Andrew Kelley 22888ca524 some work in progress networking code
also, casting to or from a u8 slice makes a function impure
2016-05-10 15:00:59 -07:00

333 lines
9.0 KiB

const linux = @import("linux.zig");
const errno = @import("errno.zig");
const assert = @import("index.zig").assert;
pub error SigInterrupt;
pub error Unexpected;
pub error Io;
pub error TimedOut;
struct Connection {
socket_fd: i32,
pub fn close(c: Connection) -> %void {
switch (linux.get_errno(linux.close(c.socket_fd))) {
0 => return,
errno.EBADF => unreachable{},
errno.EINTR => return error.SigInterrupt,
errno.EIO => return error.Io,
else => return error.Unexpected,
struct Address {
family: u16,
scope_id: u32,
addr: [16]u8,
sort_key: i32,
pub fn lookup(hostname: []const u8, out_addrs: []Address) -> %[]Address {
if (hostname.len == 0) {
if (family != AF_INET6)
buf[cnt++] = (struct address){ .family = AF_INET, .addr = { 127,0,0,1 } };
if (family != AF_INET)
buf[cnt++] = (struct address){ .family = AF_INET6, .addr = { [15] = 1 } };
unreachable{} // TODO
switch (parse_ip_literal(hostname)) {
Ok => |addr| {
out_addrs[0] = addr;
return out_addrs[0...1];
else => {},
unreachable{} // TODO
pub fn connect_addr(addr: &Address, port: u16) -> %Connection {
const socket_ret = linux.socket(addr.family, linux.SOCK_STREAM, linux.PROTO_tcp);
const socket_err = linux.get_errno(socket_ret);
if (socket_err > 0) {
// TODO figure out possible errors from socket()
return error.Unexpected;
const socket_fd = i32(socket_ret);
const connect_ret = if (addr.family == linux.AF_INET) {
var os_addr: linux.sockaddr_in = undefined;
os_addr.family = addr.family;
os_addr.port = host_to_be(u16)(port);
@memcpy((&u8)(&os_addr.addr), &addr.addr[0], 4);
@memset(&os_addr.zero, 0, @sizeof(@typeof(os_addr.zero)));
linux.connect(socket_fd, (&linux.sockaddr)(&os_addr), @sizeof(linux.sockaddr_in))
} else if (addr.family == linux.AF_INET6) {
var os_addr: linux.sockaddr_in6 = undefined;
os_addr.family = addr.family;
os_addr.port = host_to_be(u16)(port);
os_addr.flowinfo = 0;
os_addr.scope_id = addr.scope_id;
@memcpy(&os_addr.addr[0], &addr.addr[0], 16);
linux.connect(socket_fd, (&linux.sockaddr)(&os_addr), @sizeof(linux.sockaddr_in6))
} else {
const connect_err = linux.get_errno(connect_ret);
if (connect_err > 0) {
switch (connect_err) {
errno.ETIMEDOUT => return error.TimedOut,
else => {
// TODO figure out possible errors from connect()
return error.Unexpected;
return Connection {
.socket_fd = socket_fd,
pub fn connect(hostname: []const u8, port: u16) -> %Connection {
var addrs_buf: [1]Address = undefined;
const addrs_slice = %return lookup(hostname, addrs_buf);
const main_addr = &addrs_slice[0];
return connect_addr(main_addr, port);
pub error InvalidIpLiteral;
pub fn parse_ip_literal(buf: []const u8) -> %Address {
switch (parse_ip4(buf)) {
Ok => |ip4| {
var result: Address = undefined;
@memcpy(&result.addr[0], (&u8)(&ip4), @sizeof(u32));
result.family = linux.AF_INET;
result.scope_id = 0;
return result;
else => {},
switch (parse_ip6(buf)) {
Ok => |addr| {
return addr;
else => {},
return error.InvalidIpLiteral;
fn hex_digit(c: u8) -> u8 {
// TODO use switch with range
if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
c - '0'
} else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') {
c - 'A' + 10
} else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') {
c - 'a' + 10
} else {
error InvalidChar;
error Overflow;
error JunkAtEnd;
error Incomplete;
fn parse_ip6(buf: []const u8) -> %Address {
var result: Address = undefined;
result.family = linux.AF_INET6;
result.scope_id = 0;
const ip_slice = result.addr[0...];
var x: u16 = 0;
var saw_any_digits = false;
var index: u8 = 0;
var scope_id = false;
for (buf) |c| {
if (scope_id) {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
const digit = c - '0';
if (@mul_with_overflow(u32, result.scope_id, 10, &result.scope_id)) {
return error.Overflow;
if (@add_with_overflow(u32, result.scope_id, digit, &result.scope_id)) {
return error.Overflow;
} else {
return error.InvalidChar;
} else if (c == ':') {
if (!saw_any_digits) {
return error.InvalidChar;
if (index == 14) {
return error.JunkAtEnd;
ip_slice[index] = @truncate(u8, x >> 8);
index += 1;
ip_slice[index] = @truncate(u8, x);
index += 1;
x = 0;
saw_any_digits = false;
} else if (c == '%') {
if (!saw_any_digits) {
return error.InvalidChar;
if (index == 14) {
ip_slice[index] = @truncate(u8, x >> 8);
index += 1;
ip_slice[index] = @truncate(u8, x);
index += 1;
scope_id = true;
saw_any_digits = false;
} else {
const digit = hex_digit(c);
if (digit == @max_value(u8)) {
return error.InvalidChar;
if (@mul_with_overflow(u16, x, 16, &x)) {
return error.Overflow;
if (@add_with_overflow(u16, x, digit, &x)) {
return error.Overflow;
saw_any_digits = true;
if (!saw_any_digits) {
return error.Incomplete;
if (p) {
if (isdigit(*++p)) scopeid = strtoull(p, &z, 10);
else z = p-1;
if (*z) {
if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&a6) &&
return EAI_NONAME;
scopeid = if_nametoindex(p);
if (!scopeid) return EAI_NONAME;
if (scopeid > UINT_MAX) return EAI_NONAME;
if (scope_id) {
return result;
if (index == 14) {
ip_slice[14] = @truncate(u8, x >> 8);
ip_slice[15] = @truncate(u8, x);
return result;
return error.Incomplete;
fn parse_ip4(buf: []const u8) -> %u32 {
var result: u32 = undefined;
const out_ptr = ([]u8)((&result)[0...1]);
var x: u8 = 0;
var index: u8 = 0;
var saw_any_digits = false;
for (buf) |c| {
if (c == '.') {
if (!saw_any_digits) {
return error.InvalidChar;
if (index == 3) {
return error.JunkAtEnd;
out_ptr[index] = x;
index += 1;
x = 0;
saw_any_digits = false;
} else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
saw_any_digits = true;
const digit = c - '0';
if (@mul_with_overflow(u8, x, 10, &x)) {
return error.Overflow;
if (@add_with_overflow(u8, x, digit, &x)) {
return error.Overflow;
} else {
return error.InvalidChar;
if (index == 3 && saw_any_digits) {
out_ptr[index] = x;
return result;
return error.Incomplete;
fn test_parse_ip4() {
assert(%%parse_ip4("") == be_to_host(u32)(0x7f000001));
switch (parse_ip4("")) { Overflow => {}, else => unreachable {}, }
switch (parse_ip4("x.0.0.1")) { InvalidChar => {}, else => unreachable {}, }
switch (parse_ip4("")) { JunkAtEnd => {}, else => unreachable {}, }
switch (parse_ip4("127.0.0.")) { Incomplete => {}, else => unreachable {}, }
switch (parse_ip4("100..0.1")) { InvalidChar => {}, else => unreachable {}, }
fn test_parse_ip6() {
const addr = %%parse_ip6("FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:FB");
assert(addr.addr[0] == 0xff);
assert(addr.addr[1] == 0x01);
assert(addr.addr[2] == 0x00);
fn test_lookup_simple_ip() {
var addrs_buf: [5]Address = undefined;
const addrs = %%lookup("", addrs_buf);
assert(addrs.len == 1);
const addr = addrs[0];
assert(addr.family == linux.AF_INET);
assert(addr.addr[0] == 192);
assert(addr.addr[1] == 168);
assert(addr.addr[2] == 1);
assert(addr.addr[3] == 1);
const be_to_host = host_to_be;
fn host_to_be(T: type)(x: T) -> T {
if (@compile_var("is_big_endian")) x else endian_swap(T)(x)
fn endian_swap(T: type)(x: T) -> T {
const x_slice = ([]u8)((&const x)[0...1]);
var result: T = undefined;
const result_slice = ([]u8)((&result)[0...1]);
for (result_slice) |*b, i| {
*b = x_slice[@sizeof(T) - i - 1];
return result;