start() linksection(".text.boot") noreturn {}
test "zig fmt: shebang line" {
try testCanonical(
\\#!/usr/bin/env zig
\\pub fn main() void {}
test "zig fmt: correctly move doc comments on struct fields" {
try testTransform(
\\pub const section_64 = extern struct {
\\ sectname: [16]u8, /// name of this section
\\ segname: [16]u8, /// segment this section goes in
\\pub const section_64 = extern struct {
\\ /// name of this section
\\ sectname: [16]u8,
\\ /// segment this section goes in
\\ segname: [16]u8,
test "zig fmt: preserve space between async fn definitions" {
try testCanonical(
\\async fn a() void {}
\\async fn b() void {}
test "zig fmt: comment to disable/enable zig fmt first" {
try testCanonical(
\\// Test trailing comma syntax
\\// zig fmt: off
\\const struct_trailing_comma = struct { x: i32, y: i32, };
test "zig fmt: comment to disable/enable zig fmt" {
try testTransform(
\\const a = b;
\\// zig fmt: off
\\const c = d;
\\// zig fmt: on
\\const e = f;
\\const a = b;
\\// zig fmt: off
\\const c = d;
\\// zig fmt: on
\\const e = f;
test "zig fmt: pointer of unknown length" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn foo(ptr: [*]u8) void {}
test "zig fmt: spaces around slice operator" {
try testCanonical(
\\var a = b[c..d];
\\var a = b[c + 1 .. d];
\\var a = b[c + 1 ..];
\\var a = b[c .. d + 1];
\\var a = b[c.a..d.e];
test "zig fmt: async call in if condition" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ if (async<a> b()) {
\\ a();
\\ }
test "zig fmt: 2nd arg multiline string" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ cases.addAsm("hello world linux x86_64",
\\ \\.text
\\ , "Hello, world!\n");
test "zig fmt: if condition wraps" {
try testTransform(
\\comptime {
\\ if (cond and
\\ cond) {
\\ return x;
\\ }
\\ while (cond and
\\ cond) {
\\ return x;
\\ }
\\ if (a == b and
\\ c) {
\\ a = b;
\\ }
\\ while (a == b and
\\ c) {
\\ a = b;
\\ }
\\ if ((cond and
\\ cond)) {
\\ return x;
\\ }
\\ while ((cond and
\\ cond)) {
\\ return x;
\\ }
\\ var a = if (a) |*f| x: {
\\ break :x &a.b;
\\ } else |err| err;
\\comptime {
\\ if (cond and
\\ cond)
\\ {
\\ return x;
\\ }
\\ while (cond and
\\ cond)
\\ {
\\ return x;
\\ }
\\ if (a == b and
\\ c)
\\ {
\\ a = b;
\\ }
\\ while (a == b and
\\ c)
\\ {
\\ a = b;
\\ }
\\ if ((cond and
\\ cond))
\\ {
\\ return x;
\\ }
\\ while ((cond and
\\ cond))
\\ {
\\ return x;
\\ }
\\ var a = if (a) |*f| x: {
\\ break :x &a.b;
\\ } else |err| err;
test "zig fmt: if condition has line break but must not wrap" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ if (self.user_input_options.put(name, UserInputOption{
\\ .name = name,
\\ .used = false,
\\ }) catch unreachable) |*prev_value| {
\\ foo();
\\ bar();
\\ }
\\ if (put(
\\ a,
\\ b,
\\ )) {
\\ foo();
\\ }
test "zig fmt: same-line doc comment on variable declaration" {
try testTransform(
\\pub const MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000; /// allocated from memory, swap space
\\pub const MAP_FILE = 0x0000; /// map from file (default)
\\pub const EMEDIUMTYPE = 124; /// Wrong medium type
\\// nameserver query return codes
\\pub const ENSROK = 0; /// DNS server returned answer with no data
\\/// allocated from memory, swap space
\\pub const MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000;
\\/// map from file (default)
\\pub const MAP_FILE = 0x0000;
\\/// Wrong medium type
\\pub const EMEDIUMTYPE = 124;
\\// nameserver query return codes
\\/// DNS server returned answer with no data
\\pub const ENSROK = 0;
test "zig fmt: if-else with comment before else" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ // cexp(finite|nan +- i inf|nan) = nan + i nan
\\ if ((hx & 0x7fffffff) != 0x7f800000) {
\\ return Complex(f32).new(y - y, y - y);
\\ } // cexp(-inf +- i inf|nan) = 0 + i0
\\ else if (hx & 0x80000000 != 0) {
\\ return Complex(f32).new(0, 0);
\\ } // cexp(+inf +- i inf|nan) = inf + i nan
\\ else {
\\ return Complex(f32).new(x, y - y);
\\ }
test "zig fmt: respect line breaks in if-else" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ return if (cond) a else b;
\\ return if (cond)
\\ a
\\ else
\\ b;
\\ return if (cond)
\\ a
\\ else if (cond)
\\ b
\\ else
\\ c;
test "zig fmt: respect line breaks after infix operators" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ self.crc =
\\ lookup_tables[0][p[7]] ^
\\ lookup_tables[1][p[6]] ^
\\ lookup_tables[2][p[5]] ^
\\ lookup_tables[3][p[4]] ^
\\ lookup_tables[4][@truncate(u8, self.crc >> 24)] ^
\\ lookup_tables[5][@truncate(u8, self.crc >> 16)] ^
\\ lookup_tables[6][@truncate(u8, self.crc >> 8)] ^
\\ lookup_tables[7][@truncate(u8, self.crc >> 0)];
test "zig fmt: fn decl with trailing comma" {
try testTransform(
\\fn foo(a: i32, b: i32,) void {}
\\fn foo(
\\ a: i32,
\\ b: i32,
\\) void {}
test "zig fmt: enum decl with no trailing comma" {
try testTransform(
\\const StrLitKind = enum {Normal, C};
\\const StrLitKind = enum {
\\ Normal,
\\ C,
test "zig fmt: switch comment before prong" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ switch (a) {
\\ // hi
\\ 0 => {},
\\ }
test "zig fmt: struct literal no trailing comma" {
try testTransform(
\\const a = foo{ .x = 1, .y = 2 };
\\const a = foo{ .x = 1,
\\ .y = 2 };
\\const a = foo{ .x = 1, .y = 2 };
\\const a = foo{
\\ .x = 1,
\\ .y = 2,
test "zig fmt: array literal with hint" {
try testTransform(
\\const a = []u8{
\\ 1, 2, //
\\ 3,
\\ 4,
\\ 5,
\\ 6,
\\ 7 };
\\const a = []u8{
\\ 1, 2, //
\\ 3,
\\ 4,
\\ 5,
\\ 6,
\\ 7, 8 };
\\const a = []u8{
\\ 1, 2, //
\\ 3,
\\ 4,
\\ 5,
\\ 6, // blah
\\ 7, 8 };
\\const a = []u8{
\\ 1, 2, //
\\ 3, //
\\ 4,
\\ 5,
\\ 6,
\\ 7 };
\\const a = []u8{
\\ 1,
\\ 2,
\\ 3, 4, //
\\ 5, 6, //
\\ 7, 8, //
\\const a = []u8{
\\ 1, 2,
\\ 3, 4,
\\ 5, 6,
\\ 7,
\\const a = []u8{
\\ 1, 2,
\\ 3, 4,
\\ 5, 6,
\\ 7, 8,
\\const a = []u8{
\\ 1, 2,
\\ 3, 4,
\\ 5, 6, // blah
\\ 7, 8,
\\const a = []u8{
\\ 1, 2,
\\ 3, //
\\ 4,
\\ 5, 6,
\\ 7,
\\const a = []u8{
\\ 1,
\\ 2,
\\ 3,
\\ 4,
\\ 5,
\\ 6,
\\ 7,
\\ 8,
test "zig fmt: multiline string with backslash at end of line" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ err(
\\ \\\
\\ );
test "zig fmt: multiline string parameter in fn call with trailing comma" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn foo() void {
\\ try stdout.print(
\\ \\
\\ ,
\\ std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_CMAKE_BINARY_DIR),
\\ std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_CXX_COMPILER),
\\ std.cstr.toSliceConst(c.ZIG_DIA_GUIDS_LIB),
\\ );
test "zig fmt: trailing comma on fn call" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ var module = try Module.create(
\\ allocator,
\\ zig_lib_dir,
\\ full_cache_dir,
\\ );
test "zig fmt: empty block with only comment" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ {
\\ // comment
\\ }
test "zig fmt: no trailing comma on struct decl" {
try testTransform(
\\const RoundParam = struct {
\\ k: usize, s: u32, t: u32
\\const RoundParam = struct {
\\ k: usize,
\\ s: u32,
\\ t: u32,
test "zig fmt: simple asm" {
try testTransform(
\\comptime {
\\ asm volatile (
\\ \\.globl aoeu;
\\ \\.type aoeu, @function;
\\ \\.set aoeu, derp;
\\ );
\\ asm ("not real assembly"
\\ :[a] "x" (x),);
\\ asm ("not real assembly"
\\ :[a] "x" (->i32),:[a] "x" (1),);
\\ asm ("still not real assembly"
\\ :::"a","b",);
\\comptime {
\\ asm volatile (
\\ \\.globl aoeu;
\\ \\.type aoeu, @function;
\\ \\.set aoeu, derp;
\\ );
\\ asm ("not real assembly"
\\ : [a] "x" (x)
\\ );
\\ asm ("not real assembly"
\\ : [a] "x" (-> i32)
\\ : [a] "x" (1)
\\ );
\\ asm ("still not real assembly"
\\ :
\\ :
\\ : "a", "b"
\\ );
test "zig fmt: nested struct literal with one item" {
try testCanonical(
\\const a = foo{
\\ .item = bar{ .a = b },
test "zig fmt: switch cases trailing comma" {
try testTransform(
\\fn switch_cases(x: i32) void {
\\ switch (x) {
\\ 1,2,3 => {},
\\ 4,5, => {},
\\ 6... 8, => {},
\\ else => {},
\\ }
\\fn switch_cases(x: i32) void {
\\ switch (x) {
\\ 1, 2, 3 => {},
\\ 4,
\\ 5,
\\ => {},
\\ 6...8 => {},
\\ else => {},
\\ }
test "zig fmt: slice align" {
try testCanonical(
\\const A = struct {
\\ items: []align(A) T,
test "zig fmt: add trailing comma to array literal" {
try testTransform(
\\comptime {
\\ return []u16{'m', 's', 'y', 's', '-' // hi
\\ };
\\ return []u16{'m', 's', 'y', 's',
\\ '-'};
\\ return []u16{'m', 's', 'y', 's', '-'};
\\comptime {
\\ return []u16{
\\ 'm', 's', 'y', 's', '-', // hi
\\ };
\\ return []u16{
\\ 'm', 's', 'y', 's',
\\ '-',
\\ };
\\ return []u16{ 'm', 's', 'y', 's', '-' };
test "zig fmt: first thing in file is line comment" {
try testCanonical(
\\// Introspection and determination of system libraries needed by zig.
\\// Introspection and determination of system libraries needed by zig.
\\const std = @import("std");
test "zig fmt: line comment after doc comment" {
try testCanonical(
\\/// doc comment
\\// line comment
\\fn foo() void {}
test "zig fmt: float literal with exponent" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "bit field alignment" {
\\ assert(@typeOf(&blah.b) == *align(1:3:6) const u3);
test "zig fmt: float literal with exponent" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "aoeu" {
\\ switch (state) {
\\ TermState.Start => switch (c) {
\\ '\x1b' => state = TermState.Escape,
\\ else => try out.writeByte(c),
\\ },
\\ }
test "zig fmt: float literal with exponent" {
try testCanonical(
\\pub const f64_true_min = 4.94065645841246544177e-324;
\\const threshold = 0x1.a827999fcef32p+1022;
test "zig fmt: if-else end of comptime" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ if (a) {
\\ b();
\\ } else {
\\ b();
\\ }
test "zig fmt: nested blocks" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ {
\\ {
\\ {
\\ a();
\\ }
\\ }
\\ }
test "zig fmt: block with same line comment after end brace" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ {
\\ b();
\\ } // comment
test "zig fmt: statements with comment between" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ a = b;
\\ // comment
\\ a = b;
test "zig fmt: statements with empty line between" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ a = b;
\\ a = b;
test "zig fmt: ptr deref operator and unwrap optional operator" {
try testCanonical(
\\const a = b.*;
\\const a = b.?;
test "zig fmt: comment after if before another if" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "aoeu" {
\\ // comment
\\ if (x) {
\\ bar();
\\ }
\\test "aoeu" {
\\ if (x) {
\\ foo();
\\ }
\\ // comment
\\ if (x) {
\\ bar();
\\ }
test "zig fmt: line comment between if block and else keyword" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "aoeu" {
\\ // cexp(finite|nan +- i inf|nan) = nan + i nan
\\ if ((hx & 0x7fffffff) != 0x7f800000) {
\\ return Complex(f32).new(y - y, y - y);
\\ }
\\ // cexp(-inf +- i inf|nan) = 0 + i0
\\ else if (hx & 0x80000000 != 0) {
\\ return Complex(f32).new(0, 0);
\\ }
\\ // cexp(+inf +- i inf|nan) = inf + i nan
\\ // another comment
\\ else {
\\ return Complex(f32).new(x, y - y);
\\ }
test "zig fmt: same line comments in expression" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "aoeu" {
\\ const x = ( // a
\\ 0 // b
\\ ); // c
test "zig fmt: add comma on last switch prong" {
try testTransform(
\\test "aoeu" {
\\switch (self.init_arg_expr) {
\\ InitArg.Type => |t| { },
\\ InitArg.None,
\\ InitArg.Enum => { }
\\ switch (self.init_arg_expr) {
\\ InitArg.Type => |t| { },
\\ InitArg.None,
\\ InitArg.Enum => { }//line comment
\\ }
\\test "aoeu" {
\\ switch (self.init_arg_expr) {
\\ InitArg.Type => |t| {},
\\ InitArg.None, InitArg.Enum => {},
\\ }
\\ switch (self.init_arg_expr) {
\\ InitArg.Type => |t| {},
\\ InitArg.None, InitArg.Enum => {}, //line comment
\\ }
test "zig fmt: same-line comment after a statement" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "" {
\\ a = b;
\\ debug.assert(H.digest_size <= H.block_size); // HMAC makes this assumption
\\ a = b;
test "zig fmt: same-line comment after var decl in struct" {
try testCanonical(
\\pub const vfs_cap_data = extern struct {
\\ const Data = struct {}; // when on disk.
test "zig fmt: same-line comment after field decl" {
try testCanonical(
\\pub const dirent = extern struct {
\\ d_name: u8,
\\ d_name: u8, // comment 1
\\ d_name: u8,
\\ d_name: u8, // comment 2
\\ d_name: u8,
test "zig fmt: same-line comment after switch prong" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "" {
\\ switch (err) {
\\ error.PathAlreadyExists => {}, // comment 2
\\ else => return err, // comment 1
\\ }
test "zig fmt: same-line comment after non-block if expression" {
try testCanonical(
\\comptime {
\\ if (sr > n_uword_bits - 1) // d > r
\\ return 0;
test "zig fmt: same-line comment on comptime expression" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "" {
\\ comptime assert(@typeId(T) == builtin.TypeId.Int); // must pass an integer to absInt
test "zig fmt: switch with empty body" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "" {
\\ foo() catch |err| switch (err) {};
test "zig fmt: line comments in struct initializer" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn foo() void {
\\ return Self{
\\ .a = b,
\\ // Initialize these two fields to buffer_size so that
\\ // in `readFn` we treat the state as being able to read
\\ .start_index = buffer_size,
\\ .end_index = buffer_size,
\\ // middle
\\ .a = b,
\\ // end
\\ };
test "zig fmt: doc comments before struct field" {
try testCanonical(
\\pub const Allocator = struct {
\\ /// Allocate byte_count bytes and return them in a slice, with the
\\ /// slice's pointer aligned at least to alignment bytes.
\\ allocFn: fn () void,
test "zig fmt: error set declaration" {
try testCanonical(
\\const E = error{
\\ A,
\\ B,
\\ C,
\\const Error = error{
\\ /// no more memory
\\ OutOfMemory,
\\const Error = error{
\\ /// no more memory
\\ OutOfMemory,
\\ /// another
\\ Another,
\\ // end
\\const Error = error{OutOfMemory};
\\const Error = error{};
test "zig fmt: union(enum(u32)) with assigned enum values" {
try testCanonical(
\\const MultipleChoice = union(enum(u32)) {
\\ A = 20,
\\ B = 40,
\\ C = 60,
\\ D = 1000,
test "zig fmt: resume from suspend block" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn foo() void {
\\ suspend {
\\ resume @handle();
\\ }
test "zig fmt: comments before error set decl" {
try testCanonical(
\\const UnexpectedError = error{
\\ /// The Operating System returned an undocumented error code.
\\ Unexpected,
\\ // another
\\ Another,
\\ // in between
\\ // at end
test "zig fmt: comments before switch prong" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "" {
\\ switch (err) {
\\ error.PathAlreadyExists => continue,
\\ // comment 1
\\ // comment 2
\\ else => return err,
\\ // at end
\\ }
test "zig fmt: comments before var decl in struct" {
try testCanonical(
\\pub const vfs_cap_data = extern struct {
\\ // All of these are mandated as little endian
\\ // when on disk.
\\ const Data = struct {
\\ permitted: u32,
\\ inheritable: u32,
\\ };
\\ // in between
\\ /// All of these are mandated as little endian
\\ /// when on disk.
\\ const Data = struct {
\\ permitted: u32,
\\ inheritable: u32,
\\ };
\\ // at end
test "zig fmt: array literal with 1 item on 1 line" {
try testCanonical(
\\var s = []const u64{0} ** 25;
test "zig fmt: comments before global variables" {
try testCanonical(
\\/// Foo copies keys and values before they go into the map, and
\\/// frees them when they get removed.
\\pub const Foo = struct {};
test "zig fmt: comments in statements" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "std" {
\\ // statement comment
\\ _ = @import("foo/bar.zig");
\\ // middle
\\ // middle2
\\ // end
test "zig fmt: comments before test decl" {
try testCanonical(
\\/// top level doc comment
\\test "hi" {}
\\// top level normal comment
\\test "hi" {}
\\// middle
\\// end
test "zig fmt: preserve spacing" {
try testCanonical(
\\const std = @import("std");
\\pub fn main() !void {
\\ var stdout_file = try std.io.getStdOut;
\\ var stdout_file = try std.io.getStdOut;
\\ var stdout_file = try std.io.getStdOut;
\\ var stdout_file = try std.io.getStdOut;
test "zig fmt: return types" {
try testCanonical(
\\pub fn main() !void {}
\\pub fn main() var {}
\\pub fn main() i32 {}
test "zig fmt: imports" {
try testCanonical(
\\const std = @import("std");
\\const std = @import();
test "zig fmt: global declarations" {
try testCanonical(
\\const a = b;
\\pub const a = b;
\\var a = b;
\\pub var a = b;
\\const a: i32 = b;
\\pub const a: i32 = b;
\\var a: i32 = b;
\\pub var a: i32 = b;
\\extern const a: i32 = b;
\\pub extern const a: i32 = b;
\\extern var a: i32 = b;
\\pub extern var a: i32 = b;
\\extern "a" const a: i32 = b;
\\pub extern "a" const a: i32 = b;
\\extern "a" var a: i32 = b;
\\pub extern "a" var a: i32 = b;
test "zig fmt: extern declaration" {
try testCanonical(
\\extern var foo: c_int;
test "zig fmt: alignment" {
try testCanonical(
\\var foo: c_int align(1);
test "zig fmt: C main" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn main(argc: c_int, argv: **u8) c_int {
\\ const a = b;
test "zig fmt: return" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn foo(argc: c_int, argv: **u8) c_int {
\\ return 0;
\\fn bar() void {
\\ return;
test "zig fmt: pointer attributes" {
try testCanonical(
\\extern fn f1(s: *align(*u8) u8) c_int;
\\extern fn f2(s: **align(1) *const *volatile u8) c_int;
\\extern fn f3(s: *align(1) const *align(1) volatile *const volatile u8) c_int;
\\extern fn f4(s: *align(1) const volatile u8) c_int;
test "zig fmt: slice attributes" {
try testCanonical(
\\extern fn f1(s: *align(*u8) u8) c_int;
\\extern fn f2(s: **align(1) *const *volatile u8) c_int;
\\extern fn f3(s: *align(1) const *align(1) volatile *const volatile u8) c_int;
\\extern fn f4(s: *align(1) const volatile u8) c_int;
test "zig fmt: test declaration" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "test name" {
\\ const a = 1;
\\ var b = 1;
test "zig fmt: infix operators" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "infix operators" {
\\ var i = undefined;
\\ i = 2;
\\ i *= 2;
\\ i |= 2;
\\ i ^= 2;
\\ i <<= 2;
\\ i >>= 2;
\\ i &= 2;
\\ i *= 2;
\\ i *%= 2;
\\ i -= 2;
\\ i -%= 2;
\\ i += 2;
\\ i +%= 2;
\\ i /= 2;
\\ i %= 2;
\\ _ = i == i;
\\ _ = i != i;
\\ _ = i != i;
\\ _ = i.i;
\\ _ = i || i;
\\ _ = i!i;
\\ _ = i ** i;
\\ _ = i ++ i;
\\ _ = i orelse i;
\\ _ = i % i;
\\ _ = i / i;
\\ _ = i *% i;
\\ _ = i * i;
\\ _ = i -% i;
\\ _ = i - i;
\\ _ = i +% i;
\\ _ = i + i;
\\ _ = i << i;
\\ _ = i >> i;
\\ _ = i & i;
\\ _ = i ^ i;
\\ _ = i | i;
\\ _ = i >= i;
\\ _ = i <= i;
\\ _ = i > i;
\\ _ = i < i;
\\ _ = i and i;
\\ _ = i or i;
test "zig fmt: precedence" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "precedence" {
\\ a!b();
\\ (a!b)();
\\ !a!b;
\\ !(a!b);
\\ !a{};
\\ !(a{});
\\ a + b{};
\\ (a + b){};
\\ a << b + c;
\\ (a << b) + c;
\\ a & b << c;
\\ (a & b) << c;
\\ a ^ b & c;
\\ (a ^ b) & c;
\\ a | b ^ c;
\\ (a | b) ^ c;
\\ a == b | c;
\\ (a == b) | c;
\\ a and b == c;
\\ (a and b) == c;
\\ a or b and c;
\\ (a or b) and c;
\\ (a or b) and c;
test "zig fmt: prefix operators" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "prefix operators" {
\\ try return --%~!*&0;
test "zig fmt: call expression" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "test calls" {
\\ a();
\\ a(1);
\\ a(1, 2);
\\ a(1, 2) + a(1, 2);
test "zig fmt: var args" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn print(args: ...) void {}
test "zig fmt: var type" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn print(args: var) var {}
\\const Var = var;
\\const i: var = 0;
test "zig fmt: functions" {
try testCanonical(
\\extern fn puts(s: *const u8) c_int;
\\extern "c" fn puts(s: *const u8) c_int;
\\export fn puts(s: *const u8) c_int;
\\inline fn puts(s: *const u8) c_int;
\\pub extern fn puts(s: *const u8) c_int;
\\pub extern "c" fn puts(s: *const u8) c_int;
\\pub export fn puts(s: *const u8) c_int;
\\pub inline fn puts(s: *const u8) c_int;
\\pub extern fn puts(s: *const u8) align(2 + 2) c_int;
\\pub extern "c" fn puts(s: *const u8) align(2 + 2) c_int;
\\pub export fn puts(s: *const u8) align(2 + 2) c_int;
\\pub inline fn puts(s: *const u8) align(2 + 2) c_int;
test "zig fmt: multiline string" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "" {
\\ const s1 =
\\ \\one
\\ \\two)
\\ \\three
\\ ;
\\ const s2 =
\\ c\\one
\\ c\\two)
\\ c\\three
\\ ;
\\ const s3 = // hi
\\ \\one
\\ \\two)
\\ \\three
\\ ;
test "zig fmt: values" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "values" {
\\ 1;
\\ 1.0;
\\ "string";
\\ c"cstring";
\\ 'c';
\\ true;
\\ false;
\\ null;
\\ undefined;
\\ anyerror;
\\ this;
\\ unreachable;
test "zig fmt: indexing" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "test index" {
\\ a[0];
\\ a[0 + 5];
\\ a[0..];
\\ a[0..5];
\\ a[a[0]];
\\ a[a[0..]];
\\ a[a[0..5]];
\\ a[a[0]..];
\\ a[a[0..5]..];
\\ a[a[0]..a[0]];
\\ a[a[0..5]..a[0]];
\\ a[a[0..5]..a[0..5]];
test "zig fmt: struct declaration" {
try testCanonical(
\\const S = struct {
\\ const Self = @This();
\\ f1: u8,
\\ pub f3: u8,
\\ fn method(self: *Self) Self {
\\ return self.*;
\\ }
\\ f2: u8,
\\const Ps = packed struct {
\\ a: u8,
\\ pub b: u8,
\\ c: u8,
\\const Es = extern struct {
\\ a: u8,
\\ pub b: u8,
\\ c: u8,
test "zig fmt: enum declaration" {
try testCanonical(
\\const E = enum {
\\ Ok,
\\ SomethingElse = 0,
\\const E2 = enum(u8) {
\\ Ok,
\\ SomethingElse = 255,
\\ SomethingThird,
\\const Ee = extern enum {
\\ Ok,
\\ SomethingElse,
\\ SomethingThird,
\\const Ep = packed enum {
\\ Ok,
\\ SomethingElse,
\\ SomethingThird,
test "zig fmt: union declaration" {
try testCanonical(
\\const U = union {
\\ Int: u8,
\\ Float: f32,
\\ None,
\\ Bool: bool,
\\const Ue = union(enum) {
\\ Int: u8,
\\ Float: f32,
\\ None,
\\ Bool: bool,
\\const E = enum {
\\ Int,
\\ Float,
\\ None,
\\ Bool,
\\const Ue2 = union(E) {
\\ Int: u8,
\\ Float: f32,
\\ None,
\\ Bool: bool,
\\const Eu = extern union {
\\ Int: u8,
\\ Float: f32,
\\ None,
\\ Bool: bool,
test "zig fmt: arrays" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "test array" {
\\ const a: [2]u8 = [2]u8{
\\ 1,
\\ 2,
\\ };
\\ const a: [2]u8 = []u8{
\\ 1,
\\ 2,
\\ };
\\ const a: [0]u8 = []u8{};
test "zig fmt: container initializers" {
try testCanonical(
\\const a0 = []u8{};
\\const a1 = []u8{1};
\\const a2 = []u8{
\\ 1,
\\ 2,
\\ 3,
\\ 4,
\\const s0 = S{};
\\const s1 = S{ .a = 1 };
\\const s2 = S{
\\ .a = 1,
\\ .b = 2,
test "zig fmt: catch" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "catch" {
\\ const a: anyerror!u8 = 0;
\\ _ = a catch return;
\\ _ = a catch |err| return;
test "zig fmt: blocks" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "blocks" {
\\ {
\\ const a = 0;
\\ const b = 0;
\\ }
\\ blk: {
\\ const a = 0;
\\ const b = 0;
\\ }
\\ const r = blk: {
\\ const a = 0;
\\ const b = 0;
\\ };
test "zig fmt: switch" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "switch" {
\\ switch (0) {
\\ 0 => {},
\\ 1 => unreachable,
\\ 2, 3 => {},
\\ 4...7 => {},
\\ 1 + 4 * 3 + 22 => {},
\\ else => {
\\ const a = 1;
\\ const b = a;
\\ },
\\ }
\\ const res = switch (0) {
\\ 0 => 0,
\\ 1 => 2,
\\ 1 => a = 4,
\\ else => 4,
\\ };
\\ const Union = union(enum) {
\\ Int: i64,
\\ Float: f64,
\\ };
\\ switch (u) {
\\ Union.Int => |int| {},
\\ Union.Float => |*float| unreachable,
\\ }
test "zig fmt: while" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "while" {
\\ while (10 < 1) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
\\ while (10 < 1)
\\ unreachable;
\\ var i: usize = 0;
\\ while (i < 10) : (i += 1) {
\\ continue;
\\ }
\\ i = 0;
\\ while (i < 10) : (i += 1)
\\ continue;
\\ i = 0;
\\ var j: usize = 0;
\\ while (i < 10) : ({
\\ i += 1;
\\ j += 1;
\\ }) {
\\ continue;
\\ }
\\ var a: ?u8 = 2;
\\ while (a) |v| : (a = null) {
\\ continue;
\\ }
\\ while (a) |v| : (a = null)
\\ unreachable;
\\ label: while (10 < 0) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
\\ const res = while (0 < 10) {
\\ break 7;
\\ } else {
\\ unreachable;
\\ };
\\ const res = while (0 < 10)
\\ break 7
\\ else
\\ unreachable;
\\ var a: anyerror!u8 = 0;
\\ while (a) |v| {
\\ a = error.Err;
\\ } else |err| {
\\ i = 1;
\\ }
\\ comptime var k: usize = 0;
\\ inline while (i < 10) : (i += 1)
\\ j += 2;
test "zig fmt: for" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "for" {
\\ for (a) |v| {
\\ continue;
\\ }
\\ for (a) |v|
\\ continue;
\\ for (a) |*v|
\\ continue;
\\ for (a) |v, i| {
\\ continue;
\\ }
\\ for (a) |v, i|
\\ continue;
\\ const res = for (a) |v, i| {
\\ break v;
\\ } else {
\\ unreachable;
\\ };
\\ var num: usize = 0;
\\ inline for (a) |v, i| {
\\ num += v;
\\ num += i;
\\ }
test "zig fmt: if" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "if" {
\\ if (10 < 0) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
\\ if (10 < 0) unreachable;
\\ if (10 < 0) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ } else {
\\ const a = 20;
\\ }
\\ if (10 < 0) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ } else if (5 < 0) {
\\ unreachable;
\\ } else {
\\ const a = 20;
\\ }
\\ const is_world_broken = if (10 < 0) true else false;
\\ const some_number = 1 + if (10 < 0) 2 else 3;
\\ const a: ?u8 = 10;
\\ const b: ?u8 = null;
\\ if (a) |v| {
\\ const some = v;
\\ } else if (b) |*v| {
\\ unreachable;
\\ } else {
\\ const some = 10;
\\ }
\\ const non_null_a = if (a) |v| v else 0;
\\ const a_err: anyerror!u8 = 0;
\\ if (a_err) |v| {
\\ const p = v;
\\ } else |err| {
\\ unreachable;
\\ }
test "zig fmt: defer" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "defer" {
\\ var i: usize = 0;
\\ defer i = 1;
\\ defer {
\\ i += 2;
\\ i *= i;
\\ }
\\ errdefer i += 3;
\\ errdefer {
\\ i += 2;
\\ i /= i;
\\ }
test "zig fmt: comptime" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn a() u8 {
\\ return 5;
\\fn b(comptime i: u8) u8 {
\\ return i;
\\const av = comptime a();
\\const av2 = comptime blk: {
\\ var res = a();
\\ res *= b(2);
\\ break :blk res;
\\comptime {
\\ _ = a();
\\test "comptime" {
\\ const av3 = comptime a();
\\ const av4 = comptime blk: {
\\ var res = a();
\\ res *= a();
\\ break :blk res;
\\ };
\\ comptime var i = 0;
\\ comptime {
\\ i = a();
\\ i += b(i);
\\ }
test "zig fmt: fn type" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn a(i: u8) u8 {
\\ return i + 1;
\\const a: fn (u8) u8 = undefined;
\\const b: extern fn (u8) u8 = undefined;
\\const c: nakedcc fn (u8) u8 = undefined;
\\const ap: fn (u8) u8 = a;
test "zig fmt: inline asm" {
try testCanonical(
\\pub fn syscall1(number: usize, arg1: usize) usize {
\\ return asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ : [ret] "={rax}" (-> usize)
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (number),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (arg1)
\\ : "rcx", "r11"
\\ );
test "zig fmt: coroutines" {
try testCanonical(
\\async fn simpleAsyncFn() void {
\\ const a = async a.b();
\\ x += 1;
\\ suspend;
\\ x += 1;
\\ suspend;
\\ const p: promise->void = async simpleAsyncFn() catch unreachable;
\\ await p;
\\test "coroutine suspend, resume, cancel" {
\\ const p: promise = try async<std.debug.global_allocator> testAsyncSeq();
\\ resume p;
\\ cancel p;
test "zig fmt: Block after if" {
try testCanonical(
\\test "Block after if" {
\\ if (true) {
\\ const a = 0;
\\ }
\\ {
\\ const a = 0;
\\ }
test "zig fmt: use" {
try testCanonical(
\\use @import("std");
\\pub use @import("std");
test "zig fmt: string identifier" {
try testCanonical(
\\const @"a b" = @"c d".@"e f";
\\fn @"g h"() void {}
test "zig fmt: error return" {
try testCanonical(
\\fn err() anyerror {
\\ call();
\\ return error.InvalidArgs;
const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const warn = std.debug.warn;
const io = std.io;
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
var fixed_buffer_mem: [100 * 1024]u8 = undefined;
fn testParse(source: []const u8, allocator: *mem.Allocator, anything_changed: *bool) ![]u8 {
var stderr_file = try io.getStdErr();
var stderr = &stderr_file.outStream().stream;
var tree = try std.zig.parse(allocator, source);
defer tree.deinit();
var error_it = tree.errors.iterator(0);
while (error_it.next()) |parse_error| {
const token = tree.tokens.at(parse_error.loc());
const loc = tree.tokenLocation(0, parse_error.loc());
try stderr.print("(memory buffer):{}:{}: error: ", loc.line + 1, loc.column + 1);
try tree.renderError(parse_error, stderr);
try stderr.print("\n{}\n", source[loc.line_start..loc.line_end]);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < loc.column) : (i += 1) {
try stderr.write(" ");
const caret_count = token.end - token.start;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < caret_count) : (i += 1) {
try stderr.write("~");
try stderr.write("\n");
if (tree.errors.len != 0) {
return error.ParseError;
var buffer = try std.Buffer.initSize(allocator, 0);
errdefer buffer.deinit();
var buffer_out_stream = io.BufferOutStream.init(&buffer);
anything_changed.* = try std.zig.render(allocator, &buffer_out_stream.stream, &tree);
return buffer.toOwnedSlice();
fn testTransform(source: []const u8, expected_source: []const u8) !void {
const needed_alloc_count = x: {
// Try it once with unlimited memory, make sure it works
var fixed_allocator = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(fixed_buffer_mem[0..]);
var failing_allocator = std.debug.FailingAllocator.init(&fixed_allocator.allocator, maxInt(usize));
var anything_changed: bool = undefined;
const result_source = try testParse(source, &failing_allocator.allocator, &anything_changed);
if (!mem.eql(u8, result_source, expected_source)) {
warn("\n====== expected this output: =========\n");
warn("{}", expected_source);
warn("\n======== instead found this: =========\n");
warn("{}", result_source);
return error.TestFailed;
const changes_expected = source.ptr != expected_source.ptr;
if (anything_changed != changes_expected) {
warn("std.zig.render returned {} instead of {}\n", anything_changed, changes_expected);
return error.TestFailed;
std.debug.assert(anything_changed == changes_expected);
break :x failing_allocator.index;
var fail_index: usize = 0;
while (fail_index < needed_alloc_count) : (fail_index += 1) {
var fixed_allocator = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(fixed_buffer_mem[0..]);
var failing_allocator = std.debug.FailingAllocator.init(&fixed_allocator.allocator, fail_index);
var anything_changed: bool = undefined;
if (testParse(source, &failing_allocator.allocator, &anything_changed)) |_| {
return error.NondeterministicMemoryUsage;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => {
if (failing_allocator.allocated_bytes != failing_allocator.freed_bytes) {
"\nfail_index: {}/{}\nallocated bytes: {}\nfreed bytes: {}\nallocations: {}\ndeallocations: {}\n",
return error.MemoryLeakDetected;
error.ParseError => @panic("test failed"),
else => @panic("test failed"),
fn testCanonical(source: []const u8) !void {
return testTransform(source, source);