mlugg 8944935499 std: eliminate some uses of usingnamespace
This eliminates some simple usages of `usingnamespace` in the standard
library. This construct may in future be removed from the language, and
is generally an inappropriate way to formulate code. It is also
problematic for incremental compilation, which may not initially support
projects using it.

I wasn't entirely sure what the appropriate namespacing for the types in
`std.os.uefi.tables` would be, so I ofted to preserve the current
namespacing, meaning this is not a breaking change. It's possible some
of the moved types should instead be namespaced under `BootServices`
etc, but this can be a future enhancement.
2024-02-01 20:30:42 +00:00

887 lines
31 KiB

const std = @import("std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const root = @import("root");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const testing = std.testing;
const mem = std.mem;
const os = std.os;
const c = std.c;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub const LoggingAllocator = @import("heap/logging_allocator.zig").LoggingAllocator;
pub const loggingAllocator = @import("heap/logging_allocator.zig").loggingAllocator;
pub const ScopedLoggingAllocator = @import("heap/logging_allocator.zig").ScopedLoggingAllocator;
pub const LogToWriterAllocator = @import("heap/log_to_writer_allocator.zig").LogToWriterAllocator;
pub const logToWriterAllocator = @import("heap/log_to_writer_allocator.zig").logToWriterAllocator;
pub const ArenaAllocator = @import("heap/arena_allocator.zig").ArenaAllocator;
pub const GeneralPurposeAllocator = @import("heap/general_purpose_allocator.zig").GeneralPurposeAllocator;
pub const Check = @import("heap/general_purpose_allocator.zig").Check;
pub const WasmAllocator = @import("heap/WasmAllocator.zig");
pub const WasmPageAllocator = @import("heap/WasmPageAllocator.zig");
pub const PageAllocator = @import("heap/PageAllocator.zig");
pub const ThreadSafeAllocator = @import("heap/ThreadSafeAllocator.zig");
pub const SbrkAllocator = @import("heap/sbrk_allocator.zig").SbrkAllocator;
const memory_pool = @import("heap/memory_pool.zig");
pub const MemoryPool = memory_pool.MemoryPool;
pub const MemoryPoolAligned = memory_pool.MemoryPoolAligned;
pub const MemoryPoolExtra = memory_pool.MemoryPoolExtra;
pub const MemoryPoolOptions = memory_pool.Options;
/// TODO Utilize this on Windows.
pub var next_mmap_addr_hint: ?[*]align(mem.page_size) u8 = null;
const CAllocator = struct {
comptime {
if (!builtin.link_libc) {
@compileError("C allocator is only available when linking against libc");
pub const supports_malloc_size = @TypeOf(malloc_size) != void;
pub const malloc_size = if (@hasDecl(c, "malloc_size"))
else if (@hasDecl(c, "malloc_usable_size"))
else if (@hasDecl(c, "_msize"))
else {};
pub const supports_posix_memalign = @hasDecl(c, "posix_memalign");
fn getHeader(ptr: [*]u8) *[*]u8 {
return @as(*[*]u8, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ptr) - @sizeOf(usize)));
fn alignedAlloc(len: usize, log2_align: u8) ?[*]u8 {
const alignment = @as(usize, 1) << @as(Allocator.Log2Align, @intCast(log2_align));
if (supports_posix_memalign) {
// The posix_memalign only accepts alignment values that are a
// multiple of the pointer size
const eff_alignment = @max(alignment, @sizeOf(usize));
var aligned_ptr: ?*anyopaque = undefined;
if (c.posix_memalign(&aligned_ptr, eff_alignment, len) != 0)
return null;
return @as([*]u8, @ptrCast(aligned_ptr));
// Thin wrapper around regular malloc, overallocate to account for
// alignment padding and store the original malloc()'ed pointer before
// the aligned address.
const unaligned_ptr = @as([*]u8, @ptrCast(c.malloc(len + alignment - 1 + @sizeOf(usize)) orelse return null));
const unaligned_addr = @intFromPtr(unaligned_ptr);
const aligned_addr = mem.alignForward(usize, unaligned_addr + @sizeOf(usize), alignment);
const aligned_ptr = unaligned_ptr + (aligned_addr - unaligned_addr);
getHeader(aligned_ptr).* = unaligned_ptr;
return aligned_ptr;
fn alignedFree(ptr: [*]u8) void {
if (supports_posix_memalign) {
return c.free(ptr);
const unaligned_ptr = getHeader(ptr).*;
fn alignedAllocSize(ptr: [*]u8) usize {
if (supports_posix_memalign) {
return CAllocator.malloc_size(ptr);
const unaligned_ptr = getHeader(ptr).*;
const delta = @intFromPtr(ptr) - @intFromPtr(unaligned_ptr);
return CAllocator.malloc_size(unaligned_ptr) - delta;
fn alloc(
_: *anyopaque,
len: usize,
log2_align: u8,
return_address: usize,
) ?[*]u8 {
_ = return_address;
assert(len > 0);
return alignedAlloc(len, log2_align);
fn resize(
_: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_buf_align: u8,
new_len: usize,
return_address: usize,
) bool {
_ = log2_buf_align;
_ = return_address;
if (new_len <= buf.len) {
return true;
if (CAllocator.supports_malloc_size) {
const full_len = alignedAllocSize(buf.ptr);
if (new_len <= full_len) {
return true;
return false;
fn free(
_: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_buf_align: u8,
return_address: usize,
) void {
_ = log2_buf_align;
_ = return_address;
/// Supports the full Allocator interface, including alignment, and exploiting
/// `malloc_usable_size` if available. For an allocator that directly calls
/// `malloc`/`free`, see `raw_c_allocator`.
pub const c_allocator = Allocator{
.ptr = undefined,
.vtable = &c_allocator_vtable,
const c_allocator_vtable = Allocator.VTable{
.alloc = CAllocator.alloc,
.resize = CAllocator.resize,
.free = CAllocator.free,
/// Asserts allocations are within `@alignOf(std.c.max_align_t)` and directly calls
/// `malloc`/`free`. Does not attempt to utilize `malloc_usable_size`.
/// This allocator is safe to use as the backing allocator with
/// `ArenaAllocator` for example and is more optimal in such a case
/// than `c_allocator`.
pub const raw_c_allocator = Allocator{
.ptr = undefined,
.vtable = &raw_c_allocator_vtable,
const raw_c_allocator_vtable = Allocator.VTable{
.alloc = rawCAlloc,
.resize = rawCResize,
.free = rawCFree,
fn rawCAlloc(
_: *anyopaque,
len: usize,
log2_ptr_align: u8,
ret_addr: usize,
) ?[*]u8 {
_ = ret_addr;
assert(log2_ptr_align <= comptime std.math.log2_int(usize, @alignOf(std.c.max_align_t)));
// Note that this pointer cannot be aligncasted to max_align_t because if
// len is < max_align_t then the alignment can be smaller. For example, if
// max_align_t is 16, but the user requests 8 bytes, there is no built-in
// type in C that is size 8 and has 16 byte alignment, so the alignment may
// be 8 bytes rather than 16. Similarly if only 1 byte is requested, malloc
// is allowed to return a 1-byte aligned pointer.
return @as(?[*]u8, @ptrCast(c.malloc(len)));
fn rawCResize(
_: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_old_align: u8,
new_len: usize,
ret_addr: usize,
) bool {
_ = log2_old_align;
_ = ret_addr;
return new_len <= buf.len;
fn rawCFree(
_: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_old_align: u8,
ret_addr: usize,
) void {
_ = log2_old_align;
_ = ret_addr;
/// This allocator makes a syscall directly for every allocation and free.
/// Thread-safe and lock-free.
pub const page_allocator = if (@hasDecl(root, "os") and
@hasDecl(root.os, "heap") and
@hasDecl(root.os.heap, "page_allocator"))
else if (builtin.target.isWasm())
.ptr = undefined,
.vtable = &WasmPageAllocator.vtable,
else if (builtin.target.os.tag == .plan9)
.ptr = undefined,
.vtable = &SbrkAllocator(std.os.plan9.sbrk).vtable,
.ptr = undefined,
.vtable = &PageAllocator.vtable,
/// This allocator is fast, small, and specific to WebAssembly. In the future,
/// this will be the implementation automatically selected by
/// `GeneralPurposeAllocator` when compiling in `ReleaseSmall` mode for wasm32
/// and wasm64 architectures.
/// Until then, it is available here to play with.
pub const wasm_allocator = Allocator{
.ptr = undefined,
.vtable = &std.heap.WasmAllocator.vtable,
/// Verifies that the adjusted length will still map to the full length
pub fn alignPageAllocLen(full_len: usize, len: usize) usize {
const aligned_len = mem.alignAllocLen(full_len, len);
assert(mem.alignForward(usize, aligned_len, mem.page_size) == full_len);
return aligned_len;
pub const HeapAllocator = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => struct {
heap_handle: ?HeapHandle,
const HeapHandle = os.windows.HANDLE;
pub fn init() HeapAllocator {
return HeapAllocator{
.heap_handle = null,
pub fn allocator(self: *HeapAllocator) Allocator {
return .{
.ptr = self,
.vtable = &.{
.alloc = alloc,
.resize = resize,
.free = free,
pub fn deinit(self: *HeapAllocator) void {
if (self.heap_handle) |heap_handle| {
fn getRecordPtr(buf: []u8) *align(1) usize {
return @as(*align(1) usize, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(buf.ptr) + buf.len));
fn alloc(
ctx: *anyopaque,
n: usize,
log2_ptr_align: u8,
return_address: usize,
) ?[*]u8 {
_ = return_address;
const self: *HeapAllocator = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
const ptr_align = @as(usize, 1) << @as(Allocator.Log2Align, @intCast(log2_ptr_align));
const amt = n + ptr_align - 1 + @sizeOf(usize);
const optional_heap_handle = @atomicLoad(?HeapHandle, &self.heap_handle, .SeqCst);
const heap_handle = optional_heap_handle orelse blk: {
const options = if (builtin.single_threaded) os.windows.HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE else 0;
const hh = os.windows.kernel32.HeapCreate(options, amt, 0) orelse return null;
const other_hh = @cmpxchgStrong(?HeapHandle, &self.heap_handle, null, hh, .SeqCst, .SeqCst) orelse break :blk hh;
break :blk other_hh.?; // can't be null because of the cmpxchg
const ptr = os.windows.kernel32.HeapAlloc(heap_handle, 0, amt) orelse return null;
const root_addr = @intFromPtr(ptr);
const aligned_addr = mem.alignForward(usize, root_addr, ptr_align);
const buf = @as([*]u8, @ptrFromInt(aligned_addr))[0..n];
getRecordPtr(buf).* = root_addr;
return buf.ptr;
fn resize(
ctx: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_buf_align: u8,
new_size: usize,
return_address: usize,
) bool {
_ = log2_buf_align;
_ = return_address;
const self: *HeapAllocator = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
const root_addr = getRecordPtr(buf).*;
const align_offset = @intFromPtr(buf.ptr) - root_addr;
const amt = align_offset + new_size + @sizeOf(usize);
const new_ptr = os.windows.kernel32.HeapReAlloc(
@as(*anyopaque, @ptrFromInt(root_addr)),
) orelse return false;
assert(new_ptr == @as(*anyopaque, @ptrFromInt(root_addr)));
getRecordPtr(buf.ptr[0..new_size]).* = root_addr;
return true;
fn free(
ctx: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_buf_align: u8,
return_address: usize,
) void {
_ = log2_buf_align;
_ = return_address;
const self: *HeapAllocator = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
os.windows.HeapFree(self.heap_handle.?, 0, @as(*anyopaque, @ptrFromInt(getRecordPtr(buf).*)));
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
fn sliceContainsPtr(container: []u8, ptr: [*]u8) bool {
return @intFromPtr(ptr) >= @intFromPtr(container.ptr) and
@intFromPtr(ptr) < (@intFromPtr(container.ptr) + container.len);
fn sliceContainsSlice(container: []u8, slice: []u8) bool {
return @intFromPtr(slice.ptr) >= @intFromPtr(container.ptr) and
(@intFromPtr(slice.ptr) + slice.len) <= (@intFromPtr(container.ptr) + container.len);
pub const FixedBufferAllocator = struct {
end_index: usize,
buffer: []u8,
pub fn init(buffer: []u8) FixedBufferAllocator {
return FixedBufferAllocator{
.buffer = buffer,
.end_index = 0,
/// *WARNING* using this at the same time as the interface returned by `threadSafeAllocator` is not thread safe
pub fn allocator(self: *FixedBufferAllocator) Allocator {
return .{
.ptr = self,
.vtable = &.{
.alloc = alloc,
.resize = resize,
.free = free,
/// Provides a lock free thread safe `Allocator` interface to the underlying `FixedBufferAllocator`
/// *WARNING* using this at the same time as the interface returned by `allocator` is not thread safe
pub fn threadSafeAllocator(self: *FixedBufferAllocator) Allocator {
return .{
.ptr = self,
.vtable = &.{
.alloc = threadSafeAlloc,
.resize = Allocator.noResize,
.free = Allocator.noFree,
pub fn ownsPtr(self: *FixedBufferAllocator, ptr: [*]u8) bool {
return sliceContainsPtr(self.buffer, ptr);
pub fn ownsSlice(self: *FixedBufferAllocator, slice: []u8) bool {
return sliceContainsSlice(self.buffer, slice);
/// NOTE: this will not work in all cases, if the last allocation had an adjusted_index
/// then we won't be able to determine what the last allocation was. This is because
/// the alignForward operation done in alloc is not reversible.
pub fn isLastAllocation(self: *FixedBufferAllocator, buf: []u8) bool {
return buf.ptr + buf.len == self.buffer.ptr + self.end_index;
fn alloc(ctx: *anyopaque, n: usize, log2_ptr_align: u8, ra: usize) ?[*]u8 {
const self: *FixedBufferAllocator = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
_ = ra;
const ptr_align = @as(usize, 1) << @as(Allocator.Log2Align, @intCast(log2_ptr_align));
const adjust_off = mem.alignPointerOffset(self.buffer.ptr + self.end_index, ptr_align) orelse return null;
const adjusted_index = self.end_index + adjust_off;
const new_end_index = adjusted_index + n;
if (new_end_index > self.buffer.len) return null;
self.end_index = new_end_index;
return self.buffer.ptr + adjusted_index;
fn resize(
ctx: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_buf_align: u8,
new_size: usize,
return_address: usize,
) bool {
const self: *FixedBufferAllocator = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
_ = log2_buf_align;
_ = return_address;
assert(@inComptime() or self.ownsSlice(buf));
if (!self.isLastAllocation(buf)) {
if (new_size > buf.len) return false;
return true;
if (new_size <= buf.len) {
const sub = buf.len - new_size;
self.end_index -= sub;
return true;
const add = new_size - buf.len;
if (add + self.end_index > self.buffer.len) return false;
self.end_index += add;
return true;
fn free(
ctx: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_buf_align: u8,
return_address: usize,
) void {
const self: *FixedBufferAllocator = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
_ = log2_buf_align;
_ = return_address;
assert(@inComptime() or self.ownsSlice(buf));
if (self.isLastAllocation(buf)) {
self.end_index -= buf.len;
fn threadSafeAlloc(ctx: *anyopaque, n: usize, log2_ptr_align: u8, ra: usize) ?[*]u8 {
const self: *FixedBufferAllocator = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
_ = ra;
const ptr_align = @as(usize, 1) << @as(Allocator.Log2Align, @intCast(log2_ptr_align));
var end_index = @atomicLoad(usize, &self.end_index, .SeqCst);
while (true) {
const adjust_off = mem.alignPointerOffset(self.buffer.ptr + end_index, ptr_align) orelse return null;
const adjusted_index = end_index + adjust_off;
const new_end_index = adjusted_index + n;
if (new_end_index > self.buffer.len) return null;
end_index = @cmpxchgWeak(usize, &self.end_index, end_index, new_end_index, .SeqCst, .SeqCst) orelse
return self.buffer[adjusted_index..new_end_index].ptr;
pub fn reset(self: *FixedBufferAllocator) void {
self.end_index = 0;
pub const ThreadSafeFixedBufferAllocator = @compileError("ThreadSafeFixedBufferAllocator has been replaced with `threadSafeAllocator` on FixedBufferAllocator");
/// Returns a `StackFallbackAllocator` allocating using either a
/// `FixedBufferAllocator` on an array of size `size` and falling back to
/// `fallback_allocator` if that fails.
pub fn stackFallback(comptime size: usize, fallback_allocator: Allocator) StackFallbackAllocator(size) {
return StackFallbackAllocator(size){
.buffer = undefined,
.fallback_allocator = fallback_allocator,
.fixed_buffer_allocator = undefined,
/// An allocator that attempts to allocate using a
/// `FixedBufferAllocator` using an array of size `size`. If the
/// allocation fails, it will fall back to using
/// `fallback_allocator`. Easily created with `stackFallback`.
pub fn StackFallbackAllocator(comptime size: usize) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
buffer: [size]u8,
fallback_allocator: Allocator,
fixed_buffer_allocator: FixedBufferAllocator,
get_called: if (std.debug.runtime_safety) bool else void =
if (std.debug.runtime_safety) false else {},
/// This function both fetches a `Allocator` interface to this
/// allocator *and* resets the internal buffer allocator.
pub fn get(self: *Self) Allocator {
if (std.debug.runtime_safety) {
assert(!self.get_called); // `get` called multiple times; instead use `const allocator = stackFallback(N).get();`
self.get_called = true;
self.fixed_buffer_allocator = FixedBufferAllocator.init(self.buffer[0..]);
return .{
.ptr = self,
.vtable = &.{
.alloc = alloc,
.resize = resize,
.free = free,
/// Unlike most std allocators `StackFallbackAllocator` modifies
/// its internal state before returning an implementation of
/// the`Allocator` interface and therefore also doesn't use
/// the usual `.allocator()` method.
pub const allocator = @compileError("use 'const allocator = stackFallback(N).get();' instead");
fn alloc(
ctx: *anyopaque,
len: usize,
log2_ptr_align: u8,
ra: usize,
) ?[*]u8 {
const self: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
return FixedBufferAllocator.alloc(&self.fixed_buffer_allocator, len, log2_ptr_align, ra) orelse
return self.fallback_allocator.rawAlloc(len, log2_ptr_align, ra);
fn resize(
ctx: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_buf_align: u8,
new_len: usize,
ra: usize,
) bool {
const self: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
if (self.fixed_buffer_allocator.ownsPtr(buf.ptr)) {
return FixedBufferAllocator.resize(&self.fixed_buffer_allocator, buf, log2_buf_align, new_len, ra);
} else {
return self.fallback_allocator.rawResize(buf, log2_buf_align, new_len, ra);
fn free(
ctx: *anyopaque,
buf: []u8,
log2_buf_align: u8,
ra: usize,
) void {
const self: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
if (self.fixed_buffer_allocator.ownsPtr(buf.ptr)) {
return FixedBufferAllocator.free(&self.fixed_buffer_allocator, buf, log2_buf_align, ra);
} else {
return self.fallback_allocator.rawFree(buf, log2_buf_align, ra);
test "c_allocator" {
if (builtin.link_libc) {
try testAllocator(c_allocator);
try testAllocatorAligned(c_allocator);
try testAllocatorLargeAlignment(c_allocator);
try testAllocatorAlignedShrink(c_allocator);
test "raw_c_allocator" {
if (builtin.link_libc) {
try testAllocator(raw_c_allocator);
test "PageAllocator" {
const allocator = page_allocator;
try testAllocator(allocator);
try testAllocatorAligned(allocator);
if (!builtin.target.isWasm()) {
try testAllocatorLargeAlignment(allocator);
try testAllocatorAlignedShrink(allocator);
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const slice = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, mem.page_size, 128);
slice[0] = 0x12;
slice[127] = 0x34;
var buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, mem.page_size + 1);
defer allocator.free(buf);
buf = try allocator.realloc(buf, 1); // shrink past the page boundary
test "HeapAllocator" {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/13702
if (builtin.cpu.arch == .aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
var heap_allocator = HeapAllocator.init();
defer heap_allocator.deinit();
const allocator = heap_allocator.allocator();
try testAllocator(allocator);
try testAllocatorAligned(allocator);
try testAllocatorLargeAlignment(allocator);
try testAllocatorAlignedShrink(allocator);
test "ArenaAllocator" {
var arena_allocator = ArenaAllocator.init(page_allocator);
defer arena_allocator.deinit();
const allocator = arena_allocator.allocator();
try testAllocator(allocator);
try testAllocatorAligned(allocator);
try testAllocatorLargeAlignment(allocator);
try testAllocatorAlignedShrink(allocator);
var test_fixed_buffer_allocator_memory: [800000 * @sizeOf(u64)]u8 = undefined;
test "FixedBufferAllocator" {
var fixed_buffer_allocator = mem.validationWrap(FixedBufferAllocator.init(test_fixed_buffer_allocator_memory[0..]));
const allocator = fixed_buffer_allocator.allocator();
try testAllocator(allocator);
try testAllocatorAligned(allocator);
try testAllocatorLargeAlignment(allocator);
try testAllocatorAlignedShrink(allocator);
test "FixedBufferAllocator.reset" {
var buf: [8]u8 align(@alignOf(u64)) = undefined;
var fba = FixedBufferAllocator.init(buf[0..]);
const allocator = fba.allocator();
const X = 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee;
const Y = 0xffffffffffffffff;
const x = try allocator.create(u64);
x.* = X;
try testing.expectError(error.OutOfMemory, allocator.create(u64));
const y = try allocator.create(u64);
y.* = Y;
// we expect Y to have overwritten X.
try testing.expect(x.* == y.*);
try testing.expect(y.* == Y);
test "StackFallbackAllocator" {
var stack_allocator = stackFallback(4096, std.testing.allocator);
try testAllocator(stack_allocator.get());
var stack_allocator = stackFallback(4096, std.testing.allocator);
try testAllocatorAligned(stack_allocator.get());
var stack_allocator = stackFallback(4096, std.testing.allocator);
try testAllocatorLargeAlignment(stack_allocator.get());
var stack_allocator = stackFallback(4096, std.testing.allocator);
try testAllocatorAlignedShrink(stack_allocator.get());
test "FixedBufferAllocator Reuse memory on realloc" {
var small_fixed_buffer: [10]u8 = undefined;
// check if we re-use the memory
var fixed_buffer_allocator = FixedBufferAllocator.init(small_fixed_buffer[0..]);
const allocator = fixed_buffer_allocator.allocator();
const slice0 = try allocator.alloc(u8, 5);
try testing.expect(slice0.len == 5);
const slice1 = try allocator.realloc(slice0, 10);
try testing.expect(slice1.ptr == slice0.ptr);
try testing.expect(slice1.len == 10);
try testing.expectError(error.OutOfMemory, allocator.realloc(slice1, 11));
// check that we don't re-use the memory if it's not the most recent block
var fixed_buffer_allocator = FixedBufferAllocator.init(small_fixed_buffer[0..]);
const allocator = fixed_buffer_allocator.allocator();
var slice0 = try allocator.alloc(u8, 2);
slice0[0] = 1;
slice0[1] = 2;
const slice1 = try allocator.alloc(u8, 2);
const slice2 = try allocator.realloc(slice0, 4);
try testing.expect(slice0.ptr != slice2.ptr);
try testing.expect(slice1.ptr != slice2.ptr);
try testing.expect(slice2[0] == 1);
try testing.expect(slice2[1] == 2);
test "Thread safe FixedBufferAllocator" {
var fixed_buffer_allocator = FixedBufferAllocator.init(test_fixed_buffer_allocator_memory[0..]);
try testAllocator(fixed_buffer_allocator.threadSafeAllocator());
try testAllocatorAligned(fixed_buffer_allocator.threadSafeAllocator());
try testAllocatorLargeAlignment(fixed_buffer_allocator.threadSafeAllocator());
try testAllocatorAlignedShrink(fixed_buffer_allocator.threadSafeAllocator());
/// This one should not try alignments that exceed what C malloc can handle.
pub fn testAllocator(base_allocator: mem.Allocator) !void {
var validationAllocator = mem.validationWrap(base_allocator);
const allocator = validationAllocator.allocator();
var slice = try allocator.alloc(*i32, 100);
try testing.expect(slice.len == 100);
for (slice, 0..) |*item, i| {
item.* = try allocator.create(i32);
item.*.* = @as(i32, @intCast(i));
slice = try allocator.realloc(slice, 20000);
try testing.expect(slice.len == 20000);
for (slice[0..100], 0..) |item, i| {
try testing.expect(item.* == @as(i32, @intCast(i)));
if (allocator.resize(slice, 50)) {
slice = slice[0..50];
if (allocator.resize(slice, 25)) {
slice = slice[0..25];
try testing.expect(allocator.resize(slice, 0));
slice = slice[0..0];
slice = try allocator.realloc(slice, 10);
try testing.expect(slice.len == 10);
// Zero-length allocation
const empty = try allocator.alloc(u8, 0);
// Allocation with zero-sized types
const zero_bit_ptr = try allocator.create(u0);
zero_bit_ptr.* = 0;
const oversize = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u32, null, 5);
try testing.expect(oversize.len >= 5);
for (oversize) |*item| {
item.* = 0xDEADBEEF;
pub fn testAllocatorAligned(base_allocator: mem.Allocator) !void {
var validationAllocator = mem.validationWrap(base_allocator);
const allocator = validationAllocator.allocator();
// Test a few alignment values, smaller and bigger than the type's one
inline for ([_]u29{ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 }) |alignment| {
// initial
var slice = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, alignment, 10);
try testing.expect(slice.len == 10);
// grow
slice = try allocator.realloc(slice, 100);
try testing.expect(slice.len == 100);
if (allocator.resize(slice, 10)) {
slice = slice[0..10];
try testing.expect(allocator.resize(slice, 0));
slice = slice[0..0];
// realloc from zero
slice = try allocator.realloc(slice, 100);
try testing.expect(slice.len == 100);
if (allocator.resize(slice, 10)) {
slice = slice[0..10];
try testing.expect(allocator.resize(slice, 0));
pub fn testAllocatorLargeAlignment(base_allocator: mem.Allocator) !void {
var validationAllocator = mem.validationWrap(base_allocator);
const allocator = validationAllocator.allocator();
const large_align: usize = mem.page_size / 2;
var align_mask: usize = undefined;
align_mask = @shlWithOverflow(~@as(usize, 0), @as(Allocator.Log2Align, @ctz(large_align)))[0];
var slice = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, large_align, 500);
try testing.expect(@intFromPtr(slice.ptr) & align_mask == @intFromPtr(slice.ptr));
if (allocator.resize(slice, 100)) {
slice = slice[0..100];
slice = try allocator.realloc(slice, 5000);
try testing.expect(@intFromPtr(slice.ptr) & align_mask == @intFromPtr(slice.ptr));
if (allocator.resize(slice, 10)) {
slice = slice[0..10];
slice = try allocator.realloc(slice, 20000);
try testing.expect(@intFromPtr(slice.ptr) & align_mask == @intFromPtr(slice.ptr));
pub fn testAllocatorAlignedShrink(base_allocator: mem.Allocator) !void {
var validationAllocator = mem.validationWrap(base_allocator);
const allocator = validationAllocator.allocator();
var debug_buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined;
var fib = FixedBufferAllocator.init(&debug_buffer);
const debug_allocator = fib.allocator();
const alloc_size = mem.page_size * 2 + 50;
var slice = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, 16, alloc_size);
defer allocator.free(slice);
var stuff_to_free = std.ArrayList([]align(16) u8).init(debug_allocator);
// On Windows, VirtualAlloc returns addresses aligned to a 64K boundary,
// which is 16 pages, hence the 32. This test may require to increase
// the size of the allocations feeding the `allocator` parameter if they
// fail, because of this high over-alignment we want to have.
while (@intFromPtr(slice.ptr) == mem.alignForward(usize, @intFromPtr(slice.ptr), mem.page_size * 32)) {
try stuff_to_free.append(slice);
slice = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, 16, alloc_size);
while (stuff_to_free.popOrNull()) |item| {
slice[0] = 0x12;
slice[60] = 0x34;
slice = try allocator.reallocAdvanced(slice, alloc_size / 2, 0);
try testing.expect(slice[0] == 0x12);
try testing.expect(slice[60] == 0x34);
test {
_ = LoggingAllocator;
_ = LogToWriterAllocator;
_ = ScopedLoggingAllocator;
_ = @import("heap/memory_pool.zig");
_ = ArenaAllocator;
_ = GeneralPurposeAllocator;
if (comptime builtin.target.isWasm()) {
_ = WasmAllocator;
_ = WasmPageAllocator;