Andrew Kelley 67b4de33d2
compile error for import outside package path
closes #2024

there's a new cli option `--main-pkg-path` which you can use to choose
a different root package directory besides the one inferred from the
root source file

and a corresponding build.zig API:
2019-03-02 10:38:27 -05:00

177 lines
6.4 KiB

// This file is in a package which has the root source file exposed as "@root".
// It is included in the compilation unit when exporting an executable.
const root = @import("@root");
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
var argc_ptr: [*]usize = undefined;
comptime {
const strong_linkage = builtin.GlobalLinkage.Strong;
if (builtin.link_libc) {
@export("main", main, strong_linkage);
} else if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.windows) {
@export("WinMainCRTStartup", WinMainCRTStartup, strong_linkage);
} else {
@export("_start", _start, strong_linkage);
nakedcc fn _start() noreturn {
switch (builtin.arch) {
builtin.Arch.x86_64 => {
argc_ptr = asm ("lea (%%rsp), %[argc]"
: [argc] "=r" (-> [*]usize)
builtin.Arch.i386 => {
argc_ptr = asm ("lea (%%esp), %[argc]"
: [argc] "=r" (-> [*]usize)
builtin.Arch.aarch64, builtin.Arch.aarch64_be => {
argc_ptr = asm ("mov %[argc], sp"
: [argc] "=r" (-> [*]usize)
else => @compileError("unsupported arch"),
// If LLVM inlines stack variables into _start, they will overwrite
// the command line argument data.
extern fn WinMainCRTStartup() noreturn {
if (!builtin.single_threaded) {
_ = @import("bootstrap_windows_tls.zig");
// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/265
fn posixCallMainAndExit() noreturn {
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.freebsd) {
const argc = argc_ptr[0];
const argv = @ptrCast([*][*]u8, argc_ptr + 1);
const envp_optional = @ptrCast([*]?[*]u8, argv + argc + 1);
var envp_count: usize = 0;
while (envp_optional[envp_count]) |_| : (envp_count += 1) {}
const envp = @ptrCast([*][*]u8, envp_optional)[0..envp_count];
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.linux) {
// Scan auxiliary vector.
const auxv = @ptrCast([*]std.elf.Auxv, envp.ptr + envp_count + 1);
std.os.linux_elf_aux_maybe = auxv;
var i: usize = 0;
var at_phdr: usize = 0;
var at_phnum: usize = 0;
var at_phent: usize = 0;
while (auxv[i].a_un.a_val != 0) : (i += 1) {
switch (auxv[i].a_type) {
std.elf.AT_PAGESZ => assert(auxv[i].a_un.a_val == std.os.page_size),
std.elf.AT_PHDR => at_phdr = auxv[i].a_un.a_val,
std.elf.AT_PHNUM => at_phnum = auxv[i].a_un.a_val,
std.elf.AT_PHENT => at_phent = auxv[i].a_un.a_val,
else => {},
if (!builtin.single_threaded) linuxInitializeThreadLocalStorage(at_phdr, at_phnum, at_phent);
std.os.posix.exit(callMainWithArgs(argc, argv, envp));
// This is marked inline because for some reason LLVM in release mode fails to inline it,
// and we want fewer call frames in stack traces.
inline fn callMainWithArgs(argc: usize, argv: [*][*]u8, envp: [][*]u8) u8 {
std.os.ArgIteratorPosix.raw = argv[0..argc];
std.os.posix_environ_raw = envp;
return callMain();
extern fn main(c_argc: i32, c_argv: [*][*]u8, c_envp: [*]?[*]u8) i32 {
var env_count: usize = 0;
while (c_envp[env_count] != null) : (env_count += 1) {}
const envp = @ptrCast([*][*]u8, c_envp)[0..env_count];
return callMainWithArgs(@intCast(usize, c_argc), c_argv, envp);
// This is marked inline because for some reason LLVM in release mode fails to inline it,
// and we want fewer call frames in stack traces.
inline fn callMain() u8 {
switch (@typeId(@typeOf(root.main).ReturnType)) {
builtin.TypeId.NoReturn => {
builtin.TypeId.Void => {
return 0;
builtin.TypeId.Int => {
if (@typeOf(root.main).ReturnType.bit_count != 8) {
@compileError("expected return type of main to be 'u8', 'noreturn', 'void', or '!void'");
return root.main();
builtin.TypeId.ErrorUnion => {
root.main() catch |err| {
std.debug.warn("error: {}\n", @errorName(err));
if (builtin.os != builtin.Os.zen) {
if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| {
return 1;
return 0;
else => @compileError("expected return type of main to be 'u8', 'noreturn', 'void', or '!void'"),
var tls_end_addr: usize = undefined;
const main_thread_tls_align = 32;
var main_thread_tls_bytes: [64]u8 align(main_thread_tls_align) = [1]u8{0} ** 64;
fn linuxInitializeThreadLocalStorage(at_phdr: usize, at_phnum: usize, at_phent: usize) void {
var phdr_addr = at_phdr;
var n = at_phnum;
var base: usize = 0;
while (n != 0) : ({
n -= 1;
phdr_addr += at_phent;
}) {
const phdr = @intToPtr(*std.elf.Phdr, phdr_addr);
// TODO look for PT_DYNAMIC when we have https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1917
switch (phdr.p_type) {
std.elf.PT_PHDR => base = at_phdr - phdr.p_vaddr,
std.elf.PT_TLS => std.os.linux_tls_phdr = phdr,
else => continue,
const tls_phdr = std.os.linux_tls_phdr orelse return;
std.os.linux_tls_img_src = @intToPtr([*]const u8, base + tls_phdr.p_vaddr);
assert(main_thread_tls_bytes.len >= tls_phdr.p_memsz); // not enough preallocated Thread Local Storage
assert(main_thread_tls_align >= tls_phdr.p_align); // preallocated Thread Local Storage not aligned enough
@memcpy(&main_thread_tls_bytes, std.os.linux_tls_img_src, tls_phdr.p_filesz);
tls_end_addr = @ptrToInt(&main_thread_tls_bytes) + tls_phdr.p_memsz;
fn linuxSetThreadArea(addr: usize) void {
switch (builtin.arch) {
builtin.Arch.x86_64 => {
const ARCH_SET_FS = 0x1002;
const rc = std.os.linux.syscall2(std.os.linux.SYS_arch_prctl, ARCH_SET_FS, addr);
// acrh_prctl is documented to never fail
assert(rc == 0);
else => @compileError("Unsupported architecture"),