const addv = @import("addo.zig"); const std = @import("std"); const testing = std.testing; const math = std.math; fn test__addoti4(a: i128, b: i128) !void { var result_ov: c_int = undefined; var expected_ov: c_int = undefined; var result = addv.__addoti4(a, b, &result_ov); var expected: i128 = simple_addoti4(a, b, &expected_ov); try testing.expectEqual(expected, result); try testing.expectEqual(expected_ov, result_ov); } fn simple_addoti4(a: i128, b: i128, overflow: *c_int) i128 { overflow.* = 0; const min: i128 = math.minInt(i128); const max: i128 = math.maxInt(i128); if (((a > 0) and (b > max - a)) or ((a < 0) and (b < min - a))) overflow.* = 1; return a +% b; } test "addoti4" { const min: i128 = math.minInt(i128); const max: i128 = math.maxInt(i128); var i: i128 = 1; while (i < max) : (i *|= 2) { try test__addoti4(i, i); try test__addoti4(-i, -i); try test__addoti4(i, -i); try test__addoti4(-i, i); } // edge cases // 0 + 0 = 0 // MIN + MIN overflow // MAX + MAX overflow // 0 + MIN MIN // 0 + MAX MAX // MIN + 0 MIN // MAX + 0 MAX // MIN + MAX -1 // MAX + MIN -1 try test__addoti4(0, 0); try test__addoti4(min, min); try test__addoti4(max, max); try test__addoti4(0, min); try test__addoti4(0, max); try test__addoti4(min, 0); try test__addoti4(max, 0); try test__addoti4(min, max); try test__addoti4(max, min); // derived edge cases // MIN+1 + MIN overflow // MAX-1 + MAX overflow // 1 + MIN = MIN+1 // -1 + MIN overflow // -1 + MAX = MAX-1 // +1 + MAX overflow // MIN + 1 = MIN+1 // MIN + -1 overflow // MAX + 1 overflow // MAX + -1 = MAX-1 try test__addoti4(min + 1, min); try test__addoti4(max - 1, max); try test__addoti4(1, min); try test__addoti4(-1, min); try test__addoti4(-1, max); try test__addoti4(1, max); try test__addoti4(min, 1); try test__addoti4(min, -1); try test__addoti4(max, -1); try test__addoti4(max, 1); }