const std = @import("../index.zig"); const math = std.math; const mem = std.mem; const io =; const os = std.os; const elf = std.elf; const DW = std.dwarf; const macho = std.macho; const coff = std.coff; const pdb = std.pdb; const windows =; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const builtin = @import("builtin"); const maxInt = std.math.maxInt; pub const FailingAllocator = @import("failing_allocator.zig").FailingAllocator; pub const failing_allocator = &FailingAllocator.init(global_allocator, 0).allocator; pub const runtime_safety = switch (builtin.mode) { builtin.Mode.Debug, builtin.Mode.ReleaseSafe => true, builtin.Mode.ReleaseFast, builtin.Mode.ReleaseSmall => false, }; const Module = struct { mod_info: pdb.ModInfo, module_name: []u8, obj_file_name: []u8, populated: bool, symbols: []u8, subsect_info: []u8, checksum_offset: ?usize, }; /// Tries to write to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned. /// Does not append a newline. var stderr_file: os.File = undefined; var stderr_file_out_stream: os.File.OutStream = undefined; /// TODO multithreaded awareness var stderr_stream: ?*io.OutStream(os.File.WriteError) = null; var stderr_mutex = std.Mutex.init(); pub fn warn(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: ...) void { const held = stderr_mutex.acquire(); defer held.release(); const stderr = getStderrStream() catch return; stderr.print(fmt, args) catch return; } pub fn getStderrStream() !*io.OutStream(os.File.WriteError) { if (stderr_stream) |st| { return st; } else { stderr_file = try io.getStdErr(); stderr_file_out_stream = stderr_file.outStream(); const st = &; stderr_stream = st; return st; } } /// TODO multithreaded awareness var self_debug_info: ?DebugInfo = null; pub fn getSelfDebugInfo() !*DebugInfo { if (self_debug_info) |*info| { return info; } else { self_debug_info = try openSelfDebugInfo(getDebugInfoAllocator()); return &self_debug_info.?; } } fn wantTtyColor() bool { var bytes: [128]u8 = undefined; const allocator = &std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(bytes[0..]).allocator; return if (std.os.getEnvVarOwned(allocator, "ZIG_DEBUG_COLOR")) |_| true else |_| stderr_file.isTty(); } /// Tries to print the current stack trace to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned. /// TODO multithreaded awareness pub fn dumpCurrentStackTrace(start_addr: ?usize) void { const stderr = getStderrStream() catch return; const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| { stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return; return; }; writeCurrentStackTrace(stderr, debug_info, wantTtyColor(), start_addr) catch |err| { stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return; return; }; } /// Tries to print a stack trace to stderr, unbuffered, and ignores any error returned. /// TODO multithreaded awareness pub fn dumpStackTrace(stack_trace: *const builtin.StackTrace) void { const stderr = getStderrStream() catch return; const debug_info = getSelfDebugInfo() catch |err| { stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: Unable to open debug info: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return; return; }; writeStackTrace(stack_trace, stderr, getDebugInfoAllocator(), debug_info, wantTtyColor()) catch |err| { stderr.print("Unable to dump stack trace: {}\n", @errorName(err)) catch return; return; }; } /// This function invokes undefined behavior when `ok` is `false`. /// In Debug and ReleaseSafe modes, calls to this function are always /// generated, and the `unreachable` statement triggers a panic. /// In ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall modes, calls to this function can be /// optimized away. pub fn assert(ok: bool) void { if (!ok) { // In ReleaseFast test mode, we still want assert(false) to crash, so // we insert an explicit call to @panic instead of unreachable. // TODO we should use `assertOrPanic` in tests and remove this logic. if (builtin.is_test) { @panic("assertion failure"); } else { unreachable; // assertion failure } } } /// TODO: add `==` operator for `error_union == error_set`, and then /// remove this function pub fn assertError(value: var, expected_error: anyerror) void { if (value) { @panic("expected error"); } else |actual_error| { assert(actual_error == expected_error); } } /// Call this function when you want to panic if the condition is not true. /// If `ok` is `false`, this function will panic in every release mode. pub fn assertOrPanic(ok: bool) void { if (!ok) { @panic("assertion failure"); } } pub fn panic(comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) noreturn { @setCold(true); const first_trace_addr = @ptrToInt(@returnAddress()); panicExtra(null, first_trace_addr, format, args); } /// TODO multithreaded awareness var panicking: u8 = 0; // TODO make this a bool pub fn panicExtra(trace: ?*const builtin.StackTrace, first_trace_addr: ?usize, comptime format: []const u8, args: ...) noreturn { @setCold(true); if (@atomicRmw(u8, &panicking, builtin.AtomicRmwOp.Xchg, 1, builtin.AtomicOrder.SeqCst) == 1) { // Panicked during a panic. // TODO detect if a different thread caused the panic, because in that case // we would want to return here instead of calling abort, so that the thread // which first called panic can finish printing a stack trace. os.abort(); } const stderr = getStderrStream() catch os.abort(); stderr.print(format ++ "\n", args) catch os.abort(); if (trace) |t| { dumpStackTrace(t); } dumpCurrentStackTrace(first_trace_addr); os.abort(); } const RED = "\x1b[31;1m"; const GREEN = "\x1b[32;1m"; const CYAN = "\x1b[36;1m"; const WHITE = "\x1b[37;1m"; const DIM = "\x1b[2m"; const RESET = "\x1b[0m"; pub fn writeStackTrace(stack_trace: *const builtin.StackTrace, out_stream: var, allocator: *mem.Allocator, debug_info: *DebugInfo, tty_color: bool) !void { var frame_index: usize = undefined; var frames_left: usize = undefined; if (stack_trace.index < stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len) { frame_index = 0; frames_left = stack_trace.index; } else { frame_index = (stack_trace.index + 1) % stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len; frames_left = stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len; } while (frames_left != 0) : ({ frames_left -= 1; frame_index = (frame_index + 1) % stack_trace.instruction_addresses.len; }) { const return_address = stack_trace.instruction_addresses[frame_index]; try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, return_address, tty_color); } } pub const StackIterator = struct { first_addr: ?usize, fp: usize, pub fn init(first_addr: ?usize) StackIterator { return StackIterator{ .first_addr = first_addr, .fp = @ptrToInt(@frameAddress()), }; } fn next(self: *StackIterator) ?usize { if (self.fp == 0) return null; self.fp = @intToPtr(*const usize, self.fp).*; if (self.fp == 0) return null; if (self.first_addr) |addr| { while (self.fp != 0) : (self.fp = @intToPtr(*const usize, self.fp).*) { const return_address = @intToPtr(*const usize, self.fp + @sizeOf(usize)).*; if (addr == return_address) { self.first_addr = null; return return_address; } } } const return_address = @intToPtr(*const usize, self.fp + @sizeOf(usize)).*; return return_address; } }; pub fn writeCurrentStackTrace(out_stream: var, debug_info: *DebugInfo, tty_color: bool, start_addr: ?usize) !void { switch (builtin.os) { => return writeCurrentStackTraceWindows(out_stream, debug_info, tty_color, start_addr), else => {}, } var it = StackIterator.init(start_addr); while ( |return_address| { try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, return_address, tty_color); } } pub fn writeCurrentStackTraceWindows( out_stream: var, debug_info: *DebugInfo, tty_color: bool, start_addr: ?usize, ) !void { var addr_buf: [1024]usize = undefined; const casted_len = @intCast(u32, addr_buf.len); // TODO shouldn't need this cast const n = windows.RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(0, casted_len, @ptrCast(**c_void, &addr_buf), null); const addrs = addr_buf[0..n]; var start_i: usize = if (start_addr) |saddr| blk: { for (addrs) |addr, i| { if (addr == saddr) break :blk i; } return; } else 0; for (addrs[start_i..]) |addr| { try printSourceAtAddress(debug_info, out_stream, addr, tty_color); } } pub fn printSourceAtAddress(debug_info: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void { switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.macosx => return printSourceAtAddressMacOs(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_color), builtin.Os.linux => return printSourceAtAddressLinux(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_color), => return printSourceAtAddressWindows(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_color), else => return error.UnsupportedOperatingSystem, } } fn printSourceAtAddressWindows(di: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, relocated_address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void { const allocator = getDebugInfoAllocator(); const base_address = os.getBaseAddress(); const relative_address = relocated_address - base_address; var coff_section: *coff.Section = undefined; const mod_index = for (di.sect_contribs) |sect_contrib| { if (sect_contrib.Section > di.coff.sections.len) continue; // Remember that SectionContribEntry.Section is 1-based. coff_section = &di.coff.sections.toSlice()[sect_contrib.Section - 1]; const vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + sect_contrib.Offset; const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + sect_contrib.Size; if (relative_address >= vaddr_start and relative_address < vaddr_end) { break sect_contrib.ModuleIndex; } } else { // we have no information to add to the address if (tty_color) { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: "); setTtyColor(TtyColor.Dim); try out_stream.print("0x{x} in ??? (???)", relocated_address); setTtyColor(TtyColor.Reset); try out_stream.print("\n\n\n"); } else { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in ??? (???)\n\n\n", relocated_address); } return; }; const mod = &di.modules[mod_index]; try populateModule(di, mod); const obj_basename = os.path.basename(mod.obj_file_name); var symbol_i: usize = 0; const symbol_name = while (symbol_i != mod.symbols.len) { const prefix = @ptrCast(*pdb.RecordPrefix, &mod.symbols[symbol_i]); if (prefix.RecordLen < 2) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; switch (prefix.RecordKind) { pdb.SymbolKind.S_LPROC32 => { const proc_sym = @ptrCast(*pdb.ProcSym, &mod.symbols[symbol_i + @sizeOf(pdb.RecordPrefix)]); const vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + proc_sym.CodeOffset; const vaddr_end = vaddr_start + proc_sym.CodeSize; if (relative_address >= vaddr_start and relative_address < vaddr_end) { break mem.toSliceConst(u8, @ptrCast([*]u8, proc_sym) + @sizeOf(pdb.ProcSym)); } }, else => {}, } symbol_i += prefix.RecordLen + @sizeOf(u16); if (symbol_i > mod.symbols.len) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; } else "???"; const subsect_info = mod.subsect_info; var sect_offset: usize = 0; var skip_len: usize = undefined; const opt_line_info = subsections: { const checksum_offset = mod.checksum_offset orelse break :subsections null; while (sect_offset != subsect_info.len) : (sect_offset += skip_len) { const subsect_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader, &subsect_info[sect_offset]); skip_len = subsect_hdr.Length; sect_offset += @sizeOf(pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader); switch (subsect_hdr.Kind) { pdb.DebugSubsectionKind.Lines => { var line_index: usize = sect_offset; const line_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineFragmentHeader, &subsect_info[line_index]); if (line_hdr.RelocSegment == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo; line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.LineFragmentHeader); const block_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineBlockFragmentHeader, &subsect_info[line_index]); line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.LineBlockFragmentHeader); const has_column = line_hdr.Flags.LF_HaveColumns; const frag_vaddr_start = coff_section.header.virtual_address + line_hdr.RelocOffset; const frag_vaddr_end = frag_vaddr_start + line_hdr.CodeSize; if (relative_address >= frag_vaddr_start and relative_address < frag_vaddr_end) { var line_i: usize = 0; const start_line_index = line_index; while (line_i < block_hdr.NumLines) : (line_i += 1) { const line_num_entry = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineNumberEntry, &subsect_info[line_index]); line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.LineNumberEntry); const flags = @ptrCast(*pdb.LineNumberEntry.Flags, &line_num_entry.Flags); const vaddr_start = frag_vaddr_start + line_num_entry.Offset; const vaddr_end = if (flags.End == 0) frag_vaddr_end else vaddr_start + flags.End; if (relative_address >= vaddr_start and relative_address < vaddr_end) { const subsect_index = checksum_offset + block_hdr.NameIndex; const chksum_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.FileChecksumEntryHeader, &mod.subsect_info[subsect_index]); const strtab_offset = @sizeOf(pdb.PDBStringTableHeader) + chksum_hdr.FileNameOffset; try di.pdb.string_table.seekTo(strtab_offset); const source_file_name = try di.pdb.string_table.readNullTermString(allocator); const line = flags.Start; const column = if (has_column) blk: { line_index = start_line_index + @sizeOf(pdb.LineNumberEntry) * block_hdr.NumLines; line_index += @sizeOf(pdb.ColumnNumberEntry) * line_i; const col_num_entry = @ptrCast(*pdb.ColumnNumberEntry, &subsect_info[line_index]); break :blk col_num_entry.StartColumn; } else 0; break :subsections LineInfo{ .allocator = allocator, .file_name = source_file_name, .line = line, .column = column, }; } } break :subsections null; } }, else => {}, } if (sect_offset > subsect_info.len) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; } else { break :subsections null; } }; if (tty_color) { setTtyColor(TtyColor.White); if (opt_line_info) |li| { try out_stream.print("{}:{}:{}", li.file_name, li.line, li.column); } else { try out_stream.print("???:?:?"); } setTtyColor(TtyColor.Reset); try out_stream.print(": "); setTtyColor(TtyColor.Dim); try out_stream.print("0x{x} in {} ({})", relocated_address, symbol_name, obj_basename); setTtyColor(TtyColor.Reset); if (opt_line_info) |line_info| { try out_stream.print("\n"); if (printLineFromFileAnyOs(out_stream, line_info)) { if (line_info.column == 0) { try out_stream.write("\n"); } else { { var col_i: usize = 1; while (col_i < line_info.column) : (col_i += 1) { try out_stream.writeByte(' '); } } setTtyColor(TtyColor.Green); try out_stream.write("^"); setTtyColor(TtyColor.Reset); try out_stream.write("\n"); } } else |err| switch (err) { error.EndOfFile => {}, else => return err, } } else { try out_stream.print("\n\n\n"); } } else { if (opt_line_info) |li| { try out_stream.print("{}:{}:{}: 0x{x} in {} ({})\n\n\n", li.file_name, li.line, li.column, relocated_address, symbol_name, obj_basename); } else { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in {} ({})\n\n\n", relocated_address, symbol_name, obj_basename); } } } const TtyColor = enum { Red, Green, Cyan, White, Dim, Bold, Reset, }; /// TODO this is a special case hack right now. clean it up and maybe make it part of std.fmt fn setTtyColor(tty_color: TtyColor) void { if (os.supportsAnsiEscapeCodes(stderr_file.handle)) { switch (tty_color) { TtyColor.Red => { stderr_file.write(RED) catch return; }, TtyColor.Green => { stderr_file.write(GREEN) catch return; }, TtyColor.Cyan => { stderr_file.write(CYAN) catch return; }, TtyColor.White, TtyColor.Bold => { stderr_file.write(WHITE) catch return; }, TtyColor.Dim => { stderr_file.write(DIM) catch return; }, TtyColor.Reset => { stderr_file.write(RESET) catch return; }, } } else { const S = struct { var attrs: windows.WORD = undefined; var init_attrs = false; }; if (!S.init_attrs) { S.init_attrs = true; var info: windows.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO = undefined; // TODO handle error _ = windows.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(stderr_file.handle, &info); S.attrs = info.wAttributes; } // TODO handle errors switch (tty_color) { TtyColor.Red => { _ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_RED | windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); }, TtyColor.Green => { _ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_GREEN | windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); }, TtyColor.Cyan => { _ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_GREEN | windows.FOREGROUND_BLUE | windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); }, TtyColor.White, TtyColor.Bold => { _ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_RED | windows.FOREGROUND_GREEN | windows.FOREGROUND_BLUE | windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); }, TtyColor.Dim => { _ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, windows.FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); }, TtyColor.Reset => { _ = windows.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stderr_file.handle, S.attrs); }, } } } fn populateModule(di: *DebugInfo, mod: *Module) !void { if (mod.populated) return; const allocator = getDebugInfoAllocator(); if (mod.mod_info.C11ByteSize != 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; if (mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo; const modi = di.pdb.getStreamById(mod.mod_info.ModuleSymStream) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo; const signature = try; if (signature != 4) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; mod.symbols = try allocator.alloc(u8, mod.mod_info.SymByteSize - 4); try; mod.subsect_info = try allocator.alloc(u8, mod.mod_info.C13ByteSize); try; var sect_offset: usize = 0; var skip_len: usize = undefined; while (sect_offset != mod.subsect_info.len) : (sect_offset += skip_len) { const subsect_hdr = @ptrCast(*pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader, &mod.subsect_info[sect_offset]); skip_len = subsect_hdr.Length; sect_offset += @sizeOf(pdb.DebugSubsectionHeader); switch (subsect_hdr.Kind) { pdb.DebugSubsectionKind.FileChecksums => { mod.checksum_offset = sect_offset; break; }, else => {}, } if (sect_offset > mod.subsect_info.len) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; } mod.populated = true; } fn machoSearchSymbols(symbols: []const MachoSymbol, address: usize) ?*const MachoSymbol { var min: usize = 0; var max: usize = symbols.len - 1; // Exclude sentinel. while (min < max) { const mid = min + (max - min) / 2; const curr = &symbols[mid]; const next = &symbols[mid + 1]; if (address >= next.address()) { min = mid + 1; } else if (address < curr.address()) { max = mid; } else { return curr; } } return null; } fn printSourceAtAddressMacOs(di: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void { const base_addr = @ptrToInt(&std.c._mh_execute_header); const adjusted_addr = 0x100000000 + (address - base_addr); const symbol = machoSearchSymbols(di.symbols, adjusted_addr) orelse { if (tty_color) { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ "0x{x} in ??? (???)" ++ RESET ++ "\n\n\n", address); } else { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in ??? (???)\n\n\n", address); } return; }; const symbol_name = mem.toSliceConst(u8, di.strings.ptr + symbol.nlist.n_strx); const compile_unit_name = if (symbol.ofile) |ofile| blk: { const ofile_path = mem.toSliceConst(u8, di.strings.ptr + ofile.n_strx); break :blk os.path.basename(ofile_path); } else "???"; if (getLineNumberInfoMacOs(di, symbol.*, adjusted_addr)) |line_info| { defer line_info.deinit(); try printLineInfo( out_stream, line_info, address, symbol_name, compile_unit_name, tty_color, printLineFromFileAnyOs, ); } else |err| switch (err) { error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => { if (tty_color) { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ "0x{x} in {} ({})" ++ RESET ++ "\n\n\n", address, symbol_name, compile_unit_name); } else { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in {} ({})\n\n\n", address, symbol_name, compile_unit_name); } }, else => return err, } } /// This function works in freestanding mode. /// fn printLineFromFile(out_stream: var, line_info: LineInfo) !void pub fn printSourceAtAddressDwarf( debug_info: *DwarfInfo, out_stream: var, address: usize, tty_color: bool, comptime printLineFromFile: var, ) !void { const compile_unit = findCompileUnit(debug_info, address) catch { if (tty_color) { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ "0x{x} in ??? (???)" ++ RESET ++ "\n\n\n", address); } else { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in ??? (???)\n\n\n", address); } return; }; const compile_unit_name = try compile_unit.die.getAttrString(debug_info, DW.AT_name); if (getLineNumberInfoDwarf(debug_info, compile_unit.*, address - 1)) |line_info| { defer line_info.deinit(); const symbol_name = "???"; try printLineInfo( out_stream, line_info, address, symbol_name, compile_unit_name, tty_color, printLineFromFile, ); } else |err| switch (err) { error.MissingDebugInfo, error.InvalidDebugInfo => { if (tty_color) { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: " ++ DIM ++ "0x{x} in ??? ({})" ++ RESET ++ "\n\n\n", address, compile_unit_name); } else { try out_stream.print("???:?:?: 0x{x} in ??? ({})\n\n\n", address, compile_unit_name); } }, else => return err, } } pub fn printSourceAtAddressLinux(debug_info: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void { return printSourceAtAddressDwarf(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_color, printLineFromFileAnyOs); } fn printLineInfo( out_stream: var, line_info: LineInfo, address: usize, symbol_name: []const u8, compile_unit_name: []const u8, tty_color: bool, comptime printLineFromFile: var, ) !void { if (tty_color) { try out_stream.print( WHITE ++ "{}:{}:{}" ++ RESET ++ ": " ++ DIM ++ "0x{x} in {} ({})" ++ RESET ++ "\n", line_info.file_name, line_info.line, line_info.column, address, symbol_name, compile_unit_name, ); if (printLineFromFile(out_stream, line_info)) { if (line_info.column == 0) { try out_stream.write("\n"); } else { { var col_i: usize = 1; while (col_i < line_info.column) : (col_i += 1) { try out_stream.writeByte(' '); } } try out_stream.write(GREEN ++ "^" ++ RESET ++ "\n"); } } else |err| switch (err) { error.EndOfFile => {}, else => return err, } } else { try out_stream.print( "{}:{}:{}: 0x{x} in {} ({})\n", line_info.file_name, line_info.line, line_info.column, address, symbol_name, compile_unit_name, ); } } // TODO use this pub const OpenSelfDebugInfoError = error{ MissingDebugInfo, OutOfMemory, UnsupportedOperatingSystem, }; pub fn openSelfDebugInfo(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo { switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.linux => return openSelfDebugInfoLinux(allocator), builtin.Os.macosx, builtin.Os.ios => return openSelfDebugInfoMacOs(allocator), => return openSelfDebugInfoWindows(allocator), else => return error.UnsupportedOperatingSystem, } } fn openSelfDebugInfoWindows(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo { const self_file = try os.openSelfExe(); defer self_file.close(); const coff_obj = try allocator.createOne(coff.Coff); coff_obj.* = coff.Coff{ .in_file = self_file, .allocator = allocator, .coff_header = undefined, .pe_header = undefined, .sections = undefined, .guid = undefined, .age = undefined, }; var di = DebugInfo{ .coff = coff_obj, .pdb = undefined, .sect_contribs = undefined, .modules = undefined, }; try di.coff.loadHeader(); var path_buf: [windows.MAX_PATH]u8 = undefined; const len = try di.coff.getPdbPath(path_buf[0..]); const raw_path = path_buf[0..len]; const path = try os.path.resolve(allocator, raw_path); try di.pdb.openFile(di.coff, path); var pdb_stream = di.pdb.getStream(pdb.StreamType.Pdb) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const version = try; const signature = try; const age = try; var guid: [16]u8 = undefined; try[0..]); if (!mem.eql(u8, di.coff.guid, guid) or di.coff.age != age) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; // We validated the executable and pdb match. const string_table_index = str_tab_index: { const name_bytes_len = try; const name_bytes = try allocator.alloc(u8, name_bytes_len); try; const HashTableHeader = packed struct { Size: u32, Capacity: u32, fn maxLoad(cap: u32) u32 { return cap * 2 / 3 + 1; } }; const hash_tbl_hdr = try; if (hash_tbl_hdr.Capacity == 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; if (hash_tbl_hdr.Size > HashTableHeader.maxLoad(hash_tbl_hdr.Capacity)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const present = try readSparseBitVector(&, allocator); if (present.len != hash_tbl_hdr.Size) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const deleted = try readSparseBitVector(&, allocator); const Bucket = struct { first: u32, second: u32, }; const bucket_list = try allocator.alloc(Bucket, present.len); for (present) |_| { const name_offset = try; const name_index = try; const name = mem.toSlice(u8, name_bytes.ptr + name_offset); if (mem.eql(u8, name, "/names")) { break :str_tab_index name_index; } } return error.MissingDebugInfo; }; di.pdb.string_table = di.pdb.getStreamById(string_table_index) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo; di.pdb.dbi = di.pdb.getStream(pdb.StreamType.Dbi) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo; const dbi = di.pdb.dbi; // Dbi Header const dbi_stream_header = try; const mod_info_size = dbi_stream_header.ModInfoSize; const section_contrib_size = dbi_stream_header.SectionContributionSize; var modules = ArrayList(Module).init(allocator); // Module Info Substream var mod_info_offset: usize = 0; while (mod_info_offset != mod_info_size) { const mod_info = try; var this_record_len: usize = @sizeOf(pdb.ModInfo); const module_name = try dbi.readNullTermString(allocator); this_record_len += module_name.len + 1; const obj_file_name = try dbi.readNullTermString(allocator); this_record_len += obj_file_name.len + 1; const march_forward_bytes = this_record_len % 4; if (march_forward_bytes != 0) { try dbi.seekForward(march_forward_bytes); this_record_len += march_forward_bytes; } try modules.append(Module{ .mod_info = mod_info, .module_name = module_name, .obj_file_name = obj_file_name, .populated = false, .symbols = undefined, .subsect_info = undefined, .checksum_offset = null, }); mod_info_offset += this_record_len; if (mod_info_offset > mod_info_size) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; } di.modules = modules.toOwnedSlice(); // Section Contribution Substream var sect_contribs = ArrayList(pdb.SectionContribEntry).init(allocator); var sect_cont_offset: usize = 0; if (section_contrib_size != 0) { const ver = @intToEnum(pdb.SectionContrSubstreamVersion, try; if (ver != pdb.SectionContrSubstreamVersion.Ver60) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; sect_cont_offset += @sizeOf(u32); } while (sect_cont_offset != section_contrib_size) { const entry = try sect_contribs.addOne(); entry.* = try; sect_cont_offset += @sizeOf(pdb.SectionContribEntry); if (sect_cont_offset > section_contrib_size) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; } di.sect_contribs = sect_contribs.toOwnedSlice(); return di; } fn readSparseBitVector(stream: var, allocator: *mem.Allocator) ![]usize { const num_words = try stream.readIntLittle(u32); var word_i: usize = 0; var list = ArrayList(usize).init(allocator); while (word_i != num_words) : (word_i += 1) { const word = try stream.readIntLittle(u32); var bit_i: u5 = 0; while (true) : (bit_i += 1) { if (word & (u32(1) << bit_i) != 0) { try list.append(word_i * 32 + bit_i); } if (bit_i == maxInt(u5)) break; } } return list.toOwnedSlice(); } fn findDwarfSectionFromElf(elf_file: *elf.Elf, name: []const u8) !?DwarfInfo.Section { const elf_header = (try elf_file.findSection(name)) orelse return null; return DwarfInfo.Section{ .offset = elf_header.offset, .size = elf_header.size, }; } /// Initialize DWARF info. The caller has the responsibility to initialize most /// the DwarfInfo fields before calling. These fields can be left undefined: /// * abbrev_table_list /// * compile_unit_list pub fn openDwarfDebugInfo(di: *DwarfInfo, allocator: *mem.Allocator) !void { di.abbrev_table_list = ArrayList(AbbrevTableHeader).init(allocator); di.compile_unit_list = ArrayList(CompileUnit).init(allocator); try scanAllCompileUnits(di); } pub fn openElfDebugInfo( allocator: *mem.Allocator, elf_seekable_stream: *DwarfSeekableStream, elf_in_stream: *DwarfInStream, ) !DwarfInfo { var efile: elf.Elf = undefined; try efile.openStream(allocator, elf_seekable_stream, elf_in_stream); errdefer efile.close(); var di = DwarfInfo{ .dwarf_seekable_stream = elf_seekable_stream, .dwarf_in_stream = elf_in_stream, .endian = efile.endian, .debug_info = (try findDwarfSectionFromElf(&efile, ".debug_info")) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo, .debug_abbrev = (try findDwarfSectionFromElf(&efile, ".debug_abbrev")) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo, .debug_str = (try findDwarfSectionFromElf(&efile, ".debug_str")) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo, .debug_line = (try findDwarfSectionFromElf(&efile, ".debug_line")) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo, .debug_ranges = (try findDwarfSectionFromElf(&efile, ".debug_ranges")), .abbrev_table_list = undefined, .compile_unit_list = undefined, }; try openDwarfDebugInfo(&di, allocator); return di; } fn openSelfDebugInfoLinux(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DwarfInfo { const S = struct { var self_exe_file: os.File = undefined; var self_exe_seekable_stream: os.File.SeekableStream = undefined; var self_exe_in_stream: os.File.InStream = undefined; }; S.self_exe_file = try os.openSelfExe(); errdefer S.self_exe_file.close(); S.self_exe_seekable_stream = S.self_exe_file.seekableStream(); S.self_exe_in_stream = S.self_exe_file.inStream(); return openElfDebugInfo( allocator, // TODO @ptrCast(*DwarfSeekableStream, &, // TODO @ptrCast(*DwarfInStream, &, ); } fn openSelfDebugInfoMacOs(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo { const hdr = &std.c._mh_execute_header; assert(hdr.magic == std.macho.MH_MAGIC_64); const hdr_base = @ptrCast([*]u8, hdr); var ptr = hdr_base + @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64); var ncmd: u32 = hdr.ncmds; const symtab = while (ncmd != 0) : (ncmd -= 1) { const lc = @ptrCast(*std.macho.load_command, ptr); switch (lc.cmd) { std.macho.LC_SYMTAB => break @ptrCast(*std.macho.symtab_command, ptr), else => {}, } ptr += lc.cmdsize; // TODO } else { return error.MissingDebugInfo; }; const syms = @ptrCast([*]macho.nlist_64, @alignCast(@alignOf(macho.nlist_64), hdr_base + symtab.symoff))[0..symtab.nsyms]; const strings = @ptrCast([*]u8, hdr_base + symtab.stroff)[0..symtab.strsize]; const symbols_buf = try allocator.alloc(MachoSymbol, syms.len); var ofile: ?*macho.nlist_64 = null; var reloc: u64 = 0; var symbol_index: usize = 0; var last_len: u64 = 0; for (syms) |*sym| { if (sym.n_type & std.macho.N_STAB != 0) { switch (sym.n_type) { std.macho.N_OSO => { ofile = sym; reloc = 0; }, std.macho.N_FUN => { if (sym.n_sect == 0) { last_len = sym.n_value; } else { symbols_buf[symbol_index] = MachoSymbol{ .nlist = sym, .ofile = ofile, .reloc = reloc, }; symbol_index += 1; } }, std.macho.N_BNSYM => { if (reloc == 0) { reloc = sym.n_value; } }, else => continue, } } } const sentinel = try allocator.createOne(macho.nlist_64); sentinel.* = macho.nlist_64{ .n_strx = 0, .n_type = 36, .n_sect = 0, .n_desc = 0, .n_value = symbols_buf[symbol_index - 1].nlist.n_value + last_len, }; const symbols = allocator.shrink(MachoSymbol, symbols_buf, symbol_index); // Even though lld emits symbols in ascending order, this debug code // should work for programs linked in any valid way. // This sort is so that we can binary search later. std.sort.sort(MachoSymbol, symbols, MachoSymbol.addressLessThan); return DebugInfo{ .ofiles = DebugInfo.OFileTable.init(allocator), .symbols = symbols, .strings = strings, }; } fn printLineFromFileAnyOs(out_stream: var, line_info: LineInfo) !void { var f = try os.File.openRead(line_info.file_name); defer f.close(); // TODO fstat and make sure that the file has the correct size var buf: [os.page_size]u8 = undefined; var line: usize = 1; var column: usize = 1; var abs_index: usize = 0; while (true) { const amt_read = try[0..]); const slice = buf[0..amt_read]; for (slice) |byte| { if (line == line_info.line) { try out_stream.writeByte(byte); if (byte == '\n') { return; } } if (byte == '\n') { line += 1; column = 1; } else { column += 1; } } if (amt_read < buf.len) return error.EndOfFile; } } const MachoSymbol = struct { nlist: *macho.nlist_64, ofile: ?*macho.nlist_64, reloc: u64, /// Returns the address from the macho file fn address(self: MachoSymbol) u64 { return self.nlist.n_value; } fn addressLessThan(lhs: MachoSymbol, rhs: MachoSymbol) bool { return lhs.address() < rhs.address(); } }; const MachOFile = struct { bytes: []align(@alignOf(macho.mach_header_64)) const u8, sect_debug_info: ?*const macho.section_64, sect_debug_line: ?*const macho.section_64, }; pub const DwarfSeekableStream = io.SeekableStream(anyerror, anyerror); pub const DwarfInStream = io.InStream(anyerror); pub const DwarfInfo = struct { dwarf_seekable_stream: *DwarfSeekableStream, dwarf_in_stream: *DwarfInStream, endian: builtin.Endian, debug_info: Section, debug_abbrev: Section, debug_str: Section, debug_line: Section, debug_ranges: ?Section, abbrev_table_list: ArrayList(AbbrevTableHeader), compile_unit_list: ArrayList(CompileUnit), pub const Section = struct { offset: usize, size: usize, }; pub fn allocator(self: DwarfInfo) *mem.Allocator { return self.abbrev_table_list.allocator; } pub fn readString(self: *DwarfInfo) ![]u8 { return readStringRaw(self.allocator(), self.dwarf_in_stream); } }; pub const DebugInfo = switch (builtin.os) { builtin.Os.macosx => struct { symbols: []const MachoSymbol, strings: []const u8, ofiles: OFileTable, const OFileTable = std.HashMap( *macho.nlist_64, MachOFile, std.hash_map.getHashPtrAddrFn(*macho.nlist_64), std.hash_map.getTrivialEqlFn(*macho.nlist_64), ); pub fn allocator(self: DebugInfo) *mem.Allocator { return self.ofiles.allocator; } }, builtin.Os.uefi, => struct { pdb: pdb.Pdb, coff: *coff.Coff, sect_contribs: []pdb.SectionContribEntry, modules: []Module, }, builtin.Os.linux => DwarfInfo, builtin.Os.freebsd => struct {}, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; const PcRange = struct { start: u64, end: u64, }; const CompileUnit = struct { version: u16, is_64: bool, die: *Die, index: usize, pc_range: ?PcRange, }; const AbbrevTable = ArrayList(AbbrevTableEntry); const AbbrevTableHeader = struct { // offset from .debug_abbrev offset: u64, table: AbbrevTable, }; const AbbrevTableEntry = struct { has_children: bool, abbrev_code: u64, tag_id: u64, attrs: ArrayList(AbbrevAttr), }; const AbbrevAttr = struct { attr_id: u64, form_id: u64, }; const FormValue = union(enum) { Address: u64, Block: []u8, Const: Constant, ExprLoc: []u8, Flag: bool, SecOffset: u64, Ref: []u8, RefAddr: u64, RefSig8: u64, String: []u8, StrPtr: u64, }; const Constant = struct { payload: []u8, signed: bool, fn asUnsignedLe(self: *const Constant) !u64 { if (self.payload.len > @sizeOf(u64)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; if (self.signed) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; return mem.readVarInt(u64, self.payload, builtin.Endian.Little); } }; const Die = struct { tag_id: u64, has_children: bool, attrs: ArrayList(Attr), const Attr = struct { id: u64, value: FormValue, }; fn getAttr(self: *const Die, id: u64) ?*const FormValue { for (self.attrs.toSliceConst()) |*attr| { if ( == id) return &attr.value; } return null; } fn getAttrAddr(self: *const Die, id: u64) !u64 { const form_value = self.getAttr(id) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo; return switch (form_value.*) { FormValue.Address => |value| value, else => error.InvalidDebugInfo, }; } fn getAttrSecOffset(self: *const Die, id: u64) !u64 { const form_value = self.getAttr(id) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo; return switch (form_value.*) { FormValue.Const => |value| value.asUnsignedLe(), FormValue.SecOffset => |value| value, else => error.InvalidDebugInfo, }; } fn getAttrUnsignedLe(self: *const Die, id: u64) !u64 { const form_value = self.getAttr(id) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo; return switch (form_value.*) { FormValue.Const => |value| value.asUnsignedLe(), else => error.InvalidDebugInfo, }; } fn getAttrString(self: *const Die, di: *DwarfInfo, id: u64) ![]u8 { const form_value = self.getAttr(id) orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo; return switch (form_value.*) { FormValue.String => |value| value, FormValue.StrPtr => |offset| getString(di, offset), else => error.InvalidDebugInfo, }; } }; const FileEntry = struct { file_name: []const u8, dir_index: usize, mtime: usize, len_bytes: usize, }; pub const LineInfo = struct { line: usize, column: usize, file_name: []const u8, allocator: ?*mem.Allocator, fn deinit(self: LineInfo) void { const allocator = self.allocator orelse return;; } }; const LineNumberProgram = struct { address: usize, file: usize, line: isize, column: usize, is_stmt: bool, basic_block: bool, end_sequence: bool, target_address: usize, include_dirs: []const []const u8, file_entries: *ArrayList(FileEntry), prev_address: usize, prev_file: usize, prev_line: isize, prev_column: usize, prev_is_stmt: bool, prev_basic_block: bool, prev_end_sequence: bool, pub fn init(is_stmt: bool, include_dirs: []const []const u8, file_entries: *ArrayList(FileEntry), target_address: usize) LineNumberProgram { return LineNumberProgram{ .address = 0, .file = 1, .line = 1, .column = 0, .is_stmt = is_stmt, .basic_block = false, .end_sequence = false, .include_dirs = include_dirs, .file_entries = file_entries, .target_address = target_address, .prev_address = 0, .prev_file = undefined, .prev_line = undefined, .prev_column = undefined, .prev_is_stmt = undefined, .prev_basic_block = undefined, .prev_end_sequence = undefined, }; } pub fn checkLineMatch(self: *LineNumberProgram) !?LineInfo { if (self.target_address >= self.prev_address and self.target_address < self.address) { const file_entry = if (self.prev_file == 0) { return error.MissingDebugInfo; } else if (self.prev_file - 1 >= self.file_entries.len) { return error.InvalidDebugInfo; } else &self.file_entries.items[self.prev_file - 1]; const dir_name = if (file_entry.dir_index >= self.include_dirs.len) { return error.InvalidDebugInfo; } else self.include_dirs[file_entry.dir_index]; const file_name = try os.path.join(self.file_entries.allocator, dir_name, file_entry.file_name); errdefer; return LineInfo{ .line = if (self.prev_line >= 0) @intCast(usize, self.prev_line) else 0, .column = self.prev_column, .file_name = file_name, .allocator = self.file_entries.allocator, }; } self.prev_address = self.address; self.prev_file = self.file; self.prev_line = self.line; self.prev_column = self.column; self.prev_is_stmt = self.is_stmt; self.prev_basic_block = self.basic_block; self.prev_end_sequence = self.end_sequence; return null; } }; fn readStringRaw(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var) ![]u8 { var buf = ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); while (true) { const byte = try in_stream.readByte(); if (byte == 0) break; try buf.append(byte); } return buf.toSlice(); } fn getString(di: *DwarfInfo, offset: u64) ![]u8 { const pos = di.debug_str.offset + offset; try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(pos); return di.readString(); } fn readAllocBytes(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) ![]u8 { const buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, size); errdefer; if ((try < size) return error.EndOfFile; return buf; } fn parseFormValueBlockLen(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) !FormValue { const buf = try readAllocBytes(allocator, in_stream, size); return FormValue{ .Block = buf }; } fn parseFormValueBlock(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) !FormValue { const block_len = try in_stream.readVarInt(usize, builtin.Endian.Little, size); return parseFormValueBlockLen(allocator, in_stream, block_len); } fn parseFormValueConstant(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, signed: bool, size: usize) !FormValue { return FormValue{ .Const = Constant{ .signed = signed, .payload = try readAllocBytes(allocator, in_stream, size), }, }; } fn parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream: var, is_64: bool) !u64 { return if (is_64) try in_stream.readIntLittle(u64) else u64(try in_stream.readIntLittle(u32)); } fn parseFormValueTargetAddrSize(in_stream: var) !u64 { return if (@sizeOf(usize) == 4) u64(try in_stream.readIntLittle(u32)) else if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) try in_stream.readIntLittle(u64) else unreachable; } fn parseFormValueRefLen(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, size: usize) !FormValue { const buf = try readAllocBytes(allocator, in_stream, size); return FormValue{ .Ref = buf }; } fn parseFormValueRef(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, comptime T: type) !FormValue { const block_len = try in_stream.readIntLittle(T); return parseFormValueRefLen(allocator, in_stream, block_len); } fn parseFormValue(allocator: *mem.Allocator, in_stream: var, form_id: u64, is_64: bool) anyerror!FormValue { return switch (form_id) { DW.FORM_addr => FormValue{ .Address = try parseFormValueTargetAddrSize(in_stream) }, DW.FORM_block1 => parseFormValueBlock(allocator, in_stream, 1), DW.FORM_block2 => parseFormValueBlock(allocator, in_stream, 2), DW.FORM_block4 => parseFormValueBlock(allocator, in_stream, 4), DW.FORM_block => x: { const block_len = try readULeb128(in_stream); return parseFormValueBlockLen(allocator, in_stream, block_len); }, DW.FORM_data1 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 1), DW.FORM_data2 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 2), DW.FORM_data4 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 4), DW.FORM_data8 => parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, false, 8), DW.FORM_udata, DW.FORM_sdata => { const block_len = try readULeb128(in_stream); const signed = form_id == DW.FORM_sdata; return parseFormValueConstant(allocator, in_stream, signed, block_len); }, DW.FORM_exprloc => { const size = try readULeb128(in_stream); const buf = try readAllocBytes(allocator, in_stream, size); return FormValue{ .ExprLoc = buf }; }, DW.FORM_flag => FormValue{ .Flag = (try in_stream.readByte()) != 0 }, DW.FORM_flag_present => FormValue{ .Flag = true }, DW.FORM_sec_offset => FormValue{ .SecOffset = try parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream, is_64) }, DW.FORM_ref1 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, u8), DW.FORM_ref2 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, u16), DW.FORM_ref4 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, u32), DW.FORM_ref8 => parseFormValueRef(allocator, in_stream, u64), DW.FORM_ref_udata => { const ref_len = try readULeb128(in_stream); return parseFormValueRefLen(allocator, in_stream, ref_len); }, DW.FORM_ref_addr => FormValue{ .RefAddr = try parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream, is_64) }, DW.FORM_ref_sig8 => FormValue{ .RefSig8 = try in_stream.readIntLittle(u64) }, DW.FORM_string => FormValue{ .String = try readStringRaw(allocator, in_stream) }, DW.FORM_strp => FormValue{ .StrPtr = try parseFormValueDwarfOffsetSize(in_stream, is_64) }, DW.FORM_indirect => { const child_form_id = try readULeb128(in_stream); return parseFormValue(allocator, in_stream, child_form_id, is_64); }, else => error.InvalidDebugInfo, }; } fn parseAbbrevTable(di: *DwarfInfo) !AbbrevTable { var result = AbbrevTable.init(di.allocator()); while (true) { const abbrev_code = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); if (abbrev_code == 0) return result; try result.append(AbbrevTableEntry{ .abbrev_code = abbrev_code, .tag_id = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream), .has_children = (try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte()) == DW.CHILDREN_yes, .attrs = ArrayList(AbbrevAttr).init(di.allocator()), }); const attrs = &result.items[result.len - 1].attrs; while (true) { const attr_id = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); const form_id = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); if (attr_id == 0 and form_id == 0) break; try attrs.append(AbbrevAttr{ .attr_id = attr_id, .form_id = form_id, }); } } } /// Gets an already existing AbbrevTable given the abbrev_offset, or if not found, /// seeks in the stream and parses it. fn getAbbrevTable(di: *DwarfInfo, abbrev_offset: u64) !*const AbbrevTable { for (di.abbrev_table_list.toSlice()) |*header| { if (header.offset == abbrev_offset) { return &header.table; } } try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(di.debug_abbrev.offset + abbrev_offset); try di.abbrev_table_list.append(AbbrevTableHeader{ .offset = abbrev_offset, .table = try parseAbbrevTable(di), }); return &di.abbrev_table_list.items[di.abbrev_table_list.len - 1].table; } fn getAbbrevTableEntry(abbrev_table: *const AbbrevTable, abbrev_code: u64) ?*const AbbrevTableEntry { for (abbrev_table.toSliceConst()) |*table_entry| { if (table_entry.abbrev_code == abbrev_code) return table_entry; } return null; } fn parseDie(di: *DwarfInfo, abbrev_table: *const AbbrevTable, is_64: bool) !Die { const abbrev_code = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); const table_entry = getAbbrevTableEntry(abbrev_table, abbrev_code) orelse return error.InvalidDebugInfo; var result = Die{ .tag_id = table_entry.tag_id, .has_children = table_entry.has_children, .attrs = ArrayList(Die.Attr).init(di.allocator()), }; try result.attrs.resize(table_entry.attrs.len); for (table_entry.attrs.toSliceConst()) |attr, i| { result.attrs.items[i] = Die.Attr{ .id = attr.attr_id, .value = try parseFormValue(di.allocator(), di.dwarf_in_stream, attr.form_id, is_64), }; } return result; } fn getLineNumberInfoMacOs(di: *DebugInfo, symbol: MachoSymbol, target_address: usize) !LineInfo { const ofile = symbol.ofile orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo; const gop = try di.ofiles.getOrPut(ofile); const mach_o_file = if (gop.found_existing) &gop.kv.value else blk: { errdefer _ = di.ofiles.remove(ofile); const ofile_path = mem.toSliceConst(u8, di.strings.ptr + ofile.n_strx); gop.kv.value = MachOFile{ .bytes = try, ofile_path, @alignOf(macho.mach_header_64)), .sect_debug_info = null, .sect_debug_line = null, }; const hdr = @ptrCast(*const macho.mach_header_64, gop.kv.value.bytes.ptr); if (hdr.magic != std.macho.MH_MAGIC_64) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const hdr_base = @ptrCast([*]const u8, hdr); var ptr = hdr_base + @sizeOf(macho.mach_header_64); var ncmd: u32 = hdr.ncmds; const segcmd = while (ncmd != 0) : (ncmd -= 1) { const lc = @ptrCast(*const std.macho.load_command, ptr); switch (lc.cmd) { std.macho.LC_SEGMENT_64 => break @ptrCast(*const std.macho.segment_command_64, @alignCast(@alignOf(std.macho.segment_command_64), ptr)), else => {}, } ptr += lc.cmdsize; // TODO } else { return error.MissingDebugInfo; }; const sections = @ptrCast([*]const macho.section_64, @alignCast(@alignOf(macho.section_64), ptr + @sizeOf(std.macho.segment_command_64)))[0..segcmd.nsects]; for (sections) |*sect| { if (sect.flags & macho.SECTION_TYPE == macho.S_REGULAR and (sect.flags & macho.SECTION_ATTRIBUTES) & macho.S_ATTR_DEBUG == macho.S_ATTR_DEBUG) { const sect_name = mem.toSliceConst(u8, §.sectname); if (mem.eql(u8, sect_name, "__debug_line")) { gop.kv.value.sect_debug_line = sect; } else if (mem.eql(u8, sect_name, "__debug_info")) { gop.kv.value.sect_debug_info = sect; } } } break :blk &gop.kv.value; }; const sect_debug_line = mach_o_file.sect_debug_line orelse return error.MissingDebugInfo; var ptr = mach_o_file.bytes.ptr + sect_debug_line.offset; var is_64: bool = undefined; const unit_length = try readInitialLengthMem(&ptr, &is_64); if (unit_length == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo; const version = readIntMem(&ptr, u16, builtin.Endian.Little); // TODO support 3 and 5 if (version != 2 and version != 4) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const prologue_length = if (is_64) readIntMem(&ptr, u64, builtin.Endian.Little) else readIntMem(&ptr, u32, builtin.Endian.Little); const prog_start = ptr + prologue_length; const minimum_instruction_length = readByteMem(&ptr); if (minimum_instruction_length == 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; if (version >= 4) { // maximum_operations_per_instruction ptr += 1; } const default_is_stmt = readByteMem(&ptr) != 0; const line_base = readByteSignedMem(&ptr); const line_range = readByteMem(&ptr); if (line_range == 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const opcode_base = readByteMem(&ptr); const standard_opcode_lengths = ptr[0 .. opcode_base - 1]; ptr += opcode_base - 1; var include_directories = ArrayList([]const u8).init(di.allocator()); try include_directories.append(""); while (true) { const dir = readStringMem(&ptr); if (dir.len == 0) break; try include_directories.append(dir); } var file_entries = ArrayList(FileEntry).init(di.allocator()); var prog = LineNumberProgram.init(default_is_stmt, include_directories.toSliceConst(), &file_entries, target_address); while (true) { const file_name = readStringMem(&ptr); if (file_name.len == 0) break; const dir_index = try readULeb128Mem(&ptr); const mtime = try readULeb128Mem(&ptr); const len_bytes = try readULeb128Mem(&ptr); try file_entries.append(FileEntry{ .file_name = file_name, .dir_index = dir_index, .mtime = mtime, .len_bytes = len_bytes, }); } ptr = prog_start; while (true) { const opcode = readByteMem(&ptr); if (opcode == DW.LNS_extended_op) { const op_size = try readULeb128Mem(&ptr); if (op_size < 1) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; var sub_op = readByteMem(&ptr); switch (sub_op) { DW.LNE_end_sequence => { prog.end_sequence = true; if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info; return error.MissingDebugInfo; }, DW.LNE_set_address => { const addr = readIntMem(&ptr, usize, builtin.Endian.Little); prog.address = symbol.reloc + addr; }, DW.LNE_define_file => { const file_name = readStringMem(&ptr); const dir_index = try readULeb128Mem(&ptr); const mtime = try readULeb128Mem(&ptr); const len_bytes = try readULeb128Mem(&ptr); try file_entries.append(FileEntry{ .file_name = file_name, .dir_index = dir_index, .mtime = mtime, .len_bytes = len_bytes, }); }, else => { ptr += op_size - 1; }, } } else if (opcode >= opcode_base) { // special opcodes const adjusted_opcode = opcode - opcode_base; const inc_addr = minimum_instruction_length * (adjusted_opcode / line_range); const inc_line = i32(line_base) + i32(adjusted_opcode % line_range); prog.line += inc_line; prog.address += inc_addr; if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info; prog.basic_block = false; } else { switch (opcode) { DW.LNS_copy => { if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info; prog.basic_block = false; }, DW.LNS_advance_pc => { const arg = try readULeb128Mem(&ptr); prog.address += arg * minimum_instruction_length; }, DW.LNS_advance_line => { const arg = try readILeb128Mem(&ptr); prog.line += arg; }, DW.LNS_set_file => { const arg = try readULeb128Mem(&ptr); prog.file = arg; }, DW.LNS_set_column => { const arg = try readULeb128Mem(&ptr); prog.column = arg; }, DW.LNS_negate_stmt => { prog.is_stmt = !prog.is_stmt; }, DW.LNS_set_basic_block => { prog.basic_block = true; }, DW.LNS_const_add_pc => { const inc_addr = minimum_instruction_length * ((255 - opcode_base) / line_range); prog.address += inc_addr; }, DW.LNS_fixed_advance_pc => { const arg = readIntMem(&ptr, u16, builtin.Endian.Little); prog.address += arg; }, DW.LNS_set_prologue_end => {}, else => { if (opcode - 1 >= standard_opcode_lengths.len) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const len_bytes = standard_opcode_lengths[opcode - 1]; ptr += len_bytes; }, } } } return error.MissingDebugInfo; } fn getLineNumberInfoDwarf(di: *DwarfInfo, compile_unit: CompileUnit, target_address: usize) !LineInfo { const compile_unit_cwd = try compile_unit.die.getAttrString(di, DW.AT_comp_dir); const debug_line_end = di.debug_line.offset + di.debug_line.size; var this_offset = di.debug_line.offset; var this_index: usize = 0; while (this_offset < debug_line_end) : (this_index += 1) { try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(this_offset); var is_64: bool = undefined; const unit_length = try readInitialLength(@typeOf(di.dwarf_in_stream.readFn).ReturnType.ErrorSet, di.dwarf_in_stream, &is_64); if (unit_length == 0) return error.MissingDebugInfo; const next_offset = unit_length + (if (is_64) usize(12) else usize(4)); if (compile_unit.index != this_index) { this_offset += next_offset; continue; } const version = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u16, di.endian); // TODO support 3 and 5 if (version != 2 and version != 4) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const prologue_length = if (is_64) try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u64, di.endian) else try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u32, di.endian); const prog_start_offset = (try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.getPos()) + prologue_length; const minimum_instruction_length = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte(); if (minimum_instruction_length == 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; if (version >= 4) { // maximum_operations_per_instruction _ = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte(); } const default_is_stmt = (try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte()) != 0; const line_base = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByteSigned(); const line_range = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte(); if (line_range == 0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const opcode_base = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte(); const standard_opcode_lengths = try di.allocator().alloc(u8, opcode_base - 1); { var i: usize = 0; while (i < opcode_base - 1) : (i += 1) { standard_opcode_lengths[i] = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte(); } } var include_directories = ArrayList([]u8).init(di.allocator()); try include_directories.append(compile_unit_cwd); while (true) { const dir = try di.readString(); if (dir.len == 0) break; try include_directories.append(dir); } var file_entries = ArrayList(FileEntry).init(di.allocator()); var prog = LineNumberProgram.init(default_is_stmt, include_directories.toSliceConst(), &file_entries, target_address); while (true) { const file_name = try di.readString(); if (file_name.len == 0) break; const dir_index = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); const mtime = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); const len_bytes = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); try file_entries.append(FileEntry{ .file_name = file_name, .dir_index = dir_index, .mtime = mtime, .len_bytes = len_bytes, }); } try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(prog_start_offset); while (true) { const opcode = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte(); if (opcode == DW.LNS_extended_op) { const op_size = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); if (op_size < 1) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; var sub_op = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte(); switch (sub_op) { DW.LNE_end_sequence => { prog.end_sequence = true; if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info; return error.MissingDebugInfo; }, DW.LNE_set_address => { const addr = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(usize, di.endian); prog.address = addr; }, DW.LNE_define_file => { const file_name = try di.readString(); const dir_index = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); const mtime = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); const len_bytes = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); try file_entries.append(FileEntry{ .file_name = file_name, .dir_index = dir_index, .mtime = mtime, .len_bytes = len_bytes, }); }, else => { const fwd_amt = math.cast(isize, op_size - 1) catch return error.InvalidDebugInfo; try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekForward(fwd_amt); }, } } else if (opcode >= opcode_base) { // special opcodes const adjusted_opcode = opcode - opcode_base; const inc_addr = minimum_instruction_length * (adjusted_opcode / line_range); const inc_line = i32(line_base) + i32(adjusted_opcode % line_range); prog.line += inc_line; prog.address += inc_addr; if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info; prog.basic_block = false; } else { switch (opcode) { DW.LNS_copy => { if (try prog.checkLineMatch()) |info| return info; prog.basic_block = false; }, DW.LNS_advance_pc => { const arg = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); prog.address += arg * minimum_instruction_length; }, DW.LNS_advance_line => { const arg = try readILeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); prog.line += arg; }, DW.LNS_set_file => { const arg = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); prog.file = arg; }, DW.LNS_set_column => { const arg = try readULeb128(di.dwarf_in_stream); prog.column = arg; }, DW.LNS_negate_stmt => { prog.is_stmt = !prog.is_stmt; }, DW.LNS_set_basic_block => { prog.basic_block = true; }, DW.LNS_const_add_pc => { const inc_addr = minimum_instruction_length * ((255 - opcode_base) / line_range); prog.address += inc_addr; }, DW.LNS_fixed_advance_pc => { const arg = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u16, di.endian); prog.address += arg; }, DW.LNS_set_prologue_end => {}, else => { if (opcode - 1 >= standard_opcode_lengths.len) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const len_bytes = standard_opcode_lengths[opcode - 1]; try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekForward(len_bytes); }, } } } this_offset += next_offset; } return error.MissingDebugInfo; } fn scanAllCompileUnits(di: *DwarfInfo) !void { const debug_info_end = di.debug_info.offset + di.debug_info.size; var this_unit_offset = di.debug_info.offset; var cu_index: usize = 0; while (this_unit_offset < debug_info_end) { try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(this_unit_offset); var is_64: bool = undefined; const unit_length = try readInitialLength(@typeOf(di.dwarf_in_stream.readFn).ReturnType.ErrorSet, di.dwarf_in_stream, &is_64); if (unit_length == 0) return; const next_offset = unit_length + (if (is_64) usize(12) else usize(4)); const version = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u16, di.endian); if (version < 2 or version > 5) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const debug_abbrev_offset = if (is_64) try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u64, di.endian) else try di.dwarf_in_stream.readInt(u32, di.endian); const address_size = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readByte(); if (address_size != @sizeOf(usize)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const compile_unit_pos = try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.getPos(); const abbrev_table = try getAbbrevTable(di, debug_abbrev_offset); try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(compile_unit_pos); const compile_unit_die = try di.allocator().create(try parseDie(di, abbrev_table, is_64)); if (compile_unit_die.tag_id != DW.TAG_compile_unit) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; const pc_range = x: { if (compile_unit_die.getAttrAddr(DW.AT_low_pc)) |low_pc| { if (compile_unit_die.getAttr(DW.AT_high_pc)) |high_pc_value| { const pc_end = switch (high_pc_value.*) { FormValue.Address => |value| value, FormValue.Const => |value| b: { const offset = try value.asUnsignedLe(); break :b (low_pc + offset); }, else => return error.InvalidDebugInfo, }; break :x PcRange{ .start = low_pc, .end = pc_end, }; } else { break :x null; } } else |err| { if (err != error.MissingDebugInfo) return err; break :x null; } }; try di.compile_unit_list.append(CompileUnit{ .version = version, .is_64 = is_64, .pc_range = pc_range, .die = compile_unit_die, .index = cu_index, }); this_unit_offset += next_offset; cu_index += 1; } } fn findCompileUnit(di: *DwarfInfo, target_address: u64) !*const CompileUnit { for (di.compile_unit_list.toSlice()) |*compile_unit| { if (compile_unit.pc_range) |range| { if (target_address >= range.start and target_address < range.end) return compile_unit; } if (compile_unit.die.getAttrSecOffset(DW.AT_ranges)) |ranges_offset| { var base_address: usize = 0; if (di.debug_ranges) |debug_ranges| { try di.dwarf_seekable_stream.seekTo(debug_ranges.offset + ranges_offset); while (true) { const begin_addr = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readIntLittle(usize); const end_addr = try di.dwarf_in_stream.readIntLittle(usize); if (begin_addr == 0 and end_addr == 0) { break; } if (begin_addr == maxInt(usize)) { base_address = begin_addr; continue; } if (target_address >= begin_addr and target_address < end_addr) { return compile_unit; } } } } else |err| { if (err != error.MissingDebugInfo) return err; continue; } } return error.MissingDebugInfo; } fn readIntMem(ptr: *[*]const u8, comptime T: type, endian: builtin.Endian) T { // TODO const result = mem.readIntSlice(T, ptr.*[0..@sizeOf(T)], endian); ptr.* += @sizeOf(T); return result; } fn readByteMem(ptr: *[*]const u8) u8 { const result = ptr.*[0]; ptr.* += 1; return result; } fn readByteSignedMem(ptr: *[*]const u8) i8 { return @bitCast(i8, readByteMem(ptr)); } fn readInitialLengthMem(ptr: *[*]const u8, is_64: *bool) !u64 { // TODO this code can be improved with const first_32_bits = mem.readIntSliceLittle(u32, ptr.*[0..4]); is_64.* = (first_32_bits == 0xffffffff); if (is_64.*) { ptr.* += 4; const result = mem.readIntSliceLittle(u64, ptr.*[0..8]); ptr.* += 8; return result; } else { if (first_32_bits >= 0xfffffff0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; ptr.* += 4; return u64(first_32_bits); } } fn readStringMem(ptr: *[*]const u8) []const u8 { const result = mem.toSliceConst(u8, ptr.*); ptr.* += result.len + 1; return result; } fn readULeb128Mem(ptr: *[*]const u8) !u64 { var result: u64 = 0; var shift: usize = 0; var i: usize = 0; while (true) { const byte = ptr.*[i]; i += 1; var operand: u64 = undefined; if (@shlWithOverflow(u64, byte & 0b01111111, @intCast(u6, shift), &operand)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; result |= operand; if ((byte & 0b10000000) == 0) { ptr.* += i; return result; } shift += 7; } } fn readILeb128Mem(ptr: *[*]const u8) !i64 { var result: i64 = 0; var shift: usize = 0; var i: usize = 0; while (true) { const byte = ptr.*[i]; i += 1; var operand: i64 = undefined; if (@shlWithOverflow(i64, byte & 0b01111111, @intCast(u6, shift), &operand)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; result |= operand; shift += 7; if ((byte & 0b10000000) == 0) { if (shift < @sizeOf(i64) * 8 and (byte & 0b01000000) != 0) result |= -(i64(1) << @intCast(u6, shift)); ptr.* += i; return result; } } } fn readInitialLength(comptime E: type, in_stream: *io.InStream(E), is_64: *bool) !u64 { const first_32_bits = try in_stream.readIntLittle(u32); is_64.* = (first_32_bits == 0xffffffff); if (is_64.*) { return in_stream.readIntLittle(u64); } else { if (first_32_bits >= 0xfffffff0) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; return u64(first_32_bits); } } fn readULeb128(in_stream: var) !u64 { var result: u64 = 0; var shift: usize = 0; while (true) { const byte = try in_stream.readByte(); var operand: u64 = undefined; if (@shlWithOverflow(u64, byte & 0b01111111, @intCast(u6, shift), &operand)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; result |= operand; if ((byte & 0b10000000) == 0) return result; shift += 7; } } fn readILeb128(in_stream: var) !i64 { var result: i64 = 0; var shift: usize = 0; while (true) { const byte = try in_stream.readByte(); var operand: i64 = undefined; if (@shlWithOverflow(i64, byte & 0b01111111, @intCast(u6, shift), &operand)) return error.InvalidDebugInfo; result |= operand; shift += 7; if ((byte & 0b10000000) == 0) { if (shift < @sizeOf(i64) * 8 and (byte & 0b01000000) != 0) result |= -(i64(1) << @intCast(u6, shift)); return result; } } } /// This should only be used in temporary test programs. pub const global_allocator = &global_fixed_allocator.allocator; var global_fixed_allocator = std.heap.ThreadSafeFixedBufferAllocator.init(global_allocator_mem[0..]); var global_allocator_mem: [100 * 1024]u8 = undefined; /// TODO multithreaded awareness var debug_info_allocator: ?*mem.Allocator = null; var debug_info_direct_allocator: std.heap.DirectAllocator = undefined; var debug_info_arena_allocator: std.heap.ArenaAllocator = undefined; fn getDebugInfoAllocator() *mem.Allocator { if (debug_info_allocator) |a| return a; debug_info_direct_allocator = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init(); debug_info_arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(&debug_info_direct_allocator.allocator); debug_info_allocator = &debug_info_arena_allocator.allocator; return &debug_info_arena_allocator.allocator; }