
1444 lines
54 KiB

//! This file defines several variants of bit sets. A bit set
//! is a densely stored set of integers with a known maximum,
//! in which each integer gets a single bit. Bit sets have very
//! fast presence checks, update operations, and union and intersection
//! operations. However, if the number of possible items is very
//! large and the number of actual items in a given set is usually
//! small, they may be less memory efficient than an array set.
//! There are five variants defined here:
//! IntegerBitSet:
//! A bit set with static size, which is backed by a single integer.
//! This set is good for sets with a small size, but may generate
//! inefficient code for larger sets, especially in debug mode.
//! ArrayBitSet:
//! A bit set with static size, which is backed by an array of usize.
//! This set is good for sets with a larger size, but may use
//! more bytes than necessary if your set is small.
//! StaticBitSet:
//! Picks either IntegerBitSet or ArrayBitSet depending on the requested
//! size. The interfaces of these two types match exactly, except for fields.
//! DynamicBitSet:
//! A bit set with runtime known size, backed by an allocated slice
//! of usize.
//! DynamicBitSetUnmanaged:
//! A variant of DynamicBitSet which does not store a pointer to its
//! allocator, in order to save space.
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
/// Returns the optimal static bit set type for the specified number
/// of elements. The returned type will perform no allocations,
/// can be copied by value, and does not require deinitialization.
/// Both possible implementations fulfill the same interface.
pub fn StaticBitSet(comptime size: usize) type {
if (size <= @bitSizeOf(usize)) {
return IntegerBitSet(size);
} else {
return ArrayBitSet(usize, size);
/// A bit set with static size, which is backed by a single integer.
/// This set is good for sets with a small size, but may generate
/// inefficient code for larger sets, especially in debug mode.
pub fn IntegerBitSet(comptime size: u16) type {
return packed struct {
const Self = @This();
// TODO: Make this a comptime field once those are fixed
/// The number of items in this bit set
pub const bit_length: usize = size;
/// The integer type used to represent a mask in this bit set
pub const MaskInt = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, size);
/// The integer type used to shift a mask in this bit set
pub const ShiftInt = std.math.Log2Int(MaskInt);
/// The bit mask, as a single integer
mask: MaskInt,
/// Creates a bit set with no elements present.
pub fn initEmpty() Self {
return .{ .mask = 0 };
/// Creates a bit set with all elements present.
pub fn initFull() Self {
return .{ .mask = ~@as(MaskInt, 0) };
/// Returns the number of bits in this bit set
pub inline fn capacity(self: Self) usize {
_ = self;
return bit_length;
/// Returns true if the bit at the specified index
/// is present in the set, false otherwise.
pub fn isSet(self: Self, index: usize) bool {
assert(index < bit_length);
return (self.mask & maskBit(index)) != 0;
/// Returns the total number of set bits in this bit set.
pub fn count(self: Self) usize {
return @popCount(MaskInt, self.mask);
/// Changes the value of the specified bit of the bit
/// set to match the passed boolean.
pub fn setValue(self: *Self, index: usize, value: bool) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (MaskInt == u0) return;
const bit = maskBit(index);
const new_bit = bit & std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value);
self.mask = (self.mask & ~bit) | new_bit;
/// Adds a specific bit to the bit set
pub fn set(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
self.mask |= maskBit(index);
/// Changes the value of all bits in the specified range to
/// match the passed boolean.
pub fn setRangeValue(self: *Self, range: Range, value: bool) void {
assert(range.end <= bit_length);
assert(range.start <= range.end);
if (range.start == range.end) return;
if (MaskInt == u0) return;
const start_bit = @intCast(ShiftInt, range.start);
var mask = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << start_bit;
if (range.end != bit_length) {
const end_bit = @intCast(ShiftInt, range.end);
mask &= std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) >> @truncate(ShiftInt, @as(usize, @bitSizeOf(MaskInt)) - @as(usize, end_bit));
self.mask &= ~mask;
mask = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) << start_bit;
if (range.end != bit_length) {
const end_bit = @intCast(ShiftInt, range.end);
mask &= std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) >> @truncate(ShiftInt, @as(usize, @bitSizeOf(MaskInt)) - @as(usize, end_bit));
self.mask |= mask;
/// Removes a specific bit from the bit set
pub fn unset(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
// Workaround for #7953
if (MaskInt == u0) return;
self.mask &= ~maskBit(index);
/// Flips a specific bit in the bit set
pub fn toggle(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
self.mask ^= maskBit(index);
/// Flips all bits in this bit set which are present
/// in the toggles bit set.
pub fn toggleSet(self: *Self, toggles: Self) void {
self.mask ^= toggles.mask;
/// Flips every bit in the bit set.
pub fn toggleAll(self: *Self) void {
self.mask = ~self.mask;
/// Performs a union of two bit sets, and stores the
/// result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in either input.
pub fn setUnion(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
self.mask |= other.mask;
/// Performs an intersection of two bit sets, and stores
/// the result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in both inputs.
pub fn setIntersection(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
self.mask &= other.mask;
/// Finds the index of the first set bit.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn findFirstSet(self: Self) ?usize {
const mask = self.mask;
if (mask == 0) return null;
return @ctz(MaskInt, mask);
/// Finds the index of the first set bit, and unsets it.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn toggleFirstSet(self: *Self) ?usize {
const mask = self.mask;
if (mask == 0) return null;
const index = @ctz(MaskInt, mask);
self.mask = mask & (mask - 1);
return index;
/// Iterates through the items in the set, according to the options.
/// The default options (.{}) will iterate indices of set bits in
/// ascending order. Modifications to the underlying bit set may
/// or may not be observed by the iterator.
pub fn iterator(self: *const Self, comptime options: IteratorOptions) Iterator(options) {
return .{
.bits_remain = switch (options.kind) {
.set => self.mask,
.unset => ~self.mask,
pub fn Iterator(comptime options: IteratorOptions) type {
return SingleWordIterator(options.direction);
fn SingleWordIterator(comptime direction: IteratorOptions.Direction) type {
return struct {
const IterSelf = @This();
// all bits which have not yet been iterated over
bits_remain: MaskInt,
/// Returns the index of the next unvisited set bit
/// in the bit set, in ascending order.
pub fn next(self: *IterSelf) ?usize {
if (self.bits_remain == 0) return null;
switch (direction) {
.forward => {
const next_index = @ctz(MaskInt, self.bits_remain);
self.bits_remain &= self.bits_remain - 1;
return next_index;
.reverse => {
const leading_zeroes = @clz(MaskInt, self.bits_remain);
const top_bit = (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - leading_zeroes;
self.bits_remain &= (@as(MaskInt, 1) << @intCast(ShiftInt, top_bit)) - 1;
return top_bit;
fn maskBit(index: usize) MaskInt {
if (MaskInt == u0) return 0;
return @as(MaskInt, 1) << @intCast(ShiftInt, index);
fn boolMaskBit(index: usize, value: bool) MaskInt {
if (MaskInt == u0) return 0;
return @as(MaskInt, @boolToInt(value)) << @intCast(ShiftInt, index);
/// A bit set with static size, which is backed by an array of usize.
/// This set is good for sets with a larger size, but may use
/// more bytes than necessary if your set is small.
pub fn ArrayBitSet(comptime MaskIntType: type, comptime size: usize) type {
const mask_info: std.builtin.Type = @typeInfo(MaskIntType);
// Make sure the mask int is indeed an int
if (mask_info != .Int) @compileError("ArrayBitSet can only operate on integer masks, but was passed " ++ @typeName(MaskIntType));
// It must also be unsigned.
if (mask_info.Int.signedness != .unsigned) @compileError("ArrayBitSet requires an unsigned integer mask type, but was passed " ++ @typeName(MaskIntType));
// And it must not be empty.
if (MaskIntType == u0)
@compileError("ArrayBitSet requires a sized integer for its mask int. u0 does not work.");
const byte_size = std.mem.byte_size_in_bits;
// We use shift and truncate to decompose indices into mask indices and bit indices.
// This operation requires that the mask has an exact power of two number of bits.
if (!std.math.isPowerOfTwo(@bitSizeOf(MaskIntType))) {
var desired_bits = std.math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, @bitSizeOf(MaskIntType));
if (desired_bits < byte_size) desired_bits = byte_size;
const FixedMaskType = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, desired_bits);
@compileError("ArrayBitSet was passed integer type " ++ @typeName(MaskIntType) ++
", which is not a power of two. Please round this up to a power of two integer size (i.e. " ++ @typeName(FixedMaskType) ++ ").");
// Make sure the integer has no padding bits.
// Those would be wasteful here and are probably a mistake by the user.
// This case may be hit with small powers of two, like u4.
if (@bitSizeOf(MaskIntType) != @sizeOf(MaskIntType) * byte_size) {
var desired_bits = @sizeOf(MaskIntType) * byte_size;
desired_bits = std.math.ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(usize, desired_bits);
const FixedMaskType = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, desired_bits);
@compileError("ArrayBitSet was passed integer type " ++ @typeName(MaskIntType) ++
", which contains padding bits. Please round this up to an unpadded integer size (i.e. " ++ @typeName(FixedMaskType) ++ ").");
return extern struct {
const Self = @This();
// TODO: Make this a comptime field once those are fixed
/// The number of items in this bit set
pub const bit_length: usize = size;
/// The integer type used to represent a mask in this bit set
pub const MaskInt = MaskIntType;
/// The integer type used to shift a mask in this bit set
pub const ShiftInt = std.math.Log2Int(MaskInt);
// bits in one mask
const mask_len = @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
// total number of masks
const num_masks = (size + mask_len - 1) / mask_len;
// padding bits in the last mask (may be 0)
const last_pad_bits = mask_len * num_masks - size;
// Mask of valid bits in the last mask.
// All functions will ensure that the invalid
// bits in the last mask are zero.
pub const last_item_mask = ~@as(MaskInt, 0) >> last_pad_bits;
/// The bit masks, ordered with lower indices first.
/// Padding bits at the end are undefined.
masks: [num_masks]MaskInt,
/// Creates a bit set with no elements present.
pub fn initEmpty() Self {
return .{ .masks = [_]MaskInt{0} ** num_masks };
/// Creates a bit set with all elements present.
pub fn initFull() Self {
if (num_masks == 0) {
return .{ .masks = .{} };
} else {
return .{ .masks = [_]MaskInt{~@as(MaskInt, 0)} ** (num_masks - 1) ++ [_]MaskInt{last_item_mask} };
/// Returns the number of bits in this bit set
pub inline fn capacity(self: Self) usize {
_ = self;
return bit_length;
/// Returns true if the bit at the specified index
/// is present in the set, false otherwise.
pub fn isSet(self: Self, index: usize) bool {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (num_masks == 0) return false; // doesn't compile in this case
return (self.masks[maskIndex(index)] & maskBit(index)) != 0;
/// Returns the total number of set bits in this bit set.
pub fn count(self: Self) usize {
var total: usize = 0;
for (self.masks) |mask| {
total += @popCount(MaskInt, mask);
return total;
/// Changes the value of the specified bit of the bit
/// set to match the passed boolean.
pub fn setValue(self: *Self, index: usize, value: bool) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (num_masks == 0) return; // doesn't compile in this case
const bit = maskBit(index);
const mask_index = maskIndex(index);
const new_bit = bit & std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value);
self.masks[mask_index] = (self.masks[mask_index] & ~bit) | new_bit;
/// Adds a specific bit to the bit set
pub fn set(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (num_masks == 0) return; // doesn't compile in this case
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] |= maskBit(index);
/// Changes the value of all bits in the specified range to
/// match the passed boolean.
pub fn setRangeValue(self: *Self, range: Range, value: bool) void {
assert(range.end <= bit_length);
assert(range.start <= range.end);
if (range.start == range.end) return;
if (num_masks == 0) return;
const start_mask_index = maskIndex(range.start);
const start_bit = @truncate(ShiftInt, range.start);
const end_mask_index = maskIndex(range.end);
const end_bit = @truncate(ShiftInt, range.end);
if (start_mask_index == end_mask_index) {
var mask1 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << start_bit;
var mask2 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) >> (mask_len - 1) - (end_bit - 1);
self.masks[start_mask_index] &= ~(mask1 & mask2);
mask1 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) << start_bit;
mask2 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) >> (mask_len - 1) - (end_bit - 1);
self.masks[start_mask_index] |= mask1 & mask2;
} else {
var bulk_mask_index: usize = undefined;
if (start_bit > 0) {
self.masks[start_mask_index] =
(self.masks[start_mask_index] & ~(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << start_bit)) |
(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) << start_bit);
bulk_mask_index = start_mask_index + 1;
} else {
bulk_mask_index = start_mask_index;
while (bulk_mask_index < end_mask_index) : (bulk_mask_index += 1) {
self.masks[bulk_mask_index] = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value);
if (end_bit > 0) {
self.masks[end_mask_index] =
(self.masks[end_mask_index] & (std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << end_bit)) |
(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) >> ((@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - (end_bit - 1)));
/// Removes a specific bit from the bit set
pub fn unset(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (num_masks == 0) return; // doesn't compile in this case
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] &= ~maskBit(index);
/// Flips a specific bit in the bit set
pub fn toggle(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < bit_length);
if (num_masks == 0) return; // doesn't compile in this case
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] ^= maskBit(index);
/// Flips all bits in this bit set which are present
/// in the toggles bit set.
pub fn toggleSet(self: *Self, toggles: Self) void {
for (self.masks) |*mask, i| {
mask.* ^= toggles.masks[i];
/// Flips every bit in the bit set.
pub fn toggleAll(self: *Self) void {
for (self.masks) |*mask| {
mask.* = ~mask.*;
// Zero the padding bits
if (num_masks > 0) {
self.masks[num_masks - 1] &= last_item_mask;
/// Performs a union of two bit sets, and stores the
/// result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in either input.
pub fn setUnion(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
for (self.masks) |*mask, i| {
mask.* |= other.masks[i];
/// Performs an intersection of two bit sets, and stores
/// the result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in both inputs.
pub fn setIntersection(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
for (self.masks) |*mask, i| {
mask.* &= other.masks[i];
/// Finds the index of the first set bit.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn findFirstSet(self: Self) ?usize {
var offset: usize = 0;
const mask = for (self.masks) |mask| {
if (mask != 0) break mask;
offset += @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
} else return null;
return offset + @ctz(MaskInt, mask);
/// Finds the index of the first set bit, and unsets it.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn toggleFirstSet(self: *Self) ?usize {
var offset: usize = 0;
const mask = for (self.masks) |*mask| {
if (mask.* != 0) break mask;
offset += @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
} else return null;
const index = @ctz(MaskInt, mask.*);
mask.* &= (mask.* - 1);
return offset + index;
/// Iterates through the items in the set, according to the options.
/// The default options (.{}) will iterate indices of set bits in
/// ascending order. Modifications to the underlying bit set may
/// or may not be observed by the iterator.
pub fn iterator(self: *const Self, comptime options: IteratorOptions) Iterator(options) {
return Iterator(options).init(&self.masks, last_item_mask);
pub fn Iterator(comptime options: IteratorOptions) type {
return BitSetIterator(MaskInt, options);
fn maskBit(index: usize) MaskInt {
return @as(MaskInt, 1) << @truncate(ShiftInt, index);
fn maskIndex(index: usize) usize {
return index >> @bitSizeOf(ShiftInt);
fn boolMaskBit(index: usize, value: bool) MaskInt {
return @as(MaskInt, @boolToInt(value)) << @intCast(ShiftInt, index);
/// A bit set with runtime known size, backed by an allocated slice
/// of usize. The allocator must be tracked externally by the user.
pub const DynamicBitSetUnmanaged = struct {
const Self = @This();
/// The integer type used to represent a mask in this bit set
pub const MaskInt = usize;
/// The integer type used to shift a mask in this bit set
pub const ShiftInt = std.math.Log2Int(MaskInt);
/// The number of valid items in this bit set
bit_length: usize = 0,
/// The bit masks, ordered with lower indices first.
/// Padding bits at the end must be zeroed.
masks: [*]MaskInt = empty_masks_ptr,
// This pointer is one usize after the actual allocation.
// That slot holds the size of the true allocation, which
// is needed by Zig's allocator interface in case a shrink
// fails.
// Don't modify this value. Ideally it would go in const data so
// modifications would cause a bus error, but the only way
// to discard a const qualifier is through ptrToInt, which
// cannot currently round trip at comptime.
var empty_masks_data = [_]MaskInt{ 0, undefined };
const empty_masks_ptr = empty_masks_data[1..2];
/// Creates a bit set with no elements present.
/// If bit_length is not zero, deinit must eventually be called.
pub fn initEmpty(allocator: Allocator, bit_length: usize) !Self {
var self = Self{};
try self.resize(allocator, bit_length, false);
return self;
/// Creates a bit set with all elements present.
/// If bit_length is not zero, deinit must eventually be called.
pub fn initFull(allocator: Allocator, bit_length: usize) !Self {
var self = Self{};
try self.resize(allocator, bit_length, true);
return self;
/// Resizes to a new bit_length. If the new length is larger
/// than the old length, fills any added bits with `fill`.
/// If new_len is not zero, deinit must eventually be called.
pub fn resize(self: *@This(), allocator: Allocator, new_len: usize, fill: bool) !void {
const old_len = self.bit_length;
const old_masks = numMasks(old_len);
const new_masks = numMasks(new_len);
const old_allocation = (self.masks - 1)[0..(self.masks - 1)[0]];
if (new_masks == 0) {
assert(new_len == 0);
self.masks = empty_masks_ptr;
self.bit_length = 0;
if (old_allocation.len != new_masks + 1) realloc: {
// If realloc fails, it may mean one of two things.
// If we are growing, it means we are out of memory.
// If we are shrinking, it means the allocator doesn't
// want to move the allocation. This means we need to
// hold on to the extra 8 bytes required to be able to free
// this allocation properly.
const new_allocation = allocator.realloc(old_allocation, new_masks + 1) catch |err| {
if (new_masks + 1 > old_allocation.len) return err;
break :realloc;
new_allocation[0] = new_allocation.len;
self.masks = new_allocation.ptr + 1;
// If we increased in size, we need to set any new bits
// to the fill value.
if (new_len > old_len) {
// set the padding bits in the old last item to 1
if (fill and old_masks > 0) {
const old_padding_bits = old_masks * @bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - old_len;
const old_mask = (~@as(MaskInt, 0)) >> @intCast(ShiftInt, old_padding_bits);
self.masks[old_masks - 1] |= ~old_mask;
// fill in any new masks
if (new_masks > old_masks) {
const fill_value = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, fill);
std.mem.set(MaskInt, self.masks[old_masks..new_masks], fill_value);
// Zero out the padding bits
if (new_len > 0) {
const padding_bits = new_masks * @bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - new_len;
const last_item_mask = (~@as(MaskInt, 0)) >> @intCast(ShiftInt, padding_bits);
self.masks[new_masks - 1] &= last_item_mask;
// And finally, save the new length.
self.bit_length = new_len;
/// deinitializes the array and releases its memory.
/// The passed allocator must be the same one used for
/// init* or resize in the past.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) void {
self.resize(allocator, 0, false) catch unreachable;
/// Creates a duplicate of this bit set, using the new allocator.
pub fn clone(self: *const Self, new_allocator: Allocator) !Self {
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
var copy = Self{};
try copy.resize(new_allocator, self.bit_length, false);
std.mem.copy(MaskInt, copy.masks[0..num_masks], self.masks[0..num_masks]);
return copy;
/// Returns the number of bits in this bit set
pub inline fn capacity(self: Self) usize {
return self.bit_length;
/// Returns true if the bit at the specified index
/// is present in the set, false otherwise.
pub fn isSet(self: Self, index: usize) bool {
assert(index < self.bit_length);
return (self.masks[maskIndex(index)] & maskBit(index)) != 0;
/// Returns the total number of set bits in this bit set.
pub fn count(self: Self) usize {
const num_masks = (self.bit_length + (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1)) / @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
var total: usize = 0;
for (self.masks[0..num_masks]) |mask| {
// Note: This is where we depend on padding bits being zero
total += @popCount(MaskInt, mask);
return total;
/// Changes the value of the specified bit of the bit
/// set to match the passed boolean.
pub fn setValue(self: *Self, index: usize, value: bool) void {
assert(index < self.bit_length);
const bit = maskBit(index);
const mask_index = maskIndex(index);
const new_bit = bit & std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value);
self.masks[mask_index] = (self.masks[mask_index] & ~bit) | new_bit;
/// Adds a specific bit to the bit set
pub fn set(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < self.bit_length);
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] |= maskBit(index);
/// Changes the value of all bits in the specified range to
/// match the passed boolean.
pub fn setRangeValue(self: *Self, range: Range, value: bool) void {
assert(range.end <= self.bit_length);
assert(range.start <= range.end);
if (range.start == range.end) return;
const start_mask_index = maskIndex(range.start);
const start_bit = @truncate(ShiftInt, range.start);
const end_mask_index = maskIndex(range.end);
const end_bit = @truncate(ShiftInt, range.end);
if (start_mask_index == end_mask_index) {
var mask1 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << start_bit;
var mask2 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) >> (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - (end_bit - 1);
self.masks[start_mask_index] &= ~(mask1 & mask2);
mask1 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) << start_bit;
mask2 = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) >> (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - (end_bit - 1);
self.masks[start_mask_index] |= mask1 & mask2;
} else {
var bulk_mask_index: usize = undefined;
if (start_bit > 0) {
self.masks[start_mask_index] =
(self.masks[start_mask_index] & ~(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << start_bit)) |
(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) << start_bit);
bulk_mask_index = start_mask_index + 1;
} else {
bulk_mask_index = start_mask_index;
while (bulk_mask_index < end_mask_index) : (bulk_mask_index += 1) {
self.masks[bulk_mask_index] = std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value);
if (end_bit > 0) {
self.masks[end_mask_index] =
(self.masks[end_mask_index] & (std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, true) << end_bit)) |
(std.math.boolMask(MaskInt, value) >> ((@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - (end_bit - 1)));
/// Removes a specific bit from the bit set
pub fn unset(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < self.bit_length);
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] &= ~maskBit(index);
/// Flips a specific bit in the bit set
pub fn toggle(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
assert(index < self.bit_length);
self.masks[maskIndex(index)] ^= maskBit(index);
/// Flips all bits in this bit set which are present
/// in the toggles bit set. Both sets must have the
/// same bit_length.
pub fn toggleSet(self: *Self, toggles: Self) void {
assert(toggles.bit_length == self.bit_length);
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
for (self.masks[0..num_masks]) |*mask, i| {
mask.* ^= toggles.masks[i];
/// Flips every bit in the bit set.
pub fn toggleAll(self: *Self) void {
const bit_length = self.bit_length;
// avoid underflow if bit_length is zero
if (bit_length == 0) return;
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
for (self.masks[0..num_masks]) |*mask| {
mask.* = ~mask.*;
const padding_bits = num_masks * @bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - bit_length;
const last_item_mask = (~@as(MaskInt, 0)) >> @intCast(ShiftInt, padding_bits);
self.masks[num_masks - 1] &= last_item_mask;
/// Performs a union of two bit sets, and stores the
/// result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in either input.
/// The two sets must both be the same bit_length.
pub fn setUnion(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
assert(other.bit_length == self.bit_length);
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
for (self.masks[0..num_masks]) |*mask, i| {
mask.* |= other.masks[i];
/// Performs an intersection of two bit sets, and stores
/// the result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in both inputs.
/// The two sets must both be the same bit_length.
pub fn setIntersection(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
assert(other.bit_length == self.bit_length);
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
for (self.masks[0..num_masks]) |*mask, i| {
mask.* &= other.masks[i];
/// Finds the index of the first set bit.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn findFirstSet(self: Self) ?usize {
var offset: usize = 0;
var mask = self.masks;
while (offset < self.bit_length) {
if (mask[0] != 0) break;
mask += 1;
offset += @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
} else return null;
return offset + @ctz(MaskInt, mask[0]);
/// Finds the index of the first set bit, and unsets it.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn toggleFirstSet(self: *Self) ?usize {
var offset: usize = 0;
var mask = self.masks;
while (offset < self.bit_length) {
if (mask[0] != 0) break;
mask += 1;
offset += @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
} else return null;
const index = @ctz(MaskInt, mask[0]);
mask[0] &= (mask[0] - 1);
return offset + index;
/// Iterates through the items in the set, according to the options.
/// The default options (.{}) will iterate indices of set bits in
/// ascending order. Modifications to the underlying bit set may
/// or may not be observed by the iterator. Resizing the underlying
/// bit set invalidates the iterator.
pub fn iterator(self: *const Self, comptime options: IteratorOptions) Iterator(options) {
const num_masks = numMasks(self.bit_length);
const padding_bits = num_masks * @bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - self.bit_length;
const last_item_mask = (~@as(MaskInt, 0)) >> @intCast(ShiftInt, padding_bits);
return Iterator(options).init(self.masks[0..num_masks], last_item_mask);
pub fn Iterator(comptime options: IteratorOptions) type {
return BitSetIterator(MaskInt, options);
fn maskBit(index: usize) MaskInt {
return @as(MaskInt, 1) << @truncate(ShiftInt, index);
fn maskIndex(index: usize) usize {
return index >> @bitSizeOf(ShiftInt);
fn boolMaskBit(index: usize, value: bool) MaskInt {
return @as(MaskInt, @boolToInt(value)) << @intCast(ShiftInt, index);
fn numMasks(bit_length: usize) usize {
return (bit_length + (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1)) / @bitSizeOf(MaskInt);
/// A bit set with runtime known size, backed by an allocated slice
/// of usize. Thin wrapper around DynamicBitSetUnmanaged which keeps
/// track of the allocator instance.
pub const DynamicBitSet = struct {
const Self = @This();
/// The integer type used to represent a mask in this bit set
pub const MaskInt = usize;
/// The integer type used to shift a mask in this bit set
pub const ShiftInt = std.math.Log2Int(MaskInt);
/// The allocator used by this bit set
allocator: Allocator,
/// The number of valid items in this bit set
unmanaged: DynamicBitSetUnmanaged = .{},
/// Creates a bit set with no elements present.
pub fn initEmpty(allocator: Allocator, bit_length: usize) !Self {
return Self{
.unmanaged = try DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.initEmpty(allocator, bit_length),
.allocator = allocator,
/// Creates a bit set with all elements present.
pub fn initFull(allocator: Allocator, bit_length: usize) !Self {
return Self{
.unmanaged = try DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.initFull(allocator, bit_length),
.allocator = allocator,
/// Resizes to a new length. If the new length is larger
/// than the old length, fills any added bits with `fill`.
pub fn resize(self: *@This(), new_len: usize, fill: bool) !void {
try self.unmanaged.resize(self.allocator, new_len, fill);
/// deinitializes the array and releases its memory.
/// The passed allocator must be the same one used for
/// init* or resize in the past.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
/// Creates a duplicate of this bit set, using the new allocator.
pub fn clone(self: *const Self, new_allocator: Allocator) !Self {
return Self{
.unmanaged = try self.unmanaged.clone(new_allocator),
.allocator = new_allocator,
/// Returns the number of bits in this bit set
pub inline fn capacity(self: Self) usize {
return self.unmanaged.capacity();
/// Returns true if the bit at the specified index
/// is present in the set, false otherwise.
pub fn isSet(self: Self, index: usize) bool {
return self.unmanaged.isSet(index);
/// Returns the total number of set bits in this bit set.
pub fn count(self: Self) usize {
return self.unmanaged.count();
/// Changes the value of the specified bit of the bit
/// set to match the passed boolean.
pub fn setValue(self: *Self, index: usize, value: bool) void {
self.unmanaged.setValue(index, value);
/// Adds a specific bit to the bit set
pub fn set(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
/// Changes the value of all bits in the specified range to
/// match the passed boolean.
pub fn setRangeValue(self: *Self, range: Range, value: bool) void {
self.unmanaged.setRangeValue(range, value);
/// Removes a specific bit from the bit set
pub fn unset(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
/// Flips a specific bit in the bit set
pub fn toggle(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
/// Flips all bits in this bit set which are present
/// in the toggles bit set. Both sets must have the
/// same bit_length.
pub fn toggleSet(self: *Self, toggles: Self) void {
/// Flips every bit in the bit set.
pub fn toggleAll(self: *Self) void {
/// Performs a union of two bit sets, and stores the
/// result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in either input.
/// The two sets must both be the same bit_length.
pub fn setUnion(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
/// Performs an intersection of two bit sets, and stores
/// the result in the first one. Bits in the result are
/// set if the corresponding bits were set in both inputs.
/// The two sets must both be the same bit_length.
pub fn setIntersection(self: *Self, other: Self) void {
/// Finds the index of the first set bit.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn findFirstSet(self: Self) ?usize {
return self.unmanaged.findFirstSet();
/// Finds the index of the first set bit, and unsets it.
/// If no bits are set, returns null.
pub fn toggleFirstSet(self: *Self) ?usize {
return self.unmanaged.toggleFirstSet();
/// Iterates through the items in the set, according to the options.
/// The default options (.{}) will iterate indices of set bits in
/// ascending order. Modifications to the underlying bit set may
/// or may not be observed by the iterator. Resizing the underlying
/// bit set invalidates the iterator.
pub fn iterator(self: *const Self, comptime options: IteratorOptions) Iterator(options) {
return self.unmanaged.iterator(options);
pub const Iterator = DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.Iterator;
/// Options for configuring an iterator over a bit set
pub const IteratorOptions = struct {
/// determines which bits should be visited
kind: Type = .set,
/// determines the order in which bit indices should be visited
direction: Direction = .forward,
pub const Type = enum {
/// visit indexes of set bits
/// visit indexes of unset bits
pub const Direction = enum {
/// visit indices in ascending order
/// visit indices in descending order.
/// Note that this may be slightly more expensive than forward iteration.
// The iterator is reusable between several bit set types
fn BitSetIterator(comptime MaskInt: type, comptime options: IteratorOptions) type {
const ShiftInt = std.math.Log2Int(MaskInt);
const kind = options.kind;
const direction = options.direction;
return struct {
const Self = @This();
// all bits which have not yet been iterated over
bits_remain: MaskInt,
// all words which have not yet been iterated over
words_remain: []const MaskInt,
// the offset of the current word
bit_offset: usize,
// the mask of the last word
last_word_mask: MaskInt,
fn init(masks: []const MaskInt, last_word_mask: MaskInt) Self {
if (masks.len == 0) {
return Self{
.bits_remain = 0,
.words_remain = &[_]MaskInt{},
.last_word_mask = last_word_mask,
.bit_offset = 0,
} else {
var result = Self{
.bits_remain = 0,
.words_remain = masks,
.last_word_mask = last_word_mask,
.bit_offset = if (direction == .forward) 0 else (masks.len - 1) * @bitSizeOf(MaskInt),
return result;
/// Returns the index of the next unvisited set bit
/// in the bit set, in ascending order.
pub fn next(self: *Self) ?usize {
while (self.bits_remain == 0) {
if (self.words_remain.len == 0) return null;
switch (direction) {
.forward => self.bit_offset += @bitSizeOf(MaskInt),
.reverse => self.bit_offset -= @bitSizeOf(MaskInt),
switch (direction) {
.forward => {
const next_index = @ctz(MaskInt, self.bits_remain) + self.bit_offset;
self.bits_remain &= self.bits_remain - 1;
return next_index;
.reverse => {
const leading_zeroes = @clz(MaskInt, self.bits_remain);
const top_bit = (@bitSizeOf(MaskInt) - 1) - leading_zeroes;
const no_top_bit_mask = (@as(MaskInt, 1) << @intCast(ShiftInt, top_bit)) - 1;
self.bits_remain &= no_top_bit_mask;
return top_bit + self.bit_offset;
// Load the next word. Don't call this if there
// isn't a next word. If the next word is the
// last word, mask off the padding bits so we
// don't visit them.
inline fn nextWord(self: *Self, comptime is_first_word: bool) void {
var word = switch (direction) {
.forward => self.words_remain[0],
.reverse => self.words_remain[self.words_remain.len - 1],
switch (kind) {
.set => {},
.unset => {
word = ~word;
if ((direction == .reverse and is_first_word) or
(direction == .forward and self.words_remain.len == 1))
word &= self.last_word_mask;
switch (direction) {
.forward => self.words_remain = self.words_remain[1..],
.reverse => self.words_remain.len -= 1,
self.bits_remain = word;
/// A range of indices within a bitset.
pub const Range = struct {
/// The index of the first bit of interest.
start: usize,
/// The index immediately after the last bit of interest.
end: usize,
// ---------------- Tests -----------------
const testing = std.testing;
fn testBitSet(a: anytype, b: anytype, len: usize) !void {
try testing.expectEqual(len, a.capacity());
try testing.expectEqual(len, b.capacity());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
a.setValue(i, i & 1 == 0);
b.setValue(i, i & 2 == 0);
try testing.expectEqual((len + 1) / 2, a.count());
try testing.expectEqual((len + 3) / 4 + (len + 2) / 4, b.count());
var iter = a.iterator(.{});
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 2) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
var iter = a.iterator(.{});
var i: usize = 1;
while (i < len) : (i += 2) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
var iter = b.iterator(.{ .kind = .unset });
var i: usize = 2;
while (i < len) : (i += 4) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), iter.next());
if (i + 1 < len) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i + 1), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(i & 1 != 0, a.isSet(i));
try testing.expectEqual(i & 2 == 0, b.isSet(i));
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(i & 1 != 0 or i & 2 == 0, a.isSet(i));
try testing.expectEqual(i & 2 == 0, b.isSet(i));
i = len;
var set = a.iterator(.{ .direction = .reverse });
var unset = a.iterator(.{ .kind = .unset, .direction = .reverse });
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
if (i & 1 != 0 or i & 2 == 0) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), set.next());
} else {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), unset.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), set.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), set.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), set.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), unset.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), unset.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), unset.next());
try testing.expectEqual(len / 4, a.count());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(i & 1 != 0 and i & 2 != 0, a.isSet(i));
try testing.expectEqual(i & 2 == 0, b.isSet(i));
if (i & 1 == 0) {
} else {
try testing.expectEqual((len + 3) / 4, a.count());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(i & 1 == 0 and i & 2 == 0, a.isSet(i));
try testing.expectEqual(i & 2 == 0, b.isSet(i));
var iter = a.iterator(.{});
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
var iter = a.iterator(.{ .direction = .reverse });
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), iter.next());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
const test_bits = [_]usize{
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 22, 31, 32, 63, 64,
66, 95, 127, 160, 192, 1000,
for (test_bits) |i| {
if (i < a.capacity()) {
for (test_bits) |i| {
if (i < a.capacity()) {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), a.findFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, i), a.toggleFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), a.findFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), a.toggleFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), a.findFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), a.toggleFirstSet());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(len, a.count());
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = 0 }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = len, .end = len }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
if (len >= 1) {
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = 1 }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), a.count());
try testing.expect(a.isSet(0));
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len - 1 }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(len - 1, a.count());
try testing.expect(!a.isSet(len - 1));
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 1, .end = len }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, len - 1), a.count());
try testing.expect(!a.isSet(0));
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = len - 1, .end = len }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), a.count());
try testing.expect(a.isSet(len - 1));
if (len >= 4) {
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 0, .end = len }, false);
a.setRangeValue(.{ .start = 1, .end = len - 2 }, true);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, len - 3), a.count());
try testing.expect(!a.isSet(0));
try testing.expect(a.isSet(1));
try testing.expect(a.isSet(len - 3));
try testing.expect(!a.isSet(len - 2));
try testing.expect(!a.isSet(len - 1));
fn testStaticBitSet(comptime Set: type) !void {
var a = Set.initEmpty();
var b = Set.initFull();
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, Set.bit_length), b.count());
try testBitSet(&a, &b, Set.bit_length);
test "IntegerBitSet" {
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(0));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(1));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(2));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(5));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(8));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(32));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(64));
try testStaticBitSet(IntegerBitSet(127));
test "ArrayBitSet" {
if (@import("builtin").cpu.arch == .aarch64) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/9879
return error.SkipZigTest;
inline for (.{ 0, 1, 2, 31, 32, 33, 63, 64, 65, 254, 500, 3000 }) |size| {
try testStaticBitSet(ArrayBitSet(u8, size));
try testStaticBitSet(ArrayBitSet(u16, size));
try testStaticBitSet(ArrayBitSet(u32, size));
try testStaticBitSet(ArrayBitSet(u64, size));
try testStaticBitSet(ArrayBitSet(u128, size));
test "DynamicBitSetUnmanaged" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var a = try DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.initEmpty(allocator, 300);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
a = try DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.initEmpty(allocator, 0);
defer a.deinit(allocator);
for ([_]usize{ 1, 2, 31, 32, 33, 0, 65, 64, 63, 500, 254, 3000 }) |size| {
const old_len = a.capacity();
var tmp = try a.clone(allocator);
defer tmp.deinit(allocator);
try testing.expectEqual(old_len, tmp.capacity());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < old_len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(a.isSet(i), tmp.isSet(i));
a.toggleSet(a); // zero a
try a.resize(allocator, size, true);
try tmp.resize(allocator, size, false);
if (size > old_len) {
try testing.expectEqual(size - old_len, a.count());
} else {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), tmp.count());
var b = try DynamicBitSetUnmanaged.initFull(allocator, size);
defer b.deinit(allocator);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, size), b.count());
try testBitSet(&a, &b, size);
test "DynamicBitSet" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var a = try DynamicBitSet.initEmpty(allocator, 300);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
a = try DynamicBitSet.initEmpty(allocator, 0);
defer a.deinit();
for ([_]usize{ 1, 2, 31, 32, 33, 0, 65, 64, 63, 500, 254, 3000 }) |size| {
const old_len = a.capacity();
var tmp = try a.clone(allocator);
defer tmp.deinit();
try testing.expectEqual(old_len, tmp.capacity());
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < old_len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(a.isSet(i), tmp.isSet(i));
a.toggleSet(a); // zero a
tmp.toggleSet(tmp); // zero tmp
try a.resize(size, true);
try tmp.resize(size, false);
if (size > old_len) {
try testing.expectEqual(size - old_len, a.count());
} else {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), a.count());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), tmp.count());
var b = try DynamicBitSet.initFull(allocator, size);
defer b.deinit();
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, size), b.count());
try testBitSet(&a, &b, size);
test "StaticBitSet" {
try testing.expectEqual(IntegerBitSet(0), StaticBitSet(0));
try testing.expectEqual(IntegerBitSet(5), StaticBitSet(5));
try testing.expectEqual(IntegerBitSet(@bitSizeOf(usize)), StaticBitSet(@bitSizeOf(usize)));
try testing.expectEqual(ArrayBitSet(usize, @bitSizeOf(usize) + 1), StaticBitSet(@bitSizeOf(usize) + 1));
try testing.expectEqual(ArrayBitSet(usize, 500), StaticBitSet(500));