const std = @import("std.zig"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; const Order = std.math.Order; pub fn Treap(comptime Key: type, comptime compareFn: anytype) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); // Allow for compareFn to be fn(anytype, anytype) anytype // which allows the convenient use of std.math.order. fn compare(a: Key, b: Key) Order { return compareFn(a, b); } root: ?*Node = null, prng: Prng = .{}, /// A customized pseudo random number generator for the treap. /// This just helps reducing the memory size of the treap itself /// as std.rand.DefaultPrng requires larger state (while producing better entropy for randomness to be fair). const Prng = struct { xorshift: usize = 0, fn random(self: *Prng, seed: usize) usize { // Lazily seed the prng state if (self.xorshift == 0) { self.xorshift = seed; } // Since we're using usize, decide the shifts by the integer's bit width. const shifts = switch (@bitSizeOf(usize)) { 64 => .{ 13, 7, 17 }, 32 => .{ 13, 17, 5 }, 16 => .{ 7, 9, 8 }, else => @compileError("platform not supported"), }; self.xorshift ^= self.xorshift >> shifts[0]; self.xorshift ^= self.xorshift << shifts[1]; self.xorshift ^= self.xorshift >> shifts[2]; assert(self.xorshift != 0); return self.xorshift; } }; /// A Node represents an item or point in the treap with a uniquely associated key. pub const Node = struct { key: Key, priority: usize, parent: ?*Node, children: [2]?*Node, }; /// Returns the smallest Node by key in the treap if there is one. /// Use `getEntryForExisting()` to replace/remove this Node from the treap. pub fn getMin(self: Self) ?*Node { var node = self.root; while (node) |current| { node = current.children[0] orelse break; } return node; } /// Returns the largest Node by key in the treap if there is one. /// Use `getEntryForExisting()` to replace/remove this Node from the treap. pub fn getMax(self: Self) ?*Node { var node = self.root; while (node) |current| { node = current.children[1] orelse break; } return node; } /// Lookup the Entry for the given key in the treap. /// The Entry act's as a slot in the treap to insert/replace/remove the node associated with the key. pub fn getEntryFor(self: *Self, key: Key) Entry { var parent: ?*Node = undefined; const node = self.find(key, &parent); return Entry{ .key = key, .treap = self, .node = node, .context = .{ .inserted_under = parent }, }; } /// Get an entry for a Node that currently exists in the treap. /// It is undefined behavior if the Node is not currently inserted in the treap. /// The Entry act's as a slot in the treap to insert/replace/remove the node associated with the key. pub fn getEntryForExisting(self: *Self, node: *Node) Entry { assert(node.priority != 0); return Entry{ .key = node.key, .treap = self, .node = node, .context = .{ .inserted_under = node.parent }, }; } /// An Entry represents a slot in the treap associated with a given key. pub const Entry = struct { /// The associated key for this entry. key: Key, /// A reference to the treap this entry is apart of. treap: *Self, /// The current node at this entry. node: ?*Node, /// The current state of the entry. context: union(enum) { /// A find() was called for this entry and the position in the treap is known. inserted_under: ?*Node, /// The entry's node was removed from the treap and a lookup must occur again for modification. removed, }, /// Update's the Node at this Entry in the treap with the new node. pub fn set(self: *Entry, new_node: ?*Node) void { // Update the entry's node reference after updating the treap below. defer self.node = new_node; if (self.node) |old| { if (new_node) |new| { self.treap.replace(old, new); return; } self.treap.remove(old); self.context = .removed; return; } if (new_node) |new| { // A previous treap.remove() could have rebalanced the nodes // so when inserting after a removal, we have to re-lookup the parent again. // This lookup shouldn't find a node because we're yet to insert it.. var parent: ?*Node = undefined; switch (self.context) { .inserted_under => |p| parent = p, .removed => assert(self.treap.find(self.key, &parent) == null), } self.treap.insert(self.key, parent, new); self.context = .{ .inserted_under = parent }; } } }; fn find(self: Self, key: Key, parent_ref: *?*Node) ?*Node { var node = self.root; parent_ref.* = null; // basic binary search while tracking the parent. while (node) |current| { const order = compare(key, current.key); if (order == .eq) break; parent_ref.* = current; node = current.children[@boolToInt(order == .gt)]; } return node; } fn insert(self: *Self, key: Key, parent: ?*Node, node: *Node) void { // generate a random priority & prepare the node to be inserted into the tree node.key = key; node.priority = self.prng.random(@ptrToInt(node)); node.parent = parent; node.children = [_]?*Node{ null, null }; // point the parent at the new node const link = if (parent) |p| &p.children[@boolToInt(compare(key, p.key) == .gt)] else &self.root; assert(link.* == null); link.* = node; // rotate the node up into the tree to balance it according to its priority while (node.parent) |p| { if (p.priority <= node.priority) break; const is_right = p.children[1] == node; assert(p.children[@boolToInt(is_right)] == node); const rotate_right = !is_right; self.rotate(p, rotate_right); } } fn replace(self: *Self, old: *Node, new: *Node) void { // copy over the values from the old node new.key = old.key; new.priority = old.priority; new.parent = old.parent; new.children = old.children; // point the parent at the new node const link = if (old.parent) |p| &p.children[@boolToInt(p.children[1] == old)] else &self.root; assert(link.* == old); link.* = new; // point the children's parent at the new node for (old.children) |child_node| { const child = child_node orelse continue; assert(child.parent == old); child.parent = new; } } fn remove(self: *Self, node: *Node) void { // rotate the node down to be a leaf of the tree for removal, respecting priorities. while (node.children[0] orelse node.children[1]) |_| { self.rotate(node, rotate_right: { const right = node.children[1] orelse break :rotate_right true; const left = node.children[0] orelse break :rotate_right false; break :rotate_right (left.priority < right.priority); }); } // node is a now a leaf; remove by nulling out the parent's reference to it. const link = if (node.parent) |p| &p.children[@boolToInt(p.children[1] == node)] else &self.root; assert(link.* == node); link.* = null; // clean up after ourselves node.key = undefined; node.priority = 0; node.parent = null; node.children = [_]?*Node{ null, null }; } fn rotate(self: *Self, node: *Node, right: bool) void { // if right, converts the following: // parent -> (node (target YY adjacent) XX) // parent -> (target YY (node adjacent XX)) // // if left (!right), converts the following: // parent -> (node (target YY adjacent) XX) // parent -> (target YY (node adjacent XX)) const parent = node.parent; const target = node.children[@boolToInt(!right)] orelse unreachable; const adjacent = target.children[@boolToInt(right)]; // rotate the children target.children[@boolToInt(right)] = node; node.children[@boolToInt(!right)] = adjacent; // rotate the parents node.parent = target; target.parent = parent; if (adjacent) |adj| adj.parent = node; // fix the parent link const link = if (parent) |p| &p.children[@boolToInt(p.children[1] == node)] else &self.root; assert(link.* == node); link.* = target; } }; } // For iterating a slice in a random order // fn SliceIterRandomOrder(comptime T: type) type { return struct { rng: std.rand.Random, slice: []T, index: usize = undefined, offset: usize = undefined, co_prime: usize, const Self = @This(); pub fn init(slice: []T, rng: std.rand.Random) Self { return Self{ .rng = rng, .slice = slice, .co_prime = blk: { if (slice.len == 0) break :blk 0; var prime = slice.len / 2; while (prime < slice.len) : (prime += 1) { var gcd = [_]usize{ prime, slice.len }; while (gcd[1] != 0) { const temp = gcd; gcd = [_]usize{ temp[1], temp[0] % temp[1] }; } if (gcd[0] == 1) break; } break :blk prime; }, }; } pub fn reset(self: *Self) void { self.index = 0; self.offset =; } pub fn next(self: *Self) ?*T { if (self.index >= self.slice.len) return null; defer self.index += 1; return &self.slice[((self.index *% self.co_prime) +% self.offset) % self.slice.len]; } }; } const TestTreap = Treap(u64, std.math.order); const TestNode = TestTreap.Node; test "std.Treap: insert, find, replace, remove" { var treap = TestTreap{}; var nodes: [10]TestNode = undefined; var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(0xdeadbeef); var iter = SliceIterRandomOrder(TestNode).init(&nodes, prng.random()); // insert check iter.reset(); while ( |node| { const key = prng.random().int(u64); // make sure the current entry is empty. var entry = treap.getEntryFor(key); try testing.expectEqual(entry.key, key); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, null); // insert the entry and make sure the fields are correct. entry.set(node); try testing.expectEqual(node.key, key); try testing.expectEqual(entry.key, key); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, node); } // find check iter.reset(); while ( |node| { const key = node.key; // find the entry by-key and by-node after having been inserted. var entry = treap.getEntryFor(node.key); try testing.expectEqual(entry.key, key); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, treap.getEntryForExisting(node).node); } // replace check iter.reset(); while ( |node| { const key = node.key; // find the entry by node since we already know it exists var entry = treap.getEntryForExisting(node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.key, key); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, node); var stub_node: TestNode = undefined; // replace the node with a stub_node and ensure future finds point to the stub_node. entry.set(&stub_node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, &stub_node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, treap.getEntryFor(key).node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, treap.getEntryForExisting(&stub_node).node); // replace the stub_node back to the node and ensure future finds point to the old node. entry.set(node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, treap.getEntryFor(key).node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, treap.getEntryForExisting(node).node); } // remove check iter.reset(); while ( |node| { const key = node.key; // find the entry by node since we already know it exists var entry = treap.getEntryForExisting(node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.key, key); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, node); // remove the node at the entry and ensure future finds point to it being removed. entry.set(null); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, null); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, treap.getEntryFor(key).node); // insert the node back and ensure future finds point to the inserted node entry.set(node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, treap.getEntryFor(key).node); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, treap.getEntryForExisting(node).node); // remove the node again and make sure it was cleared after the insert entry.set(null); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, null); try testing.expectEqual(entry.node, treap.getEntryFor(key).node); } }