Andrew Kelley 105db13536 std.Build: implement --host-target, --host-cpu, --host-dynamic-linker
This also makes a long-overdue change of extracting common state from
Build into a shared Graph object.

Getting the semantics right for these flags turned out to be quite
tricky. In the end it works like this:
* The override only happens when the target is fully native, with no
  additional query parameters, such as versions or CPU features added.
* The override affects the resolved Target but leaves the original Query
* The "is native?" detection logic operates on the original, unmodified
  query. This makes it possible to provide invalid host target
  information, causing confusing errors to occur. Don't do that.

There are some minor breaking changes to std.Build API such as the fact
that `b.zig_exe` is now moved to `b.graph.zig_exe`, as well as a handful
of other similar flags.
2024-02-02 20:43:01 -07:00

1257 lines
48 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = std.builtin;
const tests = @import("test/tests.zig");
const BufMap = std.BufMap;
const mem = std.mem;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const io = std.io;
const fs = std.fs;
const InstallDirectoryOptions = std.Build.InstallDirectoryOptions;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const GenerateDef = @import("deps/aro/build/GenerateDef.zig");
const zig_version = std.SemanticVersion{ .major = 0, .minor = 12, .patch = 0 };
const stack_size = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
const only_c = b.option(bool, "only-c", "Translate the Zig compiler to C code, with only the C backend enabled") orelse false;
const target = t: {
var default_target: std.zig.CrossTarget = .{};
if (only_c) {
default_target.ofmt = .c;
break :t b.standardTargetOptions(.{ .default_target = default_target });
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const flat = b.option(bool, "flat", "Put files into the installation prefix in a manner suited for upstream distribution rather than a posix file system hierarchy standard") orelse false;
const single_threaded = b.option(bool, "single-threaded", "Build artifacts that run in single threaded mode");
const use_zig_libcxx = b.option(bool, "use-zig-libcxx", "If libc++ is needed, use zig's bundled version, don't try to integrate with the system") orelse false;
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run all the tests");
const skip_install_lib_files = b.option(bool, "no-lib", "skip copying of lib/ files and langref to installation prefix. Useful for development") orelse false;
const skip_install_langref = b.option(bool, "no-langref", "skip copying of langref to the installation prefix") orelse skip_install_lib_files;
const skip_install_autodocs = b.option(bool, "no-autodocs", "skip copying of standard library autodocs to the installation prefix") orelse skip_install_lib_files;
const no_bin = b.option(bool, "no-bin", "skip emitting compiler binary") orelse false;
const only_reduce = b.option(bool, "only-reduce", "only build zig reduce") orelse false;
const docgen_exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "docgen",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "tools/docgen.zig" },
.target = b.host,
.optimize = .Debug,
.single_threaded = single_threaded,
const docgen_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(docgen_exe);
docgen_cmd.addArgs(&.{ "--zig", b.graph.zig_exe });
if (b.zig_lib_dir) |p| {
docgen_cmd.addFileArg(.{ .path = "doc/langref.html.in" });
const langref_file = docgen_cmd.addOutputFileArg("langref.html");
const install_langref = b.addInstallFileWithDir(langref_file, .prefix, "doc/langref.html");
if (!skip_install_langref) {
const autodoc_test = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "lib/std/std.zig" },
.target = target,
.zig_lib_dir = .{ .path = "lib" },
const install_std_docs = b.addInstallDirectory(.{
.source_dir = autodoc_test.getEmittedDocs(),
.install_dir = .prefix,
.install_subdir = "doc/std",
if (!skip_install_autodocs) {
if (flat) {
b.installFile("LICENSE", "LICENSE");
b.installFile("README.md", "README.md");
const langref_step = b.step("langref", "Build and install the language reference");
const std_docs_step = b.step("std-docs", "Build and install the standard library documentation");
const docs_step = b.step("docs", "Build and install documentation");
const check_case_exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "check-case",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "test/src/Cases.zig" },
.target = b.host,
.optimize = optimize,
.single_threaded = single_threaded,
check_case_exe.stack_size = stack_size;
const skip_debug = b.option(bool, "skip-debug", "Main test suite skips debug builds") orelse false;
const skip_release = b.option(bool, "skip-release", "Main test suite skips release builds") orelse false;
const skip_release_small = b.option(bool, "skip-release-small", "Main test suite skips release-small builds") orelse skip_release;
const skip_release_fast = b.option(bool, "skip-release-fast", "Main test suite skips release-fast builds") orelse skip_release;
const skip_release_safe = b.option(bool, "skip-release-safe", "Main test suite skips release-safe builds") orelse skip_release;
const skip_non_native = b.option(bool, "skip-non-native", "Main test suite skips non-native builds") orelse false;
const skip_cross_glibc = b.option(bool, "skip-cross-glibc", "Main test suite skips builds that require cross glibc") orelse false;
const skip_libc = b.option(bool, "skip-libc", "Main test suite skips tests that link libc") orelse false;
const skip_single_threaded = b.option(bool, "skip-single-threaded", "Main test suite skips tests that are single-threaded") orelse false;
const skip_run_translated_c = b.option(bool, "skip-run-translated-c", "Main test suite skips run-translated-c tests") orelse false;
const only_install_lib_files = b.option(bool, "lib-files-only", "Only install library files") orelse false;
const static_llvm = b.option(bool, "static-llvm", "Disable integration with system-installed LLVM, Clang, LLD, and libc++") orelse false;
const enable_llvm = b.option(bool, "enable-llvm", "Build self-hosted compiler with LLVM backend enabled") orelse static_llvm;
const llvm_has_m68k = b.option(
"Whether LLVM has the experimental target m68k enabled",
) orelse false;
const llvm_has_csky = b.option(
"Whether LLVM has the experimental target csky enabled",
) orelse false;
const llvm_has_arc = b.option(
"Whether LLVM has the experimental target arc enabled",
) orelse false;
const llvm_has_xtensa = b.option(
"Whether LLVM has the experimental target xtensa enabled",
) orelse false;
const enable_ios_sdk = b.option(bool, "enable-ios-sdk", "Run tests requiring presence of iOS SDK and frameworks") orelse false;
const enable_macos_sdk = b.option(bool, "enable-macos-sdk", "Run tests requiring presence of macOS SDK and frameworks") orelse enable_ios_sdk;
const enable_symlinks_windows = b.option(bool, "enable-symlinks-windows", "Run tests requiring presence of symlinks on Windows") orelse false;
const config_h_path_option = b.option([]const u8, "config_h", "Path to the generated config.h");
if (!skip_install_lib_files) {
.source_dir = .{ .path = "lib" },
.install_dir = if (flat) .prefix else .lib,
.install_subdir = if (flat) "lib" else "zig",
.exclude_extensions = &[_][]const u8{
// exclude files from lib/std/compress/testdata
// exclude files from lib/std/compress/deflate/testdata
// exclude files from lib/std/compress/lzma/testdata
// exclude files from lib/std/compress/xz/testdata
// exclude files from lib/std/tz/
// exclude files from lib/std/tar/testdata
// others
.blank_extensions = &[_][]const u8{
if (only_install_lib_files)
const entitlements = b.option([]const u8, "entitlements", "Path to entitlements file for hot-code swapping without sudo on macOS");
const tracy = b.option([]const u8, "tracy", "Enable Tracy integration. Supply path to Tracy source");
const tracy_callstack = b.option(bool, "tracy-callstack", "Include callstack information with Tracy data. Does nothing if -Dtracy is not provided") orelse (tracy != null);
const tracy_allocation = b.option(bool, "tracy-allocation", "Include allocation information with Tracy data. Does nothing if -Dtracy is not provided") orelse (tracy != null);
const force_gpa = b.option(bool, "force-gpa", "Force the compiler to use GeneralPurposeAllocator") orelse false;
const link_libc = b.option(bool, "force-link-libc", "Force self-hosted compiler to link libc") orelse (enable_llvm or only_c);
const sanitize_thread = b.option(bool, "sanitize-thread", "Enable thread-sanitization") orelse false;
const strip = b.option(bool, "strip", "Omit debug information");
const pie = b.option(bool, "pie", "Produce a Position Independent Executable");
const value_tracing = b.option(bool, "value-tracing", "Enable extra state tracking to help troubleshoot bugs in the compiler (using the std.debug.Trace API)") orelse false;
const mem_leak_frames: u32 = b.option(u32, "mem-leak-frames", "How many stack frames to print when a memory leak occurs. Tests get 2x this amount.") orelse blk: {
if (strip == true) break :blk @as(u32, 0);
if (optimize != .Debug) break :blk 0;
break :blk 4;
const exe = addCompilerStep(b, .{
.optimize = optimize,
.target = target,
.strip = strip,
.sanitize_thread = sanitize_thread,
.single_threaded = single_threaded,
exe.pie = pie;
exe.entitlements = entitlements;
exe.build_id = b.option(
"Request creation of '.note.gnu.build-id' section",
if (no_bin) {
} else {
const install_exe = b.addInstallArtifact(exe, .{
.dest_dir = if (flat) .{ .override = .prefix } else .default,
if (target.result.os.tag == .windows and target.result.abi == .gnu) {
// LTO is currently broken on mingw, this can be removed when it's fixed.
exe.want_lto = false;
check_case_exe.want_lto = false;
const use_llvm = b.option(bool, "use-llvm", "Use the llvm backend");
exe.use_llvm = use_llvm;
exe.use_lld = use_llvm;
const exe_options = b.addOptions();
exe.root_module.addOptions("build_options", exe_options);
exe_options.addOption(u32, "mem_leak_frames", mem_leak_frames);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "skip_non_native", skip_non_native);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "have_llvm", enable_llvm);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "llvm_has_m68k", llvm_has_m68k);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "llvm_has_csky", llvm_has_csky);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "llvm_has_arc", llvm_has_arc);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "llvm_has_xtensa", llvm_has_xtensa);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "force_gpa", force_gpa);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "only_c", only_c);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "only_core_functionality", only_c);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "only_reduce", only_reduce);
if (link_libc) {
const is_debug = optimize == .Debug;
const enable_logging = b.option(bool, "log", "Enable debug logging with --debug-log") orelse is_debug;
const enable_link_snapshots = b.option(bool, "link-snapshot", "Whether to enable linker state snapshots") orelse false;
const opt_version_string = b.option([]const u8, "version-string", "Override Zig version string. Default is to find out with git.");
const version_slice = if (opt_version_string) |version| version else v: {
if (!std.process.can_spawn) {
std.debug.print("error: version info cannot be retrieved from git. Zig version must be provided using -Dversion-string\n", .{});
const version_string = b.fmt("{d}.{d}.{d}", .{ zig_version.major, zig_version.minor, zig_version.patch });
var code: u8 = undefined;
const git_describe_untrimmed = b.runAllowFail(&[_][]const u8{
b.build_root.path orelse ".",
}, &code, .Ignore) catch {
break :v version_string;
const git_describe = mem.trim(u8, git_describe_untrimmed, " \n\r");
switch (mem.count(u8, git_describe, "-")) {
0 => {
// Tagged release version (e.g. 0.10.0).
if (!mem.eql(u8, git_describe, version_string)) {
std.debug.print("Zig version '{s}' does not match Git tag '{s}'\n", .{ version_string, git_describe });
break :v version_string;
2 => {
// Untagged development build (e.g. 0.10.0-dev.2025+ecf0050a9).
var it = mem.splitScalar(u8, git_describe, '-');
const tagged_ancestor = it.first();
const commit_height = it.next().?;
const commit_id = it.next().?;
const ancestor_ver = try std.SemanticVersion.parse(tagged_ancestor);
if (zig_version.order(ancestor_ver) != .gt) {
std.debug.print("Zig version '{}' must be greater than tagged ancestor '{}'\n", .{ zig_version, ancestor_ver });
// Check that the commit hash is prefixed with a 'g' (a Git convention).
if (commit_id.len < 1 or commit_id[0] != 'g') {
std.debug.print("Unexpected `git describe` output: {s}\n", .{git_describe});
break :v version_string;
// The version is reformatted in accordance with the https://semver.org specification.
break :v b.fmt("{s}-dev.{s}+{s}", .{ version_string, commit_height, commit_id[1..] });
else => {
std.debug.print("Unexpected `git describe` output: {s}\n", .{git_describe});
break :v version_string;
const version = try b.allocator.dupeZ(u8, version_slice);
exe_options.addOption([:0]const u8, "version", version);
if (enable_llvm) {
const cmake_cfg = if (static_llvm) null else blk: {
if (findConfigH(b, config_h_path_option)) |config_h_path| {
const file_contents = fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(b.allocator, config_h_path, max_config_h_bytes) catch unreachable;
break :blk parseConfigH(b, file_contents);
} else {
std.log.warn("config.h could not be located automatically. Consider providing it explicitly via \"-Dconfig_h\"", .{});
break :blk null;
if (cmake_cfg) |cfg| {
// Inside this code path, we have to coordinate with system packaged LLVM, Clang, and LLD.
// That means we also have to rely on stage1 compiled c++ files. We parse config.h to find
// the information passed on to us from cmake.
if (cfg.cmake_prefix_path.len > 0) {
var it = mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, cfg.cmake_prefix_path, ';');
while (it.next()) |path| {
try addCmakeCfgOptionsToExe(b, cfg, exe, use_zig_libcxx);
try addCmakeCfgOptionsToExe(b, cfg, check_case_exe, use_zig_libcxx);
} else {
// Here we are -Denable-llvm but no cmake integration.
try addStaticLlvmOptionsToExe(exe);
try addStaticLlvmOptionsToExe(check_case_exe);
if (target.result.os.tag == .windows) {
inline for (.{ exe, check_case_exe }) |artifact| {
const semver = try std.SemanticVersion.parse(version);
exe_options.addOption(std.SemanticVersion, "semver", semver);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "enable_logging", enable_logging);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "enable_link_snapshots", enable_link_snapshots);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "enable_tracy", tracy != null);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "enable_tracy_callstack", tracy_callstack);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "enable_tracy_allocation", tracy_allocation);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "value_tracing", value_tracing);
if (tracy) |tracy_path| {
const client_cpp = b.pathJoin(
&[_][]const u8{ tracy_path, "public", "TracyClient.cpp" },
// On mingw, we need to opt into windows 7+ to get some features required by tracy.
const tracy_c_flags: []const []const u8 = if (target.result.os.tag == .windows and target.result.abi == .gnu)
&[_][]const u8{ "-DTRACY_ENABLE=1", "-fno-sanitize=undefined", "-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x601" }
&[_][]const u8{ "-DTRACY_ENABLE=1", "-fno-sanitize=undefined" };
exe.addIncludePath(.{ .cwd_relative = tracy_path });
exe.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = .{ .cwd_relative = client_cpp }, .flags = tracy_c_flags });
if (!enable_llvm) {
exe.root_module.linkSystemLibrary("c++", .{ .use_pkg_config = .no });
if (target.result.os.tag == .windows) {
const test_filter = b.option([]const u8, "test-filter", "Skip tests that do not match filter");
const test_cases_options = b.addOptions();
check_case_exe.root_module.addOptions("build_options", test_cases_options);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "enable_tracy", false);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "enable_logging", enable_logging);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "enable_link_snapshots", enable_link_snapshots);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "skip_non_native", skip_non_native);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "skip_cross_glibc", skip_cross_glibc);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "have_llvm", enable_llvm);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "llvm_has_m68k", llvm_has_m68k);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "llvm_has_csky", llvm_has_csky);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "llvm_has_arc", llvm_has_arc);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "llvm_has_xtensa", llvm_has_xtensa);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "force_gpa", force_gpa);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "only_c", only_c);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "only_core_functionality", true);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "only_reduce", false);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "enable_qemu", b.graph.enable_qemu);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "enable_wine", b.graph.enable_wine);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "enable_wasmtime", b.graph.enable_wasmtime);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "enable_rosetta", b.graph.enable_rosetta);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "enable_darling", b.graph.enable_darling);
test_cases_options.addOption(u32, "mem_leak_frames", mem_leak_frames * 2);
test_cases_options.addOption(bool, "value_tracing", value_tracing);
test_cases_options.addOption(?[]const u8, "glibc_runtimes_dir", b.graph.glibc_runtimes_dir);
test_cases_options.addOption([:0]const u8, "version", version);
test_cases_options.addOption(std.SemanticVersion, "semver", semver);
test_cases_options.addOption(?[]const u8, "test_filter", test_filter);
var chosen_opt_modes_buf: [4]builtin.OptimizeMode = undefined;
var chosen_mode_index: usize = 0;
if (!skip_debug) {
chosen_opt_modes_buf[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.OptimizeMode.Debug;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
if (!skip_release_safe) {
chosen_opt_modes_buf[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.OptimizeMode.ReleaseSafe;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
if (!skip_release_fast) {
chosen_opt_modes_buf[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.OptimizeMode.ReleaseFast;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
if (!skip_release_small) {
chosen_opt_modes_buf[chosen_mode_index] = builtin.OptimizeMode.ReleaseSmall;
chosen_mode_index += 1;
const optimization_modes = chosen_opt_modes_buf[0..chosen_mode_index];
const fmt_include_paths = &.{ "doc", "lib", "src", "test", "tools", "build.zig" };
const fmt_exclude_paths = &.{"test/cases"};
const do_fmt = b.addFmt(.{
.paths = fmt_include_paths,
.exclude_paths = fmt_exclude_paths,
b.step("test-fmt", "Check source files having conforming formatting").dependOn(&b.addFmt(.{
.paths = fmt_include_paths,
.exclude_paths = fmt_exclude_paths,
.check = true,
const test_cases_step = b.step("test-cases", "Run the main compiler test cases");
try tests.addCases(b, test_cases_step, test_filter, check_case_exe, .{
.enable_llvm = enable_llvm,
.llvm_has_m68k = llvm_has_m68k,
.llvm_has_csky = llvm_has_csky,
.llvm_has_arc = llvm_has_arc,
.llvm_has_xtensa = llvm_has_xtensa,
test_step.dependOn(tests.addModuleTests(b, .{
.test_filter = test_filter,
.root_src = "test/behavior.zig",
.name = "behavior",
.desc = "Run the behavior tests",
.optimize_modes = optimization_modes,
.skip_single_threaded = skip_single_threaded,
.skip_non_native = skip_non_native,
.skip_cross_glibc = skip_cross_glibc,
.skip_libc = skip_libc,
.max_rss = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
test_step.dependOn(tests.addModuleTests(b, .{
.test_filter = test_filter,
.root_src = "lib/compiler_rt.zig",
.name = "compiler-rt",
.desc = "Run the compiler_rt tests",
.optimize_modes = optimization_modes,
.skip_single_threaded = true,
.skip_non_native = skip_non_native,
.skip_cross_glibc = skip_cross_glibc,
.skip_libc = true,
test_step.dependOn(tests.addModuleTests(b, .{
.test_filter = test_filter,
.root_src = "lib/c.zig",
.name = "universal-libc",
.desc = "Run the universal libc tests",
.optimize_modes = optimization_modes,
.skip_single_threaded = true,
.skip_non_native = skip_non_native,
.skip_cross_glibc = skip_cross_glibc,
.skip_libc = true,
test_step.dependOn(tests.addCompareOutputTests(b, test_filter, optimization_modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addCAbiTests(b, skip_non_native, skip_release));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addLinkTests(b, enable_macos_sdk, enable_ios_sdk, false, enable_symlinks_windows));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addStackTraceTests(b, test_filter, optimization_modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addAssembleAndLinkTests(b, test_filter, optimization_modes));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addTranslateCTests(b, test_filter));
if (!skip_run_translated_c) {
test_step.dependOn(tests.addRunTranslatedCTests(b, test_filter, target));
test_step.dependOn(tests.addModuleTests(b, .{
.test_filter = test_filter,
.root_src = "lib/std/std.zig",
.name = "std",
.desc = "Run the standard library tests",
.optimize_modes = optimization_modes,
.skip_single_threaded = skip_single_threaded,
.skip_non_native = skip_non_native,
.skip_cross_glibc = skip_cross_glibc,
.skip_libc = skip_libc,
// I observed a value of 4572626944 on the M2 CI.
.max_rss = 5029889638,
try addWasiUpdateStep(b, version);
b.step("fmt", "Modify source files in place to have conforming formatting")
const update_mingw_step = b.step("update-mingw", "Update zig's bundled mingw");
const opt_mingw_src_path = b.option([]const u8, "mingw-src", "path to mingw-w64 source directory");
const update_mingw_exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "update_mingw",
.target = b.host,
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "tools/update_mingw.zig" },
const update_mingw_run = b.addRunArtifact(update_mingw_exe);
update_mingw_run.addDirectoryArg(.{ .path = "lib" });
if (opt_mingw_src_path) |mingw_src_path| {
update_mingw_run.addDirectoryArg(.{ .cwd_relative = mingw_src_path });
} else {
// Intentionally cause an error if this build step is requested.
fn addWasiUpdateStep(b: *std.Build, version: [:0]const u8) !void {
const semver = try std.SemanticVersion.parse(version);
var target_query: std.zig.CrossTarget = .{
.cpu_arch = .wasm32,
.os_tag = .wasi,
const exe = addCompilerStep(b, .{
.optimize = .ReleaseSmall,
.target = b.resolveTargetQuery(target_query),
const exe_options = b.addOptions();
exe.root_module.addOptions("build_options", exe_options);
exe_options.addOption(u32, "mem_leak_frames", 0);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "have_llvm", false);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "force_gpa", false);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "only_c", true);
exe_options.addOption([:0]const u8, "version", version);
exe_options.addOption(std.SemanticVersion, "semver", semver);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "enable_logging", false);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "enable_link_snapshots", false);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "enable_tracy", false);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "enable_tracy_callstack", false);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "enable_tracy_allocation", false);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "value_tracing", false);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "only_core_functionality", true);
exe_options.addOption(bool, "only_reduce", false);
const run_opt = b.addSystemCommand(&.{
run_opt.addFileArg(.{ .path = "stage1/zig1.wasm" });
const copy_zig_h = b.addWriteFiles();
copy_zig_h.addCopyFileToSource(.{ .path = "lib/zig.h" }, "stage1/zig.h");
const update_zig1_step = b.step("update-zig1", "Update stage1/zig1.wasm");
const AddCompilerStepOptions = struct {
optimize: std.builtin.OptimizeMode,
target: std.Build.ResolvedTarget,
strip: ?bool = null,
sanitize_thread: ?bool = null,
single_threaded: ?bool = null,
fn addCompilerStep(b: *std.Build, options: AddCompilerStepOptions) *std.Build.Step.Compile {
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "zig",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = options.target,
.optimize = options.optimize,
.max_rss = 7_000_000_000,
.strip = options.strip,
.sanitize_thread = options.sanitize_thread,
.single_threaded = options.single_threaded,
exe.stack_size = stack_size;
const aro_options = b.addOptions();
aro_options.addOption([]const u8, "version_str", "aro-zig");
const aro_options_module = aro_options.createModule();
const aro_backend = b.createModule(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "deps/aro/backend.zig" },
.imports = &.{.{
.name = "build_options",
.module = aro_options_module,
const aro_module = b.createModule(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "deps/aro/aro.zig" },
.imports = &.{
.name = "build_options",
.module = aro_options_module,
.name = "backend",
.module = aro_backend,
GenerateDef.create(b, .{ .name = "Builtins/Builtin.def", .src_prefix = "deps/aro/aro" }),
GenerateDef.create(b, .{ .name = "Attribute/names.def", .src_prefix = "deps/aro/aro" }),
GenerateDef.create(b, .{ .name = "Diagnostics/messages.def", .src_prefix = "deps/aro/aro", .kind = .named }),
exe.root_module.addImport("aro", aro_module);
return exe;
const exe_cflags = [_][]const u8{
fn addCmakeCfgOptionsToExe(
b: *std.Build,
cfg: CMakeConfig,
exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile,
use_zig_libcxx: bool,
) !void {
if (exe.rootModuleTarget().isDarwin()) {
// useful for package maintainers
exe.headerpad_max_install_names = true;
exe.addObjectFile(.{ .cwd_relative = b.pathJoin(&[_][]const u8{
b.fmt("{s}{s}{s}", .{
}) });
assert(cfg.lld_include_dir.len != 0);
exe.addIncludePath(.{ .cwd_relative = cfg.lld_include_dir });
exe.addIncludePath(.{ .cwd_relative = cfg.llvm_include_dir });
exe.addLibraryPath(.{ .cwd_relative = cfg.llvm_lib_dir });
addCMakeLibraryList(exe, cfg.clang_libraries);
addCMakeLibraryList(exe, cfg.lld_libraries);
addCMakeLibraryList(exe, cfg.llvm_libraries);
if (use_zig_libcxx) {
} else {
// System -lc++ must be used because in this code path we are attempting to link
// against system-provided LLVM, Clang, LLD.
const need_cpp_includes = true;
const static = cfg.llvm_linkage == .static;
const lib_suffix = if (static) exe.rootModuleTarget().staticLibSuffix()[1..] else exe.rootModuleTarget().dynamicLibSuffix()[1..];
switch (exe.rootModuleTarget().os.tag) {
.linux => {
// First we try to link against the detected libcxx name. If that doesn't work, we fall
// back to -lc++ and cross our fingers.
addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("lib{s}.{s}", .{ cfg.system_libcxx, lib_suffix }), "", need_cpp_includes) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.RequiredLibraryNotFound => {
else => |e| return e,
.ios, .macos, .watchos, .tvos => {
.windows => {
if (exe.rootModuleTarget().abi != .msvc) exe.linkLibCpp();
.freebsd => {
if (static) {
try addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("libc++.{s}", .{lib_suffix}), null, need_cpp_includes);
try addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("libgcc_eh.{s}", .{lib_suffix}), null, need_cpp_includes);
} else {
try addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("libc++.{s}", .{lib_suffix}), null, need_cpp_includes);
.openbsd => {
try addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("libc++.{s}", .{lib_suffix}), null, need_cpp_includes);
try addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("libc++abi.{s}", .{lib_suffix}), null, need_cpp_includes);
.netbsd, .dragonfly => {
if (static) {
try addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("libstdc++.{s}", .{lib_suffix}), null, need_cpp_includes);
try addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("libgcc_eh.{s}", .{lib_suffix}), null, need_cpp_includes);
} else {
try addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("libstdc++.{s}", .{lib_suffix}), null, need_cpp_includes);
.solaris, .illumos => {
try addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("libstdc++.{s}", .{lib_suffix}), null, need_cpp_includes);
try addCxxKnownPath(b, cfg, exe, b.fmt("libgcc_eh.{s}", .{lib_suffix}), null, need_cpp_includes);
else => {},
if (cfg.dia_guids_lib.len != 0) {
exe.addObjectFile(.{ .cwd_relative = cfg.dia_guids_lib });
fn addStaticLlvmOptionsToExe(exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile) !void {
// Adds the Zig C++ sources which both stage1 and stage2 need.
// We need this because otherwise zig_clang_cc1_main.cpp ends up pulling
// in a dependency on llvm::cfg::Update<llvm::BasicBlock*>::dump() which is
// unavailable when LLVM is compiled in Release mode.
const zig_cpp_cflags = exe_cflags ++ [_][]const u8{"-DNDEBUG=1"};
.files = &zig_cpp_sources,
.flags = &zig_cpp_cflags,
for (clang_libs) |lib_name| {
for (lld_libs) |lib_name| {
for (llvm_libs) |lib_name| {
if (exe.rootModuleTarget().os.tag != .windows or exe.rootModuleTarget().abi != .msvc) {
// This means we rely on clang-or-zig-built LLVM, Clang, LLD libraries.
if (exe.rootModuleTarget().os.tag == .windows) {
fn addCxxKnownPath(
b: *std.Build,
ctx: CMakeConfig,
exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile,
objname: []const u8,
errtxt: ?[]const u8,
need_cpp_includes: bool,
) !void {
if (!std.process.can_spawn)
return error.RequiredLibraryNotFound;
const path_padded = if (ctx.cxx_compiler_arg1.len > 0)
b.run(&.{ ctx.cxx_compiler, ctx.cxx_compiler_arg1, b.fmt("-print-file-name={s}", .{objname}) })
b.run(&.{ ctx.cxx_compiler, b.fmt("-print-file-name={s}", .{objname}) });
var tokenizer = mem.tokenizeAny(u8, path_padded, "\r\n");
const path_unpadded = tokenizer.next().?;
if (mem.eql(u8, path_unpadded, objname)) {
if (errtxt) |msg| {
std.debug.print("{s}", .{msg});
} else {
std.debug.print("Unable to determine path to {s}\n", .{objname});
return error.RequiredLibraryNotFound;
exe.addObjectFile(.{ .cwd_relative = path_unpadded });
// TODO a way to integrate with system c++ include files here
// c++ -E -Wp,-v -xc++ /dev/null
if (need_cpp_includes) {
// I used these temporarily for testing something but we obviously need a
// more general purpose solution here.
fn addCMakeLibraryList(exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile, list: []const u8) void {
var it = mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, list, ';');
while (it.next()) |lib| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, lib, "-l")) {
} else if (exe.rootModuleTarget().os.tag == .windows and
mem.endsWith(u8, lib, ".lib") and !fs.path.isAbsolute(lib))
exe.linkSystemLibrary(lib[0 .. lib.len - ".lib".len]);
} else {
exe.addObjectFile(.{ .cwd_relative = lib });
const CMakeConfig = struct {
llvm_linkage: std.Build.Step.Compile.Linkage,
cmake_binary_dir: []const u8,
cmake_prefix_path: []const u8,
cmake_static_library_prefix: []const u8,
cmake_static_library_suffix: []const u8,
cxx_compiler: []const u8,
cxx_compiler_arg1: []const u8,
lld_include_dir: []const u8,
lld_libraries: []const u8,
clang_libraries: []const u8,
llvm_lib_dir: []const u8,
llvm_include_dir: []const u8,
llvm_libraries: []const u8,
dia_guids_lib: []const u8,
system_libcxx: []const u8,
const max_config_h_bytes = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
fn findConfigH(b: *std.Build, config_h_path_option: ?[]const u8) ?[]const u8 {
if (config_h_path_option) |path| {
var config_h_or_err = fs.cwd().openFile(path, .{});
if (config_h_or_err) |*file| {
return path;
} else |_| {
std.log.err("Could not open provided config.h: \"{s}\"", .{path});
var check_dir = fs.path.dirname(b.graph.zig_exe).?;
while (true) {
var dir = fs.cwd().openDir(check_dir, .{}) catch unreachable;
defer dir.close();
// Check if config.h is present in dir
var config_h_or_err = dir.openFile("config.h", .{});
if (config_h_or_err) |*file| {
return fs.path.join(
&[_][]const u8{ check_dir, "config.h" },
) catch unreachable;
} else |e| switch (e) {
error.FileNotFound => {},
else => unreachable,
// Check if we reached the source root by looking for .git, and bail if so
var git_dir_or_err = dir.openDir(".git", .{});
if (git_dir_or_err) |*git_dir| {
return null;
} else |_| {}
// Otherwise, continue search in the parent directory
const new_check_dir = fs.path.dirname(check_dir);
if (new_check_dir == null or mem.eql(u8, new_check_dir.?, check_dir)) {
return null;
check_dir = new_check_dir.?;
fn parseConfigH(b: *std.Build, config_h_text: []const u8) ?CMakeConfig {
var ctx: CMakeConfig = .{
.llvm_linkage = undefined,
.cmake_binary_dir = undefined,
.cmake_prefix_path = undefined,
.cmake_static_library_prefix = undefined,
.cmake_static_library_suffix = undefined,
.cxx_compiler = undefined,
.cxx_compiler_arg1 = "",
.lld_include_dir = undefined,
.lld_libraries = undefined,
.clang_libraries = undefined,
.llvm_lib_dir = undefined,
.llvm_include_dir = undefined,
.llvm_libraries = undefined,
.dia_guids_lib = undefined,
.system_libcxx = undefined,
const mappings = [_]struct { prefix: []const u8, field: []const u8 }{
.prefix = "#define ZIG_CMAKE_BINARY_DIR ",
.field = "cmake_binary_dir",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ",
.field = "cmake_prefix_path",
.field = "cmake_static_library_prefix",
.field = "cmake_static_library_suffix",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_CXX_COMPILER ",
.field = "cxx_compiler",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1 ",
.field = "cxx_compiler_arg1",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_LLD_INCLUDE_PATH ",
.field = "lld_include_dir",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_LLD_LIBRARIES ",
.field = "lld_libraries",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_CLANG_LIBRARIES ",
.field = "clang_libraries",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_LLVM_LIBRARIES ",
.field = "llvm_libraries",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_DIA_GUIDS_LIB ",
.field = "dia_guids_lib",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_LLVM_INCLUDE_PATH ",
.field = "llvm_include_dir",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_LLVM_LIB_PATH ",
.field = "llvm_lib_dir",
.prefix = "#define ZIG_SYSTEM_LIBCXX",
.field = "system_libcxx",
// .prefix = ZIG_LLVM_LINK_MODE parsed manually below
var lines_it = mem.tokenizeAny(u8, config_h_text, "\r\n");
while (lines_it.next()) |line| {
inline for (mappings) |mapping| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, line, mapping.prefix)) {
var it = mem.splitScalar(u8, line, '"');
_ = it.first(); // skip the stuff before the quote
const quoted = it.next().?; // the stuff inside the quote
const trimmed = mem.trim(u8, quoted, " ");
@field(ctx, mapping.field) = toNativePathSep(b, trimmed);
if (mem.startsWith(u8, line, "#define ZIG_LLVM_LINK_MODE ")) {
var it = mem.splitScalar(u8, line, '"');
_ = it.next().?; // skip the stuff before the quote
const quoted = it.next().?; // the stuff inside the quote
ctx.llvm_linkage = if (mem.eql(u8, quoted, "shared")) .dynamic else .static;
return ctx;
fn toNativePathSep(b: *std.Build, s: []const u8) []u8 {
const duplicated = b.allocator.dupe(u8, s) catch unreachable;
for (duplicated) |*byte| switch (byte.*) {
'/' => byte.* = fs.path.sep,
else => {},
return duplicated;
const zig_cpp_sources = [_][]const u8{
// These are planned to stay even when we are self-hosted.
const clang_libs = [_][]const u8{
const lld_libs = [_][]const u8{
// This list can be re-generated with `llvm-config --libfiles` and then
// reformatting using your favorite text editor. Note we do not execute
// `llvm-config` here because we are cross compiling. Also omit LLVMTableGen
// from these libs.
const llvm_libs = [_][]const u8{